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OldManAtHeart Apr 2014
Today I don't want to think.
So I'm going to drink.
I'm fed up of life.
I'm going to drink.

I'm going to drink, drink drink
Until I'm comatose
And hopefully then
To death I'll be close.

Yes, I shall drink
And I don't care what people think
This epitomises the worst attitude
I can have; I'm on the brink
Of dying by the drink.
And I don't give a ****
If I have the worst attitude....

Dear, alcohol, CAN'T I AT LEAST HAVE THAT!?

Who the **** rhymes drink with think?
This is so debilitating; I need a drink.

I've lost it. I've lost the plot, if I ever had one.
Almost certainly lost the plot of this poem
But who cares? I can't.

I want to hide, see no-one and die.

I need to hide, see no-one and die.

So I'm just going to drink.
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2016
i vent, i'm sure you heard of the invention known as the ventilator... it's like a lung-clone-subservient of a "nanny quality" of automating the words: breathe in... breathe out... breathe in... it precursors the in and outsources the *out, there's a cult-like-scheme involving the use of... the stated tools... worthy of a suggestion that epitomises August as the month of harvest - i.e. the sun finally sets to auburn crops and **** me, isn't the bread rightly puffy?! toad-squidgy aye aye? go on, give us a burping caricature of a squeeze!

imagine uttering the words:
i hope your mother lies
eternally run-sacked with hopes
of former ****** glory,
*****, bleeding,
as if a Mongolian horde just passed
her with a glorious encore of
clapping to match...
because that's what i assert
as been done to my mother,
you don't even understand the verb
or adjective or conjunction behind
the noun.... after all, you're an African
Muslim and a pyramid builder,
a ****-wit...
jaded ****-strap and gag's
worth of you the Ben & Jerry...
praise the Koran
but don't understand that behind
each noun there's a collective grammatical
structure, ******* English political correctness,
*******! *******! have your Reagent's Street
and Oxford Street, have 'em!
behind the noun all grammatical categories
follow suite... universal noun, what category
for the particular? ape transforms into apish,
or Quasimodo or ~ape, nouns are units,
like centimetres, forget the other things, unless you:
let the shoppers drop dead like flies!
but imagine saying the words:
i hope your mother gets gang-***** by
an equivalent of a Mongolian horde;
yep, Mongolian necrophilia.
you said it to my mother, and i'm mourning,
alive, and counting.... once more... so ********
betterdays Aug 2014
house is mouse quiet
walking down the
the dark
step on a malevolent
lego brick, swear mightily

this epitomises my day...

