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More Love Aug 2018
The Great Niagra Falls
Spilling over like my love
loose and reckless
alive and fruitful

And having found a source
an outlet for this outpouring love
this deep inborn desire to say 'yes'
with all of me; my life

This thick lust for life
and for love
and this perfect intuition
to give it all away

I am proud to be alive.
And to have the capacity
in my bones and in my flesh
to say 'yes' with all of me

So small and so fragile
yet having existed forever.

Nonetheless, impermanent, I am.
Here to make a permanent mark
with this pen and this paper
and this racing heart
so uniquely my own
and so beautifully similar to the rest.

All here through the great devotional
journey of our ancestors
so gladly outpouring life,
like the great Niagra Falls
Into the present moment,
into our hands

And so,
I pick up this pen
and I write.
Bundled up, and stomping through
arctic white snow, listening
to the Love Below. I look
out on the Maid of the Mist,
the air surrounds my cold cheeks,
numbs them like an icy kiss.

Who could truly be so dumb,
brave those falls in a barrel
run? Ripley’s has me unnerved
believe it or not, the same
nervous rush I feel, before
the ***** from a booster shot.

Then after awhile, we are off
to dine in neon towers, where
we spend hours, soaking
in the bath of a night-time
sky. The glint of flush colors
reflecting against buildings.

The sounds of water raging
amidst mouthfuls of moonlight,
it looks like the world’s been staged.
But back to rest in a spiral
hotel, it’s been a lively day;
Where we pull up the covers,
and that’s where we will remain.
oo put dis paintin on me walls
me gona find out eider way
me gona drive to niagra falls
to find out who ruined me walls

rip bing bing pop, ****** come in on line 1
no not extension 1, line 1, no wonder they call u

ey ***** me say to me wife
dis be yor stupid paintin,
no steve it aint (read double life)
******* dis be ugly anyways
sorry steve, shush *****,
u no i turned reggae
me name aint steve anymor
call me steve one more time
and il shove a lawnmor up ur ***,
its reggae mon not steve  

rip bing bing pop, ****** come in on line 1
no not extension 1, line 1, no wonder they call u

johny johny, "yes papa"?
did u put dis tin on me walls?
"no papa", telling alie?
"no papa", close your eyes
smack! dont put any tin
on me walls *******!
sorry papa it wasn't me
shut up, smoke a splif *******

rip bing bing pop, ****** come in on line 1
no not extension 1, line 1, no wonder they call u

hoo could ave put dis ting on me walls?
maby is me smoke me a splif
me will remember if me did it or not
but me out of rolling papers
and me left me ganga in me rig

rip bing bing pop, ****** come in on line 1
no not extension 1, line 1, no wonder they call u

me left me rig at me work
me boss dont no ow to twerk
me boss tink she no ow to twerk
no wan wants to break da news
me just a shy island boy
still confused bout de paintin

rip bing bing pop, ****** come in on line 1
no not extension 1, line 1, no wonder they call u

love reggae
love ganga
love art
love poetry
reggae love ganga trucker family
JM Dec 2012
I can't listen to the ******* cure
ever again with out feeling empty.
Way to go robert smith,
you big ******* depressing

Ever since you told me
lovesong was yours and fuckfaces
song I can't listen to some of my
favorite cure songs without thinking of....them.
Them being you and him, not us.
Us being you and me.

I can't listen to cat stevens
because harold and maude
was our movie. Ours!
Now, the last love song makes me cry like a *****.

I can't listen to ******* inxs anymore.
Never tear us apart drops me to my knees.
I can't listen to the kinks
or edith piaf
or talking heads
or leonard ******* cohen
or great lake swimmers
or fever ray
or peter sarstedt
or portishead
or killswitch engage
or paul mccartney singing maybe I'm amazed
or pearl jam
or ween,
especially ween, one of my favorites, *****.

Gotye is a prophet.

If I even think of antony and the johnsons,
my chest seems to cave in on itself
and I am filled with such a deep despair,
a longing for something,
to take away
the pain of knowing
I lost you.

I can't listen to so much good music out there because that was our thing.
So many times we would lie in bed after loving each other
and listen to mixes we had made for one another.
Those were my favorite times.
Sipping whiskey with lime juice,
Reveling in your smells,
your juices covering me.
Your dog farting so bad
all we could do was laugh
or we would puke.

The first few notes of alexi murdochs
love you more, bring forth tears like niagra.
I cannot listen to that song without crying immediately.

I don't understand how feelings like that go away so suddenly.

It's *******.

This isn't a poem.

Poems are supposed to be beautiful
and about love
or beautiful and about loss of love
or just plain ******* beautiful
about something like a ******* tree
or a nice view
or flowers.

I have to write about how I hate the empty ******* space in my chest whenever I think of your name.
I have to write about the thousandth time I cried over you,
like now.
I have to write about how
the bright blue
of our love was replaced by
the ***** brown of
our lies and deceit.

Nobody gives a **** about that stuff.
I can't write a ******* poem to save my life.
I want to put down on paper
the weariness and exhaustion.
I want to express how I feel
so that maybe I can save
someone else
the pain of suffering alone.
I want to write you the most beautiful poem on the earth,
the one that makes you
understand just how much I care
for you
and how much and I love you
and I want you to read it
and forget about your fears
and past hurts
and realize I am the only man for you
and nobody else will ever come between us ever again.

