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One dignity delays for all—
One mitred Afternoon—
None can avoid this purple—
None evade this Crown!

Coach, it insures, and footmen—
Chamber, and state, and throng—
Bells, also, in the village
As we ride grand along!

What dignified Attendants!
What service when we pause!
How loyally at parting
Their hundred hats they raise!

Her pomp surpassing ermine
When simple You, and I,
Present our meek escutheon
And claim the rank to die!
km Dec 2010
Contentment is the greatest evil in the human grab bag of emotions.
It’s born out of the head of ignorance,
it resides in the heart of the blind.
It manifests its evil doctrine of passiveness throughout the body,
until fully enslaved by inaction.
It turns agents into sun tanners,
activists into office workers,
outlaws into accountants.
It puts preservatives into culture, it laminates laws,
it places crowns on faceless leaders.
It slaps a smile across the *****, the beaten, the neglected,
the racially profiled.
It mutes news casts,
veils the homeless man that lives behind office buildings,
glorifies the paycheck.
It makes the walls of homes seem bullet, terror, bomb,
corruption, and death proof.
It allows sleep at night,
it kills the monsters under the bed and the ghosts in the closet.
It causes hundreds of thousands of suffering people to simply, disappear.
It insures, “birds like to be caged,”
and “pain is just part of the human condition.”
It whispers these misconceptions
like a priest insuring his congregation of the power of Jesus. Contentment, you see, corrupts the very concept of progress.
Progress is deemed by the million-pieces-of-paper-owners to be founded in terms of economy.
Progress is deemed by the people-who-stop-us-from-returning-to-state-of-nature to be founded in terms of control.
Progress has forgotten it’s maker,
just as dying old men forget that they were once bounced on a loving knee.
Contentment leaks from the Western world
and infects all those around it.
When you are no longer content
you will begin to see the holes in the patchwork of life,
and wonder how it was you hadn’t seen them before.
When you are no longer content, you will at last demand change.
May not be printed for other than home use.
O my Lord, long ago I accepted the idea
of being open and accepting of change.
My resistance was ultimately futile, when…
Salvation caused my life to be rearranged.

For my perspective was spiritually altered
and my heart was subtly humbled by You;
when ready, I sought after Your Kingdom,
knowing that I would remain in Your view.

Know that there can be joy in serving others,
which is complemented with learning opportunities;
depths of understanding can be accelerated,
for we’re taught to look differently and see…

the holy lessons Christ has intended for us!
Interactions with the Body of Christ may be hard,
since the religious honing of ‘iron against iron’
can leave one’s soul feeling dulled and scarred.

Spiritual maturity is an important aspect
in the development of faith that can’t be overblown;
for a real relationship with Christ insures that…
His Children are pushed - out of their comfort zone.
Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Matt 8:20, Prov 27:17 and the following commentary from Abraham Israel

At the same time when Jesus said, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” (Matt 8:20), it does not mean that Jesus described how poor He was to not even have a place to rest or buy a pillow and a mat to sleep. Instead Jesus used a figure of speech to convey to the certain scribe who came and said to Him, “Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go,” that when he wants to follow Jesus who does the will of God all the time according to heaven's instruction, then he has to forget about having a permanent place to sleep and a comfortable bed time. Implicitly Jesus was saying to that scribe who was very excited about following Jesus, that in the will of God, persecution might come and he will have flee from place to place, they might catch hold of him and bring him before kings and governors as a testimony for God, then from time to time food will not be placed in a table to be eaten and a time when no proper place to rest also might arise at certain times. And to another disciple who wanted to follow him, Jesus clearly expressed that in the will of God he might have to leave his father and mother and his fleshly family and relatives to go away to fulfill the will of God for his life. Sadly both of these above people did not follow Jesus further because they felt that the cost of the discipleship was great and that they were not able to leave their comfort zones.

But if we are thankful to God in the will of God with a gratitude for giving life as a gift to experience and not just hold on to our ****** comfort as the prime priority even above obeying the voice of God, then we will be very happy, joyful and content like the family above to experience heaven on earth again and again. Then we will also be followers of Jesus and his true disciples in the world as long as we are present. May God help us to be the true followers of Jesus!

Learn more about me and my poetry at:;=UTF8&qid;=1388058560&sr;=1-1&keywords;=reaching+towards+his+unbounded+glory

(Poem) By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2013, All rights reserved.

Of Paul and Silas it is said
There were in Prison laid
But when they went to take them out
They were not there instead.

