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Sour Patched Kid Feb 2015
Holding long to longing,
longing, holed to holding,

I ode my tale for bold forboding.

Swiftly shores sung,
ripping, reaping, revealing

I stopped just short of saint-like stealing.

Madly minutes mumbled,
syllables stuck, syrup

My thoughts no longer mine to stir up.
Izshe Nov 2012
Go away little wisp.
I know what you are up to.
I pay the slightest notice,
you morph into an innocent, seductive puff
strutting to and fro
offering companionship,
yes, even love.
I admire you; you gust, fat and fluffy.
I compliment; you explode into a cumulous mass hovering ominously above.
I worry; ashen gray lithely overtakes beguiling white.
Rumbling belly fills with rage and swells with forboding.
There is no longer an escape.
My thoughts
are pulled into shadow
and slapped onto earth
in torrents of unrestrained rage.
Completely engulfed, I choke, and
swirl in great muddy vortexes down lost drains.
Who am I?
Who are my thoughts?
I only have you to grasp onto,
and that is no solace.
Torin Apr 2016
A band without an audience
Two thousand years of history
An amphitheater
Vesuvius still is trembling
It always echoes through time
Eternity on the run
I hear down, down. Down, down.
The star is screaming

It shares its greatest secrets
Its always us and them
And in the end
We're only ordinary men
How do you feel?
And if your head explodes with dark forboding too

From the dark side of the moon
We'll set the controls for the heart of the sun
And call to you across the sky
We end to become echoes again
At the glory of our music
Priya Patel Jun 2015
A forgiving grey
Black and white together sway
until the next rain
A forgiving grey
Moody clouds come out and play
a forboding and colorless sky
Black and white together sway
A forgiving grey

© Priya Patel 6/1/2015
Ma Cherie May 2016
Morning comes with fear tow...
with what light bears to all unknown.

Had last night forboding dreams...
Hear the water of trickling streams.

  This calls away the night concerns...
to what there is this day to learn.

What riddles does this day in store...
soon thoughts of life return once more.

To hear the distant spring Birds song..
and dawns that bird- been gone quite long..
with the croaking frogs down by pond...

Now back at home where they belong...
these Sounds the Farm's been waiting on.

So smiling in her stoic way-
Now looking forward to this day..
it's time to shelve her timid thoughts- instead sets mind to things she ought

Put on boots this early morn'- as Mother's calf just newly born.
A baby sprung-  internal nest..
now lays down beside his Mother's chest.

Life on Farm starts out Anew with thoughts of hope and joy imbued.   

            All Rights Reserved * 2016 Cherie Nolan
Changed format... Thanks everyone!!! truly inspired somehow when writing this. Thanks to all who take the time to read any of my work for time is the only truly valuable thing in life.
Old churches smell of Camphor

New churches get febreezed

New churches have soft benches

Old churches wreck your knees

Old churches have stained windows

New churches have foam walls

Old churches fill you up with dread

New churches look like malls

New churches have young pastors

Old churches, not so much

New churches have no feeling

Old churches hurt to touch

Old churches scream religion

New churches whisper "Hi"

New churches aren't forboding

Old churches make you cry

New churches full of speakers

Old churches you just yell

New churches all have daycare

Old churches threaten hell

Old churches full of people

New churches full of young

New churches and new hymnals

Old churches,,bells are rung

Old churches make you wonder

New churches keep you cool

New churches...air conditioned

Old churches are a jewel

Old churches...God is power

New churches...God's a friend

New churches....rules are broken

Old churches do not bend

Old churches are my background

New churches I don't know

Old churches full of stories

New churches full of show

Old churches there's confession

New churches there is not

New churches you say sorry

Old gets hot

New churches have no devil

Old churches he is there

New churches full of comfort

Old churches just to scare

No matter what religion

Be it new or be it old

Faith is one commitment

Forever,you should hold

Old churces are my favorite

New churches quench a thirst

But if I had a choice of one

I'd pick the old church first.