But I can't.

I am not smart enough.
I am not creative enough.
I am not...enough, for you.

I don't want to even try anymore.
I want to forget you like I said I never would.
I want to love another like I said I never would.
I want to be a liar, like I said I never would.
I want to stop loving you, like I said I never would.

I want to listen to love songs and not miss you.
The topic for today's selection

Is how to deal with your *******

The price is high to get a thrill

But, it comes in a small blue pill

If your private will not shoot

Or, your soldier won't salute

There's an answer from a lab

That comes to you in a small blue tab

If you have poor self esteem

This pill could just fulfill your dreams

If your pecker seems to wilt

This will give your kilt a tilt.

So, if your manhood is slightly flaccid

Like the waters of Lake Placid

One small pill will make a diff

It won't take long and you'll be stiff

It works deep down on your projection

And points it in the right direction

It helps the package in your trousers

And makes the women all say "wowsers!"

They tried a cream, now that is gone

They couldn't get their work gloves on

They say it works and really fast

And helps to make your love life last

Your girl will love it, that's the goal

For now you've got a brand new pole

Dr. Frankenstein, he brought life

But, no excitement for his wife

She wanted more than he could give

The Doctor's "Monster" didn't live

They say don't drink it with a beer

The side effects are ones I fear

They say that if your BP drops

There's chances that your heart could stop

And should it last for say....4 hours

You should take some cold, cold, showers

Then, if it's still petrified,

I guess...go take it for a ride

Apparently, when it's like this

It makes it really hard to ****

But, if this pill should make it stand

Don't go waste it in your hand

Don't buy generic, at least not yet

For there's no telling what you'll get

It may stand up, it may lay down

It might just turn a dark, dark brown

Remember, it's to give you pride

And make your smile ten feet wide

It's not to ask "what's in my pocket"

"Well, dear it's shaped  like a rocket"

It's something to improve your life

And return enjoyment to your wife

For now that she knows this stuff works

You won't be wasting it on  jerks

You'll  be home where there's no pressure

And having *** at your own leisure

So now, I'll end with some advice

And I don't want to have to  tell you twice

The next time you go to NIagra

Take along a few ******!
Lover of Words Jun 2013
Would you still love me if my sea blue green eyes were puddles of icky brown like gas station toilet water,
Would you still love me if my locks of autumn sun kissed hair follicles fell off my head like they do seasonally,
Would you love me if my skin was orange like bright cheeto puffed style, and would you still love me if I had no nose,
Would you still love me when I'm sad and unconsolable,
With tears running down my eyes like the waters off niagra,
Would you still love me if I died,
Like not existed anymore,
Would you even cry,
And would you love me if I had no value to this world,
If everyone hated me and ran from me like a squirrel, Would you still love this pathetic girl, If she was all that she set out to be but couldn't. Would you still love her like you do,
Would you love me for all my ugly faults I cannot change.
Siiren Mar 2013
There is a war waging in my head- not of ammunition, but accusation.
Shouts and cries and threats. Screaming not bullets, but voices.
A war of words.
There is no peace in my head- no calm, no place of respite- only raging fords.
Mind like Niagra, falling, falling, empty and broken.
Not even sleep is really sleep any more, just another battleground.
Dead bodies scattered, A war of words.
A war of words.
There is a Cold War going on in my head, cold like the weather, cold like the rain.
The rain tastes sweet like my sanity;
but sanity is just another state of mind. Just like the river, it never quiets down.
The enemy is the successor and Niagra is falling down.
Bridges in London are falling down, only my fair lady is dressed in army fatigues.
©2013 Siiren
Do Not Tell Me “everything will be okay”

I will not feel relief
my inside’s stress tsunamis don’t have an off button
they will catastrophically annihilate anything I believe to be
I wish they didn’t
Oh fairy godmother, Oh yahweh, god, ******* jesus himself
grant me wishes, grant the whole ******* world wishes
because we’re tired
I can’t even imagine the fuel debt of starving african children
or stockholders losing what they haven’t bought yet
when I, a financially privileged and well fed college student
can’t get through 3 hours without trying to prevent
another stress tsunami

Do not tell me everything will be okay
It is not what i want to hear
I want to hear bullets in my head
girls, screaming at the sight of my right arm
gushing niagra falls of blood
I want god to **** my ****
I hope every therapist and so called good friend
can understand these words when i say
Depression will never be okay
Feeling hundred year old brick buildings
crushing upon my chest, my brain
ransacked by rubble
and my heart, an empty sack
will never be okay

I am burnt to a crisp
I am too old for this ****
Big Virge Jan 2019
Redundancy is ...
A ... Horrible  Thing ... !!!

But ...
Who are the ones ... ?
That Most ... FEEL THE STING ... ?!?

THOSE Who .... CONTROL ....
The Employment ... " Bullring " ... ?!?

Or THOSE Who Sit ... " Waiting " ....
With ....

NO BELL to RING .... !!!

