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 Nov 2014 Zainab K
Just Melz
I keep digging and digging and digging,
     trying to dig myself out of this hole
But it seems everything is collapsing around me
      burying me with my soul.
      This small shovel
  just doesn't seem to be enough,
     No one thought to tell me
         how life could be this rough
    I'm just getting deeper and deeper
        and deeper
    with my unwanted thoughts
This shall be my grave,
        but don't put any roses on top,
      I prefer **forget-me-nots
Do any of y'all really know me?
Can you see who I am from my poetry?
If your answer is yes, you're wrong
Even I don't know where I belong
When people ask who I am
I say I'm 26, a mother, a poet,
I basically just read my bio
But you've all read that too
Does that mean you really know?
A friend told me lately
To stop being so humble about my poetry
I don't like to come off sounding cocky
He says I'm **** good at what I do
But not every poem is about you
Not every word is always true
Sometimes, they're just words written in ink
To give you an idea, to really make you think....  
But my poetry doesn't define me
Doesn't show you who I am inside
Sure, you've read about my heartaches
And all the nights I've cried
But nothing I write,
Can show you the inner workings of my mind
So, please don't think you really know me
Based solely on all my posted poetry
Because, to be honest, I'm not even sure who I am
And I know me, better than all of you
But please continue to read and comment
Because I'd love to know the truth
About what you all really think of me
Honestly, y'all have really helped me through
 Nov 2014 Zainab K
 Nov 2014 Zainab K
and you will
find me lying
on the floor,
looking happy for
the first time,
even though,
i will be in
where i truly belong.
 Nov 2014 Zainab K
 Nov 2014 Zainab K
Everyone that matters to me forgot about my birthday...

It's okay though.

I probably won't have another...
 Nov 2014 Zainab K
your girl b
 Nov 2014 Zainab K
your girl b
Slitting her wrists was a cry for help
a very faint whimper
she watched as the blood dropped freely onto her lap
splashing against her tan skin
waiting to feel "okay" again
but this time she didn't
she cut until she felt weak
 Nov 2014 Zainab K
Marium Iqbal
 Nov 2014 Zainab K
Marium Iqbal
My brain is the gun.
My thoughts the bullets.
My hand is the trigger.
Society's hateful words pull it.
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