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IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
Soliloquys of repitoires
He pulls out the demon-arm
To see if harm
Feels better than being alone.
His hearts at "home..."
He roams...
To feed...
He has needs.
Nothing & everything... all at once.
She counts down from a hundred to one,
Clutching her love like a crutch.
He fumbles,
Hunting for his hunger.
They blot out doubt
And muster up their trust

"I'm fine" she cries,
As a child dies.
He learns,
He spits in her gritted eyes.
She reminds him that they're dying,
Burning while they turn
Spinning in his sheets
Struggling to breathe
Smuggling their dreams
In apologetic sweat
And ***** epithets

The infant actors beg for ******
Whispering the wishes that are listed in the script
Quoting moans that catch on choking throats
Pleading for release
Reading of futility
And mutual defeat
Delivering a finish
In pillowed soliloquys

Adolescent in the stillness
Adolescent in the heat
Adolescent in the promise
Adolescent in belief

She stutters love in ****** butterflies
On his rasping chest
As he gasps for breath.
She grasps at death,
While he grabs a cigarette.

Cast away in brackish blanket seas
They wrap themselves in fallacies
And laugh at their realities:
The cult of love belongs to Morpheus
And adulthood is an orphanage
Inspired by "Sing About Me, I'm Dying of Thirst" by Kendrick Lamar
Silent Crater Feb 2016

I remember yesterday.
The morning birds notes gleefully played.
I remember yesterday.

I remember yesterday.
The brightest morning there was seen,
And yet there was no sun to beam.
The wispy air and tired eyes,
The devotion we all strive and try.
My God, Selah.
I remember yesterday.

I remember yesterday.
The day less fatigued from creaking souls.
A new perception, new sights, and new goals.
Classes flying, life goodbye-ing.
Joyous day filled without even trying.
I remember yesterday.

I remember yesterday.
The jokes he told.
Simply comedy gold.
The smile he gave.
Mentality leaping from a grave.
I am renewed and alive.
I can't wait to see him and thrive.
I remember yesterday.

I remember yesterday.
Two laughs blended to a familiar tune.
Those girls brought me hope, and good fortune.
To see them laugh, and smile;
So hard, so deep, it's been a while.
My sun and moon and stars above
The pattern of their love.
I remember yesterday.

I remember yesterday.
Yet yesterday is yanked from possibilities.
Only reminiscing in soliloquys.
Pointless to wish for it reoccurring.
Now for new memories with a base for ushering.
But I will always remember yesterday.
Lady Phenyx Dec 2020
Sitting on trains plastered in rainbows
Hues of the fairest gray periods
Heart tired
Eyes glued
My grandmother always said not to stare...

I got caught in the naps of his hair
His 6 foot awesomeness
Maybe he's texting about business
His holiday arrangements...
Maybe his locs long for her

Maybe he tells her she's amazing
That he cant wait to see her
He'll kiss away her fears
Install the mirage of his emotions
Hold her, rub her back
3:00 am "you're beautiful"
Dreams of morning oral soliloquys...

Awakened by his agenda
She's remissed she couldn't wake earlier
To spend those last moments glancing out
Into the moments paradigm
To play a lil' house within his eyes ...

A faint streak of saliva on her cheek
He's off...

She walks into the lavatory
Wondering why the hell the bathroom light's on...

I sit by my self
Talking to moon
Constellations crown me the Queen of Soliloquys,
The universe applauds!
Heaven is proud for i am who i am
On purpose and
Without permission!
Alexander S Feb 2010
Sometimes I am, at moments
Lost within myself
Taking refuge in the ruins
The utopia of my own creation

Limiting conversation
To different shades and colors
Unhinged soliloquys
Bickering amongst each other

I dream my own dreams
In a strange way
The creation causes the fantasy...causes the creation
So attainable, so intangible
Lyrically lacerated, by the audiological addiction in which I feed,
Those Hazardous Harmonies ring into my waking thoughts,
scared, I am towards my future deeds.
These meaningful melodies tie them selves around my neck, forming knots, with a dark plot  leaving me distraught.

I enjoy the self inflicted pain brought upon my heart when I push play,
wishing to forever be lost in the chorus, I close my eyes and pray,
That the songs on my playlist tell the story of how I lived,
And not at the shiv that I kept hid.

Waste a few brain cells,
To forget about times like this,
Wish love was like *** and would sell,
But today,it's like a hit and miss.

Late-night soliloquys stops me from any having any form of tranquility,
As I search for a safe ability to find any means for stability.
betterdays Oct 2018
words are not easy now
they turn their back an slink away
i mutter soliloquys of gibberish
hoping to entice them home
but no, they laugh  and belittle me

my muse has  taken to reading  
other poet's work and nags
about the good old days
flouncing about and swaering

there are many theories, about
this dry spell, this soon to be drought
but really all i can do is sit
out on the back deck,
watch the dustbowl
and wait for the smell
of petrichor....
clxrion Jul 2018
sonatas soulful, soothing, softly somnolent:
i kneel in surrender to their swells —
slipping under the spray, slow submerge of sound

soaking my eardrums
sealing sight
the sea’s silence deceives, concealing

songs so solemn, solace’s sorcery suddenly suspends:
sorrowful solipsism sublimates —
i seek stupors soporific as soliloquys
Of drawn-to
by her unrelenting charm
I will sequester my self
to pay a debt for inclusion

My first fear,
is that given pure leisure
to look upon her beauty
to that-point of sated joy

That that state will make
a princox of my heart
and in this impetuous state
past apt reason,

(which reason is necessary
in any competition, or
wise contemplation)
that my mind may cause me
to fall upon the sward
of my-own adoration

My second fear,
is that her image, against ambition
graven, indelible on mind
and my imagined presence of her
in this constant fashion,
may cause me much grief
and derivate dichotomy of will
in the instance of some other
more important vying

But, Soliloquys aside,
I who in memory
of being a small-will within
Caused my larger-will
to consciously surrender
And I changed,
and brought a true face forward
To see and be seen by her
Ecstatic beauty

— The End —