Security the same insures
To our assaulted Minds—
The staple must be optional
That an Immortal binds.

I cannot see my soul but know ’tis there
Nor ever saw his house nor furniture,
Who has invited me with him to dwell;
But a confiding guest consult as well,
What raiment honor him the most,
That I be adequately dressed,
For he insures to none
Lest men specified adorn
Procuring him perpetual drest
By dating it a sudden feast.
Something great is happening for me,
regardless of the situations I see;
my Lord is working behind the scene
and I have been spiritually weaned.

Walking by faith and not by sight,
insures that I sleep well at night.
Happily I enter daily into His rest,
knowing that I’m divinely blessed.

I’m often filled with peace and joy,
when sacred Scriptures are employed;
with a heart of a believer’s trust,
I overcome the pain of being concussed

in all aspects of my humble existence.
Despite hardship, I’m going the distance.
Elevating faith with a spiritual upgrade,
I pray with confidence- having been swayed

by the absolute Truth of God’s holy Word.
With a poetic voice, my soul is spurred
to write Christian verses unto my Lord,
as His strength, from my spirit is poured.
Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Mark 9:23; Acts 16:31; Jam 2:23;
Rom 15:13; Heb 4:3; John 11:40

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.
Clive May 2013
It is not to my surprise
That people find comfort in lies
When a soldier steps on a mine
His brother comforts, you'll be just fine

We all take part in some deception
Another perfect picture for my public collection
Do not worry about the lies you tell someone else
You better be careful with the lies you tell yourself

Covering your eyes does not inspire change
Pushing away your problems insures you stay the same
In truth, we are all walking on designated land mines
Waiting.... for the right person at the wrong time

I'll start my diet tomorrow!
Heart attack, a wife gripped by sorrow
I'm as happy as can be!
A life lived in comfortable misery

I'll tell her I love her later!
On his final bed, knows of no regret greater
You fool, you should have known better!
Did you really think moments last forever?
Here you lay, wishing you could have those moments back
Struggling and fighting against the suffocating bl-

It is to my surprise
That people find comfort in lies
We all become the right person at the wrong time
What am I saying? Never mind, You'll be just fine
John F McCullagh Jul 2015
In meadows, rich with clover, I have seen them here before;
those industrious little creatures at their pollinating chore.
Now the land is strangely silent, was Rachel Carson right?
Are we killing all the bumblebees? Have they made their final flight?
There are those who point to climate change as the source of all our pain.
If the bumble bee is dying, it is heat stress that’s to blame.
Others theorize a virus as the cause of their demise;
an illness ravaging the hives and emptying our skies.
I even heard one scientist make the hypothesis
that our overuse of cell phones is the cause of all of this.

Could it be that our usage of glyphosate is to blame;
As GMO spreads on our fields, our crops are not the same.
Monsanto is an Agri-Corp with bought friends in D.C.;
A “friendly Legislature insures profitability.
The F.D.A. is slow to act; Congress drafts obstructive laws.
It seems to me, just possibly, they already know the cause.
Monsanto is a large chemical corporation that promotes the use of genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) that are modified to allow the crops to grow and tolerate Monsanto’s pesticide called Round Up™ which contains glyphosate.  The effect of this chemical in the environment and in the human population has not been well studied. Both Humans and bumble bees are essentially made lab animals in an uncontrolled study.
The plight of the bumble bee may be due to more than one cause, but their demise could prove catastrophic for our food supply and should be a major concern.
I don’t know what to do anymore?
Where do I go when no matter where I turn I disappoint someone?
I hurt someone?
I just want to be happy.
I just want to be content and safe.
Why is it handed so easily to those who take it for granted?
I wanna wake up in the morning and wonder what good lies ahead instead of fearing what shoe is left to fall today.
Im tired of always having to prepare myself for the bad to come and to be the one to pick up the pieces.
For once I wanna be the irresponsible one who gets to wreak havoc and not suffer any consequences.
I don’t wanna worry about failing.
About disappointing.
I fear the happiness I crave so badly.
Happiness for me never brings anything but double the madness I already had before.
The madness that ensues always insures that I regret that shred of happiness I felt just that blink before.
A blink.
That’s all it ever seems to be.
I look around and see happy little families wander around all day.
I help to create the memory that 20 years from now just may end up to be one of the most cherished memories of said family.
Meanwhile I look out at them with rage, jealousy, lust, envy, and most of all sadness.
Once upon a time that was my family.
If I had only known then what I know now I would have closed myself off to the happiness.
Why is it no matter how hard I try its not good enough.
Im not good enough.
I want such simple things in life.
A family to call my own.
To cherish and preserve the way I wish those around me would have cherished and most of all preserved mine when I was younger.
To feel safe, warm, and content.
To feel like I made something of myself.
Something to be proud of.
Something those around me could be proud of.
Meanwhile there are a million people in life handed these opportunities and waste them.
Take them for granted, wishing it all away.
Never knowing how suffocating what they are wishing for feels or how lucky and valuable what they are wishing away is.
Never realizing how much they should be cherishing the security they have been granted is.a
Oh well I know im doing the best I can.
Question is is it enough to get me to where I wanna be or am I doomed to repeat this cycle over and over again?
And if that may be the case will I ever figure out what I did to deserve such cruelty?
Unexpected trials experienced in Life,
reveal the paths of Faith in each day;
purification of your soul by holy fire
insures useless stubble is burned away.

