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Down in the bayou where the mangroves grow
There's talk of black voodoo, like Marie Leveau
The Swamp Witch, is legend, she has magic so black
That those who have seen her, have never come back
There;s tales of the noises that come from the dark
Of werewolves and zombies as rough as the bark
The mangroves are sentinels, to where the magic resides
Where even a longboat has no room to glide
Bodies go missing from the graveyards most nights
And there's always a fog shading the fireflies lights
The Swamp Witch is ruler and Queen of this world
Where souls are all taken and spines can be curled
They say that she came here from Canadian lands
She was a metis they say, from the Western Tar Sands
A mystic by nature, a dark witch by blood
She lives deep in the swamp, protected by gators and mud
The gators respect her, they do as she bids
They keep watch on the waters, they're her reptillian kids
She keeps zombies as gendarmes, collecting bodies to turn
Just how black is her magic, no one can discern
The Swamp Witch is legend, she is as old as all time
The air in the bayou is as thick as the slime
The cajuns say voodoo is the core of her heart
They avoid fishing where the mangrove trees start
The Swamp Witch, a legend ? or is she truly the Queen
She's the Louisiana Witch, no one survives once she's seen.....
It is not a confused whirr,
nor dumbish  agitprop poetry,
nor ramblings of a jumbuck
in guest for freedom to peddle
the awry science of antisemitism,
it is a poetic license of word-power
for him to  said what must only be said.

to sing cautionary verses and lyrics
against the flow of atomic warheads
from the America ,or whatsoever
on the western and Germany submarines
to the land of Israel, where Netanyau reigns
in terror and racist tyranny con Palestine,
or to versify a caution of this atomic arming
of Israel but not her neighbors like Persia
the cradle of Omar Khayyam the Rubiyatist,
or else to disarm the Arab world, as Israel terribly
arms her sons and daughters with nuclear and  Atomic drones
along with  hatred of the neighbours in mad avarice for land,
is not at all a crime of poetry but Gunter's artistic  morality.

Nobel reward cannot be a seal on your beak,
you Gunter, the brave son of  Bundeslander,
we cannot be lulled to sleepish silence
with blissful feelings of Nobel Laureatry,
cosmetic dignity , nonchalance or standoffishness,
when terror is reigning in the  Middle East
Israelis committing crimes against humanity
****** women, mauling children and shooting civilian Arabs,
that would be heinously wrong , punished even not
in the Hague of Holland but in the hottest place in hell
which John F. Kennedy saw Dante Alighieri creating,
for those who stand aloof , when evil is committed in the world.

Your communion in the Waffen schustafel or the Hitlerite SS,
is not impeachment on your moral history,nor reason for shame,
the poltergeist of Europe in the days of your youth was pure SS ,
in nature ,fibre and DNA,every European dreamed of a colony,
Britain and France cahorted to own Africa as their handkerchief,
****** bench marked to own France in 1943,  a colonial vintage,
******'s ***** was genuine government in Germany,
democratically ratified by the voters in Germany,
Your service to ****** was service to your country,
it was your turn of patriotism and love of fatherland,
like your contemporaries in other parts of the world
who prospered as the FBI,CIA,Mossadist,Kosmosols,
Gendarmes,Kanu youth wingers,or Colonial police
in Britain's Gulag in the name of African Archipelago.

i don't know what they mean,
when they call you Gunter the anti-Semite,
rebuking Israelis  terrible killing  of  Arabs
is not reason not even an emotion enough,
anywhere, whether on earth or in the ethereal,
to call Gunter an  anti-Semite or an  immoral poet.

wasn't colonialism a warped racial conscience,
was it not anti-negroism or anti-africanism,
persistent torture of black slaves in America,
doesn't it call for social phenomenology?
isn't it Anti-blackism or it is only  justifiable slavery?

Let Gunter Grass say what must be said,
let him sing what must be chanted,
Like Lenin and Gogol of Russia
let him do what must be done
let him fear what must be feared,
let him not fear the loss of Nobelite dignity,
Jean Paul Sartre won the Nobel Prize ,
but his clear socialist consciousness
made him decline to pick the cash,
in true service to his ideals,
he still glowed like a bush fire
in the Harmmattan wind
he never waned in glory whatsoever
even in his current realm of abode
among the living dead of the world
he still shines as a  center piece
when time for chance to voice of  reason
is called for, for humanity's sake,
Let Gunter Grass say what must be said.
in defense of Gunter Grass poem on Israeli-Persian relations, which has made Israel to be armed with Nuclear and Atomic warheads.Israel is not sensitive to global peace.
Anais Vionet Feb 2023
It was Monday, June 20th, 2022. My roommates and I are in Paris to see Olivia Rodrigo (in two days). But tonight, I was doing a favor for my great uncle Remy. Taking my elderly great-aunt Yvonne to the airport.

In RL this all happened in French but I wouldn’t do that to you - but just so you know.

“I’ve always thought of Anais as a granddaughter,” Yvonne said too loudly into my phone, which she had picked up and I was afraid she’d drop. She kept trying to hold it to her ear.

She smiled at me with her old lady dimples. “That’s sweet of you to say,” I lied. She doesn’t fool me. She’s not innocuous. She’s as mean as a snake and she doesn’t like ME at all. How did I end up doing this? I asked myself.

“No Aunt Yvonne,” I said as I gently moved the phone away from her ear. “This is a CAMERA call. Hold it out so they can SEE you.” She’s saying a final goodbye to Remy and letting a cousin know her arrival time. As the Facetime call ends, I pocket my phone with relief.

Lisa’s with us (I told her not to come) and she doesn’t speak French. So for her, this whole task is an awkward pantomime. Charles, our escort, drove us to Orly airport and he’s circling in wait to pick us up.