Write a comment...
Like the raindrops that once rendered a kiss
Upon my dripping, wonting lips
You watched as the words formed and took shape
And fluttered gently without escape
And by your eyes did I despise
Each time that I had not to them lied
For you saw heartache in my chest,
And softly put my head to breast
To lay and weep and hope to live
The sound of my dying was corrosive.
Each breath and tear beneath enigma
Was cause enough for wretched stigma
Although you hadn't broken it
My heart was worth its weight in ****,
And as I passed, you looked forlorn,
Forboding silence on an awaiting shore,
Pretending not to love is worse
Than losing all you had endorsed,
If fate is naught but falsehood's truth,
I'd give the world to not be rid of you.
The word was out around the street
Tonight, behind Giannis bar
There would be really something special
From the bluesman and his guitar

For locals not for punters
Just for those upon the street
You'd better bring a lawn chair
If you wanted a good seat

The word spread fast and no one
Would miss this once they heard
New works from the bluesman
You had to take in every word

The bluesman was a legend
In this flawed, dark part of town
He only played back in the alley
That was where his show went down

At precisely eleven seventeen
The bluesman took his place
Upon his beat up orange crate
In his same familiar space

It was just like a cathedral
Underneath the golden moon
Quiet and forboding
As he started his first tune

The alley was the bluesmans church
As he sang to the street people
But this church had no walls or pews
No bells, it had no steeple

The bluesman sang of love and loss
Of dragons, ships and gin
He sang of Shubert, Bach and Liszt
He sang of constant sin

He looked but he saw no one
He was zoning, all alone
He sang songs of faith and hunger
Time to give the dog a bone

He played and drank his med-cin
For sometimes he got dry
The bluesman had the crowd entrapped
Beneath the shining moonlit sky

He talked of how his smoking
Through the years gave him his sound
It only took me fifty years
I'm surprised I'm still around

He sang of love and window panes
Of jealousy and trust
Of walruses and potholes
Of people turned to dust

As people sat in wonder
Of this prophet in disguise
You could see a certain twinkle
Deep in the bluesmans eyes

Gianni, stood off to the side
Timekeeper of the show
He signalled to the bluesman
One more and we must go

He had to close the restaurant
Turn the lights off in the back
So the bluesman took another sip
And grabbed a song from his minds pack

He finished up with something
Singing songs for all who came
He made them feel it was their heartsong
Although he never said a name

He sang of waitresses and barkeeps
Pawn brokers and of guests
of family and train tracks
of watchers and of quests

He finished up and packed away
His crate and his guitar
And he collected appreciation
In a two quart mason jar

The crowd left thirty dollars
almost ninety cents a seat
A fortune to the bluesman
And the folks here on the street
mark john junor May 2013
and how we have traveled this night
how we have lived a thousand lifetimes in these  hours
while they wispered in desperate quiet
we sang and danced and let our hair free
your coming home to me lover
my arms and my heart ache for you

never ever leave again
with you i sail over this world with such freedom
without you my love
i am mortal with feet of clay

pennys on the pound broker the deal
we shall pay the ferryman to take us
back across the river styx
and away from the dark forboding hills

with you my love
i can defeat the world.
Tatiana Nov 2017
I'm like a snuffed out candle
with its smoke still curling
into the dark sky.
A wispy grayish white,
still visible at night.

The scent still lingers
it's not quite ready to leave
the area it called home.
Still making its presence known,
but fading as the winds groan.

The immediate darkness that settles
around the snuffed out candle
is heavy and forboding.
Yet its still intoxicating,
though the silence is suffocating.

