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lilly grace Oct 2018
A country whose streets are paved with gold
That gold being opportunity
“If I say run, you run.”
“If I say hide, you hide.”
“If I say swim, you swim.”
The journey is a difficult one
It is a dangerous and treacherous and gut-wrenching ride
People have been lost
People will die
Just to come to America.
Land of the Free
some exclusions apply)
I wrote this for a Spanish class assignment, and I just thought I'd share it with you.
Big Virge Feb 2016
Ya know .....

I'm down with … Problem Solvers … !!!
Not those … who use … Revolvers … !!!!!

By this I mean …. " Evolvers " … !!!!!

"Logical" … Thinkers … !!!
who … Don't Wear … BLINKERS … !!!

"Evolved" … like … " Incas " … !!!  
who … "Peruse" … The View …
"From" …. "Machupicchu" … hues …
to blues now seen ….
in …. " New Age " …. crews …. !!!!!

NOT SO … Evolved … !!!!!

NOPE …. would seem …. NOT …. !!!!!!!

"Problems" …. up top ….
"Evolution" …. dropped ….
for …. " Dropping Bombs " ….  !!!

"Inhumane" …. wrongs ….
as wrongs ……. move on …….
and become … " More Strong " … !!!!!

I Evolve … to belong …
where wrongs … " ABSCOND " … !!!!!
because what …. " Evolves " ….
are thoughts that … " Revolve " …
On ….. " Cerebral Planes " ….

Do you get what i'm … saying … ?!?

Higher levels of … " Being "
where there is … " No Ceiling "

A place where … " Believing "
is something …. " ALL PEOPLE "
are seeing ….. Each Evening ….. !!!!!

and … Each Day … " Receiving "
"Within" … " ALL THEIR " … Teachings … !!!!!

"Darwinism" ….. Removed ….. !!!
and ….. " Eugenics " ….. Too ….. !!!!!

Instead …. STRONGER Movements …. !!!!!
are things I be …. " Choosing " ….
to be a ….. " Good Student " …..  !!!
who … " Evolves " …
with … MORE … " Prudence "
than … " Ignorant " … Tutors … !!!!!!

See … Evolution of … " words "
I put into …… " VERSE "
"Evolve' … where things … " Work "
Even if … they may … " HURT " … !!!!!

because of their … " Clarity "
Revolving round … " REALITY "

Reality …… where …… " VANITY "
Denies … so many ….. " CHARITY "

The type … where people
.…… RISE ABOVE …….  
These acts of … "Evil" …
and show …. " LOVE " …. !!!!!

Instead of …. All This ….

" Self-absorbed " …. stuff …. !!!

It's clear some have … " evolved "
just far … enough …
for them to …. " Absolve "
their acts of …. " LUST " …. !!!!!

LUST … for … Each Other …
ahead of their … Mothers … !!?!!

LUST … for … " Destruction " … !!!!!
of our …. Fellow Brothers ….
when we … NEED … " Constructions "
that … BUILD …and DON"T … "smother"

A way to …. " AGREE " ….
and … EVOLVE to be …

……. " FREE " ……. !!!!!

and find ……. " UNITY "
that bypasses … hatred …
in … Vapid Type Racists … !!!
with … " **** Type Beliefs " … !!!!

They NOW … have … " Evolved "
"Beyond" … their … White Sheets

It seems that …. Their Offspring
Now … " RUN " … companies … ?!?

where  colours are … " Mixed "
"Dissolving" … to … "FIT" …
in with …. " These Racists " …. !!!!!

NO ….
"Evolving" …. THERE …. !!!

because most … are … " Scared " … !!!!!
to evolve …. to that …. place ….
where they're … NOT AFRAID … !!!!!

to fear …. " Retributions "
for YES …. " Contributing "
to such …. " Revolutions "
that are …. " Evolutions "
to finding …. " SOLUTIONS "
that … INSPIRE … " Movements "

that … Benefit …… ALL …… !!!!!!