Yvonne walks at a glacial pace, and it took forever to clear security. Lisa and I have special tags allowing us to escort Yvonne to her gate. I offered to get her a wheelchair, but NOOOOO.
“We need to hurry –,” I began, but she interrupted me.
“Why are you wearing that skintight nothing?” she barked loudly, irritatedly, “if I had YOUR figure, I’d hide those tiny *******” (“minuscules seins,” in French, loudly). Heads turned. As I flushed with irritation, she cackled like a witch.

It’s 8pm in Paris and 30.5°C (87°F). I’m wearing a sports bra and two tank tops. Sue me. I wasn’t planning on doing this at all. We were staggering slowly through the terminal when, like a gift from God, an Air France courtesy tram pulled up next to us.
“Get on,” I demanded, “or we’ll miss your flight.” She did - as slowly as humanly possible.

When we finally got seated at the gate, she sent me for bottled water, a sleep mask, a neck pillow, sugarless lemon drops and a Paris Match magazine. “Thank you, my dear,” she said upon my return, baring her teeth at me in what I suppose was meant to be a smile.

“You should come and visit me (in Libreville, Gabon, Africa),” she suggested, “I think there are things I could teach you.” This is like that gingerbread-house invitation we read about as children.

“I can’t,” I said, with feigned regret, "I'm in school,” (I wouldn’t go there if she lived with Timothée Chalamet).

I heard a familiar voice, and I looked up to see my Grandmèr arriving with her usual entourage of 7 or 8 lackeys, a couple of frazzled Air France employees and two gendarmes.
“Yvonne,” she said, pointing to the two Air France employees, “these people will see to you. Say goodbye to Anais.”

“Goodbye dear,” Yvonne said in a fake, fragile voice. I gave Yvonne a half-hearted Paris bises (two kisses on each side) and my Grandmèr shooed me away with a hand gesture and an impatient, “Go, GO.” I’m afraid uncle Remy’s in trouble.

Yvonne and her branch of the family are the slimiest people you could ever meet. They’re billion-heirs (not billionaires - billion-heirs) who (theoretically) stand to inherit handsomely when my Grandmèr dies (I am NOT in that grubby lineup). They’re liars, cheaters and scoundrels who’d stab you in the face for an olive to put in their martinis. They're legal reasons my Grandmèr has to put up with them from time to time - but every interaction is fraught with phoniness.

About fifteen minutes later, Lisa and I are in the car with Charles racing back to Paris for dinner with our roommates. As I texted them to expect us in 20 minutes, Lisa said, “I got bad vibes from that old lady - the way she LOOKED at you when you weren’t watching..”

“YOU,” I said with a chuckle, “are very perceptive!”
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Fraught: “causing emotional stress or something bad.”

Tu n'es certes pas, ma très-chère,
Ce que Veuillot nomme un tendron.
Le jeu, l'amour, la bonne chère,
Bouillonnent en toi, vieux chaudron !
Tu n'es plus fraîche, ma très-chère,

Ma vieille infante ! Et cependant
Tes caravanes insensées
T'ont donné ce lustre abondant
Des choses qui sont très-usées,
Mais qui séduisent cependant.

Je ne trouve pas monotone
La verdure de tes quarante ans ;
Je préfère tes fruits, Automne,
Aux fleurs banales du Printemps !
Non ! tu n'es jamais monotone !

Ta carcasse à des agréments
Et des grâces particulières ;
Je trouve d'étranges piments
Dans le creux de tes deux salières ;
Ta carcasse à des agréments !

Nargue des amants ridicules
Du melon et du giraumont !
Je préfère tes clavicules
À celles du roi Salomon,
Et je plains ces gens ridicules !

Tes cheveux, comme un casque bleu,
Ombragent ton front de guerrière,
Qui ne pense et rougit que peu,
Et puis se sauvent par derrière,
Comme les crins d'un casque bleu.

Tes yeux qui semblent de la boue,
Où scintille quelque fanal,
Ravivés au fard de ta joue,
Lancent un éclair infernal !
Tes yeux sont noirs comme la boue !

Par sa luxure et son dédain
Ta lèvre amère nous provoque ;
Cette lèvre, c'est un Eden
Qui nous attire et qui nous choque.
Quelle luxure ! et quel dédain !

Ta jambe musculeuse et sèche
Sait gravir au haut des volcans,
Et malgré la neige et la dèche
Danser les plus fougueux cancans.
Ta jambe est musculeuse et sèche ;

Ta peau brûlante et sans douceur,
Comme celle des vieux gendarmes,
Ne connaît pas plus la sueur
Que ton oeil ne connaît les larmes.
(Et pourtant elle a sa douceur !)


Sotte, tu t'en vas droit au Diable !
Volontiers j'irais avec toi,
Si cette vitesse effroyable
Ne me causait pas quelque émoi.
Va-t'en donc, toute seule, au Diable !

Mon rein, mon poumon, mon jarret
Ne me laissent plus rendre hommage
À ce Seigneur, comme il faudrait.
« Hélas ! c'est vraiment bien dommage ! »
Disent mon rein et mon jarret.

Oh ! très-sincèrement je souffre
De ne pas aller aux sabbats,
Pour voir, quand il pète du soufre,
Comment tu lui baises son cas !
Oh ! très-sincèrement je souffre !