For Whom Does The Bell ...
REALLY ... Toll ... ?

Give Me a ... " Drum Roll " ...
Before i'm ... REDUNDANT ...
and left in ... THE COLD ... !!!!!!

The Unions are ... DEAD ...
So Employers Now Get ...
to do ... WHAT THEY LIKE ... !!!
cos' ... Most youth are BRAINDEAD ... !!!

They Always ... ACT BOLD ...
But Do ... What They're ... TOLD ... !!!

Ask them about ... " Business " ...
Not ONE ... seems to know ... !?!
what happens to ... THEM ...
When Companies ... "FOLD" ... !!!

They QUICKLY Get ... KNOCKED ...
When The Ship Starts to ... " ROCK " ... !!!

But STILL .... Cannot see ....
How Corporates ... "PLOT" ...
To REMOVE .... Who they want ... !!!

Because THINKERS ... Will Question ...
The LOT that they've ... GOT ... ?!

While ... " Corporate Heads " ...
are Constantly ... DRIVEN ...

Agendas they have ...
Are Suitably ... "hidden" ...

You're told ...


That Act is ... FORBIDDEN ... !!!!

But Lives That ... They Lead  ...
Most People ... "AIN'T LIVIN " ... !!!!

I'm NOT .... " David Niven " ... !!!
but i'd like to play ... " BOND " ... !!!

So that I could ... " QUICKLY " ...
Put RIGHT ... All These WRONGS ... !!!

The WRONGNESS ... They do ...
" is hidden" ...................................................... from view ... !!!!

Meantime they sit ... "Planning" ...
and Constantly .... SCAMMING .... !!!
Which ... " CASH-DRIVEN YOUTH " ...
Should now join ... " Their Crew " ...

They look for a ... " FOOL" ...
Who REALLY ... AIN'T Cool ... !!!

To Push You ... Then STICK YOU ...
As if you're just ... " Glue " ...
That they can just ... STAMP ON ...
Until You Feel ... " BLUE " ... !!!

They walk in ... " NEW SHOES " ...
While yours are now due ...
For ... " Mending and Bending " ...
from ... " Cobblers Tools " ... !!!

Like FISH ...
We are ...  " Schooled " ...
Then thrown into ... " POOLS " ...
For ... Redundancy Marks ...
While surrounded by ... " SHARKS " ...
Who Have ... " Their Own Space " ...
In the ... " Office Car Park " ... !!!

My words may seem ... DARK ...
But This Is ...  NO LARK ... !!!

Redundancy's ... groWING ...
The REALITY'S .... " STARK " .... !!!

I'm ... " NOBODY'S DOG " ... !!!
But ... WATCH OUT For My BARK ... !!!!!

The Angels Now ... " HERALD " ...
and Sing to my ... HARK ... !!!

HARK ...
As in ... " CALL " ...

My stories ... AREN'T TALL ..... !!!
But I AM .... Of Course ... !!!

If You're NEEDING ... " MORE CLUES " ...
Try ... " Inspector Morse " ... !!!

Now ...
Those who won't hear me ...
Are on the ... " DOWNFALL " ... !!!

Like NIAGRA ....
They ... " FALL " ... !!!
with their backs to .... THE WALL ...

and Now ... CAN'T Afford ...
The Price of ... " The Stalls " ... !!!

Redundancy Payments ...
REALLY ... DON'T Last ...
UNLESS ... You were one ...
Of The ... "Corporate Class " ... !!!

But ... EVEN They Suffer ...
These words are now ... TRUE ... !!!

When They're ... Out of Work ...
TRUST ME ... They DON'T SHIRK ... !!!

They KNOW ... ALL ABOUT ...
The ... " BENEFIT ROUTE " ...
and then get ... The Council ...
to PAY FOR ... " Their House " ...  !!! ? !!!

But ...
NOT JUST ... " Your Average " ... !!!

They Think That's for ... SAVAGE ... !!!
The rental they're paying ...
Brings Taxpayers ... DAMAGE ... !!!!
because ... " BENEFIT FUNDS " ....

When for ... THEM ....
Just get ... " RAVAGED " ... !!!!!

This is ... " The Coup " ...
When Redundancy ... comes ...

But THIS is ... A Story ...
to give you ... Some Fun ...

I've just been ... " In The MIX " ...
of Redundancy ... TRICKS ... !!!

But ...
HERE'S How it went ...

SO .....
Follow This Script ... !!!

"We need volunteers !
New systems demand,
that certain positions
will now disappear !"

But when ... Volunteers Came ...
They Came ... " LIKE THE RAIN" ... !!!!!
and that put ... AN END ...
to ... " REDUNDANCY GAMES " ... !!!!!!

"We've had a rethink,
and don't need to shrink,
cos people have moved,
so everything's cool" ....

But ...
Here is ... " THE TWIST " ... !?!

My job is ... SECURE ... !!!
At LEAST ... for a year ...

But ...
Check THIS BIT HERE ... !!!

"Your role's been appraised"

and ....

to ... MY SURPRISE ...
From ... NOT Being needed ...

I got a .... PAY RISE ... ???? !!! ????

