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Ken Pepiton Aug 2018
Weave we've woven a web...
What I said, what I said, what I said
we been sayin all a long

Oh the futurists mythed the inter-resting-time

This man fears population explosions, he is speaking in 1991,

I'd built my great 100 by 75 miles ten stories building resting place where ten billion story tellers could hide and watch whaat's
comin' down.
By then, decades before, in the desert twixt Vegas and L.A.
I asked this guy who actually wanted in my pants,
I sat on the window silly V double you, did he know,
I asked, no, I told him, after I had been starring at the stars for some time, this time that'ime, when I think about it,
I told that guy the whole world was waiting,
await'n' the frontal cortex maturation of the sons 'oGod.
I said "and I'm one." Don't touch.

My private calfornia became my private arizona and neo and river chose idaho, ( no, that idaho, that was a movie-story)... not part of the rite

that was the legend of the clan, when we had electrix. That ride set an I'll-go-rythm of if/then/else switches to HIGH honor if-ic.
If you can keep your head... the rest, true rest, is history.

we know a voice who swore he was there when "Been there, done that"
became an
eternal cliche of the gods.

We are participating in the future. We are thinking.

that hapt the same night as the discovery of the perfect-ish
four sided pyramid of charcoal brickets burning one
at at at a time
touch another to the glowing pile on the sand...
why are ficts so far from the facts in the matters that matter

re-lig-em leg-it-am-it-all, damitalkenslowdown

so re-lig me to my ide-idea, beware

We seen this coming do you? This is thirty years ago we know, this we know this we

we are in sanity, as insanity is the only way to packitin
sane sorts of things that all must touch in order
to re
main sane. You know, you know. That makes lying im-possible or null-possil-be
per se.
Word.Righton. Trooph truckah! ToA allaway Found

a calico cat of the old school sawdust variety.
if you,
if you see her, please de-if her re-onance, it's chipped.
You can keep her, if I can say such things here and not be thought an ownery old cuss,
clammering through empty lobster tails to see what the attraction may have been,

Back. Then we are not
off track or trail, etched acid canyon of silicon paved with godelsufferingold, by golly, I'd be live if I could see my way clear to walk such streets at
the speed of light
no, gravity and no, too slow,
ought... that's a thought
not... that's a thought
ought... that's a differ'nt thought, takes time...
that's a thought you could spend thinking it. You get nowhere.
now and then we find clusters of ideas in time, as if they buble from some spring in the headwaters of the mind we matter in

Der Lesenmann, bitte, kanst do lesen? O h, dear reader, take my hand, my phantom hand, the one I never lost, tell me

did you enjoy our journey, so far...

Weave a ways, weave a ways to go. If this and that cross
we may hear what that preach meant to say, thaat day
o'visitation, way back when.

olden time. grand mals time to meditate sign-ate de-sign-ate,

Dada do we know when we know, when we are two and the past is, too.
Papa do you know the big bang is the answer everyone found, in the olden days when you were ten?
Oh I read about that backthen, I was twelve. Weekly Reader kept my gang informed, or Me, and I told all my friends, my listeners who did not read but needed to pass the current events test.
Now, we all a passin' those ****** one time at atime

Upon my word, begin...
This sprang from a 1991 discussion about the world wide web, in which Terrence McKenna  Ruper Sheldrake began to imagine the world we live in post Y2K and  9-11 and 420 and Prop 64, where are you
Donall Dempsey Jun 2015
It goes( as it
always goes, to )

A chorus of "Oh Noooos'!"
rises from the fans like
winter breath from cattle

Hamlet, places it:
...steps back to take it
&. . .

"Do it England!"
the fanatic fans chant

Hamlet thinks
( No...nOOOO Hamlet don't
.     .     .think! )

But it is alas -too late
he has
already thunked!

"If it be now, 'tis not
to come; if it be not to come
it will be now!"

"Duh!" the fans think
do it!"

The thoughts sprout
from his great big noggin like
a cartoon speech bubble.

"...if it be now now
it will come!"

"The readiness is all!"
Hamlet runs up to
the waiting ball.

Hamlet hushes his
thought process
strikes the ball with his right foot &.     .     .

"To be or, aggggghhhh noooooo!"
After that comma  that
negative sentence.

jeer the rival fans
'*** THEEEE...TOA...NONE...ER...EEE!"