Je suis diablement affligé
De ne pas être ta torchère,
Et de te demander congé,
Flambeau d'enfer ! Juge, ma chère,
Combien je dois être affligé,

Puisque depuis longtemps je t'aime,
Étant très-logique ! En effet,
Voulant du Mal chercher la crème
Et n'aimer qu'un monstre parfait,
Vraiment oui ! vieux monstre, je t'aime !
John MacAyeal Sep 2015
I went to a European restaurant recently
and it may have been in Europe too
It wasn't a bad meal
And the waiter presented me with a bill crowded with euros
Or maybe pounds
I looked at it
Then said to him
"How about paying me the bill you owe me?"
He gawked at me.
"How about paying me the bill for serving as your pressure valve. Do you know how many insurrections, how many assassinations we prevented by taking in your frustrated and disaffected?"
He continued to gawk at me.
So I continued.
"No, really. Do you know how much you owe us for saving you from the Kaiser, from ******, from Mussolini, from who knows how many more crazies?"
He gawked, not knowing whether to call the gendarmes or reach into his billfold.
I continued.
"How about the bill you owe us for showing some restraint? You know we could have hanged every **** and Fascist officer over colonel at least? But we didn't. Instead we turned them into Siemens executives and Fiat general managers."
He still gawked, poised to jump for a phone or maybe just shout real loud.
So I continued.
"How about the bill for making your mediocre artists into rich men and women? You know it's us who turned Abba into stars. It's we who built the Scorpions' mansions."
He finally said something.
"Scorpions don't live in mansions. They live in nests."
I got up and left, then paused outside,
rested the left sole of my Ferragamo shoes on a Ferro Concrete wall
And waited to get arrested by cops without guns
Don Bouchard Jul 2016
It's not that I wanted to step away from the mic,
Nor wander away from the words;
It's this monstrous paper I'm trying to write
That keeps me from seeing you birds.

So, summer is ending, and I'm sixty-plus pages in,
With twenty or so of references done,
And a chapter or two I have yet to begin
Before I can rejoin the poetry fun.

I'd best step back out before gendarmes
Arrive to see if I'm even alive,
Locked up in this office with silent alarms
As I struggle to finally arrive.

Dissertation resembles gestation;
The fun was in passing exams;
Now I'm paying the past years' tuition
By proving I didn't just cram.

Can't wait to join you all in a few

Robert C Ellis Jun 2016
The common blow fly, the
Adults, feeding off nectar and
Animal carcasses
All Forensic protozoa
Owing their
Fine structure of mid-gut
Epithelium to an alchemic
Grand Master,
Razing his glass knife
across alabaster and
buffer acetones as
These  larval Celestials
As gendarmes of Cyrus and
Cassaiopeia vibrating
The metronome
Honed with memory,
In my ear
All of it History
This poet decided against  
becoming a measly minced meaty morsel

undetected inauspicious augury
     assigning  adept
     aqueous ace AOL amphibian,
     who surreptitiously crept

to the secret crypt (guarded by
     foo fighters and amazing dragons)
     said gendarmes did except
special fluid scrip as egress into
     heavily fortified
     (with USDA recommended allowance),

thus when the configurative motley crue
including thyself (a bono fied doo
bee brother - long given up for lost,
     which "FAKE" oracle

     misinterpreted by a goo goo
doll, and cross dresser named Hugh
played being took a vow el,
     and hence consonantly knew
all along, i dwelt peacefully
     in a soundcloud loo
immensely spacious with ooh
dills of survival trappings

     purchased from  Peru
laborers treated by free pact
     guaranteeing a socially
     conscious shopper to rue

painstaking indigenous stoop labor,
     now stamped imprimatur could allow,
     enable and provide means to shoe
each formerly eczema dappled,

     cracked bare foot
     ah, a glimmer of hopefulness
     (upon this crowded house of a planet) view
which youtube snapchat ting

     reddit as joyous outlook
     sans linkedin shutterfly,
     twitter ring tender flickr ring shoots
     communicated an instagram message
     of hopefulness kickstarting optimism

versus the initial thread of this poem,
which to set this got off track
     (hinting at goal to be
     a paperback book writer wannabe)
rather than ending up as a byte size snack

     for a limbering beast, into whose tumblr
of one jagged razor sharp teeth
     like daggers lined up along a rack
     of reinforced steel maw,

     which bang for the bite did pack
leaves no room for bing a survivor
     as fierce jaws clamp down
     worse than getting steam rolled by a mack

truck, but subjected to thee yield,
     whence thousands of pounds
     per square inch of pressure  
     on par lambasted from Donald Trump flack.
Je vois bien l'arbre aux pommes d'or
Prospérer dans vos prés humides ;
Mais cela n'en fait pas encor
Un vrai jardin des Hespérides.

La timide sécurité
N'avait pas de plus doux asile
Que le verger riche çt tranquille,
Par les fils d'Atlas habité.

**** du loup, la brebis, en joie,
Y bondissait parmi les fleurs,
Et de l'hyène aux yeux menteurs
Les agneaux n'étaient pas la proie.

L'honnête homme, sans passe-ports,
S'y promenait exempt d'alarmes.
Un dragon veillait au dehors ;
Mais au dedans pas de gendarmes.

Écrit à La Haye, en 1818.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019
Yes, sort of like plaster
of Paris, but it's nailed
to the stud as were the
Catalan Separatists.

Plâtre de Paris est pour
réparation des os cassès
après des gendarmes ont
frappè des Gilets Jaunes.

Americans use a water
board for extracting lies
from detainees at their
base in Guantanamo.

The International Court
Of Justice has a board of
directors, unfortunately
managed by The Vague.

