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Raygan Emma Jane Mar 2019
He whispers scintillate
A ray of light
Look up and see that no one shines the same
He asks if I know that out there in the ether
There is a million people
And then there is me
Globule vivific and
Population statistics
A million and one he says
He speaks to me
Lately there’s been a ghost under his covers
Wrapped up in pale sheets under the twilight glow
I watch from his window
Towering a million miles high
I beg to reach out to shake his frame loose
The ghost in your bed belongs to my body
The friction of skin against cotton sheets
Cant you see my spark
This is for Jane Taylor and someone who has made me feel more like myself than I have in awhile.

I have a universe of feelings inside my small body
Daniello Mar 2012
We lived briefly outside and at once
all of our one lives one innocuous evening.
I think it must’ve been a round ten.  
We’d gone, really and already, in every sense,
a-stoop-smoking to clear the air of Murakami
and his personal identity. I guess we knew
we’d end up breathing significantly
before time came to shepherd us back in.

On the stoop, aglow in rosewood smoke,
in the streaked light of our chosen nostalgia
and strawberry hope, we pointed to things
we really saw—everything—pressing their
dimensions sharp through the buttery plaster
of our personal identities, like certain words
I happened to glimpse, in and out of Murakami.

I was startled when a car cut through the viscous
street in front of me like a hand underneath a piece
of cloth. It bent still shadows around a perfect
globule of movement and returned each to rest
only after each of its past moments had passed.

That’s when I saw my smoke trail slowly leave me,
unapologetically, heading across the invisible prairie
on its horses to drink by the bending river in the street.
It asked me if I knew, now, why I should come along.

I pointed and asked: What was that I just saw?
There by the street. What was that?
Oh, that was just
antlers on a fire truck this past Wednesday.
I don’t understand.
Of course you don’t. You won’t remember I said it.
Then why’d you say it?
To remind you you’ll forget.
Oh, I see. Thank you, then. I was about to
forget I’d forget. Now I know
I never will.
‘You know Orion always comes up sideways.
Throwing a leg up over our fence of mountains,
And rising on his hands, he looks in on me
Busy outdoors by lantern-light with something
I should have done by daylight, and indeed,
After the ground is frozen, I should have done
Before it froze, and a gust flings a handful
Of waste leaves at my smoky lantern chimney
To make fun of my way of doing things,
Or else fun of Orion’s having caught me.
Has a man, I should like to ask, no rights
These forces are obliged to pay respect to?’
So Brad McLaughlin mingled reckless talk
Of heavenly stars with hugger-mugger farming,
Till having failed at hugger-mugger farming
He burned his house down for the fire insurance
And spent the proceeds on a telescope
To satisfy a lifelong curiosity
About our place among the infinities.

‘What do you want with one of those blame things?’
I asked him well beforehand. ‘Don’t you get one!’

‘Don’t call it blamed; there isn’t anything
More blameless in the sense of being less
A weapon in our human fight,’ he said.
‘I’ll have one if I sell my farm to buy it.’
There where he moved the rocks to plow the ground
And plowed between the rocks he couldn’t move,
Few farms changed hands; so rather than spend years
Trying to sell his farm and then not selling,
He burned his house down for the fire insurance
And bought the telescope with what it came to.
He had been heard to say by several:
‘The best thing that we’re put here for’s to see;
The strongest thing that’s given us to see with’s
A telescope. Someone in every town
Seems to me owes it to the town to keep one.
In Littleton it might as well be me.’
After such loose talk it was no surprise
When he did what he did and burned his house down.

Mean laughter went about the town that day
To let him know we weren’t the least imposed on,
And he could wait—we’d see to him tomorrow.
But the first thing next morning we reflected
If one by one we counted people out
For the least sin, it wouldn’t take us long
To get so we had no one left to live with.
For to be social is to be forgiving.
Our thief, the one who does our stealing from us,
We don’t cut off from coming to church suppers,
But what we miss we go to him and ask for.
He promptly gives it back, that is if still
Uneaten, unworn out, or undisposed of.
It wouldn’t do to be too ******* Brad
About his telescope. Beyond the age
Of being given one for Christmas gift,
He had to take the best way he knew how
To find himself in one. Well, all we said was
He took a strange thing to be roguish over.
Some sympathy was wasted on the house,
A good old-timer dating back along;
But a house isn’t sentient; the house
Didn’t feel anything. And if it did,
Why not regard it as a sacrifice,
And an old-fashioned sacrifice by fire,
Instead of a new-fashioned one at auction?

Out of a house and so out of a farm
At one stroke (of a match), Brad had to turn
To earn a living on the Concord railroad,
As under-ticket-agent at a station
Where his job, when he wasn’t selling tickets,
Was setting out, up track and down, not plants
As on a farm, but planets, evening stars
That varied in their hue from red to green.

He got a good glass for six hundred dollars.
His new job gave him leisure for stargazing.
Often he bid me come and have a look
Up the brass barrel, velvet black inside,
At a star quaking in the other end.
I recollect a night of broken clouds
And underfoot snow melted down to ice,
And melting further in the wind to mud.
Bradford and I had out the telescope.
We spread our two legs as we spread its three,
Pointed our thoughts the way we pointed it,
And standing at our leisure till the day broke,
Said some of the best things we ever said.
That telescope was christened the Star-Splitter,
Because it didn’t do a thing but split
A star in two or three, the way you split
A globule of quicksilver in your hand
With one stroke of your finger in the middle.
It’s a star-splitter if there ever was one,
And ought to do some good if splitting stars
‘Sa thing to be compared with splitting wood.