So Now You See ... WHY ...
A Brother like ... " I " ...
Will NEVER .... Put Trust ...
In THESE ... Corporate Guys ... !!!

Never Mind Their .... FORK TONGUES ....
What about their ... " SNAKE EYES " .... !???!

This thing is becoming ...
A ... Constant WORRY ....
for those of us ... Working ...

" REDUNDANCY ! " ...
It's Definitely A PROBLEM !
Sam Weir Mar 2015
The girl with the tearless eyes,
The girl that cannot cry,
The girl thats always

And you assume she is because
She's not crying
She's just smiling
So she's fine, right?

But she's putting on a face,
Putting on a mask,
Covering the truth,
Covering the past.

She'll cancel plans last minitue only to assure you she's fine just got caught up in some family ties.

But she's got trust issues deeper than the cuts she tries to hide.
More painful than the lies
And trying to pretend everythings fine.

And the names YOU called her?
Still echoeing in her brain,
Still imprinting,
Still remaining.

But she still tries to fake a smile,
Lay low for a little while,
Walk at a normal pace,
Keep it together!

The lie that you're living is bringing disgrace!
You are a disgrace, everything you are is built around it.

Till she can't even remember the lies from reality,
Did i smile?
Did i laugh?
Or am i still pretending?

She asks herself
As she laughs at the reflection in front of herself.
Will i ever be happy?
She asks head bowed down low in front of herself.

She's not okay,
She's always a lie.

Trying to fix her broken soul,
But the ghosts of the past still haunt her.

They torture her
The life out of her
And the happiness
And the hope
It's like the dementors are coming out into the night.

And she's not fine
But she can't cry
For the tears that once flowed put like niagra falls,
Have dried up like the sahara desert.

And her head is still pounding
As she tries to get some sleep
Still stuck poundering on the everyday life she dreads
Still poundering
                ­                            Searching
For her silver saviour,
Hoping to relief the pain she's been feeling in a river of red.

But she puts on a mask and fakes
a smile,
a laugh.

And you assume she's fine,
But she's soulessly screaming
Help me.
              Help me.
miranda schooler Mar 2014
The pavement glistens with it’s new top coat of shiny rain and she is driving back to school; back to too much noise and too many faces. I don’t want to go. I would give anything not to go. It happens then. I hear the impact first: metal pushing and crunching upon and into itself. The windshield gets closer and closer and in this moment it reminds me of a first kiss, but glass is inexperienced and uses too much tongue. I think I hear her say something. I am praying that she says something. She asks me if I’m okay. I feel dead and cold, and underaged corpse in the passengers’ seat. I say nothing. I hear her get out of the car to check on the woman who is screaming in the driver’s seat of her smashed vehicle. I feel warmth down my face that I assume are unwelcome tears, and open my frightened eyes to red. Red. And all I can think is ‘why have I not cried blood before?’ I open my mouth to say something, but end up tasting death. I blink my eyes more times than I need to. The windshield is cracked. She comes back to the car and keeps saying my name; a question. “Miranda? Miranda? Miranda?” the words I’m sorry cannot escape my mouth fast enough. The panic in her voice is undeniable. “Miranda? I’m calling the police sweetie, okay?” “I’m sorry.” “Don’t be sorry, it’s going to be okay.” “I’m so sorry Allison.” I can hear blood rushing from my head like Niagra Falls and I cup my hands to catch it. There is so much of it and it is burning my fingertips and all I can say is “I’m sorry.” I’m trying not to think of god right now, but I can’t help it. I will never capitalize that word again. I can hear her ask me questions that I forget as soon as they reach the beating drums of my ears, but I am guessing I answer them. She talked to 9-1-1 for days, months. I kept crying. I kept saying “I’m sorry.” When I closed my eyes everything happened backwards. Eve put the apple back on the branch. The tree shrank back into the ground. god said let there be light… and there was darkness. The pool of blood in my teacup hands grew more and more full when my door opened. I remember trying to get out on my own; I remember trying to run away. The officer told me to settle down and to not move and that everything would be just fine and that they were going to put me on a gurney and asked if my neck or back hurt or if I was seeing spots and what my address was and when my birthday was and other things and other things and other things. I dropped the blood and it flowed over my pants and my insides were on the outside and I couldn’t breathe. They placed my shaking skeleton into their ambulance. I had never felt so dead in my life. I went into shock. I only breathed when they reminded me to. I felt sick to my stomach; I felt drunk. The old man sitting in the back of the ambulance kept telling me to breathe. Kept telling me that everything would be fine. “I’m sorry.” “Sweetheart just try to steady your breathing. We’ll be at the hospital soon.” “I’m sorry.” “What’s your name sweetie?” “I’m sorry.” My head is feeling lighter and lighter and I can hear my heart slow in my ears. I see him writing on a clipboard and I hope he is writing Sorry, I’m. I want to be defined by my mistakes. Every speed bump we hit feels like Hurricane Katrina. He tells me to let him know if anything hurts. I want to tell him my heart hurts; that when we arrive at the hospital my mother will most likely be 10 minutes late, and my father will not be there at all. I want to tell him to not let them pray for me. I want to tell him that I’ve bled before, but not this much, and that the day before when I whispered to the heavens that I would give anything to take my last breath, that I didn’t mean it. That the intersection of Western Row and Kings Island Drive would become my gravestone.

