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You take these brilliantly colored pills
to paint your soul
in a way that that can be done
with only the trigger of a gun
but the piano's song is not yet done

swaying with death
you're starting a game that plays in blood
your heart may flood, with the dance of a discontinuing thud
the ground is holding us all down
is it possible to be released from it?
or is the shot our way out from these ties.

when the piano play it's final note
you can't help but want to be numbed
it feels better but,
your angel won't tie your arm
they hide the beauty from you in the needles they keep from you

Fight it softly
make the holes reappear
make the lights reflect from the glimmering things you hear
leave now, let the gun take you out
to the beat of your life
you aren't living now.
So I'm two months drug free, and I'm not loving this.
Loewen S Graves Mar 2012
Your car
is my own personal
spaceship, hurtling
through galaxies --
billboard planets
and streetlight stars

The city
doesn't sleep
so much as it snores
this early in the morning,
piles of buildings
stacked together carelessly
across the skyline

My legs
curled beneath me,
an insect shriveling
back into her cocoon,
we don't speak
only discontinuing silence

You retreat
into your shell
before I can speak
a word of the truth
that is congealed
in my chest, a
cancerous mass
that is sure
to stop my breath

This night,
it hasn't broken me
so much as it has
brought me back to life,
soon I'll remember how
warm a person's eyes get
after they've been so cold
for such a long time

We whisper
under our breaths,
fumbling to connect
with sentences strung out
across a wire between
our ears, cans pressed tight

And now,
my house looming
before me, a
swirling black hole
that swallows me whole,
your headlights barely
a spark in the distance

I wish
more than anything
that I could follow you
back home, curl with you
until this ache has left
from my bones

But if I did,
I know it would be
different than we thought
Your quiet mouth would
change beneath mine
and I know, you would never
stop until you understood why

this blooming pressure
tears at my lungs
until I can breathe again
SN Aug 2018
Lost on white streets
Hanging in between buildings and the eerie
Afternoon air that holds a promise of the gathering dark

The young eyes darting over the place
A growing mind that goes bump in the night
On unsteady legs watching meaning colour beside the lines

Then a flash of lightning sets off a schism
A slash, division down to the deep middle
Pilot light blinking as it drifts of into neural space

Left to grow stunted in isolation
Animal protocol takes over
Unusual growth detected, quarantine affected parts

Discontinuing memory lines 0 to 13
Incoming sensory override
Reboot soul system

Initiating memory dump
Re-awakening neural connections
Re-routing discontinued channels



Systems online
Current memory line: 29
Review memory dump?


Dharker Jul 2017
Why do I feel unsafe?
In a place where love
Is supposed to comfort me
Giving you my all
I will be there with my whole heart
Yet, I feel cold
Unsatisfied with these results
It must be my fault
For my expectations
Was not to judge
This situation we are now in

You let this behavior be okay
Because you could always get away
The freedom was there
And I was waiting for you in this box
You created for me
Making me think I was safe
Sitting alone in the dark
Waiting for your return…
You don't show up
Out there, you spoil others with your presences
I try to peak
Sotto voce pulling me into the light
Grabbing your attention
Discontinuing the thought
That I could see what you do
To me

Does it hurt to know I don’t want to be like you?
Does it hurt to know I want to be like me?

It’s okay for you to walk over me
I demanded for it
I asked you to treat me in a way
You would not want
That’s why I am here
Still, all by myself
In this box you made for me
I see a different side…
Over time and I can’t help it
But my faith to you is changing
Maybe because the faith you had
Was unfaithful and never ending
So with my changed thoughts
I address to you

Does it hurt to know I don’t want to be like you?
Does it hurt to know I want to be like me?

With this new voice
I scream!

