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Salt Peanuts Mar 2010
The forever-stench of hoboken
The most composed... undress
Loosened to a senseless smirk
Keep walking...
The prettiest eyes droop to a cool low
Posture is hard to keep with them shots!
Keep walking...
Messaging another senseful planet the boring absurdity of now
Watch your step!
Her fine italian dinner is inches away
Or is it fine thai...
It's vulgarity kills any sense of definition
Uh oh... now there are more puddles!
Keep away from those leaking lakes
Of sushi... sashimi... heineken... absolut!
Absolutely acceptable in this town!
Come on! We're almost out of it
Out of the town we were once so happy to visit just a couple of hours ago
When everyone was efficient, and not venturing *****
When communication wasn't fogged, but clear and easy
When men didn't dress like 14 year old boys trying to score at a house party
And women didn't give away their IQ so easily, heads slightly bent forward with a lack of direction
Maybe it was home, maybe it was danger, maybe it was fun
The zombie within arose with a wretched stench of alcohol
Yet this will never stop selling
People are sold this "treasure" of acceptance, rank, a strong sense of esotericism, all lies
Yet in reality, they are simple facades, regular people like you and me.
O Hoboken, you stink
Hoboken, NJ
Penne Jan 2019
Once there was a lass
Planted into a mysterious world
Does not know where to go, how to go
Three lights later, she was found
But it is not the kind of found she desires
Is there even a reason of existence
You want her to question about her sanity
Question about impossibility
Question what is underneath
Question what is on the other side
Do you think to look smart
Or do you think because you want to be mentally deranged
Does being a product mean,
To look unique, to look you know a lot more than anyone
Because insane is the new gain
Insane is the pain
Insanity is my oxygen
Does this look art to you
Just simply spilling her emotions and rants
But in reality she done nothing
So how come you label her as a product?
Everyday, questioned herself if she is even of worth
No matter where angles of skies she looked at , no answers burst
If she was born to be secluded
Does that mean she is out of this world
If she thinks differently
Does she have to change the world?
Should she be drowned in the pills of schizophrenia
To define what real art is?
To defy reality?
Is this enough
If not, then what am I
If not a product, then what
I disgrace sycophants and know-it-alls alike
Except for lucid and heavy dreamers for life
Are we bore to create a fantasy
Or altogether fall with this society
Does living in nomothethic oceans is a mistake
Talk about limitless yet senseful imagery
Chatter away with debates that activate logic which I do not have
What is more likely to balance
When there is a whole solar system to laugh at you
No, I should see more light
But what light shall I find
I do not know what is the real definition of every little thing
But I worry and think of them
They say it is the beauty
What beauty
Underneath or above
Which one did you admire first?
Do I have to question my faith
Do I have to question everything around me
Should I speak like Shakespeare
Should I speak colorful in my own language  than the language that became my mother's tongue
Should I write like an endless dictionary and a multi-faced human
Should I count every star accurately until the fall wither me
Or produce sounds alive like the city of owls
Should I make every human being smile when I cannot smile myself
Should I feel nothing but sadness for eternity
To pity me when I weave with words
Should I play like Arima
Should I paint like a museum artist
Just to call me a talent
Should I perfect my skills of every labor
Should success appear to me like magic
Should I explain the unexplainable
Or should I damage my cerebrum
Before I truly feel intelligent
Should I dance my life away like the Black Swan
Should I be tearing down politicians and teachers
Just to feel worthy
Just to be recognized in the light I desire
Or should I just look in the mirror
To check if my blood veins are still flowing
Real blood, not just veins of vain
Inhaling all the smoke of envy
I sin
I am flawful
I breathe in gold
Just to realize it is old
Just to realize my self-redeement is stone cold
Will you love and be deserved by light like that
Will you realize everyone who reads this has been ugly as well
Will you realize I am not writing about myself
But what we are all afraid to admit the most
Because you are only a person
And once there was an abnormal lass
Diána Bósa Sep 2016
On days like these it
makes sense to lose the common
sense of mine by you.
violavics Dec 2017
one of these days
I will try to see without being obtrusive
I will try to breathe without much heaviness
I will try to hear without being unheard
I will go along with much steadiness