Baby On Board brings a
smile to my face, because
it does appear as if the world
is being controlled by infants.
Big Virge Sep 2021
Folks These Words Are NO Token... !!!
... And NO I’m NOT JOKING... !!!
A Lot of World Systems...  
Now Seem To Be BROKEN... !!!  
Because of A VIRUS...  
And COMPLICIT Silence...    
From Those In Environments...  
Where Money’s The Tyrant...  
That Keeps Them Compliant...  
Like Mind Controlled Liars... !!!  
And Because of New Tech...  
That May Well Represent...  
... EXTINCTION Events...  
Where Humans Regress...  
And Face Nonexistence...  
Because of... Nonsense... ?!?  
That REJECTS Common Sense...  
That’s Now ABSENT From Commons...  
And Heads Running Congress... !!!  
Policies of DURESS...    
Now Provide MALCONTENT...  
That Makes People Dismiss...  
Embracing Disciplines... !!!  
That We Should NOT Forget...  
Like... ABSENCE of Malice...  
And Youth Violence... !!!  
MORE Trust of Each Other...  
LESS HATRED of Colour... !!!  
RESPECT For Our Mothers...  
And Fathers Who Love Us...  
Instead of ADULTER...  
With **’s Undercover... !!!  
More Actions That Smother...  
CORRUPTIONS Uncovered...  
So That They’re REMOVED...  
From Our World Leaders Crews...  
MORE TRUTH In The News... !!!  
And LESS That’s Confused...  
And LESS Foolish Notions...  
That Leave People BROKEN... !!!  
Until They LOSE Focus... !!!  
LESS Deceitful P.O.T.U.S... !!!  
And Media JOKERS... !!!  
MORE Verse With An ONUS...  
To STAND UP For TRUTH... !!!  
Instead of It’s Use...  
Being Simply... ABUSED... !!!  
And By This I’m Meaning...  
LESS Verse That Is Reaping...  
Rewards For POOR TEACHINGS...  
And IGNORANT Leanings... !!!  
Like... VIOLENT Acts...  
And LUSTING For Cash...  
As Well As *** Missions...  
That Just DEMEAN Women... !!!  
As Well As Young Girls...  
Until They Are BROKEN... !!!  
By... ****** Commotions...  
That Lead To WRONG TURNS...  
LESS... Genetic Testing...  
And Chem’ Trails Connected...  
To Make... BIO WEAPONS... !!!  
LESS Money Invested...  
In New Tech Progressions...  
And Food That’s Produced...  
By... GMO Groups... !!!  
LESS Weapons In View...  
That Now Create Coups...  
And Protests And Chants...  
From People Who March... !!!  
LESS Enforcement of Arms...  
That Leave Our Young HARMED...  
Because of Gendarmes...  
And Police Firearms... !!!  
Less People Who Hark...  
To REJECT Natures Path... !?!  
MORE Love And MORE Charm...  
And LESS ANGER That Starts...  
The Use of Remarks...  
To Break Peoples Hearts...  
In Public Chatrooms...  
That Are Globally Viewed...  
Because That’s NOT COOL... !!!  
LESS RESPECT For These Names...  
Who’ve Gained Themselves Fame...  
For Indulging Shame Games...  
And NOT Using Their Brains... !!!  
Let Me Say That AGAIN... !!!    
LESS RESPECT For These Names...  
Who’ve Gained Themselves Fame...  
For Indulging Shame Games...  
And NOT Using Their Brains... !!!  
LESS Seeking Attention...  
Instead of Dishevelled...  
Because It Is... BROKEN... !!!  
Just Like TORTURED Rebels...    
Who REJECT Oppression... !!!  
This Wordplay Is POTENT...  
And May Well UNSETTLE...  
Just Like Thunder Storms...  
That Cut Power OFF...    
When Lightning Hits Shores...    
Rooftops And Much MORE... !!!  
These Words Have Been Written...  
Because I’ve Bared Witness...  
Can Cause DEMOLITIONS...  
Just Like Burning Towers...  
And DESTRUCTIVE Visions... !!!  
And NO I’m NOT JOKING... !!!  
These Words I’m Now Quoting...  
Are Because....  
At This Moment...  
My Room Has No Light...  
To Aid My Poor Sight...  
On This Powerless Night... !!!    
Barbados’s Oceans...  
Are All That I Hear...  
Because Natures Steered...  
It’s Powers Right Here... !!!  
And Has Made My Mind Focus...  
On What It Is Showing... !!!  
That If We Aren’t Wise...  
And Ignore Natures’ Signs...  
That Where We Are Going...  
With Tech And Invoking...  
NONSENSICAL Notions... ?!?  
of Being ALL KNOWING...  
We’ll Leave Our Young People...  
To Powers SO EVIL...  
That They’ll Become Feeble... !!!  
In Ways Where This World...  
Just Like Them...  
Will Become.....  
.............. “ BROKEN “........... !!!
A very powerful storm took power out for about 26 hours in Barbados, and just before it came back on, I wrote this in almost, complete silence and darkness....

Voilà ce qu'on a vu ! l'histoire le raconte,
Et lorsqu'elle a fini pleure, rouge de honte.

Quand se réveillera la grande nation,
Quand viendra le moment de l'expiation,
Glaive des jours sanglants, oh ! ne sors pas de l'ombre !
Non ! non ! il n'est pas vrai qu'en plus d'une âme sombre,
Pour châtier ce traître et cet homme de nuit,
A cette heure, ô douleur, ta nécessité luit !
Souvenirs où l'esprit grave et pensif s'arrête !
Gendarmes, sabre nu, conduisant la charrette,
Roulements des tambours, peuple criant : frappons !
Foule encombrant les toits, les seuils, les quais, les ponts,
Grèves des temps passés, mornes places publiques
Où l'on entrevoyait des triangles obliques,
Oh ! ne revenez pas, lugubres visions !
Ciel ! nous allions en paix devant nous, nous faisions
Chacun notre travail dans le siècle où nous sommes,
Le poète chantait l'oeuvre immense des hommes,
La tribune parlait avec sa grande voix,
On brisait échafauds, trônes, carcans, pavois,
Chaque jour décroissaient la haine et la souffrance,
Le genre humain suivait le progrès saint, la France
Marchait devant, avec sa flamme sur le front ;
Ces hommes sont venus ! lui, ce vivant affront,
Lui, ce bandit qu'on lave avec l'huile du sacre,
Ils sont venus, portant le deuil et le massacre,
Le meurtre, les linceuls, le fer, le sang, le feu,
Ils ont semé cela sur l'avenir. Grand Dieu !