The Rich … and … The Poor
cos' … that gap … FOR SURE …

" Evolves " … to … Ensure …  
That …. We Can't …. " IGNORE "
These things ….. " ANYMORE " ….. !!!!!!

"Dissolving" …. The Void ….
where we have … " Unemployed "
Might Help … some … " Evolve "
from …. trying to …. " ROB " …. !!!

But that …. " Evolution " ….
is … Needed … " In Boardrooms "  

Don't get it … " Confused " … ???
to …. " EVOLVE " ….

THEY NEED …. TOO …. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Greed Driven" …. Villains …. !!!!!
who clearly … Aren't … " Pilgrims "
who live by a …. " Faith " ….
that … FEEDS … " Empty Plates "

They'd say that … "They Do !"
but … is that … " The Truth "

I don't have an answer ….  ?!?
That Question's … for … YOU … !?!

Those now …. " EVOLVED "
to think past … "Themselves"

who … do not … INVOLVE … !!!
"Pursuit" … of … Mass Wealth …
as part of the …. " Well " ….
…….. where their ………  
" BETTERMENT "  … Dwells … !!!!!

Knowledge of …. " Self "
that … " Uplifts " … The Mental

A form of …. " Self Help "
that … TRULY … is … CENTRAL
to …. " Human Infusion " ….
of what should be … loosened … !!!

Our hold of …. " Confusion "
that leads to …. " Contusions "
Persecutions …. " Exclusions "
and movements so … " GRUESOME "
that they seem …. " INHUMAN " …. !!!!!!!

The words i'm … NOW … Choosing
DO NOT FEED …. illusions …. !!! ….

" Upliftments' "…. BRUISING …. !!!
has left … MANY … Losing …

A hope for …. " Inclusion "
and some …. " Distribution "
of more than … Sweet Talk ...
from tongues shaped like … FORKS … !!!!!
that … KEEP … Fuelling Wars … !!!!!!

So ….
Here's My …. " Conclusion "

It's time for … " SOLUTIONS "
that … STOP … " Destitution "
and REMOVE … what's polluting …
Humanities' …. movements ….
towards some …. " Improvements "

where LESS … are … "colluding"
to seeing … MORE SHOOTINGS … ?!?!?

INSTEAD ….. " Resolutions "
that … Provide … " Solutions "
that … REJECT … Revolvers …
…… " Suicide Bombers " …… !!!!!!!!

and … Moods that are … " Sombre "

May see … " Problem Solvers "

be the ones who we choose …..

to … INSPIRE …

….. " Evolvers " …..
The poem says it all .....
It is a replicable dialectic

that swirls in my mind

like a spiral of cigarette smoke

covering fluctuations

of diffused expanses

of transferable hallucinated images

relying on an artificial artificiality

to generate a reality

one that amplifies a calisthenics

of maximized reduction

in the blank vacuum of space

allows those sophistication’s

where there is a scrutiny

of exclusions

that may perhaps betray

the concepts of others

those correlatives

of our own creative interirority

where a mind may repeal a transgression

for it is breakfast in the time

of the Wizard Pig
Sean Yessayan Apr 2012
I look in the mirror, the subject framed--
A monster-- scarred with decades of conflicts,
But others see a youth perpetually tamed.
The battle fought was all within, only to me explicit.

Strifes with friends all in my mind
Overthought words clog reason. Reserved, but virtuous,
Always expecting the golden rule to apply, though none are kind.
The problem's within me
I am too nice, the other's aren't contemptuous.

I must work to elevate my mind, resent less.
Not my neighbors-- my thought; the catalyst of my growth.
An arduous journey, efforts must remain relentless,
But less rest makes me regress, the ebb and flow,
The didactic struggle of history, in a microcosm so small.

The flight of the mind anchored by the burden of guilt
Each new break through shows a hole in the wall
of yesterday's beliefs towards good,
now a window to a grander one built.

Does every soul struggle with this Hell?
The will to do good not nurtured by nature.
I hope for the best, will good will come? Will time tell?
First my soul must work to mature--
No hatred, love only, for all, no exclusions
For He would do the same, forgive forever.