We’ve looked and looked, but after all where are we?
Do we know any better where we are,
And how it stands between the night tonight
And a man with a smoky lantern chimney?
How different from the way it ever stood?
Snehith Kumbla May 2016
words are wasted darling,
can't add an alphabet more...  

but make o's of your lips,  
measure the girth of your hips,  
tease the buds of thy nips,  
sip honey, lick nectar,  

fork a tongue into you,  
pierce your insides,  
twist your wild hair
around me,  
bolt love,  
blindfold you,  

warm your ******* to
the incandescence
of the moon,  

nibble your ear ends,  
step away a moment,  
gaze at your island body  
your shy fluidity,  

watch you bathe
in candlelight,  
catch every
running drop
off you,  
every globule,  

wrap you up,  
unknot you,  
tie your hands together,  
feed you a smear
of chocolate,  
seat you
on a chair,  
eat off you,  

days and nights shall embrace us,  
seasons weave a cocoon,  
ice slide down our bodies  
and I shall make love to you,

and now as I utter  
these little strands
in whispers,  
I am here entwined to you,  

I promised to read out these lines  
if I ever make love to you,  

now that the words
are in communion,  
let us dearest,
bid them adieu
i was late
through no fault of my own
at least
that's what i tell myself
just one of those occasions
where try as you might
the universe won't allow you
to leave on time
standing at the threshold
one final pat of pockets
to check i had
all that i needed
looking up
to gauge the need
for coat or umbrella
i witness
an inhumane globule
of avian faeces
viscous and creamy
in colour and consistency
exploding upon the path
two steps ahead of me
i see no sign
of the culprit
hearing only its cacophony
of enjoyment
or maybe disappointment
into the distance
Valsa George Jun 2021
as their eyes met,
sparks of love
emotions swelled,
passions surged

like a well
full to the brim
a tear drop
in her eyes

cutting across
the borders,
it slithered down
her creamy cheek


a freshly formed
globule of dew,
into zillion
rays of light,
a zillion wavelets
of joy

she turned
into a forest aflame
a river in spate!
Meagan Moore Feb 2014
“How can I get you to go down on me,”
he asked, without preamble.
His voice, nervous,
laced with strength
hums through her form,
a tatting of ***.

She moves her entire form
Across the room
pushing solar plexus
With index finger
The wingback chair collecting
His form – assuaging her intent.

Retreating nine steps
To gather
Her acumen in dripping her clothes off
Adroit pivot
portent gaze
exteroception - engaged

His exhale
executed succinctly in shallow lung
puckered alveoli - clenched
resonates as her own.

Pearls scooped catatonic
atop lingering breast ascension - alone
Remain –
Summoning brine.

She tastes his pulse
Derma puckering sweat globules
Redolent aeriform vapor corpuscles
declaring his need.

Fingers supporting her upper weight
she glides - crawling
pressing half inch spurs into the carpet

Lackadaisical dactyl dance
muscle calf to thigh
Invoking listless leg drape

Warm breath – rendered
Upon knee cap parallel
Framing shoulders

Engorging - in aching silence
Pulse thick, wrought in shaft


She flicks the button
From slit fabric recess
Cupping palms under thigh,
She renders garment to puddle

half-in – half-out
chthonic shaft to palette

Sliding exhale
to mound
lax jaw
Iris entreats -
narrowed corneal withdrawal

Oblong lip array surrounds
Supping the creamy, coppery,
Smoky, saline inoculation.

Latent dribble invokes tongue
Furl about lip cusp
Absorbing globule
Into slaked smile.
DAVID Dec 2015


Matt Proctor Feb 2014
"Make as many mistakes as you can as fast as possible"

Some kids found their rooms:
Math room pizza parties for those held in place by statistics,
four mirrored walls where the strong bodied press iron into muscle,
a tiny box for the "Special" broken off, hidden from the general population.
Those who went to the art room followed the music:
Stacks of scratched mix cds labelled with magic marker,
curated directly from fresh teenage hearts
hearts learning to become sound and paint in Doc's Art II class,
They sketch, carve, snack and chat.
The only room where students are allowed
to talk all period and pencils work to produce souls
instead of information.
There, the ineffable takes shape, in papier-mache,
macaroni or glitter.

Here are the kids who know how
to make mistakes. Perched on stools,
napping on the couch in the back,
the duds, the nerds, building things, hanging out,
shaving sculptures into their scalps. Their minds escaping
in paint-smear, light and earth, generating amorphous blobs,
new species of globule bacteria squirming across a slide of canvas,
things laid under the microscope, not for interrogation,
but for companionship. Not for scrutiny,
but for curiosity.
They reach no understanding with the world through movement
or the way the colors talk
to each other, they only reanimate the confusion into something
they can be friendly with.
Visions surface from the blank stare
of a white page.
They know how to get rid of that white;
just start getting it *****.
Eventually it begins to look like something