Et maintenant, pitié, voici que tu tressailles
A ces mots effrayants - vengeance ! représailles !

Et moi, proscrit qui saigne aux ronces des chemins,
Triste, je rêve et j'ai mon front dans mes deux mains,
Et je sens, par instants, d'une aile hérissée,
Dans les jours qui viendront s'enfoncer ma pensée !
Géante aux chastes yeux, à l'ardente action,
Que jamais on ne voie, ô Révolution,
Devant ton fier visage où la colère brille,
L'Humanité, tremblante et te criant : ma fille !
Et, couvrant de son corps même les scélérats,
Se traîner à tes pieds en se tordant les bras !
Ah ! tu respecteras cette douleur amère,
Et tu t'arrêteras, Vierge, devant la Mère !

Ô travailleur robuste, ouvrier demi-nu,
Moissonneur envoyé par Dieu même, et venu
Pour faucher en un jour dix siècles de misère,
Sans peur, sans pitié, vrai, formidable et sincère,
Egal par la stature au colosse romain,
Toi qui vainquis l'Europe et qui pris dans ta main
Les rois, et les brisas les uns contre les autres,
Né pour clore les temps d'où sortirent les nôtres,
Toi qui par la terreur sauvas la liberté,
Toi qui portes ce nom sombre : Nécessité !
Dans l'Histoire où tu luis comme en une fournaise,
Reste seul à jamais, Titan quatre-vingt-treize !
Rien d'aussi grand que toi ne viendrait après toi.

D'ailleurs, né d'un régime où dominait l'effroi,
Ton éducation sur ta tête affranchie
Pesait, et, malgré toi, fils de la monarchie,
Nourri d'enseignements et d'exemples mauvais,
Comme elle tu versas le sang ; tu ne savais
Que ce qu'elle t'avait appris : le mal, la peine,
La loi de mort mêlée avec la loi de haine ;
Et, jetant bas tyrans, parlements, rois, Capets,
Tu te levais contre eux et comme eux tu frappais.

Nous, grâce à toi, géant qui gagnas notre cause,
Fils de la liberté, nous savons autre chose.
Ce que la France veut pour toujours désormais,
C'est l'amour rayonnant sur ses calmes sommets,
La loi sainte du Christ, la fraternité pure.
Ce grand mot est écrit dans toute la nature :
Aimez-vous ! aimez-vous ! - Soyons frères ; ayons
L'oeil fixé sur l'Idée, ange aux divins rayons.
L'Idée à qui tout cède et qui toujours éclaire
Prouve sa sainteté même dans sa colère.
Elle laisse toujours les principes debout.
Etre vainqueurs, c'est peu, mais rester grands, c'est tout.
Quand nous tiendrons ce traître, abject, frissonnant, blême
Affirmons le progrès dans le châtiment même.
La honte, et non la mort. - Peuples, couvrons d'oubli
L'affreux passé des rois, pour toujours aboli,
Supplices, couperets, billots, gibets, tortures !
Hâtons l'heure promise aux nations futures,
Où, calme et souriant aux bons, même aux ingrats,
La concorde, serrant les hommes dans ses bras,
Penchera sur nous tous sa tête vénérable !
Oh ! qu'il ne soit pas dit que, pour ce misérable,
Le monde en son chemin sublime a reculé !
Que Jésus et Voltaire auront en vain parlé !
Qu'il n'est pas vrai qu'après tant d'efforts et de peine,
Notre époque ait enfin sacré la vie humaine,
Hélas ! et qu'il suffit d'un moment indigné
Pour perdre le trésor par les siècles gagné !
On peut être sévère et de sang économe.
Oh ! qu'il ne soit pas dit qu'à cause de cet homme
La guillotine au noir panier, qu'avec dégoût
Février avait prise et jetée à l'égout,
S'est réveillée avec les bourreaux dans leurs bouges,
A ressaisi sa hache entre ses deux bras rouges,
Et, dressant son poteau dans les tombes scellé,
Sinistre, a reparu sous le ciel étoilé !

Du 16 au 22 novembre 1852, à Jersey
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2019
Well, after all, a Po Lice
is a chamber *** for parasites.

So, what are the Gendarmes
in France complaining about?
La verdad es que
no faltan
así al pasar recuerdo
las que separan a zurdos y diestros
a pequineses y moscovitas
a présbites y miopes
a gendarmes y prostitutas
a optimistas y abstemios
a sacerdortes y aduaneros
a exorcistas y maricones
a baratos e insobornables
a hijos pródigos y detectives
a borges y sábato
a mayúsculas y minúsculas
a pirotécnicos y bomberos
a mujeres y feministas
a aquarianos y taurinos
a profilácticos y revolucionarios
a vírgenes e impotentes
a agnósticos y monaguillos
a inmortales y suicidas
a franceses y no franceses
a corto o a larguísimo plazo
todas son sin embargo
hay una sola grieta
decididamente profunda
y es la que media entre la maravilla del hombre
y los desmaravilladores
aún es posible saltar de uno a otro borde
pero cuidado
aquí estamos todos
ustedes y nosotros
para ahondarla
señoras y señores
a elegir
a elegir de qué lado
ponen el pie.
Las voces de abajo
están casi mudas
pero los gendarmes
matan por las dudas

no saben en dónde
se enredó el enredo
por las dudas llevan
chalecos de miedo

dudan los dudosos
duda poca gente
dudan los esbirros
duda el presidente

pero si supieran
lo que el pueblo sabe
ya no dudarían
que duda te cabe

conseguir lo justo
cuesta dios y ayuda
pero se consigue
no te quepa duda

yo tan sólo dudo
cuando es más barato
si para mañana
o dentro de un rato.
Big Virge Sep 2020
Ya Know I’d...
Rather See... " CALM "...
Than ALL THIS ALARM... !!!!