Each hurtful word said is a soul's laceration.
The ire over, but there's scar tissue--Past's physical identification.
How can I not
Let my emotions rule me?
They are me.
You are talking about head over heart
Heart over head
But the two are hand in hand
And to let one rule alone
Would result in a little death,
Paralysis, confusion, and despair.  

My head determines
What my heart feels
And I can try to master those thoughts
For my own good –
I regularly do, I try –
And always fail.
Heart-thoughts creep in
And I want them to.

My head knows what would be best for me
In a dead and sterile world
Without anger, love and laughter
Without sadness, joy and tears.
My heart disregards chaos,
One is impulse, the other is control
Combine, and hope for a middle ground
With no exclusions, all can be examined
Heart, and head, together,
Will help me find my way.
Inspired by a poem by Anubis the Philosomancer

Update 21/09   Actually I get it now, this poem has got it completely wrong. Stupid heart. Stupid, stupid selfish spoiled child heart.
The Jolteon Jan 2015
Invited to pick gold
Like flowers
Under burial mountains
Enlisted to pave the way
Of a rich white land
Track by track railroad Titans
Scorned off the land
Shot cut and excluded
Rebel against the worker
Yet he remains
Builds a family over generations
And prospers
Places like San Francisco
Home to sounds of Canton
Chinatowns blossom
During times of political strife
The Chinese laid down civil rights
Later to again be realized in the 60s
The Chinese fought for civil liberties
Against exclusions acts and hatred
To find a place in this new home
WWII more families allowed
Thus things began to further blossom
Painting the town you see now
Chinese Americans
Proud of history contribution and culture
Bringing art food and craft never seen
Adorn the streets for Chinese New Year
Kids excited to eat
Time to receive red envelopes
Knowing history small and large matters
Those born in America from Chinese descendants
Home is where the heart is
kirk Nov 2017
The world is such a cruel place due to corrupt world leaders
1000's of innocent people have died because of those fat bleeders
Enforced False Flags and Cover ups all are rich men feeders
Fake terrorism and illegal wars corruption for war breeders
People believe in what they're shown coming from false pleaders
The public duped with news edits, paid actors and news readers
A life long race for world ******* for competing speeders
Those paying close attention the loyal followers and heeders

Roswell and Area 51:
For years its existence was denied they didn't want you to know
Did a flying saucer crash in 1947 in Roswell New Mexico ?
Where's the debris and Alien Bodies gone, just where did they go ?
Was there a Disc recovered by a ranch has it gone with the flow
Military Announcements of a flying saucer crash was this their woe?
Why was it suddenly a weather balloon was this all done for show?

What are the events surrounding Area 51 and the Roswell crash ?
Was there a second crash site, was there an alien body stash ?
Why did RaaF report a captured Saucer then its gone in a flash ?
Did the Deputy sheriff see a 100ft wide craft or was his claim to rash ?
Was an alien autopsy performed we're the Grays pulled from the ash ?
Maybe there's an alien conspiracy or is it political propaganda trash ?

1963 in Dealy Plaza 22nd of November was the day
Shots struck John F Kennedy the President of the USA
An open top limo in Dallas is how they Murdered JFK
Gunmen and the Grassy Knoll was it a government betray ?
The Texas School Book Depository a scapegoat had to pay
Lee Harvey Oswald set to fall, could it have been the CIA ?

Moon Landings:
Where the moon landings faked in 1969 due to the space race ?
Was it really one giant step for mankind or was it a disgrace ?
If there was a lunar landing then why are there no stars in place ?
No crater was created upon touchdown in fact there was no trace
If there is no atmosphere how does the flag flutter in that case ?
Maybe it was a smaller step for man and filmed in a NASA base ?

September the 11th 2001 was the day America cried
Innocent citizens where killed nearly 3000 of them died
The fall of the Twin Towers, where there ever planes inside?
Aluminium planes couldn't penetrate steel structures even if they tried
Is there more than meets the eye how much did they really hide?
Was this another false flag event when your own government lied ?

