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"It's gonna be OK"
How do you know?
Have you ever felt this way?

"Stay Strong"
For much longer?
It's already been so long...

"You'll survive"
But I'm losing motivation
I don't have the will or drive...

"It will pass"
Possibly... But..
How long is it gonna last?

"There's always tomorrow"
You don't know that
Tonight could be the night I decide to go...

"You'll find someone to love you"
But I'm lonely now,
I need help to make it through

"You're resilient"
But I could still use a friend...

"I understand"
No, you don't
Please don't ever say that
You really have no clue
About all the things I'm going through

"I know you're sad, just try to think positive"
I positively think my mind's destructive

"You can handle it"
What if I don't want to?
What if I don't want hurt again?
What if this is the end?

"You'll figure it all out"
And if I don't...
Will you be there when I go down?
Help me up from off the ground?

"I'm here for you"*
Me too...
No offense, please, to all my friends and loved ones who have and probably will say these things. It's nice and I'm glad y'all care but sometimes it's just not enough or the right thing to say. I love y'all though.  ❤
I sit on the floor
and wonder why
I am not
6 feet under.
 Nov 2014 Zainab K
I thought of you today,yesterday
And the day before that
For every day good or bad
You'll always be in my head.

I'll never get you out ,
I simply don't know how
In fact ,
I'm thinking of you right about now.
 Nov 2014 Zainab K
oh, sleep
 Nov 2014 Zainab K
How I wish I had two lives.
One to live to the fullest,
and the other to sleep away.
 Nov 2014 Zainab K
your betrayal hit me like a bullet in the back
you were supposed to be my everything
you were supposed to be my guardian
your shoulders were supposed to be my safe spot
you're nothing
I looked after myself
I look after myself
I can say I'm okay
I can say I made it on my own
I can say I never needed you
but how can you look at me
how can you notice that I'm a growing human being that you created
how can you notice that without apologizing or compromising
how can you know what you did and continue to parade me around
parade me around in stories you tell and photos you show with pride
you cannot say
"she is my daughter"
because you gave me up the moment you became silent
 Nov 2014 Zainab K
Juhi Chavda
Pin me down and tear me apart.
Don't worry, I'm not a piece of art.
I'm begging you to be mine,
Even if it means I'd have to be dying.
I have to belong or living's no good
Without your eyes telling me the truth.
Lie to me and tell me it's fine,
That in the end, you'll still be mine.
 Nov 2014 Zainab K
CJ Hattingh
You started to grow on me like moss on a tree
You are the only one that has ever set me free
from the ties that were binding me to darkness

You found me out in the cold
scared and alone
You brought me back
from the edge of insanity
and let me crawl into your heart

Now you are a part of me
no longer alone and empty
for all eternity

i love you

— The End —