Hamlet ends it all
with a bare bodkin.
"O, O, O, O." Dies

"Football is not...."
as Shankly so succinctly
put it

"...a matter of life and death.
It's. . .
much much more important than that!"

The rest.


'Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.'

'If you are first you are first. If you are second you are nothing.'

'Sickness would not have kept me away from this one. If I'd been dead, I would have had them bring the casket to the ground, prop it up in the stands, and cut a hole in the lid.' -

'It's great grass at Anfield, professional grass!'
'It's a 90 minute game for sure. In fact I used to train for a 190 minute game so that when the whistle blew at the end of the match I could have played another 90 minutes.'

'You son, could start a riot in a graveyard.'

'"If you can't make decisions in life, you're a ****** menace. You'd be better becoming an MP!'

Bill Shankly

Macbeth was the usual penalty taker but he had been sent off for slaughtering the defence...

This was for Team GB and as fictional characters they could play for whom they liked. This was the Shakespeare X! and they were playing the Joycean X!. Molly Bloom had given them an early lead and the crowd were chanting" YESSSSS...YESSSSS...OH YESSSSS!" The Shakespeares had pulled one back with a nifty little Lear lob. This penalty was to be the TO BE OR NOT TO BE and Hammy went and fluffed it.

Some people actually think that William Shankspeare was actually the manager of liverpool back in the glory days of the first Queen Bess.
Poetry Fanatic Jul 2016
I'm writing the story of my life,
  and I'm not letting anyone hold the pen.
      The pen is mightier than the sword.
    I'll write out all my pain, damage, fear.
                I'll shoot for the moon,
     even if I miss I'll land among the stars.
  They all told me that because of my past,
     I could never become anything great,
              that I'd never have success,
                  never be good enough,
   that what they did to me was my fault.
                   I wanted to grow up.
                          I finally did.
                 I excaped their torture.
            Now, I keep writing my story.
             Write. Edit. Change. Repeat.
        I'm not even completely grown up.
                                 2 years.
                 But it's happening now...
         I've started toa ture into an adult.
                     Frankly, I'm scared.
           I'm not exactly sure what to do.
      I'm taking over sooner than planned,
              I'm working a real job now,
      I'm responsible for sisters well being.
                       I just don't know.
                          But that's ok.
        I have my faith and I have my pen.
I don't want to miss out on the people who
                have me mesmerised...
But how can I captivate them and weave
                       them a story?
       I don't know. I don't know if I can.
      My rythem and rhyme is so unique,
          there's no hope in attempting
     to intertwine another beautiful soul.
           I'm sorry. I just don't know.
                      All I do know is
      The pen is mightier than the sword.
Donall Dempsey Jun 2018

It goes( as it
always goes, to )

A chorus of "Oh Noooos'!"
rises from the fans like
winter breath from cattle

Hamlet, places it:
...steps back to take it
&. . .

"Do it England!"
the fanatic fans chant

Hamlet thinks
( No...nOOOO Hamlet don't
.     .     .think! )

But it is alas -too late
he has
already thunked!

"If it be now, 'tis not
to come; if it be not to come
it will be now!"

"Duh!" the fans think
do it!"

The thoughts sprout
from his great big noggin like
a cartoon speech bubble.

"...if it be not now
it will come!"

"The readiness is all!"
Hamlet runs up to
the waiting ball.

Hamlet hushes his
thought process
strikes the ball with his right foot &.     .     .

"To be or, aggggghhhh noooooo!"
After that comma  that
negative sentence.

jeer the rival fans
'*** THEEEE...TOA...NONE...ER...EEE!"

Hamlet ends it all
with a bare bodkin.
"O, O, O, O." Dies

"Football is not...."
as Shankly so succinctly
put it

"...a matter of life and death.
It's. . .
much much more important than that!"

The rest.


Leal Knowone Apr 2015
He wore a velvet vest in a sharp side of town,
her crimson lips were enough to get him aroused,
it was her corset that would bring him down.
with **** and hips that over fill her gown
she wants to dance she wants to get down,
she walks so elegantly through the ruff parts of town
You want so much for her to know you now
but its something your insecurities wont allow