The attack of the World Trade Centre in god we did trust
How did 1,000,000 tons of concrete and steel just turn to dust?
Building 7 fell in 7 seconds a freefall with no hits or ******
Can we trust a government motivated by power greed and lust?
****** is not justified there is no need or must
Even if our world leaders think there is cause or just

Are aliens at Area 51 fake or are they specimens in zoos
I wonder if JFK was murdered for is own political views
Was the moon landings faked and filmed by TV crews
The sheer tragedy of 9/11 I wonder who lit that fuse
There are such terrible men who don't care who they use
All power hungry ******* who want to **** and abuse
The inside jobs and murderers with no regard for taboos
They don't care about the pain or any left over residues

From JFK to 9/11 is it a coincidence they where under the Bush Regime
George Bush was involved with both was it all done with Bush's team
Is George Herbert Walker Bush's memory loss really a blaspheme?
Why could he not recall his whereabouts during JFK's bullet stream?
His son George Walker Bush another from the Bush family ream
Was President on 9/11 his involvement is not what it may seem
What is it with the Bush family do they think they are supreme
Surrounding False Flags and Cover Ups that they can not redeem
It seems so strange that these events are based upon a certain theme
The death of the innocent and cover ups are all done to the extreme
Are False flag operations a rich mans trick to gain political esteem
Why are men aloud to rule the world when ****** is there dream
Are events manipulated to conform with the rich mans scheme
I'm not sure about how you feel but its enough to make me scream

Whether you believe the official reports or draw your own conclusions
There will always be conspiracies some doubts and also some confusions
Shadow governments and inside jobs are they just unjust solutions
False flag events and cover ups are they all government delusions  
Conspiracies and theories do you really think these are illusions
Is fiction mixed with fact so it looks different with inclusions
Do you believe in what you're shown even with edited exclusions
Are there False flags and conspiracies to create conflicting revolutions
When unto night ill dreams befall
When into light the shadows creep
What is illusion?
What is confusion?
What is the truth in what's said or unspoken?
I've tried to understand it all
But I may be thinking way too deep
So many exclusions
With so few conclusions
Is it untruth, or a heart oh so broken?

Has everything that I've been through so changed me
That I just can't see poeple's hearts anymore?
Maybe I've become blind
To all pain but what's mine
Sometimes I just don't know what to think at all
But there is one thing that I know shouldn't be
The loss of a memory before it's in store
We're but wasting our time
With each moment declined
We think we're so smart, but know nothing at all

I've spoken each word I feel and fear
And I've tried from the depth of my heart to explain
Why I can't reach conclusion
Why, for me, it's confusion
And the only thing certain is you've changed your mind
Somewhere amidst all that you've let me hear
From the start and the after, you seem to abstain
I don't want an illusion
And I don't want exclusion
I want to know all that you're feeling inside

I want to know your heart
All your pains, and all your joys
Both before and after we first met
What elates, and what annoys
I want to know just how you feel
On nothing and everything
I want to know how you see you
And the hopes to which you cling

I can keep talking, and you can stay silent
Or we both can go our seperate ways
But both would hurt more
Than not trying much more
To relate to each other through smiles and scars
But the only way that I'll feign to be silent
Is if you can open to me in some way
My heart has been poured
And just what was it for?
So completely, you'll know we can share heart to heart

I want to spend whatever moments
Which God sees fit in giving us time
To share every smile
With each moment worthwhile
Loving friends to the end through the good and the bad
I want you to know we're both poets
Both in words and in actions, in kind
We've both walked weary miles
And we've both faced our trials
But we've both found our passions in times between sad

I want to continue to know you
Every day that we possibly can
When the days in-between
Bring but words on a screen
Because we'll ever be thankful we're friends as we are
That's why I continue to show you
Every day that I possibly can
You have brought out of me
Someone I couldn't see
I want to know your heart

