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anna Jun 2020
Early hours with smoke and rising skies
Sleep that drug we denied
We knew
Even then , this was -
Ephermal as ephermal could be.

In deafening silence, our
Entwined fingers knew
Through beating hearts and a myriad little hurts ;

We weren't a forever
Barely a today,
You and I -
- Broken, breaking,
fallen, falling -
Albeit a plot hole
In each other's stories.
We knew , we knew , we knew
We knew we would break
You or me
Still we stayed
The charade had to be played

(After all)
Àŧùl Nov 2019
Massage it,
Shake it,
Think about her.
Massage it more,
Shake it till you blast,
Experience the ephermal joy.
Avoid premarital pregnancy.
My HP Poem #1796
©Atul Kaushal
Brenten Hargrove Feb 2012
let everything thing you say sound unpredictable
that it is  hard to believe
and no one will ever decipher those
tools of mortality

i pull out my bones to dig a new grave
In the side of the road where we used to play
Where the grass was pulled up but the roots they never gave

The scent of their blood on the air is here always
a delicate dust lies just beneath
accept that
and with  the casket leave the flashback
i want to be set free
no one can tell me
i want to be set free!

and if you've forgotten
i know you can forget your first love
forget that surprise the way you feel at sunrise
but in those eyes i cant let go

inability to focus on change
the trauma is set
trying to pledge a heart to a fugacious stone
trying to force a hand into an ephermal sound
no one wants to fade away

ive tried to capture a true change ive tried to manage pieces
obscure paths and bold statements traverse through centuries
confied in  whimsical plague
Your contagious inure
I want to bring about in you a melliflous love

Burst  forth in lands luminescent and redolent

I will give you unto the shooting stars and wasted spaces
Something that will always leave you faced with
the inability to fade away
one of opulent Petrichor
that dissolves with the clouds
allison joy Jun 2015
please don't let me fall in love with scrawled
notes on napkins and don't leave doors open
when you have no intentions to close them

and please quit acting like it's okay to love
people haphazardly because one day you're
going to wake up and wonder where your
heart left its pieces

i want to apologize for not fitting into the
mold of someone i'm not, but i refuse to
chisel away parts of myself to remain
in ephermal ecstasy

a long time ago i made a promise to
myself that i intend to keep, and that
promise is to leave fairweather people
where they belong and find my sunshine,
my light

so i'll raise my standards while you
lower yours, because i still have a heart
that yearns for love

all your heart ever yearns for is pain

so tonight i may go to bed with a
bruised heart, but hey at least it still
beats, now i really can't say the same
for yours

but finally you're left with a heartbreak,
that this time you really couldn't afford.
2:37 AM
Eric the Red Mar 2018
If you think you’re having a
Bad day
Bad life

There are soldiers coming home
From a deployment
That consider it a success
Because they didn’t ****
Any children
This time

Remember that...
I never wanted to be a character of your novel but an inked odyssey of your words left unspoken.
I never wanted to be the star of your life but your inner star gazing novice.
I never wanted to be the light of your life but a glistering ray to hew the gloom you hid within your *****.
I never wanted to be a smell of a splendiferous bouquet of flowers but a soothing petrichor.
I never wanted to be the drizzle of ephermal joy but a downpour of eternal bliss.
I never believed in any space but being the aura of one another.
In a world so materialistic I believed in nothing but something very realistic for which, I afflict no more!
Chitransh Gaurav May 2018
She is caressed and tickled faintly
Moves her limbs swiftly against its currents
Seeks to fend off the darkness that surrounds
But is too uncaring to pay heed

Pay heed to those floating by
Disturbing their reveries
Dreams they dream with their eyes wide open
Gazing at the stars, the skies pitch black
For their dreams to realize
They pray to the stars falling
To holy spirits, to Zeus in the gauzy haze
Ignoring her as she drowns

Wishing with lust for glitters and gold
They float all over all around
Blocking the shimmering moonlight
The miniscule ray of hope that she had
Worse, she got vertigo
The waters wash away with whirlpools
In effervescence all bonds that existed
Now withered and weak
The water of totality
Incorporeal, incorporating totality
With mediocre attempts
Barely chafing composure of the surfers
Surfers in trance, penancing after their dreams
Somnolent and drooling in lullaby
Unmindful of the drowning damsel
She is about to succumb