the irreplaceable is never to be
almost impossible to take back
as the grateful recipient  
the irreplaceable is never to be
almost possible to give back
to soon-to-be recipients

one of those days
I will speak with assurance
I will feel with dauntlessness
I will think with resourcefulness
12/25/17 1:32AM
know thyself Jan 2014
begging for a senseful win
we offer everything and wait
but much too late and we've been
expecting our getting worse
no rehearse, that is the curse
of our too well hidden fate

sleeping to forget the dream
we won't remember anything
but pull the sting - well, it seems
there's still the better way to choose
no excuse, we all did lose
the time that only hope can bring

once we found we were stranded here
stumbling through a spooky sphere
strangely changing, growing weird
leaving even all the best ideas

hoping that there is some hope
that could stand against our fears
and all the years down the *****
that we implored so soon to rise
but it denies and frightened eyes
cannot guess what seemed so clear

turning away - the world won't stop
and history is a part of us
but present fuss will blow up
the concepts of our fathers' minds
no rewind, we cannot find
'cause there's no sense in our must

seems every reason's caused by dust
but even now these dreams don't rust
'cause meaning is the wildest lust
since we woke up by looking just
Samantha Louise Jun 2014
I don't know
You know sometimes
What's it's like to feel reality
When you're too overwhelmed for anything

I'm just like this
Thinking in my head
Confusion in my mind

Life man hits you like a stoner
So motivated to do crazy **** in life
And taking that opportunity to get there

I've always felt so trapped in my existence
Nothing felt right since I was here
There's just no connection to the vibes I have,
but just never come out

Dude this music is hitting me
In a way that talking can't complete
What would I do without it?
I just wouldn't feel right

My thoughts right now are insanely prepared
His smile makes me light up like a sunflower
**** he's so just what id catch
One in a million

This summer tho
Probably going to be the best
Finals aren't done yet
Just one week left.

Gonna be hittin the beach
Laying in the sun
Playing volleyball
Spending all night
Outside, watching the stars
Having picnics on sunny days
So bright.

**** what has gotten into me
HIGHSCHOOL is driving me sane
Into a way that I've never imagined

I'm just gonna sleep and eat and watch tv,
Reminisce on all of my senseful dreams
Or maybe write a letter
Or two
Don't know exactly what to do
Harmony Sapphire May 2016
There is no senseful way to destroy a life.
To do it is senseless, ignorant, hateful and selfish.
Whether or not it is human or any other species.
Chicken,cow, pig, camel, turkey etc.
To dismember and sever it's parts piece-by-piece is cruel.
Dead or Alive, disrespectful, sick, wrong & unjust.
No political laws for it would never make it right or accepted.
That should protect their well-being lives & how they're treated.
Living creatures are all holy vessels in my eyes.
Their souls are priceless.
Their lives are not worthless as a society believes.
Each one deserves a full and happy life.
The cow & pigs tongue should not be severed and sold in grocery store meat departments.
Their bodies should stop being butchered for carnivore consumption.
Society is ignorant, greedy and two complant.
Just as sheep, all followers no leaders.
Butchers, poachers, & meat eaters should all be treated as a defenseless animal that is tortured and killed in the same exact way to justify their deaths.
With the deaths of their killers.
Endangered species are bred for slaughter
the animals should all be considered holy and valuable, priceless, pure, innocent, & defenseless.
Death ends life.
Life is a gift deserved by every being born in this world or any other.
lionheartlion Mar 2015
They say not to make yourself small.
But then why must love be so big?
Can a person with power and confidence truly love as much as someone who gives their heart away?
Can power have a heart?
Naivety is all that seems senseful.
The less you know the happier perhaps?
They also say the best thing a girl can be in this world is a beautiful little fool.
But no that is for the hopeless.
God is within so I can never fall.
She has wisdom and innocence.
She needs the one who only wants one, someone who can see eye to eye.
Someone who can be young and dumb in the sober moments.
They can be infinite when they only even look at each other.
But this isn't about them.
It's about her.

She knows her worth.
Look into her eyes.
You'll see the pain of the past.
She loves old books.
She likes to be different.
Not wild, but free and also intelligent.
She's the girl who will love you so much she feels powerless.
So maybe she's better off alone.
She's perfectly content alone lost within her imagination.
She loves the white on the page.
She wants her innocence to be loved.
Is she Innocent?
God tells her of how beautiful she is.
Long brown hair, grey stones as eyes, and cheeks a little rosy.
A soul on fire and heart a little broken.

