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adeline Jun 11
you turn to a diety you abandoned long ago
you turn away from her
you love her
she loves you
she gets worse
so much worse

do you think
you could have saved her?
I do
that is not to say, however
that I blame you
adeline May 18
I try to avoid these feelings,
I've been running for years;
the silent killer of all my lovers.
I try to avoid these feelings
of inadequacy.

I'm in love, I'm sure.
and I think you're the same
but I know deep down you want someone more,
and I think you're starting to realize it too
punctuation is fun I should use it more
adeline May 2
simple conversations
that we can't keep straight
always bouncing off our ideas
suddenly you mention a future
spent together,

I can't wait
adeline Apr 4
you who are my dearest
i hate to see you distraut
yet i love to see you
and i love to kiss you

we both know the rules,
we cannot kiss today

you who are my closest
i hate to see you distraut
yet i love to see you
and watching you hold back
puts a pang in my heart
overjoyed to be near you
and sorry to put you in a situation
where you have to resist
adeline Mar 27
two lovers lie together
yet forever apart

the first loves her girl to the point where she bites
and in bed, watches her throughout all the nights

the second loves her girl in every conceivable way
and thinks of her all throughout the day

and though the pair are together,
they never are

for by watching throughout night
the first sleeps through the day

and leaves her lover waiting
adeline Mar 6
some kisses are romantic
I'd want to spend every hour
sharing them with you
adeline Feb 29
a single solemn rose
swaying by the breeze
the bouncing sound of your laugh
jumping up incrementally
laying in your arms
you in mine
that is bliss, I feel
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