now to crawl into bed
and pray tommorrow
the vagrant gods like me...
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2016
i'll just say what it is, quiet frankly a beautiful
elaboration - for maxims are shake-shocks -
i'd call all proverbs or maxims Blitzkrieg annals -
well, something of that sort, once said:
a flash of genius, but then years of squabbling,
before someone emerges with what the maxim
requires: an elaboration - one of plain, simple
understanding - but of course, after the elaboration,
someone must second the elaborated understanding,
and put the genie back into the lamp,
and oddly enough, write a poem - the twist is,
the secondant must too elaborate on the elaboration,
as way to deviate and start a new subject matter.
this has been the case with what i picked up
a few minutes ago, Kierkegaard's Christian discourses,
the care of lowliness: do not worry about what
you will wear - the pagans seek all these things.
i for one know this to be very true -
once in a while i travel into London for opera and
ballet - i put on my standard outfit for the
occasion - so i basically do not look like a ***:
brown trousers, navy jacket, navy shoes,
light purple shirt - a typical grey area in a crowd -
and already upon stepping into the crowd,
that vast sea, i feel like i just temped into an
ant-mound, a colony of itchiness - in fact i used
to wear clothes in variation - no... well, let's just
say i'd get airs of contempt walking down
the golden-plated streets of civilisation -
where enough chewing gum patches create a horde
of concrete dalmatians -
but that's beside the point, that passage is ingenious
in its simplicity, Kierkegaard is a rarity in
philosophy, he writes like a novelist, there's an
actual narration in his works - he can almost
remind me of Rousseau (rue sow, said) -
i don't the concrete ideas (both are completely different)
i just me stylistically - Kierkegaard as such
is uncomplicated to have a firm footing in systematisation -
like i once said: systematisation is not
so much dishonesty, as a military approach to
language: a strict (limited) competence of language
(vocabulary) - and the incessant Holtwitzer* /
Howitzer style of bombarding a key concept, revising it,
coming at it from a different angle - but refining
certain concepts, instilled with what i already mentioned:
a strict competence of language / systematisation:
limiting the vocabulary; Kierkegaard epitomises the
Heraclitus river - it flows and flows - never minding
the whirlpool of the anti-claustrophobic fathers:
who's works are just that: all of them comfortable fitting
into a suitcase. ah crap, digression over,
mind you, it's not easy finding google whacks - it takes
a decent imagination to misspell a word to get the billions
reduced to 1: apparently there's a website dedicated to
them... well, that's a 2nd in my diary.
anyway (hopefully for the last time) - the comparison
of the bird and the lowly man, the two are unlike each other,
one has it easy, the other has a beginning in which
he sets out to be a lowly man, or to not be of such
disposition... the bird already is, what it is, so
the bird has it easy - the man faces a hardship of
the optical illusion, kindly provided by Vogue et al.:
he composites this with the bird's ontology as
pure animate - singing for its own delight,
the bird's death by impatience should it ponder itself
as being a bird, rather than as being-in-itself -
so there's the bird, pure animate presiding over its
ontology and not allowing hesitation or anything...
where am i getting at?
                                       the javelin throw,
the discuss throw, the baseball throw, gymnastics -
and Noah's ark: and the philosophical concepts
went up to the ark, two by two of their respective pairing:
existence & essence, subjectivity & objectivity,
good & evil... and of course animate & inanimate (objects),
for this is crucial for me... there's no thought
attached to the above stated activities, there is man's
respective animal-like representation - intuition and
gamblers luck remain in the head,
no boxer in a boxing ring can actually be said to be thinking,
too many chemical reactions are taking place,
and these athletes are not exactly chemically minded to
talk about the next more... that's the animate side
of man's ontology - the bird on the wheat shaft singing -
pure and simple... which brings me to consider
the following object that i have in my hand (head,
but never mind, i took it out and it's in my hand now) -
the inanimate nature of man... the buildings around us,
the garden fences... thought was derived from
us having the shadow duality with being animate,
we have instilled in us an inanimate nature,
from which thought is derived from - along with all
that comes with it: telescopes, hammers, autism,
solipsism (self-conscious autism), syringes, l.s.d.;
i set out to find out how we conceived thinking in
the first place - apart from the cliche duality contained
within: good v. evil or beyond that... well, beyond
that there's this... i could find no reason to imply that
man has only one nature in this pair going up to
Noah's ark... this stretches into the common misunderstanding
in the western world in the realm of medicine,
or as i like to call it: the Cartesian dark ages...
whereby a mental health issue is treated on the basis
that we are only animate beings, which, to my understanding
translates as: you have a puppet inside yer 'ed
and one of your strings snapped, mate... that's
what i don't understand... why is it that western medicine
conceived this idea that our nature is only animate,
and that we have to have a respective dynamic in
our mind to comply with the body's animate nature?
this is where the inanimate nature of our inner
life comes in, where thinking is derived from -
otherwise there would be no ****** good reason to
sit under a ***(h)i tree like a plonker for days,
would there? hey! probe all those words in the Asian
languages - dhal! probe! buddha! probe! probe them
all, wake up the h in each and every single word,
then start probing the y and the w in European languages!
boom! out pops a variation of n.e.w.s. of
Jewish mysticism.
Jemoh May 2017
The emergence of the concrete jungle
Epitomises the barrenness of life
Embodied by the disconnect from self
Back pedalling from the core
Whence it all began

A land filled with history beyond measure
Characteristic of the richness espoused by kings and queens
Manifested in the wealth of the gold and diamonds
Sacrificed for our progeny
How we seldom relish in the lushness of the land
Where the spirit dwell in the people
Choosing to toil into bare existence
Uzo Okoli Jun 2020
Pain causes friction within
It pierces the souls of men
Gladdens the hearts of sadists
Impoverishes the minds of the feeble
Who feels pains?