When giving yourself completely to Him,
the unholiness of the World can be shed;
consume God’s Word vigorously and often,
so that Biblical ideals fill your head.

Without His Godly wisdom and knowledge,
spiritual battles are normally difficult;
learn from the former lessons of others
to reduce the trauma of personal tumult.

From being able to walk through the fire,
your faith can exponentially soar higher.
Author Notes

Inspired by:
1 Pet 4:12-13; Prov 4:6-7

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
O Lord, I know and see that I’m powerless
to fight against circumstance’s mountain;
meet needs; anoint me with oils of gladness
as those, who mourn -before God in Zion-.

Rest Your mantle of praise upon me now;
allow me to recuperate my strength and sing
mightily of Your goodness, grace and mercy.
For You alone, dominate my heart’s strings

with the knowledge of the scarlet thread,
that binds my Life’s existence to You;
enlighten my spirit with more of Your Truth,
insuring that enemy traps… I will eschew.

Give me ‘beauty for ashes’, soon and suddenly;
from my sadness and hurt, I will have victory!
I will never possess a spirit of fainting,
since I’m His child, on a spiritual trajectory

that insures my ability to overcome troubles.
Avoiding bitterness from my experiences of pain,
I’ve felt the healing force my soul required-
found alone in the power… of His Holy Name!
Author Notes

Inspired by:
Isa 61

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
In my darkest moments, O Lord,
You are the illumination I need;
the lamp of Thy Holy Word glows
with Your Truth and I concede

the value of Your principles.
Despite my feelings, emotions
and thoughts, I’m still assured
that I can raise my perception

to conform to Your high standard.
Your soft Light, easily penetrates
the darkest moments of my life;
the narrow path, leads me straight

to You and Your unending Love.
Therefore, I’ll trust Your Word;
storing it within my heart insures
that my spirit will remain stirred.
Author notes

Inspired by:
2 Sam 22:29; John 8:12

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
Brent Kincaid Dec 2015
Fame is a kind of addiction.
It can be a lethal condition
If taken with no restriction
Real life succumbs to fiction.

Elvis took too much stuff.
Janis fell for too much guff.
Jimi didn’t quit soon enough.
Morrison had to act tough.

It was all about being a star
Instead of being what you are.
Life is not a big expensive car
It’s what you have done so far.

Becoming a famous insufferable,
And ordinarily unapproachable,
Can make behavior intolerable
Rendering you reprehensible.

They turned away with a shrug
Went back to a favorite drug
Left a dead body for others to lug;
Their fame swept under a rug.

The pretty face won’t protect you
No matter how often they inject you.
In time your fans will neglect you
But the coroner won’t reject you.

The star insures that his crew,
Let him do what he wants to do.
Refuse him and you’re through
The star has no use for what’s true.
Joseph A Belli Mar 2010
You are all the good in me.
Perhaps this prompts my distance.
The Fear of falling in love,
Then falling apart,
Insures a comfortable indifference.
While hearts slip further into absistence.
You always kept me away,
While slowly drawing me in.
I've heard all you have to say,
Now I beg, "Please tell me once again."
Your voice,
Our touch,
Your joy,
Our lust.
If you must know,
Why it is I dance so much,
The future is in question and only few I still trust..
© J.Belli 2008.. Critique, Help me become a better writer..
Michael Marchese Oct 2016
Your soul not worth its weight in gold
Your lust devalues love within
Your pulse is thawing asset slush
Your greed decays my crawling skin

Your pools of excess no one needs
Your reigns of power crash on stock
Your floods of wealth they trickle down
Your drowning debt's my doomsday clock

Your mass consumption starves our dreams
Your trade deals drain our wishing well
Your tax breaks crush our frailest hopes
Your free market's my prison sell

Your loans are predatory sharks
Your health plan is a ponzi scheme
Your advertisements bleed me dry
Your credit card's my guillotine

Your profit's my minimum cage
Your cost of life insures my death
Your wage, my concentration camp
Your price tag's on my final breath
My soul prospers, regardless of my financial state;
my blessings come from God; upon Him, I willingly wait.