I gathered the courage maybe a bit to soon
giving me your soul in a dark candle light room
as you smell the rose peddles all around you
and all the other flowers in brought you in bloom
I never knew this time my words would swoon
I was wrapped around your finger like string in the loom
telling each other secrets, of all our fears and our doom
like the horror of your womb, and the life it once knew

my finger prints on your body, and on you immaculate gown
I made you dripping wet, even though I played the clown
smile on your face, joy on your body. leaving me in wow
I may not be stable, yet I thought we were on solid ground
our days growing numbered, and the love is winding down  
strong love can still slumber, even if its world renown
you find solace in the heart of your possessions now  
I ask you many things, such as to wear my crown

safe mental state left behind,remembering our vows
it made you feel so high to tell me I was low brow
we shared each others toa,yet we walk different paths now
truth should always be found, even if it causes pain somehow

I realized it was a dream within my mind
dreams become reality, if your not so blind  
dreams can become nightmares if given time
you were my promise of perfection, souls intertwined
but true perfection can only live within ones mind

I saw such wisdom when I looked into your eyes
you said you saw it in me too, but it may have been a lie
I guess we wont see each other old and wrinkled as we die
horrible thoughts multiply in a morbid mind

I still have that velvet vest, and wear it now and then
press it to my chest, close to my heart, like a friend
I tried to leave you, there was many messages to send
you tried to leave me, and my ignorance I defend

I tried to leave you satisfied, tried to leave you satisfied
the pledges that were made, and the hate we hide behind
thought I never heard the things you said as you softly cried
you never thought id listen well I even read between the lines

I am so vexed we never think of the wages of ***
the chains you fasten to me slowly broke me down
your hands hastened down, and you still want a slave now
I hope you get what you want, on the way to the next now

- Os etês gostam de bunda. Foi o que captei da conversa entre as meninas, enquanto caminhava no calçadão do Liceu.
- Tem caras que não gostam, né; acho que não são chegados; comer um cuzinho será que não faz bem?!
- Cruz credo! Exclamei mentalmente, e segui meu caminho rumo ao Fórum, que fica em frente.
Elas vieram na minha direção, a passos firmes, olhar direto, "você tem fogo...", perguntou a morena pele-de-cuia, "e como tem", observou a loira de olhos azuis, típica europeia, me examinando de cima a baixo, parando os olhos, ostensivamente, na minha barriguilha; "te vejo sempre por aqui", disse a morena, enquanto eu lhe entregava o isqueiro; "é, estou sempre na cantina, tomando café; café de Fórum é choco, frio, fraco, e causa-me asia; então, venho na cantina, às vezes comer alguma coisa", concluí.
- Uma bucetinha, um cuzinho e o que mais? Indagou a loura, acendendo o cigarro.
- Você está sempre cercado de meninas! Não é à toa!! Vai ver é o maior safadão, pica doce.... Completou a morena, sempre combinando seus ataques com a colega.

O Liceu é uma escola destinada à classe média alta, concebida nos tempos do império, onde só entravam filhinhos de papai e seus apadrinhados do aparelho de estado. Mas isso dançou com o advento da república, e hoje, assim como os "Pedro II", recebem qualquer um, desde que aguentem suas provas de avaliação, pois ainda são um padrão de ensino almejado pelas camadas interessadas em ascensão social e tecnica. Seus prédios são construções coloniais, com arquitetura rebuscada, estilosos; janelões de madeira nobre, ainda insensíveis ao cupim. Uma coisa fantástica em termos de concepção, pois possuem salas espaçosas, bem arejadas, lousas imensas, mesas de cedro vernisadas, cheias de gavetas; seus corredores lembram aqueles do filme Harry Potter, sinistros de arrepiar. E no caso do Liceu Nilo Peçanha, de Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, tem um sótão, que seguramente foi planejado como adega, pois tem balcãozinho cheio de compartimentos para copos, taças e talheres, à frente de um espelho na parede em moldura de mogno  e uma silhueta vitoriana; além de um velho barril de carvalho, aonde, sem dúvida, Casimiro de Abreu, Fagundes Varela, Lima Barreto e tantas outras celebridades literárias desta terra de orfandades iniciaram-se nos caminhos da radicalidade estética.

- Conhece o sótão do Liceu? Indagou a morena, quase ao pé do meu ouvido.
- É ideal para uma brincadinha... Insinuou ela. Respondi que lá eu já namorei, me embriaguei, estudei e fiz muita reunião do grêmio.
- Então é "liceano... Vamos!" Disseram ambas, quase em uníssono.
No rádio da cantina, exatamente às dez da manhã no meu Rolex, tocava uma canção, cujo trecho diz assim:" Deixa isso pra lá, vem pra cá, venha ver. Eu não tô fazendo nada, nem você também..." e seguia insinuando outras coisas, ditas pela voz de um dos meus tantos ídolos da mpb, Jair Rodrigues.

