I dont know you,
I dont know your smile,
Your laugh,
Or your pain.
What struggles and trials,
That have brought you to me,
Reading my poem,
Hearing my heart.
My heart that breaks for your pain,
And cries for your wounds.
I dont know you,
But I wish I could stand
Between the wall of guilt and shame,
And the shivering,
Quivering outline of your heart.
I wish I had the words to heal you,
I won't pretend I do.
Just know that you're not worthless,
You're worth something to me.
So many people trapped in a reality so barren and broken. My wounds overwhelm me, but I'd take yours too if I could.
Please reach out to someone if you're caught in web of depression. It's not weak to ask for help. It takes courage and strength.