Constantly meditating on The Word, gives me peace,
since I recognize… that the Lord’s promises never cease.

When perceiving what issues are really important,
insures that I remain happy and thoroughly content.

El Shaddai, my God, of more than enough,
has nothing to do with me having more stuff.

Jehovah meets all of my needs abundantly,
especially when I honestly open my eyes and see…

that He continues to love me unconditionally!
And it’s my privilege, to trust Him completely.

My faith is far from a fake and fanciful whim,
seeing that my spirit is in alignment with Him.

With divine access to the “mind of Christ”,
I’m reenergized to appreciate His eternal life.

Although common events of life are not inevitable,
my approach will always remain… emotionally stable.
Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
John 14:27; 3 John 1:2; Phil 4:13

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2013, All rights reserved.
LL Lupe Jan 2015
Whatever it is, Regardless if right.
I know in my heart it will be alright.
Mellow at ease and high strung from above.
Adonis? Coeus? Aidos? Which one? Which one!

Heavens forbid we know I'm the Lupy one...

Why can't I figure out his inner soul and ways.
This god is a tricky one and I'm getting my play.
I swear my grief and distress will be no trouble to you.
For I'm falling in love with him and there's nothing I can do.

Time we have, but not too much more please!?
Is he my keeper or destroyer, when will I see?
Whatever this is, whatever the might.
The way that he held me that night insures its alright.

Alright my love, here its goes.
Am I digging my own grave?
Or building up our castle stones?
In through the mouth and out through the nose.

O God like one, is it love or just a show from above?
The squishy adaptability
Of my memory foam pillow
Insures that the side of my face is
Properly buried
The feel of scraggly whiskers
Pulled roughly across the cotton
Yanking gently the baby skin of my face
So I do feel something
Bryar's "Sinking of the Titanic"
Colors the air in the room
A timbre of melancholy
That effortlessly fills every square inch
From floor to ceiling
Tires our eyes, so heavy the forehead
So close to sleeping
So soon to seeing
That big fateful iceberg
Plenty of time to disappear into
Soft carpets and secret rooms
They're only purpose
To lull me to the paradise of sleep
After they explain to me how I got this old
Sometimes I don't mind
Other times they stink of death
SE Reimer Nov 2015

"paper or plastic?"
she asks as i stand;
her chatter, all
friend-like... warms
my heart while she scans,
and insures i’m a fan.
i reach for my jeans
and draw from my pocket,
my wallet falls open
(it's lost all elastic),
no green in its folds
cuz my wife got there first,
"guess this time i will
be paying with plastic."

"paper or plastic?"
my answer he asks,
my groceries all scanned
’cross the checkout counter,
in disarray they lie waiting,
for the next stop, my home;
but the trip to my car
at the end of the lot,
and the slamming of brakes
to bring my car to a stop,
yeah, that bag better hold!
"i think it is best...
do you mind if i ask
for a little of both?"

"paper or plastic?"
she asks with a smile!
the look on her face
does not beguile
the dance of her eyes,
as our food she prepares;
a feast for the palate
this Saturday’s eve.
my reply, unexpected,
off my tongue rolls,
with such ease...
“this ain’t no diner, love!
thanks, but no thanks,
i’d prefer china... please!"


*post script.

a fun one that has been tumbling around inside this silly head for months, just dying to come out. enjoy this, yet another glimpse ’neath the covers of this ADHD mind!!
OnlyEggy Apr 2010
So beautiful the sound
of the slap
as its pain insures
the existence of life

So beautiful the sound
of the screams
as its breaths explain
the pains of life

So beautiful the sound
of the cries
as its echos
breathe for a new life

So beautiful the sound
of the sobs
of the new mother
echoing in joy of her newborn's life
Another Insomniac Poem- From Tough Guys Wear Pink
Impeding the loving flow of the Holy Spirit,
can cause your peace to be accidentally lost;
without the proper atmosphere in your life,
is there success when picking up your cross?