She will spend hours in the bookstore.
Blasting Mr. Martin in the roads.
Sitting in the rain bleeding onto the page.
She is powerful.
She cannot stop.
For what is better than to say I know God and he loves ME.
He wants me.
No one thing can ever bring her harm so long as she knows this.
She cries frequently because she feels the pain the world brings.
She cannot stand against the worldly pains yet but she can in God.
She's a quiet one but the thoughts in her head dance round and round constantly.
It's amazing she does not burst.
Her head seems to be her only enemy at times, but also her greatest comforter.

She wears the same old black boots, breaking at the seams.
Her best friend is a book.
She sits in the rain with no manicure on her fingers.
She wears the same old flannel.
And long flowy dresses that may reveal too much.
Her favorite color is black.
She doesn't pretend to like what everyone else pretends to "love".
She would rather watch Harry Potter on a Friday night than get drunk with them all.
She is classy in her own way.
She hates those Hate words.
She does not brush her hair.
She loves her kitten.
And her coffee.
She's quiet but not stuck up.
She's inward but loves herself.
She hates reality and loves Fairy tales.
She wears flowers on her head instead of her jewels.
She's 18 and still reads about the lost boys.
She likes to drink out of old teacups.
And eat expensive pastries.
She dreams about bouquets of peonies in all their simplicity.
She wonders what it will be like in the city.
She's reached heights she never thought obtainable.
She likes to think she's creative but who's to say what creativity is.
She's knows she's a bit crazy and dramatic at times but aren't the best of us all a bit mad?
She trusts no one, but oddly enough she trusts him.

SHE cannot be defined.
Panda Boy Oct 2017
The grass; flat.
Autumn leaves; scattered.
Two birds; pecking.
Firm trees; tall and grounded.
Charisma boys; young.
Senseful girls; fair.
Insightful elders; straint.
Do not doubt the older,
For they were once like you,
Except now stronger
And still are wiser.

My boundary of flesh
Being dragged around
My soul, heart, and mind
Trapped inside
Yet I feel so empty

Don't smile unless you're happy
Don't cry unless you're sad
Don't drink until you're thirsty
Don't repent unless you feel bad

There's something more here
You can guess your best
Be my guest
But no answer will satisfy
There will be no more rest.

Goodbye my sweet;
I said goodbye
But stay with me
Until I must die.
Nienke Aug 2015
sometimes it feels like i'm the one
and all the worry has a reason
i should do something here
something senseful
across the border
over the line
but it's all such a haze
can't see through my eyes
what's happening
maybe someone else can see
help me
the questions of life
i don't belong because
the most people don't let me go
and didn't let me.. so there i go
back into the closet of thoughts
there should be something more
can't believe i'm wrong
or this feeling wouldn't exist
at least not this strong
why am i here?
I’m almost a poet.
I almost make sense
Enough to impress
Others with my senseful nonsense

I’m almost a poet
And I almost understand
Others’s poems and other poets
In the end no use, I tried to no end
But I like to pretend.

I’m almost a poet,
My metaphors are almost immersive enough
And my edges and corners are almost not rough

I’m almost a poet
I’m almost there
But not quite
I’m almost a poet
Almost - a man.

Frans Jun 2019
A conversation can save a life

Maybe it's not that easy to make one

But when you do,

It can make you feel good to make it longer

Especially when it is senseful and poetic.
BLD Aug 2024
Now again I can sleep once more
as I cling to the peace I've found at last --
no longer do my eyes struggle to close,
awaiting the dissipation of his breath
as he slowly ventures into sleep's abyss.

A nightly routine of restless evenings
awaiting the daybreak of morning sun,
a familiar comfort of light's senseful grace
caressing my wilted palms, pruned from tension,
drying underneath the ultraviolet cast from above.

At last I've discovered insomnia's antidote,
the mournful release of his quivering hand
ejecting me into a void of newfound rest;
trust is the apparatus of sleep's emergence,
and I've trusted none as I now do myself.

— The End —