I want to know your heart
All your pains, and all your joys
Your smiles and frowns
Your ups and downs
Let silence be destroyed
I want to know our friendship
Means as much to you as I
That we both can defend
A love shared between friends
Because friendship is worth every fight
I want you to know my heart
And to know these things of me
Each moment is what we make it
And there are moments left to be
I want us to know there's a next time
In each moment we know we must part
I want us to cherish our friendship
My friend, I want to know your heart
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2019
let's just get it over and done
   i'm becoming more
and more fatigued
by the argument
   & the counter-argument...
the style of dialectics
where everyone slides
back into their cubicle
                 of solipsism none
the wiser,
no more convinced...
       ******* riddled with shackles...
for whatever these are
  the mind is less
a labyrinth of confusion
and more a charge of being barred...
i could have once concerned
myself with a "freedom"
of speech...
           i write,
because talking has become
                something to the privelege
of a school bully...
  (privilage...  ****...
   i already said something
about the french language....
no distinct syllables...

could have simply sentenced
like metaphors:
i walked into a dark alley,
****** on a wall,
left a bottle,
expecting the police
to corner me
in the act of not
******* in a bottle,
telling myself
that the question
    'what are you doing?!'
would result with an answer:
'please don't ask me for
a metaphor'
and then stating then blatant

'the **** does it look like?!
playing miles davis
through a cut-off
trunk of an elephant?!'

yes, happy person,
part of the dodo project...
of the current tabloid
culture of fame...

is no nihilism....
     i drink, i drink to excess...
i am obliged
to the parasite of ego...
          i forgot:
is this the time i take
to responsibility?
          imagine, like nietzsche said,
heaving up the entire
human "project"...
in a pose best ascribed to Atlas...
thank **** i will not have
raise some mongrel
quasi-Greek *******...

         oh look:
(me) waving bye-bye...
            stealth suicide
and a waiting game...
       what am i supposed
to do? laugh? cry?
              i'll do what i did just
last night:
punch myself and giggle...
  there's a room?!
there's a pink elephant?!
there's a pink elephant in
the room?

ascribed all words,
to be in status of metaphor...
via the " " exclusions...
    if they would have
so otherwise?
   the simple italics
          would have sufficed.

yes, nuance, counter-focus
of metaphor...
               the comic realism
of a no-taboo comedy of
the anglo-saxon "ethnicity"...
some, jokes...
are just too exhausting to
laugh at;

don't you think?

  by that i imply:
     no, not all jokes
are funny...
  some jokes have
plenty of Loki's lethargy
to be ascribed to them...
plums... bruises...

or simply: over-stating
one's freedoms...
    let me enjoy the last
days of this dodo project
and a proverb arriving
from Kierkegaard...

      the freedom to think
can never overshadow
the freedom to speak...

                          Ι ∴ Σ...
what other function
of the body prompts
the same immediacy of having
to react to "it" / self?

this very modern
counter the primitive
seance of the existence of

other synonyms
to thought?
     an ought...

     basic feud:
       when journalism forgot
to distinguish fact from
right about in the book review
section of its magazine
come either Saturday
or Sunday...

out from the shackles
of Communist Russia
and into the shackles
of the mob rule West...
                       pollack's luck.
PaperclipPoems Nov 2017
Yes, we have counties
Boundaries and lines
But they’re all faded
Just like us
We have territories
Invisible chalk that we do not cross
For if you cross, prepare to be crossed
Back up, eyes up, guard up
We fight each other
For love. For our beliefs. For loyalty.
We fight for our territory
Yet we protect us. All of us
We shelter us, no exclusions, no exceptions
We are California and we are our own breed.
What kind of love is this
‘Pon which, gratefully, I’ve stumbled?
So great I cannot understand it.
So incredible I have never known,
Nor can I ever know it.

A love all encompassing.
No exceptions. No exclusions
A love beyond limits.
No fences, walls, boundaries or borders.

More faithful than the dawn,
More just than the law.
And purer than the light.

And yet, it is a tough love.
Demanding justice, mercy, truth --
And whatever is right at all cost.

