Eyes shut glancing into eternity
Monastically still in his own sadness.
Forever a cloud over his sun.
There is no foundation upon which to build.
Styx always flowing too fast to jump;
Life: too slow.
The eye, his eye, red from exhaustion & drought,
Algiz of the soul, inversed.
He has no apotheosis nor revelation of Godhood.
The golden light in his life,
dulled to a smoldering shadow,
could not be re-ignited.
Others smile without hesitation, nor lies.
Others' light: a golden fire.
There is no door out of life for the cowardly,
& no spark to rebirth the light.
A cold limbo, his.
The crushing weight of the world,
moste existential,
was also the dreadful crushing weight of existence for him.
Everyday, a labored breath of smoke drenched air.
Every lie, a cry for help he neither wanted nor deserved.
Walking blindly through the fog of existence.
Forever, forever...
Unto nothing, nihil, nothing...
CW: depression, anxiety, mental health, SUICIDE, mysticism.