I'm like a snuffed out candle
because I burn bright when needed
and extinguished when I'm not.
Like my light is for others to use
and for the world to abuse.
© Tatiana
Oh hey! It's my 300th published poem! That's kind of cool.
Erin Lewis Nov 2012
Lonely isle in a deep blue sea
Like the lonely child
Deep inside of me

Searing stars in the midnight sky
Like the searing scars, white,
Where the blood has dried

Lingering presense in the darkened night
Like the linging essence
Of the forboding fright

Sinister whispers burn in the cold crisp air
Like the sinister embers
In my empty stare

Haunting screams in the abysmal deep
Like the haunting dreams
That terrorize my sleep
Caty Aug 2010
I'd love to watch you die
To see the color fade

For all the gloom and sorrow
To drift away by day

I'd know your threat had ceased
I'd rest in peaceful slumber

I'd go out on the rooftops
Annoucing, the great fall

Death! I tell you all
-For might we once have feared

We now are given reason
To sing out on the word

The birds would sing
The sun would shine

And life would live once more

I'd love to witness death
That is, of you my foe

To see a once forboding figure
Trampled down by silence

I'd laugh in hysterical muteness
I'd shed a joyful tear

No one would think to stop me
For once you'd stopped us all

As once a last breath taken
A joyful echo heard

No more the sound of silence
No more the sound of hurt

What left would be a corpse
A lonesome, fallen figure

The ghost of all once evil
Would sink below through screams

We, as now a whole
Would love to watch you die
mark john junor Apr 2013
with feet of clay

and how we have traveled this night
how we have lived a thousand lifetimes in these  hours\
while they wispered in desperate quiet
we sang and danced and let our hair free
your coming home to me lover
my arms and my heart ache for you

never ever leave again
with you i sail over this world with such freedom
without you my love
i am mortal with feet of clay

pennys on the pound broker the deal
we shall pay the ferryman to take us
back across the river styx
and away from the dark forboding hills

with you my love
i can defeat the world.
the reference to the river styx is an inside joke about the cherry creek that runs thru denver..foul water that you would not want to touch. my girl will be home soon...and i am so very very happy.
jeffrey robin Oct 2013
City streets



(So very)


Dreams have fled


Dragging blankets  held onto by tumbling babes in the woods




Police presence




Becoming completely aware


Blank eyes staring thru the quiet streets  of Night

(So very)


Devoid of life





Stench of decay

And old age






(Can we really hope to be pure again!)






In the quiet evening calm

I see you hear you

In the moon and stars
Stanley Wilkin Oct 2018
Dive bombers, black wings spread,
satanic angels: Two crows attacked another
broken on the long grass,
consumed by grappling weeds,
unable to fly and imprisoned within
the soft melding soil as if caught
nesting; I watched from afar; a spectator at an accident
unwilling to intervene.
Darting beak, defending itself with desperate
protests: they swooped again and again-
stukas in the old war, squarking demonically
wings flapping like black pistons geared up for death-
again and again they drilled into the world of men
boring down until
in the fading light, head bowed,
the damaged crow surrendered
and vomitted out its last stored-up breath,
shining ebony slashed, in a flurry
of dangling flesh, its life hacked away-blood
dripping from its bill-
hacked away in the cold air,
its brothers, like brothers everywhere,
gorging on its flesh.

By then, I had had enough,
I refused to watch anymore. The bird
a meal for its own kind,
soon just scattered feathers
repositioning the light.
Its darkness, once a threat,
with its suggestion of forboding
now merely signalling innocence,
the victim of misrepresentation.
I left a scene that did not truly
embrace reflection, an unusual
carnival of life and death in a city
that rejected both.
Lexie Jul 2019
Scent of your sins
Woven in threads
Of my sweater
We unravel
Line dry, to high
Fallen to earth
Clothespin regret
Beyond simple days
Soap and water
Baptize me
Smell of sage
These are the days
We paint them red
Line dry, mile high
Scent of sins
It begins
A collaboration of
Lori Jones McCaffery & David Hewitt

Clouds of grey, forboding loom
Over hillsides cold and sere
I long for walks twixt summer bloom
Under skies turned blue and clear

Lightning cracks as thoughts return
I cannot leave them far behind
Scorched upon my mind you burn
With no escape that I can find