MORE Welcoming Arms...
LESS Guns In Young Palms...

The Use of ******...
Has Left MANY HARMED... !!!

New Orleans Has Now...
Got Bodies To Farm...

THAT Line Deserves PSALMS...
Cos' Those Who Have DIED...
Have LOST Lucky Charms... !!!

But Hopefully Now...

NO NEED For Gendarmes...
Or... Government YARNS...

NO NEED Now For Money...
Or... EXPENSIVE Garms'...

See These Are The Things...
We NEED To............... DISMISS.....

Luxuries Leading To Peoples Killings... !!!
How Can We Expect To Serve and Protect...
When People AREN'T HAPPY...
Because of Their DEBTS... !!!!!

Most People Are FRIGHTENED...
To... Write Out A Cheque...

Cos' If You’re In The Red...
The Bank Then COLLECTS... !!!!!!

Leave People... UPSET... !!!

People AREN'T CALM...
Because They Are VEX... !!!

Why Use Direct Debit... ?!?
Or Have Cards For Credit... ?!?

I’d Rather Have Dinner...
With... Old Norman Tebbit’... !!!

Of Course That’s NOT True... !!!
Cos' He WASN'T Cool...
With Black Guys Like Me...
With... Differing Views... !!!

Views That AREN'T Clouded...
By... BIASED Reviews... !!!

Reviews That We See...
In... EVERYDAY News...

DON’T Get It Confused... !!!!!

I USE News Reviews...
of... CERTAIN Issues... !!!

I’ve Said It Before...
... I’ll Say It AGAIN... !!!

Your Everyday News...
Is NOT Always TRUE... !!!

But Certain Things CLEARLY...
Require... NO CLUES...
Like... MURDEROUS Acts...
Or RACIST Attacks... !!!

Just Like The Ones...
Where Those FOOLS...
Used An... AXE... !!!
I’m SAD About That...
But THIS Is A FACT... !!!

It’s HARD To Stay Calm...
If You’re A Young Black... !!!

But Blacks NEEDS To Learn...
To... Make The Worm Turn... !!!
Some White People CLEARLY...

Are Keen To Discern...
What It Is They Can Do...
To LIGHTEN Our Mood...

So DON'T Think That We...
Can Ever Be... FREE...

Well You May Not Agree...
As Is... UNITY... !!!!!

Take That Advice...
PLEASE Have It ON ME... !!!

PEACE Is The Answer...
As Is A GOOD KARMA... !!!

EVEN With Your Woman...
She LOVES When You CHARM Her... !!!

A SMILE And A Grin...
Is Where This Begins...

We Need To STAY CALM...
When With Our Women... !!!

It’s NOT Always EASY...
But Who Said It Was... ?!?

It’s Kinda Like Finding...
The... " Wizard of Oz’ "... !?!

NOT IN Books of Hymns... !!!

These Days I’m Inclined...
To... Channel My Mind...
To... LOVING Mankind...
Rather Than Walk...
In The Land of The Blind... !!!

Cos' Walking With Them...
Means You Walk A Fine Line... !!!!

A Line WITHOUT Calm...
And Glasses of Wine...  

A Line Where You’ll Find...
Yourself TRAPPED In A BIND... !!!

A BIND Where Your TRAPPED...
Behind... ENEMY Lines... !!!

So Who Are Your Friends... ???
They... May Be Your End... ?!?
Friendships Aren’t Meant...

A TRUE FRIEND Is Someone...
Who Is... HEAVEN Sent... !!!

But How Many of Them...
Do We... REALLY Have... ???

When Young I Was Told...
To... Look In Your Hand...
Your Fingers And Thumb...
When Added Make FIVE...

You’ll Be LUCKY To Have...
Five TRUE FRIENDS In Your LIFE... !!!!!

It Seemed So Contrived...
To Be...  So PRECISE... !!!!!!
But Now That I’m Older...
It Seems To Be RIGHT... !!!

People Will... " Tell You "...
That They Are... " Your Friend "...
But When You're In TROUBLE...
... How Many of Them... ?!?

Will Make A Case For You...
And Build Your DEFENCE... ?!?

This ISN'T The Way...
I Want This To End ... !!!

So Let Me Do This...
With Words That Transcend...

We NEED LESS Alarm...
We NEED To Link Arms...

And This... I Believe...

Will Bring....

..... " Calm ".....
LISTEN HERE : Taken from the, " On The Virge ", album.
Unbeknownst to me if royal
gilded crests comprised
my rusty dust caked coat of arms
hence, I take liberty successfully farms
productive crop to contrive fictitious
Medieval Age forebears
with favorable charms
strong agile hands

hurling crude accouterments
centuries prior to invention of firearms,
which weapons (of mass sieve construction)
privy to proto gendarmes,
this inventiveness of mine conjures
courageous knights in shining armor,
perhaps monogrammed,
hammered chain metal,

nonetheless such endeavor quite a chore
where love's labors not lost,
viz hub bully accepting, condoning,
and employing embellishments extempore,
whereby solar rays alight,
flickr, and glint glore
re: us astral motifs, the stellar
craftsmanship one (even a poor,

indigent destitute beggar
like yours truly)
could not ignore
exquisite baldric, exotic, and heraldic
trappings incorporating magical lore
aesthetically pleasing

fascinating, and appealing to one poor
uneducated disheveled rhapsodic bohemian
incumbent jibber jabbering, hallucinating,
and fancying deplorable basket case to restore
himself, the legitimate true heir,
who could double as