The rest is blurred from 3 shots of morphine and the effects of shock. I still shake when my mom doesn’t stop far away enough from the cars in front of us. I still feel trapped when my car door won’t open. I am still sorry.
Micheal Wolf Feb 2013
How many men walked upon the moon
Who invented the telescope
Who rode the niagra falls
Who split the atom
Who invented dynamite
What's the square root of infinity
Who's god
Stop asking questions
Emily Lawson Jun 2017
sometimes, out of great pensivity,
instead of telling the truth
when people ask "how are you"
I hold on to the idea of "privacy"

not today

for the second time this week
I break

the parts of me I dammed shut
came bursting out fast as Niagra Falls

these words I scream are like rocks,
breaking happiness on friends faces
like stained glass churches

and my happy dust falls away
leaving everyone in stunned numbness

shadows of questions drip off their faces
as if they had wicks sticcking out of their heads

what do you say to people you love
when you didn't mean to say anything at all?


you run out of there
as fast as legs can move
and hide sobs
with pillow cases
Robert C Howard Jul 2013
If I had a flying carpet,
I'd fly you to the falls
to watch the rainbows shimmer
in the rock-spewn mists
of Niagra's reckless plunge.

Or share the blazing sunset
at Big Bend's mystic window:
gazing at pastel layers
merged with the western sky.

Or we'd lower a canoe
in a Missouri stream
on a star-jeweled moonlit night
and hear the dulcet songs
of gentle shore-bound waves
and the hum of an insect choir.

But I have no magic carpet
to whisk you off to peaceful vistas:
only these feeble runes
scratched on a field of white.

Still, I wish that we could get away -
that is -
if you can spare the time.

*September, 2007
Included in Unity Tree, published by Create Space available from in both book and Kindle formats.
At the beginning of every relationship and every new love or old love renewed, it's hard to accept that you'll never be their reality. It's hard to accept that life isn't like the movies and that the pretty girl can't get what she wants this time because she has love to compete with. It's hard to accept that sometimes memories rush through your head at the speed of water rushing down niagra falls but you have to learn how to either accept it or not give a **** about it anymore because those people aren't going to pick up the broken pieces of your own puzzle and put you back together again. They'll look at the picture on the box and decide that the pieces are already assembled, without opening the box itself. That's just the way it is.
CE Jun 2018
I feel the running water with the index finger on my left hand

and though I can't tell if its scortching or freezing

but it gives my skin the burning feeling
so I hold my wrist there like a muddy boot that I'm trying to clear the grime off
David Ehrgott Nov 2015
Keesler Air Force Base
Sergeant will **** you
Crocodile got to eat
Not a bad place un-
til looters step on
the bookshelf that fell on you
3.  L.A.
The real *****.  Holly-
wood is just the pump
shooting sin into it's vein
Don't sit on the yell-
ow stone.  That's where the bears
went after picnicking.
Red necked wooden
Boys always looking for
a fight from a Yankee
Charlie and Kathy
are from here.  They're nice to
know if you can find them
The prettiest girls live
in Boston.  They have mouths.
Some worse than truck drivers.
Such a little place
to cozy up to the
over crowded rowdies.
Buffalo girl moved too
Saratoga Falls.  Hasn't
Had a dance since last fall.
Took my girl to Niagra
Falls took my ******
Maybe next time
Overcrowded racetrack
Casino lots of
swampy grass derelicts.
Ain't no place to
Stop off 95
For this' lilly white man
Had them Japanese
people eating fish.
Didn't know it was lunchtime.
All that rain and snow
Can never compete
With it's powerful blowholes
15.  OHIO
Birthplace of Lincoln
and Chicagoland
Nothing much else but farmland
I wanted to help
the homeless so I fed
them government nonsense
Same old flatland lit
up at night Lincoln's
Hiway taking in the sights
Big bad wolf tried
to knock down my house of hay
today..  I knew he blew.
Leader scolded me at five
Better off dead
Amen coyote cried
Geno Cattouse May 2013
I'm back at the grind feeling mad as a hatter.
Still floating on. A poetry carpet.

No friction or pressure or fear I will fall.
Swooping and turning my belt is unbuckled.

Standing with toes hanging off.
Hands out for balance.
What the hell rhymes with balance.

Oh. Ladies and gentlemen if you look to your right
Niagra falls is a vision at night.

There goes a guy on your left on a rug.
Pass me a ***** driver so I can debug.

We will be landing in fifteen minutes.
In. Front of the sphynx.

After that captain sully sullivan is going to take the wheel.
The carpet guy is going down on a wing and A prayer.