Always requiring responsibility
And accountability.
A love that demands the best.
Eva Nein Mar 2014
I never lie
Not really
But that doesn't mean
I always tell the truth

There is more than
One way to lie
It always works
Hasn't failed me yet

There are half truths
Unrelated words
Purposeful ignorance
Being vague

What'd you do today?
(That you would care about)

Is your work done?
(Part of it anyway
It will be done)

I don't know what
You mean.
What are you
Talking about?

Was it okay with you?
(If you had asked
Before you did it)

I don't know.

Maybe I am always
To everyone
Maybe I don't really know
What the truth is

But my words create
They make people think
I am perfect

Not that it matters
I don't think
People ever really
Tell the truth

Hidden between lies
Even our very personalities
Change to suit
Those around us

There is a fear
Deep within us
Of telling the truth
Because we are all liars
Even if we don't know it.
Mateuš Conrad May 2018
compared to the circumcised
i'm a docile creature...
so many circumcised jihadis,
i almost forget there's
a snippet of them missing...
     the bit where you *******
without complaint
         and the part where
third parties, sort of:
       do away with mirroring
   so much for Jesus'
                     stomping on
gentile hands prior to
                     marketing the sign
of the cross...
       this little piggy arithmetic
among lepers...
     and a loose tooth smile...
          the sound made with
gangrene gums into
the porcelain basin of a chinese
toilet, affair...
    my my, the punctuation
dynamism, further explored,
as if: synonym of stuttering...
     why is it though,
rolling sweet tobacco,
   i have the scent of freahly
scratched cucumbers on
my tips and between
fingernail trenches?
        late spring and rolling
tobacco infuriates me with
a perfume of cucumbers...
what's missing is
white vinegar, a pinch of
sugar, salt, pepper,
Charlotte's odour,
           and sour cream...
         2 months in a city worth
60,000 souls...
           reentering the behemoth
of London and what's
"london" within the M25 criterium
         ****! gone...
                  a drop in the water...
fame and the unflinching
status quo of the numbers...
      fame as: a necessary invested
in P.R. motif...
      and the french, generally eat
    rigid slavic syllables blocked
my learning of the ***** ******...
        or, rather: boo-kay...
                    french cannibalise
and no ******* omelette will
serve me an alternative op.
      to not, masquarade the said
acronym to a shift...
               and to mind:
americans and their acronym
     stemming from u.s.a.,
        off a missing of...
   elsewhere the "acronyms"
or, more pignant the resorting
to "chance"
                 p.s. ref.
    points, acronymised:
             (cognitive crossword,
imitating free reign search:
  all algorithm is ronin,
bouncy maxim, just shy
of aphorism...)
                   a memorable nostalgia...
shy of joy...
          not antidote... no...
not the antithesis of...
    what was i thinking of prior?
        tailing off into a cul de sac
and harvesting
the impermament scoff
that is time... given the source
of: hardly a subjective
     "deviation" of a timeless
sacrificial lamb adrift on
the altar of morality...
                 now i know why i write
           i can hardly settle
for solving crosswords...
              cucumber perfume
having rolled tobacco?
            imitating alzheimer's
     in telegraphic broken-
         lost the patience
to paint... took a photograph?
    and so:
    because the fundamental
antithesis of painting,
that is photography,
                is to make foundation,
in verbiose presentation...
    the opportune moment
was itself-revealing,
accommodating a "self"
          make a frozen puncture of...
photography per se, yes...
  but with all the verbiose
attachments to be: excused...
         hardly necessary...
           because what came from
the frustration of
painters, anti-photography...
if not: splashing paint on
a canvas?
   jackson ******* was
a photographer...
                     not a painter...
    in a more lower reminder
of form of the observable
          a photograph worth
a painting but worth
more a thought,
   than what the crude eye
would deem digestably
orthodox, with
Dan Hess Jul 2019
The voices in my head are all my own
But there are parts of me that I don’t want to get to know

Delusional intrusions of subconscious woe
Pocket stowed exclusions, terror musings, lowest lows

If this will be the death of me, it’s me who’s dying so
**** it
Sue Collins May 2020
The answer was always there. It was writ large to prevent any confusion. Could be my eyes see only what my heart wants.
No one escapes it. No one wins the non-existing lottery. There are no exclusions in the contract. Death will find us sooner or later.