Nate starts new genres every class
though he plays no instrument: oi-punk, ska-core, pinhead blues.
Corban and Chip engineer robots
from their dad's junked wiper blades and orphaned gadgetry.
Quiet Jennifer looks
into the peeled aperture of her camera.
Golden Nick sketches always,
scoring every conversation with his etching.
Eyes cast aloof
from what everyone else is trained to see,
they stare into the discouraged hallucinations.
Unable to convince themselves the visions aren't there,
they exorcise them through messes of paint, wavering clay,
kilns burning mud into permanent shape. Splotched
mistakes arch gracefully into unforeseen purposes, the erroneous made integral.
What is discarded or shamed in other rooms is here followed with curiosity,
rescued and incorporated into a perfectly rendered mess
of liquid. The rejected is what is, what becomes.
Here, kids let their hearts out, casually, without explanation,
like red paint from a shiny new tube.
My heart, can't everybody see it? It's up there on the wall, collaged out of glue-stick
and diced magazine scrap.
It doesn't have to be clarified in the desperate pomp
of a poem or the insipid glitz of jazz hands. Put on the run by the logical requests
of Spanish teachers, they can relax here,
and so they are real, and so they are different.

As adults, they still use what they learned there. I watch them. They are my friends;
bartenders or line cooks or nurses or clerks, their basements cluttered
with bric-a-brac, creative purchases, bought not out of necessity,
but because they explode the room into life:
A creek painting amended with a rhinestone deer cutout,
the orange booth of a defunct bowling alley,
Happy Meal mascots leftover from obsolete Saturday mornings.
Their dens are hung with 4th grade prize-winners, Governor's Show picks,
a woodcarving of an eagle so ugly only a Mom could keep it hung
on her bathroom wall for thirty years.
Exacto knives and staedtler erasers point
from Warhol coffee cups on drafting tables,
T-Squares and light boxes are dragged through a gamut of low-rent apartments.

Maybe in the cupboard, maybe out in the garage,
a box lies closed
but not empty,
filled with crinkled tubes
of hardened oil, a palette stained
with a multifarious rash of colors,
a forest of stiffened brushes growing
from a ceramic ashtray.
Every now and then they put a record on,
pull this box out, open it
and again, with a little insistence,
the colors come flowing.
Art, Poetry, High School, Creativity, Nerds, Outcasts, Painting
Ted Scheck Oct 2013
Time is the biggest
Word of All.
It lamely, gamely
Tries to act like
Olympus Mons,
That Great Mars Mountain,
Thunder-towering three times
Mightier and Grander than
Our Nepalise Everest.
(Or so the
Philosophers hope)

Time seems so looming,
So enlongated, stretching
Summer-like, back when
Summer was more than six
Measly weeks long;
Time is measured, and sweet,
Like sugar,
Being with the one we love
When time seems to slow,
To languish, like the non-
Breezy lassitude winds
That the sails of ships
Hate most of all.

But when the one we
Love, like, tolerate;
Are indifferent toward,
And absence does not make
The bitter water leaking
Out of our eyes,
Brows furrowed in visible
Pain, Time
Becomes a different
Breed of beast;
Time is salt, bitter, hard,
Crystalline, sharp-edged,
Not a poultice, nor a
Salve, but fresh seawater
Reigning down upon the
Open wounds of our broken,
Shattered hearts.
Each intake of breath
Like glass poking
Our insides, each
Yet another reminder
That time spent away
From love isn’t
Time at all.

Time is what someone
Had to call something
As yet so infinitely
Indefinable, yet-
Define things, categorize things,
We Humans do, because of
Our strange natures compel us.
Time is absolute, and
Absolutely nothing,
And absolutely

And, to the still-beating heart
That can bear not one more
Oxygenated globule of red
Red blood, time
Becomes the clock which
Could not bear to fully
Show its face to us
Whilst we lived, and,
Upon the dying of our bodies,
The drum in our chest
Beating its beat no longer,
The twin-air-sacs
Now vacuumed:
Time announces itself as only
Becoming real when we
Time is better defined

The most genuinely
Phony collection of
Individual and barely-connected
Symbiotic symbols
Ever conceived by a
Single collective mind.
It’s all we have
And then all we don’t.
Meagan Moore Mar 2015
“Swallowing Pearls and Lace”
“How can I get you to go down on me,”
he asked, without preamble.
His voice, nervous,
laced with strength
hums through her form,
a tatting of ***.

I moved my entire form
Across the room
Pushing his solar plexus
With index finger
The wingback chair collecting
His form – assuaging my intent.

Retreating nine steps
To gather
my acumen in dripping my clothes off
Adroit pivot
portent gaze
exteroception - engaged

His exhale
executed succinctly in shallow lung
puckered alveoli –
Clenched -
resonates as my own.

Pearls scooped catatonic
atop lingering breast ascension - alone
Remain –
Summoning brine.

I taste his pulse
Derma puckering sweat
Redolent vapor
Knotting between each pore – skin taut
declaring his need.