Then back to his house for a much needed nap.
Good night and sweet dreams.
Adam Childs Mar 2014
I am the foolish clown
Clumsily tripping through my life
Stumbling in public
Befooled I am
By my silly big shoes
Slip on a bannana
The whole world a laughter
Big buttons , bonkers hair
How do I dare
But I always need to share

Isolated I feel , Encaged I am
For this is the circus
Ring of my life
As the world is my audence
I am incircled with their laughter
Long lines of cackling heads
And long pointing fingers
Stare ,
layer apon layer
Filled up to my ceiling
I need a way of dealing
With these heavy loads of laughter
Painted on me like plaster

As I shade my face white
To hide my red flush
Painting a great smile
To hide my hidden hurt
But tears betray me
As they spill my make up
For I am the capital
Of false welbeing
My humilated heart
Bursts and springs
Into a torrent of tears
My eyes seek the ground
Away from the world
While my body embraces
A waterfal shape
For I am the new Niagra

As a young clown
My many tears held
In my giant belly
Fall and drop away into
An ocean of compassion
Where the love for the world
And myself are found
As I grow older I realise
There is nothing more
Healing than the laughter
Of your silly self
As my giant hollow belly
Resonates with a cackling Echo
As it becomes a cathedral
Of consuming Laughter
As I always laugh harder
Holding the world in my belly
A feathers tickle turns me to jelly
It laughter becomes my
Fulfilling devotion devotion

How they hold the center stage
While spreading their
Compassion an laughter
How I wish to understand
The tears and Laughter
I hope this works I have been wanting to write about a clown for a long time
Fury and rage
Hate and anger
Joy and happiness
Pain and desire
All great feelings at the right time 
But what about at the wrong time
The time when all you need is a clear mind and instead your feelings through themselves at you emotions fly like planes during pearl harbor 
Rage and fury become happiness and joy which turns to pain and suffering your mind says one thing your heart says another but your hands take control and you begin I write
Write things you never imagined you'd say
Write things that blow people away
Write things that no one would ever know about you 
things you never wanted people to know about you 
Look at me, an explosion of words and phrases poems and feelings thoughts and expressions emotions
Pour out of me like the falls of niagra pumping and churning thousands of thoughts effortlessly pumping ideas from my mind to my paper 
An explosion of poetry 
An explosion of emotion
An explosion of my inner self
An explosion I tried to hide from the world
Its coming down in sheets, or in buckets.
Like Niagra Falls it doesn't seem to
want to stop.
Splat, Splat Splat when it hits the ground because
it's coming down so quickly and fierce.
Taking a break you can hear the rain slowing
down to a slow pace, and then a trickle.

Here it comes again fast and fierce.
Like there is no end.

Not a sound now, not even the
birds are making a noise.

I am hearing thunder in the distance
but still no rain can I hear.

The rain comes again, only not
so rapid it's a constant shower
only not as heavy as before.
I can still hear the splat splat splat
as the rain hits its target.

It's not done with us yet as
the radar shows a huge
mass over our city.

It's just another rainy, wet,
steamy hot day, the rain has
done little to cool things
off, even in late July.

The rain has unleashed another
heavy downpour, I hear echoes
of thunder in the distance.

Sounds like the roar of a train in the
If April showers
bring May flowers, what does
July floods bring in August?

The rain is very heavy again I can hear big
drops on the roof and some are hitting the window
with such force.It's not hail, it's just massive rain drops
falling from the sky, leaving puddles in the grass from
the constant falling downpour.

I hear drips hitting the ceiling coming
from the roof, soon it will be coming through
the ceiling, but we will have to see during
the next heavy downpour.

The rain is moving out
the clouds are rolling back
the sun is peaking through
I can hear the birds once again.

Copyright 2016
All rights reserved.
Still working on.
Samuel Adell Dec 2013
Weeks have gone by.
Yet I watch this sunset and cry.
Not enough courage to ask God why.
To many people build you up with lies.

Without you I'm stuck in limbo. Suspended in free fall.
Falling to my hands and knees like I'm learning to crawl.
So many fake smiles flashed in the halls.
My tears still pour like Niagra Falls.

How I express my feelings in through the flow of this pen.
Without you my heart needs time to mend.
At Heaven's Gate, we'll meet again my friend.
This is only the beginning. Not the end.

The beginning of something beautiful.
The love we had for each other wasn't juvenile, but rather fruitful.
A perpetual... Love, to last eternal.
Without you my life is null.

Because together we'd watch the sunset.
Learning to live life with no regrets.
Relying on God to handle our inevitable debts.
Life in the end is a game. Quite like chess.

You were truly the best.
Beyond caring. Unlike the rest.
I'll always miss you greatly. Never the less.
You will forever hold a spot in my chest.
Kids huddle in the corridors
In the staff room they hide in shells
The teachers who don't like children
Preferring stale sweat and coffee smells
In the classrooms they run riot
With rulers books and pens
Everybody's a target for trouble
Particularly the kids without friends
There's always a classroom bully
No brains and the charisma of a slug
But the girls just love a Neanderthal
Who's nothing more than a ****
Then ofcourse there's the crackpot joker
Protected by madness and dry wit
Always avoiding the troubles
He's the candle that always stays lit
A posse of the beautiful ladies
Flaunt around the painted halls
Lipstick perfume and mothers mascara
While the hair flows like Niagra Falls
And finally the come the sportsmen
Who tower over the rest
They take physical activity so seriously
Cause they just want to be the best
A mention for the headmasters favourites
Who sit secretly in the armchair at home
Parents believe they're learning academics
But they watch This Morning and go for a roam
It makes you or it breaks you
The job that makes you cool or a fool
Nowhere to run in education
The nature of the beast that we call school
Anecandu Oct 2014
Kiss me quickly,
The force of your words, rush over me like Niagra falls,
I feel my mind floating beyond the stars,
Why didn't we a lifetime ago?
I savour heaven slow.