Bom, pra encurtar o lererê, a morena está aqui em casa há 32 anos. Já somos avós, e, nem os filhos nem os netos jamais saberão das nossas façanhas e quando lhe mostrei o rascunho deste texto, ela fitou-me com seu olhar fogueando e objetou: você não pôr aí os detalhes...
- Claro que não!! São nossas relíquias!

Oskar Erikson Nov 2016
SOH: (Sins over Humanity)
CAH: (Chaos averts Hope)
TOA: (Truth obliging Ambition)

Find the triangles within our hearts.
Canção Do Verbo Encarnado

Minha geração foi assim,
começou pelo quando
e acabou pelo fim.

O amor escorreu pelos cantos
e quando cantamos
a canção do amor armado,

Thiago de Melo estava em Berlim
mergulhado no verde dos olhos
da alemãzinha da ACNUR ,

nossa orquestra saiu de cena
e nossa guerra de guerrilhas
acabou no maior calor...

O suor que expelia seu odor
era o suor frio dos tiranos
nos porões mórbidos da ditadura
executando nossos irmãos.

O ar jazia cheio de sangue
e nós estávamos congelados
nas câmaras de gás dos IMLs.

Vínhamos de todos os lados,
desde os vales profundos do Ribeira,
das chapadas mais íngremes do Araguaia
ou dos guetos subumanos da urbe.

Éramos nós o odor de fumaça
que agredia as narinas alheias
com a catinga de carne queimada.

Éramos nós o encanto das canções de protesto
cantadas na avenida com euforia
para engendrar os projetos do futuro,

como somos nós os ignorados da história,
os estranhos os comícios,
a cadeira vazia das reuniões oficiais,

pois somos nós que chegamos e partimos
sem ninguém saber quem somos
e que vamos lá adiante,

distantes da balburdia alienante
e quando vós menos  esperais
somos nós que nos imolamos
às vossas portas
contra a apatia com que nos matais.

Como todos vós podeis ver,
a minha geração é assim:
começa pelo quando
e acaba pelo fim,
mas não fica à toa na vida
pro seu amor lhe chamar
e ver a banda passar
tocando coisas de amor...

Pretty girl Apr 2017
We didn't break and we did not bend.
We swayed like toothpicks between teeth.
Silently smiling with cigarettes hanging from our bitter lips.
Smoking up the thing as if we were women who couldn't get enough lipstick.
But life bumped me and i smeared that ****.
See i wanted wintry hands and an almost nonexistent waist.
In order for that to happen my mind had to break.
I bent over backwards trying to get toa new body. I did cartwheels over calories and colored in a watery blue on all the pictures of food. I fade farther into myself the older i get and monsters ****** my imagination. There's a grave labeled "skeleton girl" that we're racing to. I Thought if skinny means dying then so be it. My mind already offed it's self when it analyzed my thoughts.
PK Wakefield Oct 2011
laugh whole mountains                 ,

