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Mazen Edlibi Dec 2015
The whole universe can be embraced gently by my feelings ...
Broken Hearts are revived angelically through my breaths...
With happiness, feelings are fleeing from me through them and dwelling in their souls...
Reading a neglected papers...
Looking at those unknown writings...
Remembering all those moments from old memories...
From the PAST!
The only query raised, was....!!!!
Wasn't I unconsciously preparing myself for such transition!!!
Wasn't I growing older prior to my time to help my heart  to be more stronger!!
I'm unique by my Own!
I'm grounded among people!!!
My prayers are said in whispers.... To place order In chaos...
I'm labeled the Samurai!
I am with a mission of shedding light out of crap!
I'm mazen
Mazen Edlibi Mar 2016
You were not "Pain in the Axx!"
I was myself.....!
I was the person that not always seen!
I was myself....!
I was dancing with the Darkness of the Night!
Feeling the warmth of you when you are near me!
Feeling your hand squeezing hard, and I was smiling!
I was myself...!
Enjoying the company with excuses that makes you laugh loud!
"Seriously"..."Technically" I was Crazy, Little Mazen, Gentle!
I was thinking of those feelings around and inside me!
I felt the night and its corners...
I felt something in your eyes... I felt That Question!
"How on earth, you are not "Pain in Axx"?
I'm not... I want only to live simple life with no complication!
This is me!
For you My Little S.... Night Rider! :)
Mazen Edlibi Oct 2016
Without a further notice! She sneaks he way out into my tired Heart!
Without anymore will left for me! She hypnotized my guards and centered in the middle of my old Castle!
All my belongings became her! I became an alien in the center of my own soul!
I feel the urge to ask my Heart....What do you want?
What you will gain in letting her in?
Where do you want to end up with those emotions?
How do you imagine the chapter will be closed?

There is Urge!

The urge to run to nowhere and have that unseen peace!

That is the Urge!

Am I willing to leave The Maze!!!  Although my name is Mazen!!


Should I change my name?  Or.... my Heart?
Mazen Edlibi Oct 2016
I am Mazen...
A new Version of me is now here!
A Version that might confuse you!
A Version that might irritate you!
A Version that is worthy to feel it!
If I smiled...It is because I saw you!
If I smiled, while you are shouting.... It is because I understand you and feel you!
I won't change who I became....I won't Change the Version of who I am!
I will keep my Rescue You!

That is my Version!
Daan Jun 2019
Bedankt aan de schepper
van ondenkbare verwachtingen,
oninlosbare kleppers
van dromen die niemand kan bekomen
in het echt.

Och god, wat was het wreed
van jullie om mij dit te laten denken,
dit te laten lezen, mazen in de daden
kon ik zelf niet bewijzen, het schenken
van beladen hersenbeelden die te veel,
weelderig snel verveelden.

Ma echt merci voor romantiek in fictie
dat dat de laatsten mogen zijn die ik zie.
Die domme verleden Daan toch, wat een gekkerd.

— The End —