With the Spirit’s sensitivity, He knows
the inner workings of your motivations;
do you believe that a show of gratitude
will masquerade any sin-based deceptions?

We need to create and maintain each day
a spiritually-conducive ambiance for Him;
one that is naturally peaceful and loving,
whereby your soul is stirred with new hymns.

Are you sincerely allowing the Holy Spirit
to divinely set your underlying heart-tone
for each and every aspect of your lifestyle,
whether it’s: at work, play or rest at home?

Having a genuine fellowship with Him insures
that you’re not living life as an emergency;
yet His manifest presence helps you to live…
victoriously with a sense of sacred urgency.

Remember that you’ve been secured by Christ
for the approaching day of final redemption,
which is deliverance from sin’s consequences
(from accepting His holy gift of Salvation).

Where can you hope or expect to really go,
when carnal actions are limiting His flow?
Author Notes

Loosely based on:
Eph 4:17-32; 1 Pet 1:3-5

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.
As the missiles speed to their target
A sense of panic sets in and takes hold
Where are the cameras?
They've captured almost all of me
Now I'd better give them the rest before it's too late
(What are you doing? Put your pants back on)
The weight of fear slams me to the mat
Bathed by a strange rust tinted hue
Desperately screaming incoherent repentance
Held down by strong arms I feel the bee sting my leg
Within seconds I've given up
Paul McCartney lyrics fill my head
As I walk through the gates of heaven
Where absence of time insures I won't remember a thing
When I wake up
Dondaycee Feb 2018
If this reality is a ticking bomb,
I want to attend an event or two,
Invest in some psychedelics and ignore the fact that the rent is due,
Because I’d rather be dancing with strangers when the news alerts are stressing danger,
Anger building, what’s stranger,
How we Millennials are living?
Or how our species is killing one another because of the problems we’re giving?
Give in, some do,
Energy failed to transmute,
Give give, we all win,
Sharing is something we can do,
A positive wave increasing happiness,
A happening that can’t lose,
This is a culture in the electric land with crowds you gotta dance through,
Where different journeys are happening and strangers become friends to,
People stumble across these golden tickets for a reason,
Coincidence is another word for festival season,
I call it magic, energies throughout the universe uniting souls, there’s meaning,
In meeting a person and together you’re leaving,
Enjoying the company of one another in an intended set,
Screaming, releasing a burst of energy that emerged when you first met,
A soul that was a perfect mate, enjoying the moment, feeling the words that are never said,
Thankful for the problems that pushed you to a time in space that may or may not result in regret,
Far from home,
Hard alone because the energy of love feels like ***,
A thought occurs, “what’s next?”
And you tell yourself regardless you’re giving it your best,
Afterwards you forget this promise,
Until a few months later you’re under the lights again remembering that everything was a test,
And you hold your chest because you want it to last,
The feeling just feels right,
For me a tear may shed,
Because everyday I feel dead, and it takes two nights to reiterate real life,
That’s real light, I occasionally need healing after dealing with my people’s illness,
Putting myself in harms way, so that my loved ones are safe, and our potential as a species is unraveling it’s brilliance,
Resilience, a natural cycle bringing forth dormant abilities,
Because we forgot our connection,
This species and it’s hostility, must change in the name of love, must provide more service and protection,
Pretty woman, pretty woman, that danced in the dark,
I pray that you’re never neglected,
Me being a man, I understand what it’s like to be rejected,
I hope my love insures a shield that falls when respected,
This energy is constantly directed, I just hope you accept it,
So that your feet are never affected, I just hope you’re accepted,
When you reflected it was two I detected, a cognitive thing,
Whatever I expected, it was that and the opposite thing,
Evocative name, because this feels familiar,
If life is a bootleg movie, this scene is clearer, clarity,
On a higher level of consciousness we scripted this picture, familiarity is validation for conspiracy,
A plot in time as a sign that the divine is near,
On this conscious level I constructed a gift at the end of time to ensure that your Chakras are cleared and that there’s nothing to fear,
Because you freed me from anger, in fact you made me feel free,
I felt like Mario, because I was hesitant to kiss,
That thought I’ll dismiss, because it’s probably just me,
I came to escape, you taught me somethings are just hard to digest,
Twenty-four hours later: On shrooms
I’m trying to escape, these thoughts are killing me, I’m going to die next,
I had to let go of love again,
It’s not healthy to love a friend,
Loving never gave me a home,
But I found peace in this climate,
I found me in silence, and a dream in your eyes Miss,
It seem like surprises when my eye’s lift,
They call it an awakening,
Thankful for my intuition persuading me,
To take chances, ***** dances that I decided,
I’m holding on to a memory of a vision,
I know I’m in a perfect position,
For it to manifest into reality if I listen,
I have to make a decision and finish the mission,
I know I’ll soon be with my love, before time ticks out, and I shift into the fifth dimension.
jeffrey robin Oct 2015

