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Gwar'th, a scranny peasent boy
from Deastbhillow
Frequented the tavern to hear the local bard play
Enthralled by stories of shipwrecks, cataclysms, Corpses rising from their graves.
He begged the bard over and over.
"Please! take me on your next adventure?"
Gwar'th locked eyes with the bard
Gave him every bit of attention.
The bard always declined,
"it's too dangerous for a child." He said,
"But I'll sing you a song.
The tale of the Red Metal Lute."
The sky was black
pouring buckets.
You couldn't see but walls of rain
you couldn't hear a ****** thing.
Not even each other speak
Until A loud wail rose from the sea
shattered every window and bottle on board.
In the distance, a figure
unwaivered by the storm.
A ghostly figure,
with a red metal lute
Seemed to fly,
Loom on the rain.
the figure plucked a single string
wailing screams from years of forgotten dead
some sailors on board went mad
The woman and children ran inside.
The captain headed out the cabin.
Grabbed his lute from off the wall
Walked right up to the ghostly demon
Challenged him to a duel.
"I win, you lure me the biggest fish
inside this ghostly sea
Once we haul it back to shore,
you let my sailers leave."
The ghostly demon preached back in wail
"My spoils claim each drop of blood
left upon your ship,
you'll join all the eternal tongues
wailing from my instrument."
They played their lutes so hard that storms whipped bruised wailed and brown
Lighting struck, fire popped and squeltched under the heavy rain.
Not a soul on board could hear the music, for they all deaf from the banshees wail.
But one small float snuck cloaked in shadows from the duel above the sails.
It had a mother and a brother
a baby in the mothers arms.
They made mostly to shore.
The oceans trials took all the family, but I, the baby,
A boy.
I don't know who won, the Captain, the Demon.
But I know one thing is true.
The power that lies within' an instrument
is more then anybody knew.
One foggy night in Deastbhillow
Long after the tavern closed
The bard was packing for a 'venture
loading up the partys caravan to head out of town
Gwar'th snuck on behind the treasure chests.
It stopped in front of a cavern
Five adventurers stepped off
A knight, a priest, a bard, a Clairvoyant
And In the shadows,

Down in the belly of the cave
Past the bones and the torches
there was a red glowing from the end
Gwar'th, excited, lunged from the shadows
Alerting the party.
The knight drew his weapon
The bard struck a chord
The priest prayed
And The Clairvoyant read the boys mind.
Together They killed the boy in cold blood.

"What did it look like to you?" Said the Preist
to the knight who slaughtered the boy.
"A beautiful woman.
What did it look like to you?" The knight asked the priest.
"My god."
"What did it look like to the boy?" The bard asked.
"An instrument," said the Clairvoyant, "A powerful instrument.
What did it look like to you?"

The bard looked down.
"The boy."
Bill murray Dec 2015
If my time is to come
Then dog nabbit wrap me up
Like a rabbit in an old farmers coat
I prefer dickies.
I want to be warm
When my land gets stolen or sold
At least I won't sell my soul
Even if my land is taken
And I feel no more whole
I wanna be warm
Dog nabbit!
Not cold.
And gift wrap my banjo
Send it off to sea.
Let the sailers of the Pacific coast
Play sea songs
For me.
Jason Cale Feb 2012
cheer up charlie the order's come
all your life running from an atom bomb
been riding under bullet proof skies
just-in-time this luck-of-mine rain pouring down

been sailing to a land of time
where everything changes when you've just found out
these young delta hearts are pouring out

young delta hearts
were being torn apart
young delta hearts
lets go back to the start
and love.

been sailing through a storm of eyes
the sun is out and it burns the tide
sick of shining in the water below
so take your turn to strike the stern
and take a bow

now your drowning at my feet
surely sinking wants a piece of god
these young delta hearts are sailers now

young delta hearts
were being torn apart
young delta hearts
lets go back to the start
and love.
This is a song. Written circa 2003, at the beginning of the Iraq War.
One time,
Now or in the future,
Clear or blurred in dimness,
Certainly I will go,
Back to my origin,
In which I was happily extant,
Before I ventured in my mother’s womb
Back to this realm I will gate-defy
Leaving my skin an empty husk,
And go there riding in a wagon of death,
Pain and grief in dutiful caesura won’t be;
My fellow passengers or sailers,
Only oblivion to the past a sure pal,
Kissing and messaging my bodiless me,
From which I derive solace for my past,
The life I went through on the crest of
Extremes in goodness and matchless pale;
Untimely demise coming in union with a kismet,
Having me buried minus a coffin, a shroud. Perhaps,
Not even a dirge or an elegy from eminent mouths,
As my cadaver hangs in hermetic darkness; unlit hut,
On a home-made catafalque, willow in stature like nothing,
The man died of erstwhile sham diet and Medicare,
Will be shelved and hanged like a fish on the rack,

Hence am thankful do you death,
Master of the un-mastered souls,
My beautiful darling and love,
Of my heart from bottom to brim
And comforter of the hopeless,
Thanks for taking me away
In the way so miserly,
In a beautiful out-beat
To the truck terrorist
Or the Suicide bomber
Or the Guns of juba,
Or the Ebolavirus
Eric Angels Sep 2019
Pain is the purest form of pleasure
She's the source of mine.
But I await her, patiently...
Like a sailers lover awaits a bottle message by the sea shore..
Not knowing whether the winds and tides were kind or not
aurora kastanias Oct 2017
I pine for you my dear
as I gaze at the horizon
and beyond in search
of signs of your arrival
I wished imminent yet,
skies these days appear
addicted only to cerulean.

Guilty to long for you
solely in your absence
heated by unfaltering
blistering beams, my
barren soils exhale
the last remains of you
in ascending vapours.

Truth is, deprived of you I,
slowly die, inexorably
thirsty for your essence
endlessly suppliant,
exhausted by the wait
as I watch waters run dry.
Mourning fountains.

Lake levels drop and sailers
linger moored no longer
allowed to navigate shallowness,
disoriented fall drowsiness
felt I had to let you know,
I miss you Mister Rain
and yearn for your return.

Yours faithfully, Missus Earth.
On rain and drought
Jude kyrie Mar 2016
I know it's doomed
she will leave me.
it's only a matter of time.
I once gave her
all the stars in
the milky way.
Pressed them
into her hands.
and whispered
to guide you through
the darkness of life.
follow their pure light
with me my love.
But it is not enough
her heart needs
new adventures.
it will try to settle with me.
but just as a a sailers death
is woven into his sweaters
by his lover.
She will try to settle down
But her heart refuses
to unpack its bags.
The words fly off the pages
The pages fly out of the book
Becoming doves towards heaven
At first glance or look
The sunlights on the water
The sailboat sets its sail
On to great adventures
That’ll someday turn to tales
About the fierce encounter
With the granddaddy of whales
Or the serpents in the water
The shark fins in plain sight
Then there’s the squid 🦑 with its long tentacles
That put up the biggest fight
These are tales that will be read
In books with written word
Then all will know first hand accounts
From the sailers that returned

— The End —