When you died
the world did not change.
A pebble tossed to the bottom
of a bottomless lake
left only a fractional ripple
and disappeared.
That you were here
mattered very little.
It did not change the tides
or stop the winds.
In your end
A handful of family and friends
felt deep anguish
but the world still turned.
Infinity still burned.
Eternity did not feel
the aching cost of loving that
which was forever lost.
The view outside my window
Did not stay the same.
The season changed.
I felt the cycles of pain
bouncing back
year after year
harder at first then softening some;
Waking in pain,
then easing some.
Till, I was intermittently numb.
Then I forgot to grieve.
You are still a part of me
but even I go on
turning like the earth, without you.