She was wearing a shabby red dress

Her disheveled state emited a sense of
Raw sexuality

But one in which you might not want to be involved

Her **** were loose and alive

And every now and then her eyes would just
Light up for no apparent reason


Then I noticed a book of poems she was carrying

And I was most perplexed


I was going to say something but I could tell she wanted to
Be left alone


But later

She came up to me and started talking


She didn't at all mention it

But I did ask if she had a place to stay

And she sort of said no

And I sort of invited her to stay at my place

And she kinda said okay


So ,,, (?)



She stayed about 3 months

We got real close

And I thought quite highly of her

VERY idealistic

Trying to do the impossible

( but if there were more like her .... (?) )

Her fierce pride in her humanity !

Her universal love !

Her gentle Humble grace !


Then she was gone


I mean we still see each other around

But there is no claim of something

Ever there


I kinda like it

This  communion with no attachment


And seeing her from a great distance

Insures that i see all of her

And visa versa


I try not to look at her in the. OLD WAY

( that she is some sort of CAPITALISTIC




So there are no common words

To describe us


Something will happened and it will be good

Is all I know


It is funny

I never knew love

Was do full of love

In and of itself

and all
I can say is

That it is a very good thing to know

My heart would be remiss,
Neglectful to dismiss,
Significant events which have occurred,
On Tuesday of last week,
Our boldness passed the meek,
And intimate proclivities concurred.

Platonic in the past,
Strong feelings have amassed,
Forevermore each other we will share,
Acknowledged here and now,
Concurrent with a vow,
To treat your heart with love, respect, and care.

Though prematurely had,
Inclined to make you sad,
Imploring you to tender your refrain,
I hope you rest assured,
The truth behind my word,
Insures your choice will never be in vain.

Michael Dane Stone
Gorba Jul 2020
It’s hard to properly appreciate true bits of happiness
Without ever experiencing the slightest glimpse of sadness
How can we know what love is about if we have no idea about hate?
Sometimes a lie is what’s most appropriate
Is normal rather defined by what it is or what it’s not?
We have to **** cells to perform a western blot
It is a necessity to go down to have the opportunity to rebound
Shadow is visual proof that light is around
And provides a salutary breath of cool air when the heat pounds
A crash only means that you’ve taken off
If we had everything we would have nothing to dream of
If we knew everything, we would never be surprised
To lose control is to let chance unsupervised
To clear the path for the unexpected and close the door to a fate previously crystallized
Being far from loved ones, triggers a withdrawal sensation that brings us closer
The ability to feel pain is what keeps us away from fire
And stress, away from immediate danger
Rain always precedes the rainbow that later illuminates the sky
And without it our environment would be nothing but dry
The fever is a weapon to fight infection
Fatigue, a sign of determination

Who’s ever learnt anything without making any mistakes?
Who’s ever achieved something without failures?
Who’s ever gotten better by winning easy fights?

Getting hit repeatedly is an ineluctable feature of any victorious crew
Cell death shapes us and insures overall maintenance
Being vulnerable is a requirement of every single romance
Painstakingly climbing a “cloud-scratching” hill is the price to pay for a breathtaking view
A major crisis can help us reconsider our centuries old perspectives
One of the worst mass extinctions is the solely reason why we exist
Sharing our world with flying dinosaurs that sing in the morning

Living in a world full of relative paradoxes is our most valuable blessing
It gives us the wonderful gift of being able to make a decisive choice
Between being trapped powerless or considering the silver lining
Suffering in silence or releasing tension loudly and eventually rejoice.
What are the benefits of a land patent?
The land cannot be foreclosed upon.
The land cannot be taxed.
The land cannot be claim-
ed by a third party.
The government
cannot en-
cumber the land
through legislation.
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2023
******* of silence
leather clad temptress
enchaining the moment
in ******* allured     

Her fear but a prison  
of far away soundings
and seraphic voices
—the future insures   

(Dreamsleep: August, 2023)

— The End —