Don't walk away,
My lungs are empty without the winds of your words,
Am I absurd?
To love you like extension of myself
My little Elf, take me to the magic within us.
(20 minute poetry)

I could put a dollar on a horse's head,
but I choose not too,
life's not a gamble to gamble your way through,
true I could win
but I'm more likely to lose

'choose wisely'
the old gypsy told me
as I crossed her palm
with a silver coin.

Today's like a race,
four horses
a quarter the odds a place
but my heart's not in it
I am the starter so
no chance to win it

moving on
and yet each course
is the same one.

Leave it behind
and though blind
to the pitfalls
I won't fall.

The high wire makes
a liar of me and
Niagra's just another
river I must cross
silver in my hair.
Caroline Shank Oct 2019
We have ridden camels
in the Kalahari,
Flew Eagles over Canada,
walked across the Niagra.

We have boated up the
Nile and pierced the
catacombs of Rome.
We made love by the
red rock in Australia.

Our adventures overlap
We've spun the Sun and
tossed the moon,
walked on coals,
groomed gorillas and
climbed to Lhasa.

We were married in Tibet,
among the Chinese stalls,
made our way to India
and slept with tigers.

The planet swings
as we kiss, and spins
to the rhythm of Joy.

Caroline Shank
Big Virge Apr 2021
So... Which One Are You... ???
When It Comes To What You Do...

Are You One of The CALLED... ?
Or... One Who’s Part...
of The CHOSEN Few... ?!?

It’s A Really Good Question...
On Which To... CHEW... !!!

Because We Now Seem...

That They’re The GREATEST Thing...
Since We Had... MARVIN... !?!

A Man Who Was CHOSEN...
To Perform And SING... !!!

Just Like KING VIV...
When It Came To Batting... !!!
Because His Cricketing Gifts...
Were BEYOND Amazing... !!!

As Were... ALI’s...
When He BUCKLED Knees...
With Punching Speed...
That Was BEYOND Belief... !!!

You See...
The Chosen Have Potions...
Like... Poets In Motion...

While Most Are Just CALLED...
To Cause A COMMOTION... !!!

Because They Run MORE Talk...
Than... Walkers WALK... !!!
But The Talk That They Feed...
Is CHEAPER Than Cheap... !!!

So The Called Tend To Be...
A Breed That’s WEAK... !!!!!!!!!
Who Are MORE Like Sheep...

Than Humans Steeped In...
..... GREAT Qualities..... !!!

When You REALLY See...
How These People Be... !!!!!!!!

... UNABLE To Lead... !!!
So They Tend To FOLLOW...
And Do What They’re Told...
Because They’re HOLLOW...
When It Comes To Their Souls...

LOST... I Guess So... ?!?
When You Hear Their Quotes...
About... “ Who They Know “...

And The Places They Go...
Because They Are KNOWN... !!!

And The Number of **’s...
And Nowadays Blokes...
Who Give Up Their Holes... !!!
So That They Can Get CLOSE...
To Those CLAIMING To Be...
... CHOSEN To SUCCEED... !!!

When It Comes To Money...
... Raising Families...
And Of Course Being DEEMED...

As People Who...
Have Been CHOSEN To Do...

What It Is That They Do...
That Proves That They...
DESERVE To Be Named...
In... " Halls of FAME "... !!!

But Heres Some TRUTH...
That They WON’T Tell You... !!!

That The Called Are MANY...
AREN’T Those On Your Telly...

Because The CALLED Are...
... Quite SMELLY... !!!

Because They Get USED...
Just Like TAMPONS Do... !!!
While The CHOSEN Refuse...
To Link Up With Crews...
Who Get Things Confused...

When It Comes To The TRUTH...
About... Who Gets BROKEN...
Because They’re NOT Chosen... !!!

They’re Just CALLED To Be SEEN...
Until The Company They Keep...

Call Time On Them...
If They Choose To LET...
Things Get To Their Head... !!!

While The CHOSEN Present...
HIGH Levels of SENSE...
That Present GREATNESS... !!!

Whether Through Poems...
Or The Passing of Tests...

That Try To OFFEND...
And Make Them CALL...
For The Type of NONSENSE...

Because They Choose To REJECT...
... BASIC Common Sense... ?!?

That’s Right Women And Men...
Who Like To... PRETEND...
That They Are The BEST...

At EVERYTHING From ***...
To Cashing BIG Cheques...
And Having Knowledge...

Which When You CHECK...

Is Cos’ The Called IGNORE...
Higher Levels of Thought...
Because They’re CALLED...
And CHOSEN To FALL... !!!

Like NIAGRA Fa’ Sure... !!!

I Don’t Know Anymore... ?!?
If The Price of The Stalls...
Is Worth Paying For...
Just To See The... CALLED...