'Tis love I crave not solitude
But love is often hiding
I search beneath my smbre mood
To seek for one glad tiding

And grant the heart my life pursues
Should find in me a perfect mate
So cleanse me of my woeful blues
That I may earn a happy fate

Yet time musts ee me ride this storm
But I'm without my trusty steed
So here I bunker down till dawn
When I can better meet my need

Fissures of red stirs morning sky
Promising me a path to hope
Upon the clouds my wishes fly
For help to climb this rocky *****.
David wrote lines 1 and 3.  Lori wrote lines 2 & 4.  All done by messaging.
Kristina May 2015
Pink, orange,
And Gray;
That is the colour of the
Sky, here.

A sunset, decorated with
Smoke, and fog,
The promise of rain
Ever forboding.

I can feel the roundness of the
Earth, now;
The slant of the sky,
The clouds,
And the soil below.

How I wish I lived when
The Earth was square, when
Men were fools,
seeking adventure,
Afraid to fall off the
Corners, and into oblivion.

And not round,
So that,
can fall off the edges,

And not come back to where I started.
Sunset Man Oct 2017
Axis tilt
pendulum plunged
plane upheaved
when wane has won.

Incarnation cleansed
as lovers spill
trajected dreams
of somedays still.

Teetered fulcrum
down to slide
when tomorrows dim
forboding good-bye.

No more whens
just glazed memories
only binds left
connecting you through me.
Jeremy Bean May 2018
Try to scream over the thunder
try to stay dry in the rain
this dark cloud that Im under
lightning strikes with subtle pains

I can feel myself eroding
this water overflowing me
the storms sounds are forboding
fog over an endless sea

Slipping through slick fingers
trying to catch a grip
a lonliness that lingers
adrift, a sinking ship.

Wading in the chaos
as I kick and flail
my spirit lost in seance
my preservation fails
Tabatha Cromer Dec 2019
Hope is that of delicate wings
Fluttering in the soal
In such conditions of aired space
Gliding high on currents unseen
Fluttering to new bonds
In moments departure
When shifting weather pours
Heavy becomes such delicate wings Dropping to a slow pace
Declining to lows forboding
As thy protection is washed away
Leaving but once more a wounded spirit
As hope has become immobile
CC Feb 2019
One does not measure
The farthest kind of distant
Even in light years
Formulas without constants

As gusts erases
Our names in silver sand drawn
And forboding cumulus
Eclipses the rays of dawn

Musical pieces
Lit the same flames in our souls
Though no words bridge us
Love dies in embers grown cold

Infinite couldve's
Hung in unspoken tension
Our atoms glide past
We're in different dimensions

I held out my hand
Aching sharply for a touch
Jarring emptiness
Shouldn't have shocked me this much

Being an artist,
I can trace him with such life
As if he stood near,
..."Close" is a cut with a knife
Briefly back from hiatus
Delton Peele Jan 2021
Engulfed in a myriad of savage memories
Sworn to keep
Buried  deep
With my mind
..Too many..
Face to face
With these
Regretful things
Like rotting
I cry and try
I swear its not
Yet I remember
These deeds
Somehow are
Is it
Dont want
To see
I mumble
I said the
Wrong thing
Oh No
Its not me
Finely i can hide
I said its name
Up from the dank
Into bliss.
Like treasure maps
The grains of life.
Are formed in much same way as the
Mr hyde pacing
Worms into my
compassed about by
These kodak moments he keeps pacing
For more leverage

cursed me with
Crimson paintings
Envoking screams
Hide; let sleeping dogs lie    
Lets let it go
Back past the groves of i dont know.
Wretched leaching
Friend back
So low
So go
Deep in the suffering hollow.
So dense and forboding.
.years past the last spatial light where the madness....
Gets dunk off darkness
A raging
Cant even glow
In this
So go hyde .....
BUT ...
GO HYDE......

— The End —