Fingers supporting my upper weight
I glide - crawling
pressing half inch spurs into the carpet

Lackadaisical dactyl dance
muscle calf to thigh
Invoking listless leg drape

Warm breath – rendered
Upon knee cap parallel
Framing shoulders

Engorging - in aching silence
Pulse thick, wrought in shaft


I flick the button
From slit fabric recess
Cupping palms under thigh,
rendering garment to puddle

half-in – half-out
chthonic shaft to palette

Sliding exhale
to mound
lax jaw
His iris entreats -
narrowed corneal withdrawal

Oblong lip array surrounds
Supping the creamy, coppery,
Smoky, saline

Latent dribble invokes my tongue
Furl about lip cusp
Absorbing globule
Into slaked smile.
(Revision 1 - Shifted into 1st Person)
KILLME Dec 2013
Petrichor- the scent of rain on dry earth.
eunoia (n.) beautiful thinking; a well mind.
basorexia(n.) the overwhelming desire to kiss.
elysian(adj) beautiful or creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect.
clinomania(n.) the excessive desire to stay in bed.
psithurism(n.) the sound of the wind through the trees.
aegis- protection, support
affable- 1. easy and pleasant to speak to; approachable. 2. gentle and gracious.
agrestic- 1. rural; rustic. 2. unpolished; awkward.
alexithymia- inability to describe emotions in a verbal manner
ameliorate- to make or become better; improve.
anathema- 1. a formal ecclesiastical ban, curse, or excommunication. 2. a vehement denunciation; a curse. 3. one that is cursed or ******. 4. one that is greatly reviled, loathed, or shunned.
antediluvian- 1. extremely old and antiquated. 2. occurring or belonging to the era before the Flood.
apodyopsis- 1. the act of mentally ******* someone. 2. imagining women naked; ******* women mentally.
apolaustic- devoted to enjoyment
apostasy- abandonment of one's religious faith, political party, principles, or a cause.
apricity- the warmth of the sun in the winter.
assuage- 1. to make (something burdensome or painful) less intense or severe. 2. to satisfy or appease (hunger or thirst, for example). 3. to pacify or calm.
ataraxia- calmness or peace of mind; emotional tranquility.
atrabilious- 1. melancholic; gloomy. 2. irritable; ill-natured; peevish
bailiwick- one's particular area of activity, interest, or authority
banausic- merely mechanical; routine. 2. of or relating to a mechanic
clandestine- done in secret; needing to be concealed.
curple- buttocks; ****
doryphore- one who draws attention to the minor errors made by others, esp. in a pestering manner; a pedantic gadfly
dystopia- 1. an imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is extremely bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror. 2. a work describing such a place or state:
ecdysiast- a striptease artist
effusive- 1. unrestrained or excessive in emotional expression. 2. profuse; overflowing
euphony- agreeable sound
flapdoodle- foolish talk; nonsense
frippery- 1. pretentious, showy finery. 2. pretentious elegance; ostentation. 3. something trivial or nonessential
gelid- very cold; icy
gigglesome- prone to giggling
globule- a small spherical mass, especially a small drop of liquid
inchoate- 1. in an initial or early stage; incipient. 2. imperfectly formed or developed.
incondite- 1. poorly constructed. 2. lacking finish or refinement; crude
indemnify- 1. to protect against damage, loss, or injury; insure. 2. to make compensation to for damage, loss, or injury.
kakistocracy- government by the worst or least qualified citizens
kerfuffle- a disorderly outburst or tumult
lachrymose- 1. weeping or inclined to weep; tearful. 2. causing or tending to cause tears.
lackadaisical- lacking spirit, liveliness, or interest; languid
libertine- 1. one who acts without moral restraint; a dissolute person. 2. one who defies established religious precepts; a freethinker
logorrhea- excessive, incoherent talkativeness
maudlin- effusively or tearfully sentimental.
noctilucous- shining in the night
nullipara- a woman who has never given birth
obloquy- verbal abuse of a person or thing
perfidy- 1. deliberate breach of faith; calculated violation of trust; treachery. 2. the act or an instance of treachery.
quixotic- extravagantly chivalrous or romantic
susurrus- a soft, whispering or rustling sound; a murmur
transmogrify- to change into a different shape or form, especially one that is fantastic or bizarre
tryst- a secret meeting between two people who are having a romantic relationship.
usurp- 1. to seize and hold (the power or rights of another, for example) by force and without legal authority. 2. to take over or occupy without right
vertigo- 1. the sensation of dizziness; an instance of such a sensation. 2. a confused, disoriented state of mind.
vitiate- 1. to reduce the value or impair the quality of. 2. to corrupt morally; debase. 3. to make ineffective; invalidate.
Papilionaceous- having the form of a butterfly, having corolla with two wings resembling those of a butterfly
Ksjpari Aug 2017
In the month of July during whirlpool
A Legacy was born to challenge a fool
Who in sphere of market did money drool.
As all feast and dance and sing in yule
Many people like Vipul, Maulik and Sanket rule
Over minds of customers who remain very cool
In our D-Mart which served as a perfect tool,
Come and join the ever-widening D-Mart Whirlpool.
All - cashier, attendants, owners, sweepers - pull
Praise, sympathy, good words and have globule.
There are many wicked, old, shrewd ghoul
Who conspire against you O! D-Mart, My soul!
ACs, clean floor, smiling faces and nature cool ;
Bhaiya, didi, managers, workers, watchmen Spool
Are the real source of income than other tool,
Come and join the ever-widening D-Mart whirlpool.
Future is bright of D-Mart with such module,
It also includes good products, service Gruel.
No judge can verdict anything like rice overrule
Or China food item never finds in its pool;
Clean and healthy food items, fine variety gul
And great discount on many items that ridicule
Those who conspire despise it for its fame and tool,
Come and join the ever-winding D-Mart whirlpool.
I am developing a new style of writing poetry where ending words of a line rhyme with one another, at least in last sound. I named it Pari Style. Hope readers will like it. Thanks to those invisible hands and fingers which supported and inspired me to continue my efforts in my new, creative, artistic and innovative “Pari” style.
Ben Aug 2016
You and I