When They Run SO MUCH TALK...
That... CLEARLY Falls Short... !!!
of Them Being A FORCE...

That They’re One of The CHOSEN... !!!
And NOT ONE Who’s Just... “ Called “... !!!
It's a pretty good question ....
There will be a day when things fall apart ,
Super glue wont be able to fix them.
The day chocolate loses its power to comfort,
When Trevor Noah's jokes longer have the healing effect,
The day you'll sleep with the hope of waking up with amnesia.
When the nightmares become so vivid you start to believe they are real.
The day you realise your wish we'll never come true
because you made it upon an ordinary star.
The day when the yoke becomes too heavy you decide to let some skeletons out of the closet.

There will be a day when sorry doesn't have the power to restore,
When your smiles and laughs are consumed by the pain in your heart.
The day the jokes are no longer as funny but hurtful,
The day you decide to be physically present, mentally absent and emotionally detached,
when you shut the whole world out,
plug your headphones,
play music on loud.
The day the words "Bandaids cant fix bullet holes" actually make sense
The day you cry so hard even Niagra falls will sympathise with you.

But before that days comes when you are at your lowest point,
When you decide to let your confidence drop to the concrete,
When you decide to give way to the arrows life will throw at you,
Just remember the light at the end of a tunnel might be an oncoming train,
But in the morning the sun will  definitely shine.
Destiny Berry Mar 2019
your presence is the gust of wind brushing through tree tops.
the coolness in the air sends chills up and down my spine.
without thinking, my eyes close as i allow myself to fall into your embrace.

you possess power of a waterfall.
the 3,160 tons of water that pour over Niagra Falls each second
cannot compare to the roaringness of your voice.
taking my last breath, i cross my arms over my chest and jump the cliff.

my love for you overflows like rich, red wine in a glass
that has been poured by drunk and clumsy hands.

you are my nature.
you are a breath of fresh air; the cleanest, purest air.
you bring me peace and tranquility,
you ease my thoughts
and slower my heart rate.
for without you, i am not

- d.berry
LJW Apr 2021
The agony of love
can know nothing
of the blood
that spills
niagra style
out of my heart.

You are walking, I am walking;
We breathe in the same-exact-moment
We are both alive.

It is like my womb still holds us both
we are twins being warmed by the same pulsing beat of life.
Our skin is the same one made from the other.

I am following you,
seeking you,
my mind reaches for you.
c. April 7, 2021
Hanson Yang Feb 2018
Thinkin you hot in hip hop playing skip it in the summertime
Thinking when reading the dictionary out loud everytime when you state in dumber “rhymes”
Spittin lethal when you’d get abused by thought
And forget the fruited wisdom cuz you’re too confused with motts
Thinkin you flowin when you ******* in the niagra
With all that power you’d think that you created ******
Forget your lefty made bout, cuz your rhymes be played out
You couldn’t even hip hop right even if your left knee gave out
My women call me Mc claps that I’m “eatin prego”
Cuz you receive applause every enlightenment down when you’re getting thrown at eatin everything from off the floor when you’re gettin thrown at from every freakin tomato
I left mousetraps around your bed to prove that you bomb cheese
The next morning after I stole all the mousetraps offa your mom’s knees
You’re only hip hop when rats are attackin your feet
To have you rappin and dancin when evading death to abackin your feat
Dig out your eyeballs and glued them to my God-blue reeboks too so that you can see walk
Might as well morph in-to a dictionary verbalized so that you would be talk
Get your **** tatted with my rhymes so that you can beat mine
And ******* to a dictionary everytime elementary to see rhymes
Intent in poetry id is the only time when you can see mine
Your poetry is better than smoking potent sleeping powder
Your capacity growth is better than your open reading hour
You couldn’t roll with these punches only when you’re swingin on rollerblades
Nameless Sep 2014
I want to make a giant splash,

not just a couple ripples.

I'll leave people soaked and stunned

at what I have done, for the better of

our crazy world.

I want to create an ocean,

not a small puddle.

People will swim in my legacy,

and remember how I tried to be my best.

I will not be forgotten with time.

I want to be Niagra Falls,

not just a couple of raindrops.

People will stand in my glory,

and reach out a hand

just to feel all the good I try to do.

I want to be someone's sun,

not just another star.

I want to impact millions of lives

in the most positive way I can,

but wehen it comes to the people

that are nearest to my heart,

I want to shine brighter than anything

else in their world.

Even after I've passed away,

they'll still see and need me

for them to survive each day.
Cold blue water in the dead of night and fancy shows like the northern lights. Ice covered rails just add to the mystery of the international piece of history. We were walking through Flower gardens and Duffin's Island but a friendly squirrel took us on a flight to Dreamland.

We were eating falafel with Cleopatra something I didn't expect from a trip to Niagra. We traveled 4 short hours by car and met some pretty cool Canadians at the local bars. Paris Crepes we ate our fill but Doc McGillan's fed to ****.

It wasn't a physical trip around the world but a fun adventure to be unfurled. It's what I look forward to every year and just in case I am going to be crystal clear. I love going on an adventure with only you and spending all that time looking into your eyes so blue.

— The End —