Tears symbolises modern humanity
Contradicts happiness and sadness
A bitter sweet flavour of the eyes
Pure like raindrops.
Who likes tears?

Difficulties weaken the strong
As she walks majestically to glory
After several trials of error.
Ladder of failures epitomises difficulties
Who loves difficulties?

Scar sets the tone of recollection
The clothes of men gives it a royal apparel
When the eyes of the beholder recounts the ordeals of the scars
Who adnires scars?

© June 2020
The Earth is full of egoistic tendencies.
Ryan O'Leary May 2022
The Greed Breed

The fairytale of New York
was just a Christmas song

but the American dream is
to many, a desired reality.

Based on greed, it epitomises
what it is they value most.

If this ambition was confined
to their own country, then fine,

let them have their cake and
eat it, but alas they want more.

More off other nations plates
but this will be their downfall,

they have rung the bell, but
Pavlov’s dog is now a bear.


           Less America.
Eshwara Prasad Mar 2022
A smile epitomises one's personality.
Anjali Oct 2019
The time of oneness,
Surroundings of happiness!
The season of joy,
The betterment of all!
Decorations, Sweets, New clothes and too much of  joy,
A bundle of new beginnings!
An ample of peace,
The sample of goodliness!
The sign of glitter,
The moments of pleasure!
The fruits of bliss,
The eternity of meriness!
The way to rejoice,
And make all delight!
The delightful sweets,
The heartful meets!
The pride of good spirits,
The epitomises of real cheerfulness!
Really festivals are our real bundle of joy,
Time to meet, celebrate and be happily gay!
Geraldine Taylor Jun 2017
Components form a basic need

A plant produced, a healthy seed

Light and warmth, spring water flow

Tranquil air helps plants to grow

The sunshine rays that beam with light

With health, green leaves shall stand upright

Natural cycles won’t evolve

A dark surround, left bare and cold

That light of which dear plants rely

Devoid of light, such plants would die

Tall spindly state, o light shall seek

Epitomises growing weak

Watered fields, roots delight

Nutrient soil, anchored upright

Beneath the earth, a process starts

Up through the stem to distinct parts

Sunshine glare, of natural bliss

Make way photosynthesis

Bring forth a bout of showering

The varied kinds are flowering

Embrace the harvest, water surge

Where leaves and flower buds emerge

Insects travel, pollination

Carried forth, fertilisation

Dispose and scatter seeds below

Create anew, for plants to grow

Coloured petals, a summer breeze

Butterflies and bumble bees

Attractive plant, a keen insect

Solid petals will protect

Sweetest nectar – energy

Exist for bees to make honey

Written by Geraldine Taylor ©
Yenson May 2021
I deliberately left it in that state for you
muck for mucks
its epitomises the total disregard  I have for you
after all I'm not charging an Entrance fee
since you're all not worth a dime
I've even stopped being amazed
by the sheer stupidity
of it all
go on
make yourselves believe all your fantasies
I will not say goodbye,
I would rather shout, “That’s enough”.
My experience with you
Has been super tough.

Just rest away in peace,
You know that I’d never look behind
With you, I was bored to death,
Dear, you have never been kind.

Friendship is a mutual bond,
‘Take and give’ is how it acts;
A silent agreement that’s neither hidden nor written,
Simply, it epitomises all the basic facts.

I still wish you all the best.
But search for somebody else to drain
Her soul and greedily her powers consume.
Keeping you was the worst stain.

Close as I am to lose you,
Happiness is my sole feeling.
Never think to buzz around me again.
At last, I will be a free human being.

— The End —