This house we sit in

The love we share
(As strong as it is)

All the skyscrapers in the world

The streets and the sidewalks

Every law, speech, and right

Every person you pass on the street

The piles of bills and gold hidden away behind massive vault doors

The pain of a particularly bad day

Every mistake and every triumph

Your inclinations, opinions, and habits

The ghost and the shell

The printed words of men long since dead
And long since correct

Every thick, coppery, snaking trail of blood
Every minuscule globule of spittle
Every boiling, salty tear

The hatred of every person in every place in the entire world
Combined into one stinking stream
(As strong as it is)

The soil that has run through your hands
The sand through the hourglass before it is flipped again
The rain that falls on humid August days
The whistling of the wind through broken windows panes
The sneaking of weeds tendrils through cracks in asphalt

Alin Nov 2015
I meet you in a globule
beyond worlds - beyond perception - beyond body
and mind

I meet you there
in our melodic silence
inside an uncollapsible sphere
to continually refract our
illuminating plain light
and reflect
along the perpetually
manifesting membrane
of our ever evolving  
ever changing
color codes

when we imagine we make love
endless coordinate points join
to sculpt this dream
it is visible along this subtle interface
as the fugitive perpetual color
of true love

I come here and see you just
inside the divinity made by us

you and I on a brow we are
beyond the eyes we shall always meet
as the complementary formula
evenly made anew by you and I
and  here we have always been
axiomatically you are I

so let’s forget and return to our lives again
on this plane we shall write the experience
peacefully apart  in each other’s presence
to gravitate and untouchably reshape  
our garments which shall be dropped someday
not as a fate

in the hub of this supreme orb
made of the sound of our eternal peak
we are as if two separate selves
trails of my illusory dance
shape all your dream girls
until that all fades
like in the true blue of the sky
all in one I am now for you

and you

you do for each of I
as if you are

of all and with whom
I am in love
I wrote this for the blues of the skies hiding behind the clouds on autumn days
(everything happened while
    unloading laundry from the car,
  a speck of light flaunts.)

daylight penetrates—
saturnal globule.
exeunt: flicker of firefly.
Haiku with a primer.
Mohd Arshad Apr 2014
A globule is life in sultry summer's blow;
A good thought is a diamond when verses are low.
your home filled with vines does not know
it is alone — it seeks to become a diaphanous fold of trees, a violent vermilion of skies crushed to clay.

its arms hold refuge, a delicate heart.
the formless shadow there and the unguessed sensorium of furniture —
they do not know the touch of ruin.

underneath you, i am.
soil crumbled by the hundredfold of your
weight. in the air singes the burning of days, punching a hole onto me like
a globule of diminutive fire rife to
cull the vineyard of my body.

your home does not know
the dream of its weight. the anchor of its pillars gnash the acidulous trifle of hours.
doors, windows, cupboards still — every aperture gorges itself with the water
of your footsteps.

your home does not know
that it stomps stonily against an earthen fruitage: my body beaten to a pulp.
Mohd Arshad Feb 2014
Don't give me roses.    
                  Don't give me objects.
     Don't caress me.
     Don't kiss me.
                             make me drink
                             a single globule of fidelity.
               My life is complete.
Neither too good to be pulled to heaven,
Nor too bad to be pushed into hell.
My soul tossed between the twin poles,
For I am neither a saint nor a sinner,
To be berthed in a glowing globe,
Or thrown in a blowing globule.

Heart and soul coupled and framed abode,
For a bond of a home maker and a joy seeker,
Heart is smart in loving and living in anchor,
And soul that leaves and lingers in hunger
One that enjoys known heaven at home,
And the other entangled in unknown haven.

Nay, my soul and me are one and heed to none,
Propelled we ported on a day in heaven on mission,
Grasped by a welcome drink in local ambrosia,
It looked as if we clinched at ultimate panacea,
On a jolly ride hosted in the merry Maryland.

And then pal of gloom unveiled;
No birth and no mirth to make,
No death and no change or challenge,
No hunger and no taste of food,
No thirst and no feel of quench,
No ambition and no mission to fulfill,
No identity and no entities to entice,
No kith and kin and no fun and frolic,
No home of my own and none to be homely,  
No work and no wisdom to worship oh Lord!
And what an unearthly heaven is it?
An earthly year is lost for a day in heaven.

And then I prayed, praised, pleaded and pleased,
The powers-that-be to fuse my heart and soul,
And help unearth the heaven on earth.
preston Sep 2020
the forming of substance
Stephan W
(stepped out to get some air, and never came back..)