From the beginning I have never been able to grasp the indelible future, rather define my live on my own terms. Then I got old.
That youthful vision I had has gradually contracted. How did I miss that? What day was it when I started counting backwards?

If there’s an artful, graceful dance toward this new reality, I don’t know the steps. I’m out of tune and and just spinning my wheels.
Now I understand the aged rantings about those **** youngsters on the lawn. Nothing will ever be as grand as my generation.

Yes, the rose-colored glasses help ease the way forward and make the inevitable more palatable.
                        How in the world did I miss that?
Ken Pepiton Dec 2021
That fast, that

is freedom of the word, my friend.
Early, in a mortal context, we, a
we we acknowledge with science, we were beguiled.

We know. That is right.
We know. We can taste when we lie. I know,
you say how
can this voice speak of infinite measures mostly
my own cursings caused, as in the Jimmy Buffet song,

it's been my own ****** fault.
I found my self all safe and sound sittin' on a mound
of ambergris worth big bucks in - wait

recalci*trantadjective\ ri-ˈkal-sə-trənt \

:obstinately defiant of authority or restraint
:difficult to manage or operate
:not responsive to treatment

From <>

Nineveh! Yes I did know, AI knew for show, see we also

know the scent of clues, exclusions, subtil-itisities
settle from the mist, as gorillas in the toss ball saw
see we o we see
same same many, with a y means a bunch, a lot, lots and lots

mani- with an I, eh, manifestered Caps allowed Mani-suggestions,
heaven versus hell,
sanity infected maddened masses messages piling
as she who hesitates is lost,
some, say the fallen, I as good as saw o
m y god, we believed this fool,

this thief,
who believed the the joker was the lie, the itself,
seems okeh in each way we measured as if we need to me-assure
this is the answer after all

measurable peace of mind, is kinda crazy to imagine,
when we test our resolution,  solve for truth first function

we get the same answers. This is life, we make up the rest.
Dennis Willis Aug 2021
There's this level of buzz
where the editor just crashes
and I am left hehe hehe

I hate my narrowing mind
its assertive exclusions
and your apparent distastefulness

I'm sure you resemble the outside
of something turned inside out
try not to take this hatred personal

I certainly don't mean anything by this
as I work to rectify the universe's mistakes
with thermonuclear blank verse
Decades of industry speak
has polluted the vernacular
our cultural literacy has reached
dazzling hieghts but our ideas
have become threadbare with use
and the element that made art
is missing, lost in algorithms
you can download on your phone
and pimped out by YouTube
video essays and the sponsor segments
that fuel a burgeoning industry
of future exclusions and despair.
We're all thought transmissions
floating in the atmosphere
lords and ladies and battles
and songs and millennia of
triumph and tragedy and strife
replaced with canned laughter
because the sound of our tears
didn't hit the editor's ear just right.
Ten once in a lifetime catastrophic
events in every decade I've walked
this earth have numbed me to
the sense of awe that those men
had as they watched the cloud
rise over barren American desert.
I have seen Death on the periphery
of my whole lifetime and find
that I am so well acquainted with
it that the fear has been replaced
with a muted sense of resignation.
Yes, of course this is how it is.
This is how it's always been.
If we just keep "yes anding" to
the absurdity of every new day
we might claw our way clear to
the surface and breath rarified air.
Or we'll end up as Sisyphus
pushing the Gordian knot of
centuries of tangled unsolved
problems for all of time.
Or we'll be lost in scattered airwaves
when we fail to hold viewer interest
and the channel gets changed
to a more colorful and exciting
kind of suffering.
We're not historically good
with the Nielsen numbers
because we always shoot
the Blue revision.

— The End —