courtly jesting troubadour,
whose slain grand papa Aaron Harris
violently ousted during Uber Vodafone War
constitutes dreamy gotcha your
attention fabricated and
facilitated to Zoar,

an actual ancient city
anachronistically inserted here
thanks to Lot, whose Biblical reference
Google made me aware,
which ye probably care
nary a fig about, but
placename linkedin mere
to allow, enable and provide bare,

lee tenuous appeal dare
ring me to trump
poetic formality near
rolly returning full circle (one tough Job)
manufacturing prevarication
recounting "FAKE" heir
essentially envisioning, imagining,

and jimmying gallant
high in the saddle career
timeless lifeline chess piece
of centuries gone by
enshrouded with reverence by this air
rent considerably less provocative
then missives by Baudelaire.
Big Virge Sep 2021
It’s TRUE That I’m A Guy...
Who Writes The Type of Rhymes...

That Take A HARD LINE...
Or Stance... If You Like... !!!

On Everything From Race...
To Things That Equate...
To Being... INHUMANE... !!!

In Ways That Dish Out PAIN...
And NOT USING Our Brains...

So HARD LINES That I Take...
Are NOT Made For GAIN... !!!
Or To Join... MONEY Trains... !!!

They Deal In Something MORE...
Like... HIGH Levels of Thought... !!!

So AREN'T Those That Are BOUGHT...
Like *** Acts From A *****... !!!

And What Some Call *******... !!!

Just Like The Musical Score...
That's Now Heard By Those...
Who Recognise My Flows...

That INDEED Are HARD... !!!

Like The Musical Tones...
That Flow With What’s Shown...
When I Drop Spoken Words...
Those With Brittle Nerves... !!!!!

When It Comes To The Cards I MARK... !!!
of Those Who LACK The HEART...
To Take Hard Lines And Stance...
That DON'T Submit To Chants...
of IGNORANCE That HARMS... !!!!

Like Those Who Wear The Garms...
of... Parisian Gendarmes... !!!

Who Seem To Want To BEAT...
Black People That They Meet...
Because of Racist Vibes...
That Clearly Rule Their Minds... !!!

These Days HARD LINES Invite...
A Load of Different Crimes...
According To The Tribes...
Who Like To... Politicise...

As If They Are ALL WISE... !?!

In Preserving Peoples’ Lives...
In Ways That Don’t Downsize...
And Limit The Good Times...
That Good Living Provides...

Well My...

Those Who Still DENY...
Equality And Status...
For Lives That...
... APPARENTLY Matter... !!!

When They’ve Got Skin...
That’s... BLACKER... !!!

Than Crude Oil In Tankers...
That's EMBROILED With Bankers... !!!!!!

Whose Cashflow’s HiGH...
Like Those Who Fly...
And APPARENTLY Supply...
*** Acts For A PRICE... !!!

And Garments Like...
Their... UNDERWEAR... !!!
As Well As Invites...
To Share Their Beds...
If The Price Is Right... !!!

It’s A CRAZY TIME... !!!
Where Hard Lines Now Find...

Green Miles That RISE...
Just Like Dark Knights... !!!

Who Now Have JOKERS...
... In Their Sights...
For Being BAD Brokers...
Who DESTROY Lives... !!!

Just Like The Movie...
BELIEVE... That’s RIGHT... !!!

WITHOUT Bram Stokers...
Or... IGNORANT P.O.T.U.S... !!!

But Leaders Focussed...
On... CORONA Vibes...
That Are Causing Fights...
And PROTEST Lines...
Where Policeman Try...
To Play TOUGH Guys... !!!

Because of The Spread...
of... CORONA DEATHS... !!!

While Government Heads...
Leave Freedoms DEAD...
Until Monetary Funds...
Start To Cause PROBLEMS... !!!

For Economies SHUT...
Due To This Virus... !!!

That Has Now UPSET...
A Lot of Businesses... !!!

Because of Lines Drawn...
That Have Shut Their Doors...
That Of Course Has Caused...
Jobs To Be... FORLORN... !!!!!

I’ve Never Been One...
To Follow Governments...
Or... Political Crews...
Whose Feuds Make News... !!!

Because In Them I See...
of... Humanity... !!!!!

Who Much Like THOSE...
Who TAKE AWAY Folks Hopes...
And Deal In Hate...
VANITY And Displays...
That Are... INHUMANE... !!!

Our... Human Race... !!!

When It Comes To The Rhymes...
That I Sit And Write About Their Kind...

The Rhymes That I Find...
That Define What I See...
In The Ways That They Be...

Are Those That Are Inclined...
To Take A VERY....

...... “ HARD Line “...... !!!
It's not always popular, but it's always straight, just like me !
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
En France, the fans
hit the ****.

Tout a L'Egout
**** you too.

**** mon ******
what a good shot.

Gendarmes are Cochons
feel at home in the merde,

But it's flavoured with Garlic,
so the stink's a bit Werde ?


****** Maura Ein Volk.

Ta Bfalla haon Daoine.

And with that, Ryan goes
off the grind the coffee beans.

Time now 07 : 19.

Mallow in Ireland.