It presses its face
against the inside of the glass-like globe,
It is vaporous, unformed; globule. It can
experience the moment.. but, formless--
it is unable to hold onto the knowledge
of that experience.
It is  k n o wn  by Glory-- referred to as; being
There is laughter in the newborn baby's sleep..
dreams- present-moment flashes--
of funnyface smears, left there-
on the outside of the globe by the angels;
Left only to a startled jump, and then tears--
the initial shock.. the aloneness of being born-
into the imperfect world of potentiality,
and into the new and as of yet unfamiliar feeling
of unmet needs.
The glass encased Perfection gives way into
the only true access into love--
found only in the movement towards volition,
as the crystalline-like glass
that once encased the spirit
is now traded for skin.
And so that which once experienced Glory
from within the protection of the glass sphere
now enters into the world of participation--
first, though- as an infant..
wholly dependent on those
who (hopefully) will give
who will nurture.
~ ~
Perfection gives way to incompleteness
made perfect again only through love--
Touch brings love right up to to the skin,
baby takes it in.. unconditionally,
yet, in a way
still pre- volitional-ly--
It is outside the globe, now-
and spirit is participating in its own needs;
the little baby cries.. no longer 'complete'
and protected within the sphere
Now wholly dependent on love and care-
from the outside.. taken in, solely
through the repetition of warmth
and the primal longing for its own gift--
that of volition.

a small baby has now become
a little higher than the angels.

"And there was evening
and there was morning--
the first day."

stranger Jun 2022
Tata îmi spune ca mi se atrofiază mușchii în mâna stângă
Așa că,
De noaptea ielelor nu o să mă mai mișc, o să-mi adoarmă corpul -lasă-mă să cad și nu mă mai aduna!
O să las ura ielelor să mă umple, să mă poarte cu solstițiul departe.
Tata tot îmi spune eu îmi dau urechile să le ia ielele, să le ia ielele.
Le dau lor corpul meu care zdruncină gânduri și suferințe,
Le dau lor venele și sângele care car alene globule, vise și cântece pentru sânziene.
Le voi da lor dragostea ce ți-o port, s-o ducă departe, să calce marea în picioare cu ea, să-i înflorească valurile vara ca să înghită țărmul toamna cu dragostea mea -o s-o dau lor, o s-o dau ielelor.
Le voi da cuvintele scrise și nespuse să le lase închise în codrii, să le ardă în focurile culmii.
Le voi da lor tot, vă dau tot ielelor!

Corpul ăsta rupt de timp și atât de tânăr, luați-l ielelor și făceți-vă lume
O coastă zâmbet pentru voi, ielelor!
Ochiul meu pentru cruzime, onorați-l ielelor!
Eu vasul pentru ura voastră, voi aduceți-mă de îndată acasă.

Dragostea asta pentru nimeni și pentru tot,
Luați-o voi ielelor!
Lichiditatea ei pusă în sticlă- poate hrăni pământul cât mor
Fulgeră și tună în mine timpul nerămas pentru dragoste, sânzienelor vă implor luați-o și ascundeți-o.

Mintea aceasta marmură de alamă, o povară pentru mine rogu-vă de-o aruncați.
Sau de-o păstrați ielelor, puneți-o la rece, să nu mai plece, să nu mai sufere.
Fie-vă sânge și sabie de-o luați.

Ielelor de noaptea voastră eu vă dau tot ce sunt eu,
Gură. Aer. Plămâni.
Șoapte. Atingeri. Înghițituri.
Mâini. Vorbe. Visuri.
Genunchi. Coate. Ocolișuri.
Ochi. Lacrimi. Sânge. și Podișuri.
Luați ce puteți duce și acolo unde mergeți, acolo să le distrugeți.
iele may your night rule!
Neither too good to be pulled to heaven,
Nor too bad to be pushed into hell.
My soul tossed between the twin poles,
For I am neither a saint nor a sinner,
To be berthed in a glowing globe,
Or thrown in a blowing globule.

Heart and soul coupled and framed abode,
For a bond of a home maker and a joy seeker,
Heart is smart in loving and living in anchor,
And soul that leaves and lingers in hunger
One that enjoys known heaven at home,
And the other entangled in unknown haven.

Nay, my soul and me are one and heed to none,
Propelled we ported on a day in heaven on mission,
Grasped by a welcome drink in local ambrosia,
It looked as if we clinched at ultimate panacea,
On a jolly ride hosted in the merry Maryland.

And then pal of gloom unveiled;
No birth and no mirth to make,
No death and no change or challenge,
No hunger and no taste of food,
No thirst and no feel of quench,
No ambition and no mission to fulfill,
No identity and no entities to entice,
No kith and kin and no fun and frolic,
No home of my own and none to be homely,  
No work and no wisdom to worship oh Lord!
And what an unearthly heaven is it?
An earthly year is lost for a day in heaven.

And then I prayed, praised, pleaded and pleased,
The powers-that-be to fuse my heart and soul,
And help unearth the heaven on earth.
Molecules of tropic winter air
Swing gently on closed eyelids
Curtains sealed, sleeping atmosphere
After work, in your premises..
I want to become a small globule
To fall from your sleepy eyelashes
That twitch gently to the harmony of late morning occasion..
And your even breathing
That is drawn up in my imagination
Neither too good to be pulled to heaven,
Nor too bad to be pushed into hell.
My soul tossed between the twin poles,
For I am neither a saint nor a sinner,
To be berthed in a glowing globe,
Or thrown in a blowing globule.

Heart and soul coupled and framed abode,
For a bond of a home maker and a joy seeker,
Heart is smart in loving and living in anchor,
And soul that leaves and lingers in hunger
One that enjoys known heaven at home,
And the other entangled in unknown haven.