A drunk sailor passes by
Intoxicated in psychedelics, tipsy
With languid gait and slow movements
The world melting before him
With eyes closed he sees the unseen
Vivid serene sceneries and warping visuals
That you and I call hallucinations
Purple, pink and scarlet with spirals
And other ineffable amorphous shapes
For his senses are hindered
That he outreaches for help, that’d cost
Cost him his own dreams and adventures
Dreams to cover the seven seas
With eleven bottles of ***

A downhaul he extends for her
All he sees is a beautiful woman in pain
All he assumes is a paragon of virtue
A company to fill in his solitude
He helps her aboard.
Appalled by apathy of the world
She impels him out of his boat
And treads on alone
To conquer the world
A world of despair

Somewhere among the dreamers
Floating on their surfboards
The bored pirate sees it all
In ephermal tranquillity
For him, “All the world’s a stage”
Innate truths of the world are clear
Thus he just observes from a distance
Like an all seeing eye of the illuminati
And he doesn’t dream
Wk kortas Dec 2016
If you put the question to, say, one Ben Haramed,
He would, as befits a wily old desert jackal,
Find such notions of faith and fidelity quite amusing--

(Following stars in search of something ephermal,
With no fixed exchange rate?
Will these specks of light find you shelter
Among throngs of shepherds and sundry fools?
Will your mewling, puking infant provide you succor in that cold city
Where no one makes time for you, save the pickpockets or strumpets,
Each of whom would pawn your drum
For a dram or string of brightly-colored beads?

And, indeed, if you happened upon a certain wise and well-off trio
Ensconced comfortably in their lodgings several streets distant
From the temporary residence of the object of their pilgrimage
(It is only fit that we pay obeisance,
But to actually stay in such a place, well...
They would certainly forswear any notion
Of the primacy of the gold piece and the blade
But if you caught them in a more comfortable, unguarded moment
You may able to infer quite correctly that,
While they would express themselves more elegantly
Than some rude wilderness bandit,
You could no more expect them
To exchange their coin of the realm for philosophy
Than you would expect the fold and kine
To keep perfect four-four time.

And yet we believe, in spite of the first-hand knowledge
That the descendants of Balthasar and Melchior can elbow their way
Past whomever they choose, and be greeted, all smiles,
By the bank manager, the lawmaker, the chairman of the board
That our works and our constancy
Shall be recompensed at a sound rate of return
(How could it be otherwise, for didn’t Our Story Teller herself,
Through stiffness of upper lip and fealty
To all things bright and beautiful,
Weather the Blitz as beautiful, as inspirational,
As a cross-Channel Joan of Arc?)
If only we are as steadfast as the chant of the Dies Irae,
As unwavering as the straightforward beat of a single drum
Which follows the procession down the main thoroughfare
As we make our final homecoming.
Elizabeth P Aug 2015
A summer night is full of ephermal things
Doing activities to make you happy for a little bit
Just to pass time
Just to distract from the lack of something
Or someone
Messing with technology so I don't daydream about us
Listening to music so I don't think about the way you looked in the moonlight
Doing anything so I don't think about how much I miss you

But when I do think of my longing for you,
I cry.
Tyler Aug 2022
My heart drives me.
My soul guides me.
My mind transmits me-
I am happy.

I have traversed the sailor's swirled depths to walk on water to the land across those seas.

I have gone through darkest tunnel to bask in light.

Trekked through valley and mountain- to hills beyond.

I am an eternal student, a teacher in that own right.

Follow, and I shall lead-
Lead, and I could follow.

I have made peace in hell and fought with love for all brothers and sisters throughout.

And chances are, I will have to traverse the cycle again.
Losing and gaining and keeping and welcoming people throughout;
my heart carries all them inside and
my soul is built from broken pieces of time that
my mind makes lasting stone cloud-castles
out of that dust of ephermal sand.

Once I reach the end of this, that is when the true poetry will begin;
I believe it so.
The cycle of healing
Sujata Mar 2021
Half asleep and the rest in weep
Wet eyebrows with the eyelids closed
Half stories lied and the rest denied
Half untold and the rest was sold
Half unsung and some hidden under the tongue
Half smiled hiding the woes inside
Half hearted with the whole soul burnt
Half love expressed fully
Fake promises kept truly
Seeked for ephermal joys
In a hope to live full
A Half life.
By- Sujata gond

— The End —