La deas agat.
Wk kortas Apr 2020
In his reveries, there is no furtive glancing around corners,
No skulking and scraping to hide from scowling gendarmes.
He is huge, *******, a proto-Kong of the wrong side of the tracks,
(Indeed, more than that—beyond the corporeal,
Something elemental, Master of Nature’s laws
Yet subservient to none of them)
Strutting down the boulevards and byways,
Marching through the very midst of graveside services,
Feasting on the floral tributes,
Fornicating with the freshly dug earth.
And he races onward, unconstrained and uncontrollable,
Forcing himself upon matchstick girl and street urchin,
Misusing them in horrible, unspeakable ways,
(His appetites creatures unto themselves,
Not subject by the boundaries of propriety or biology)
Taking for himself their sad collections of pennies,
Tossing them heavenward to rain down in a copper cacophony
Before he steals upon an unsuspecting bobby,
Slitting his throat and setting the corpse afire,
Proceeding then to urinate upon the ashes.
As these tableaus unfold in the nickelodeon of his sleep
(Not accompanied by some tinkling version of Hurry No. 26
Jangling uncertainly on some hayseed the-ay-ter untuned upright
But rather by some Dada-esque concoction
Bereft of consistent key or time signature)
He laughs unrestrainedly, bereft of cause or context
Without a trace of mirth or simple humanity.
Found yours truly
a grateful dead head
convenient scapegoat dejure
Norristown police officers
fingerprinted me for
casual postal employment
linked to vicious brutal crime
someone else who shared
identical name and fingerprints as mine
the latter of corpse far fetched
stole social security

I ream member –
being held ransom
bound and gagged
if paperback writer
wrote story resultant account
would total about 300 newpages
printed August 16th, 2019.
Despite never committing
major criminal offense
routine dactylogram
pointed ****** finger of guilt
at me, and an all expense trip
paid to high security prison.

I initially thought ruse
as cruel prank (Ritz large),
and utter nonsense
good humor quickly melted away
nsync with sense and sensibility
after getting roughly manhandled
courtesy dense sumo size wrestlers
(think Andre the giant)
humongous state troopers.

They spoke staccato rapid
fire automatic gunfire tongue
with unfamiliar accents,
and kept no holds barred
steely iron tense grip
upon this skinny, shy, scared...
long haired pencil necked geek.

Said uniformed, nasty mean looking,
heavily muscled, pierced, tattooed...
armed to the dagger oh type teeth
gendarmes escorted, forced, shoved...

These foo fighters,
not friendly village people,
nor Mister Fred Roger type gents
violently tossed yours truly...
carelessly knocked out
any remaining toothless cents
from out my noggin.

Slam dunked me
into back seat bullet proof
partitioned cheaply tricked
paddy wagon went these lovely bones.

Events of my life passed
before myopic mind's third eye blind.

These hooligans counted as nothing
but hoodlums from Bedlam.

A "FAKE" outlaw film
of unreel projections,
unspooled, and untethered
within fifty shades of fist size gray matter.

Surreal elegance definitely
case of mistaken rather stolen identity
perpetrator(s) data mined
under my uber outsize honker
mine outside Semitic schnozzle
created double blind spot.
Yea twas while aye became entranced,
mesmerized, yoked (albeit visually)
courtesy aromatic exotic incense
held this hybrid piqued bishop,
chain mailed (gratis
United States postal service)
good knight captive,
where agents provocateurs
kickstarted, out maneuvered,
and pinned yours truly with engulfed  
par excellence for the course.

Aforesaid mean drama
played out across mine
mien anxiety riddled body electric.

Analogous to once upon time
life size chess board,
I felt marshalled
(tuckered out nonetheless)
like life size pawn
gambled as live pièce de résistance.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
The Gendarmes shot
the feral polygamist
in Stray's-Bourg.

Cherif Chekatt, who
according to reports,
had nine wives.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
One man is without an arm
because of the Gendarmes.

La France, est un pays de
merde, sans doute.
May today bring unbridled bliss
delivered courtesy sunshine kissed
giving Midas a run for his money.

When the last trace of night
evaporates analogous to milky hue,
whereat a dreamy state
pervades thy being from tropical delight
as  approach of Dawn
highlights morning landscape Gaia drew
ah, a paradise
in pristine majestic light
arced, bathed, chiseled displayed
described, elongated, fingered gilt
heraldic imagery joyfully

kindling luminosity
markedly novel picture
quintessentially resplendent
sedating this ubiquitous voyager
waking xing vision
yawning zealot acquiesces
bounteous chimerical dalliance
betwixt Goddess delivering break of day
against defeated quotidian
celestial vault, where Mithras dethroned

the capriciously finicky
inky beleaguered darkly crest
etched fading faux French Gendarmes
into humongous jagged lances
endowing sinosoidal amplitude
modulations nudging raiment
donned by trumpeting requiem,
quiescent pronouncement
obliging new morning laminating,
kneading, and jettisoning

remnant shreds twilight
understood voicing willingness
Xerxes yeomen paid tribute
as did preceding and subsequent
captivating Earthlinked
fighting globe trotters held hostage
upon thee third rock from the sun
straddling an invisible saddle
which oblate spheroid
forfeited, manacled, and pitched
tarry sky (vis a vis feathery touch)

as one more ordinary day
wrested, tussled, and quickened
nocturnal nod toward solar spears
betook the reluctant
wrap of blackest night soundlessly forcing
transient ******* (overruling
the cerulean skies) until
dark shadows prefacing the edge of night
once again admirably, willingly,
and unequivocally surrendered  

a fair pact to take solace
whence the morrow allowed, enabled
and provided a ray of shining hope
(every now and again eclipsed)
via the Lunar trajectory
coinciding with axis
when spatial relations
commandeered thru cosmic consciousness
dictating gambit heft
forging atypical sliver of night

before cosmological laissez faire
retreated into the back round,
a universal choreographer
envisioning, insinuating,
maintaining quirkiness  
until recapitulation
sans astronomers predicted future
trio of heavenly bodies
would be aligned bedazzling Primates
access to espy Corona of the sun.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
La France banned The Hijab
but the French accepted it!

The Gendarmes are permitted
to wear them though.

Just proves the racism against
Arab communities therein.

There is no Egality, Liberty is in
N.Y. Harbour, Fraternity is fractured.
The further south one goes,
it is shorter the French get,
in Provence one finds the
lowest life.  Dickens.

— The End —