Nay, my soul and me are one and heed to none,
Propelled we ported on a day in heaven on mission,
Grasped by a welcome drink in local ambrosia,
It looked as if we clinched at ultimate panacea,
On a jolly ride hosted in the merry Maryland.

And then pal of gloom unveiled;
No birth and no mirth to make,
No death and no change or challenge,
No hunger and no taste of food,
No thirst and no feel of quench,
No ambition and no mission to fulfill,
No identity and no entities to entice,
No kith and kin and no fun and frolic,
No home of my own and none to be homely,  
No work and no wisdom to worship oh Lord!
And what an unearthly heaven is it?
An earthly year is lost for a day in heaven.

And then I prayed, praised, pleaded and pleased,
The powers-that-be to fuse my heart and soul,
And help unearth the heaven on earth.
Darion Irwin Feb 2018
It bubbles up, remote warrigle squirming.
Bursts out Ever Village.
Each globule wile in vinegar-
Pops cacophonous vile yore &
I, Calypso
Wise realm raucous,
sips from green-tea sanskrit reagent.
Boss' bogule arouse remissly in Aries.
Loth the acme sac,
jetsammed ungainly.
Stow the phantom resplendent but wasn't there.
& Sainfoin grows salacious under water color resin
still resounding blissful visage beside wilting viols.
Satan's deseronto lay virago.
Woe-trance to Sydenham lethertramps
drool in anglice till we meet again.
bona fide et cetera.
I, ecce ****!
Disjecta membra.
After most recent shower,
and particularly washing hair
(then shaking head
analogous to sopping wet dog
drying her/himself after a bath),
I immediately said helloo
to Long lasting fragrance Suave
essentials Daily Clarifying
Deep cleansing Shampoo,
which permeated mine scalp
facilitating healthy follicles.

More so frothy lather upon noggin
after getting rinsed out
yielded bounteous, luscious, luxurious,
and marvelous full bodied tresses
reminiscent when yours truly an adolescent,
a veritable long haired pencil necked geek
whose hirsute trademark
still characterizes atypical sexagenarian
above mentioned characteristic
still (after scores of years)
emblematic of this enigmatic poetaster.

Ever since being in utero
soon after seminal fusion
insync with fallopian tube bearing ova
begot zygote courtesy said gametes,
and engendered silent boom
after piercing zona pellucida
creating microscopic flume,
nevertheless collection of cells
coalescing into embryo
eventually manifesting into yours truly,

I painstakingly took minuscule
comb and brush to groom,
and dreaded most fearfully being locked,
where pair of outsize scissors did loom
threatening to cut thick,
what could best be envisioned analogous
to imperceptible fancy plume
hich features specific feature
drew medical community
(i.e. namely human reproductive specialists)

constituted extensive expanse
within blastocyst very limited room
crowd sourcing out rivaling curious onlookers
formerly geared up
to espy King Tutankhamun's tomb
can you dear reader believe
a hairy globule within the womb
became global attraction
viz - of a young fecund Harriet Harris,
cuz about nine months later
out the birth canal I did zoom.
Methinks perchance man
     kind always vain
n'er did appertain
moral hike polar opposite
     from human being:
uncivil, unethical, unsocial, et cetera
     minimally app proxy
     mating, neither didst

     faithfully abide as citizen Kane
externally - nar main
ten an ounce, (asper
     atop figurative fain
faux shaw didst attain
"FAKE" horn o' manners), tolerance,
     our predecessors didst abstain
nor internally betweenbrain,

sans modest straight,
     and ne'r did entertain
narrow true lofty salient tenet
     absence of virtue
     tis no matter pray'n -
quite self evident, plain
as day, and vice gripped by
     fratricide (or homicide

     in general) endemic throughout
     evolution of humanity dripping
     nee gushing more'n
     nah globule bloodstain,
viz more aptly bloodbath,
     haply insinuated, embedded,
     and accrued heart
     felt toehold gain

saying division among
     caveman club rings
     animal hides
     pelt did maintain
bare co-opted spirit hood
     did micro reign
buzzfeed ding death,
     via plenti did retain

aplomb murderous sprees kickstarter
     thankfully guaranteeing (ha)
     hardy internecine characteristic
kept in lock step with
     protohumans enlightenment, qua
     i.e. as earliest primates
     acquired innate haughty
     apropos boastfulness

     to ascend chain
of command anointing insane
lee flattering hashtag, re:
     (albeit ill fit
     ting), yet utopian
appellation "noble savage,"
which inchoate bipedal hominids
     (forerunners of **** sapiens),

     quickly dost wrought impertinent
     sobriquet (by anonymous
     simian "Einstein brain
child"), viz favored
     killing one another
strove and still thrives,
     since Adam and Eve,
     for sport, but most

     dramatically didst appear
     purportedly, when Abel
     got slain by Cain
punctuated equilibrium
     lopping limb
     and/or head off if one
     didst dissent or complain
setting precedent

     for consanguineous
modern Roman Times
     (font size twelve) brutish,
     nasty, and short train
ning supposedly
     "civilized insubordinate"
     foo fighting beastie boy
     received fatal crackbrain

with imprimatur challenging authority,
     sans grossly wading,
     brazen overstepping
     circumscribed domain,
where thwack on noggin
     determined, hence did explain
survival of fittest.
Certified vegan;
Non-GMO Project Verified;
Free of dairy, lactose, soy, and gluten.
The consistency of vanilla
creamy and luxurious,
without a speck of iciness,
yet not overly heavy.