you got sinews deep as

rivers in you(they’re sle

eeping down there in y

ou and they fan out toA

narrow hairless delta)an

d that’s where i am
hi da s Oct 2017
não sei onde aprendi que o medo é irracional e é uma resposta do cérebro. teu corpo não sente medo e sim um órgão que mais parece um punhado de minhocas encurraladas.
por um tempo eu juro que achava não ter medo de morrer, talvez só um leve pavor de sentir dor.
e o tempo funciona mesmo de formas estranhas e complexas. houve períodos que não cogitava pensar em morrer, mas agora parece que tudo mudou e o pavor da morte surgiu acumulado.
esse medo é o do nada ou do tudo que pode vir depois. ninguém pode me responder ao certo. meus avós já mortos não voltaram em sonho nem deixaram uma mensagem sobrenatural sobre nada. talvez isso já seja uma prova de que a morte é de fato um grande nada.
isso tudo é assustador. pensar que tu só tem uma chance pra acertar. e só de saber que não vais mais experimentar o mundo é sufocante.
como pensar na morte tranquilamente natural se vários prazeres que o corpo em conjunto com a vida são as coisas que me fazem querer continuar?
não consigo aceitar que um dia eu não vou mais sentir o calor do sol tocando a minha pele. cheirar aquela brisa do mar assim que se chega na praia. ver alguém que tu ama muito tendo um dia bom e ver ela sorrir. ouvir pela primeira vez uma música boa. observar alguma peculiaridade no meio do caminho que aparentemente ninguém mais notou. olhar pra um por do sol e pensar que aquele tem todas novas cores e que cada dia um é diferente do outro. pensar a toa sobre coisas bonitas que acompanham a gente durante o dia. aprender algo. algo bom. fazer **** com alguém. fazer **** consigo mesma. rir sozinha. rir com alguém. dançar. conhecer alguém novo. chorar. escrever. desenhar. ver. ouvir. falar. gritar. gemer. sussurrar. fumar. comer. sentir emoções. pensar. imaginar. criar.
todo um paragrafo infinito de realizações que de repente para de funcionar. vivemos quase sempre menos de cem anos e ainda é pouco porque o mundo pra gente é absurdamente infinito. e tão grande que dá agonia pensar. viajar por todo continente e saber que não dá pra ver tudo. sobre todos os mais minuciosos detalhes. sufoco. me sinto sufocada e não tem nenhuma pressão em cima de mim, exceto por mim mesma. felicidade. vou parar por aqui.
hi da s Jun 2021
ando sentada sozinha agora e racionalizando as emoções
tentando organizar como faço com a parte sólida da vida ao redor
e teimosa do jeito que sou não assumo a verdade doentia do controle total de se estar dominante na operação

então pra fluir tem que ser como?
oras, livre, é óbvio

sentimentos e emoções não tem coleira
não são domesticáveis e só vem quando querem

pra sentir pura e vividamente ou pra falar a respeito, usar o termo na sua mais pura integridade artística, moral ou seja lá qual for
é preciso deixar correr livre
como pensar que o peito é um campo ou um matagal alto ou uma praia extensa e existe uma coisa que tem corpo pra pernar à toa

sem julgar e sem medir

e é assim que se usa essa coisa do sentir
que é se deixar levar quando tirar a peça que do raciocinio

não tem lógica

é tudo emvãova~voa~voa~voa~voavõavãoa~voa~vão
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2020
an abbreviation of: sensible people
                                               "physics": meta-
           and that there's a theatre of
ortho-graphy... no matter!
the trans- avenue is 'ere!
          von krafft-ebing is too!
19th century morality and today's
burroughs in tangiers in
the 1960s -
   two homosexuals should be legal:
in a... polygamous society...
because: wha' toa' dough?
                  never mind the red button:
nukes are nukes and...
           bellybutton piercing is:
beside kissing the frog to be prince...
jerking off is not akin to measuring
blood pressure... or... sugar levels...
it's an act of debility:
it's an act gateway ****...
knee sensation leading up to *******...
no clean shaven ***:
readily a goat made available among
the camel jockeys and...
      19th century: if *******
was a crime... so was... phallus worship
and a gamorrah passport when
eating: "flower patterns" of
"excess" skin... ******* was
as bad as oral ***...
             according to... a very respected
portion of signifying a noted down
period of history...
then again: what ***?
                          granny smithy was
about to be peeled for a pie...

    crayonner les portraits de tes trois imposteurs:
might as well be latin... the portraits
of your 3 impostors...

i must be a dumb dumbing down imbecile
i can craft an "answer"
to... the already solved solution


          solve that i can...
loopholes and blind-spots and
cul de sacs... dodo avenues...

how a dodo is minded a tier above
a mammoth...
perhaps my affair with crosswords...
perhaps just english crosswords...
they're not focusing

1across): forbidden writer given
external stimulus...
               from... prohibited?
      scribler: latin for writer...
              scribo: to write...
"external stimulus": pro...
            pro-scribed: contra prohibited...

  i'm bilingual and supposedly
schizophrenic: i'm already a quadratic of
language... i'll lean toward german...
and some russian...
hebrew and latin and perchance:
i find some greek?!

what are these... puzzle-wordings of...
mono-lingual people?!
an eczema...
crossword puzzles must be...
archeological findings of
mono-lingual people...
not with bilingualism:
the people who already have a crossword
puzzle in their head:
red is: czerwony...
blue is: niebieski...
the earth is: ziemia...
the sky is: niebo...

those real: "adventure" people...

7across) female organißation backed by
iron lady...

20across) this writer getting to stay endlessly
after party creates a row...

clearly the clue is... much more
complicated than the:
the cipher is more complex than the decipher...

some people just like complicated answers
to simple questions...
others... i hate... i hate these "people"...
that have a complicated question:
and the answer is so simple!