The flavor rich
with notable burst of sweet vanilla.

Said comestible insanely versatile
and will surely be a go to dairy-free ice cream.

Sold at LIDL, and other sites
ourselves former first time taste testers
erred on the side of caution
and bought in quantity
courtesy the missus foresight,
who now deems said food product
more precious than fine spun gold.

Pint size container only ample enough
to buzzfeed temporary craving,
yet invariably whets appetite
(to the power of googleplex)
for insatiable consumption,
thus one must thwart willpower
and surrender tastebuds to devour
one after another 473 milliliters
or more familiarly 16 ounces.

No matter yours truly could consume
aforementioned dessert
for breakfast, lunch, and supper,
the novelty to savor said special treat
would remain as intact
and robust as if one tasted
SO DELICIOUS product for first time.

I never tire scooping out
one after another spoonful
and slowly lick globule
(even when marginally hungry)
relishing each tongueful lickety split
steeling myself against
aggressive depredations of wife
before she ferociously lunges
toward me in a futile attempt
to wrest delectable mouthwatering
(just a hairbreadth of being decadent)
foodstuff guaranteeing happy shiny tummy.

Go ahead indulge sweet tooth
or even if toothless
the culinary quasi oral pleasure
can still be experienced.
Famakuet-king Jul 2020
My eye looks red
What you heard?
My eye feels red
Not to what you said

My eyes are red
But i ain’t brewed
Could it be it has been peppered
Oh no! That i will be *******

So,Could it be?
Could it be from the nights
The nights i stayed up saving my soul
The nights i stayed up putting things right

Maybe not
I should have just let down the tears
When they pleaded to globule
Maybe, just a ‘maybe’

Not in this era of living
Having no problem cascading
Staying up all night
Just with deceptions of love and lust.

Forcing to be Insomnia
Behind keypads hitting hard
For the white man must pay
For penury to evacuate

I’m up so late
And i feel people in the realms
Forcing so hard to reach their maker
Why I’m up???

@Fama_kuet #The Penholder. ©2020.
Ah... what luxury to wax poetic
as freedom to trumpet thoughts,
ideas, emotions, et cetera will wane,
especially if president number forty five
courtesy wealth and/or stealth
dons the mantle as de facto fractious tyrant
of these United States
come November 5th, 2024
methinks perchance mankind always vain
n'er did appertain
moral hike polar opposite

from human being:
uncivil, unethical, unsocial, et cetera
minimally app proxy mating, neither didst
faithfully abide as citizen Kane
externally - nar main
ten an ounce, (asper atop figurative fain
faux shaw didst attain
"FAKE" horn o' manners), tolerance,
our predecessors didst abstain
nor internally between brain,

sans modest straight,
and ne'r did entertain
narrow true lofty salient tenet
absence of virtue tis no matter pray'n -
quite self evident, plain
as day, and vice gripped by
fratricide (or homicide
in general) endemic throughout
evolution of humanity dripping
nee gushing more'n

nah globule bloodstain,
viz more aptly bloodbath,
haply insinuated, embedded,
and accrued heart felt toehold gain
saying division among
caveman club rings animal hides
pelt did maintain
bare co-opted spirit hood
did micro reign
buzzfeed ding death,

via plenti did retain
aplomb murderous sprees kickstarter
thankfully guaranteeing (ha)
hardy internecine characteristic
kept in lock step with
proto humans enlightenment, qua
i.e. as earliest primates
acquired innate haughty
zealous apropos boastfulness
to ascend chain

of command anointing insane
lee flattering hashtag, re: (albeit ill fit
ting), yet utopian
appellation "noble savage,"
which inchoate bipedal hominids
(forerunners of **** sapiens),
quickly dost wrought impertinent
sobriquet (by anonymous
simian "Einstein brain
child"), viz favored

killing one another
strove and still thrives,
since Adam and Eve,
for sport, but most
dramatically didst appear
purportedly, when Abel got slain by Cain
punctuated equilibrium lopping limb
and/or head off if one
didst dissent or complain
setting precedent for consanguineous
modern Roman Times

(font size twelve) brutish,
nasty, and short train
ning supposedly "civilized insubordinate"
Lorde foo fighting beastie boy
received fatal crackbrain
with imprimatur challenging authority,
sans grossly wading, brazen overstepping
circumscribed domain,
where thwack on noggin
determined, hence did explain
survival of fittest.
kfaye Aug 2023
blackened toe-nail lessons
at the bottom of the

thunder forecast;

mother of memory
living inside
globule-breath night

the cloudcover
Yenson Apr 2022
In the make-believe globule
the partisans talk in tongues inaudible
only attuned to like mindless
we may see but neither them or us know
as chalk differs from granite
in all honesty yellow means noting to me
another parables of *******
for I know there is nothing real or imagined
that is yellow about moi
in succinct appreciation moi knows moi
and surely no yellow belly
nor oriental yellow though moi just loves
the glorious yellows
of Van Gogh's five canvases of sunflowers in a vase

— The End —