12down) sort of ******, getting a BSc
                         of course it's FIRSTDEGREE...
thirst is another matter...

an obvious one:
2down) meadows covered in grass given up

       23across) scot offering a song at funeral...
             alastair is also a greek baby name...
alias: alexander...
        defender / protector of mankind...
hardly a dirge singer...
   clearly not a focus for antonyms / synonyms...
me too dumb... me not good with...

11across) woodpecker and two mythological
figures flying around...
                  a green woodpecker...
   fair enough... the word went out of fashion...
but where does: two mythological figures
flying around come in... for the killer "clue"?!

how about this clue:
ol' term 'pecker: slot 'um shlang in 'im
poops pop zenith circa 1943:
charlie charlie... hail proctor!
how's that for a... 'ucking diguise?!

sure sure... just give me the *******
numbers...     if i had time for this sort of *******...
i'd still be speaking only one language...
forgive! no passport...
head-up-the-****-of: to the west!
hamburger mania! las vegas: swee'
chyl' o' mein...
you'll get the iota and the delta back...
when i see that...
chil' and the apostrophe do not...
allow you to venture into: chill... savvy?!
how's that for a crossword?!

of course: there's the suez and chyle...
sweet: chil': chyle: not chill:
ergo... child o'                          mind-Frrrreeeeze!
Siberian tundra: or the plateau near
bolshevik Belgrade...
come D'cem'ber...
   through: brrr... bi-nautical-collars!
smart doesn't get filtered:
stupid... on the other hand? does...
stupid from being irritated... ****'ed...
       part an' parcle:

imagine the faux pas of: 'nome...
   it's a bit like a colon and followed up
with italics: like so... double the already existing
apostrophe for the surd... 'nome and gnome...
'nife and knife...
      hell! "they" could have... said... so, n'est-ce pas?!

"recently": keith flint died...
yeah... but the brains didn't...
last time i heard... liam howlett...
i'm pretty ******* sure... no grand spectacle...
when that grand: event 'appens...
keith flint died...
but liam howlett is... the brains...
still alive....              nay ******! or... boVer...
for: fer... ferr  urn und fern uber yearn:
          theta: ******* twin of 'i love sophie...
and her sour cream-ups!

here's to "adventure"!
        and of course: any outlandish:
impromtu swabian:
            because the saxons never made it to
the prefix         anglo-.
Ylang Ylang Mar 2019
‌  ‌
‌  ‌
The way she looked at me      
The way they rocked with us
                        flocked with us
                        and mocked us

The green wall.              
Sockets with eyes in it  
"I can't describe her"  
Merely at the surface    
"The way her hair..."  
Storm us at the waking.
St orm us S toa t waking t h  e
t Storm I'm  letting everything t h
S   t     he     Orm      L et                   a  i
        v                  L           e  t          o              i n
  e           h    r           y th e   in              g      S t  
    r                                         m                                 u  s
l               e        r m                s                    L  or             h e
         a                                                                ­                        
                 v                                            n   g
e  r
Vera Vieira Mar 2019
Chuva de realizações
Pra tudo tem um motivo
Não fatalisticamente
Não simplesmente

Os motivos estão escondidos
Quem tiver ouvidos ouça
A palavra do Senhor
É preciso ter coragem

Pra ver
Pra assumir
Pra quebrantar
O estabelecido pelos homens
Como supérfluo

E aí, tu, o isolado, vê
Porque é tão difícil?
Mostrar e receber
Mostrar o Céu
E merecer o mundano

Quem merece o mundano?
Quem o recebe?
Loteria Divina,
ou Reencarnação?

Talvez nem um
Nem o outro
Talvez sejam os interesses divinos maiores
Uns sofrem pelos outros
Um jejum forçado

Eu jejuo da vida que pra mim é menor
Pra que tu tenhas a vida que pra ti é maior
Tem males que não vão
Sem jejum e oração

O que é importante pra ti
E não é pra mim
Não é o Mal
As aparências enganam

O Mal é o que está dentro
De quem precisa jejuar
Deus pensou em tudo
E se não existisse o jejum?

Está tudo equilibrado
Se fazemos parte, sabemos
Que nada é a toa
Melhor, servir

Me ensinando a humildade
Rua Dr Timóteo POA, RS Brazil  
Oct 05 2010

— The End —