Does it hurt to know I don’t want you?
Does it hurt to know this has been me?
wah Sep 2014
call me when your flight lands in Munich
and we can discuss
how the cinder blocks
standing stationary in the walls
like cold queen's guards
meet so seamlessly
they touch so cleanly
never a crack, never a pore

call me when your flight lands in Tampa
and we can talk about
all of the clothes on the floor
folding and crinkling
discontinuing continuum
they haven't been touched since July
and when you call,
we can talk about how they
make my room smell like

let me know when you land safely in Munich
and I'd be happy to go on
about the smell of the parking garage
equal parts old rain and new exhaust pipes
and the open air
underneath the moon; so close
that I will grab it out of
the closet sky
and give it to you instead of saying:
        I'm so ******* sorry

let me know when you land safely in Tampa
and we can assume the position
of conductors
of a grand orchestra
of lost crickets and cracking bones
of the dogs barking at
spilled black ink
and chasing the painted Sun
and maybe when the song is over,
we will clean up the mess
and be able to fall in love
with nothingness
Warren Jul 2019
Oh Optimus Prime,
Were you still in your prime when
you thought of that name?
Were you still in your prime
when you ruined hundreds and thousands of kids’ lives
by discontinuing your adventures?
Oh Optimus Prime, were you still in your prime when you fled from my life and never returned?
And to this day I wonder Optimus Prime,
are you still in your prime?
       Here I sit and wait
       Counting the clock, peering at time,
       Hoping someday my answers are met by fate
       So a state of satisfaction may be mine.

So sorry dearest Gawain, I am Optimus Prime.
I tried desperately under the stresses of daily life as Optimus Prime
to seek out the answers and address these questions,
but they are so plentiful.
As you know, I had to fight many troubles
and fend off many enemies,
all the time trying to stay in my prime.
Though you are the first to ask these questions,
I know you will not be the last,
For many often seek out the heart of the one they wish to save.
       Untidy though I have written
       Your conscience I pray,
       Will keep you from being smitten,
       As it is answers that I too crave.

I have long awaited your response Optimus Prime,
and I thank you.
When I watched you on TV, I would speak to the screen,
but there was never a response.
With all my imagination I believed you were alive,
but only now have you proven that you are.
Though many questions remain unanswered,
one question we may lay to rest,
and that is Optimus Prime,
whether you are still in your prime.
And at times when you may think you are not,
it is of your soul that you ought wonder.
       If you a man but four and I a man but three,
       the answer lies with the God of thunder,
       Ascending your soul, like climbing a wet tree,
       Is a slippery riddle I dare not blunder.

I thank you Gawain. I struggle and mercifully I am in debt to you.
If it wasn’t for you, there would be no soul of Optimus Prime.
You have created a soul for me like I have created myself in the hearts of kids throughout the country.
And though I was born from pencil,
I will go on and live in the hearts of these children,
not because of pencil,
but because of people like you
who choose to look beyond my prime.
I call now on my heavenly muse
to guide me in this new adventure,
And offer up his strength to me as I lay aside my prime.
       Sir Gawain and the God of Thunder
       Through random discovery we may find,
       If none of us go asunder,
      ‘Tis likely we may place this soul of mine
... to be continued
Valerie Csorba Feb 2014
And when my heart can't take anymore of this stress 'cause my soldier's over sea,
will someone - please anyone- bring him back home to me?
And while my heart is burning inside my chest as you mention the possible discontinuing
of a life that once held me so dear, it seems you want me to stop breathing.

I keep hurting at the thought that I'll lose the one who always use to be here,
even from miles away, his voice could echo through telephones to stop these tears...
But now my pain is settling and I can't face the consequences of the possibilty
that maybe you may never be back to comfort this heart or even to hold me.

Now we may fight, and I might not be perfect,
but you made me feel beautiful in every single aspect.
And now that you're not here to help me.
I have to be my own sort of soldier and let my heart be free.
I have to stand up and be strong just for you,
because this, I know, is what you want me to do.
My Soldier, I love you, between every last tear
and every last laugh that you want me to hear.
My pain will still linger no matter the time,
because even as a heart breaks things can turn out fine.

Because even as a heart breaks things can turn out fine...
to my detriment
I scribe excrement
this experiment
with excrement
hath lead to my detriment
I can circumvent
the detriment
by discontinuing
my experiment
with excrement
Genesee May 2018
I've been thinking about a lot of things
And the one thing I don't understand is
Why people throw around the words
''I love you '' and ''I care about you''
In addition to I'll never leave

Before they realize that sometimes life may split them apart
And the distance no matter how many miles
Sometimes can't hold the glue together
So before you try to promise me things
Like we'll move in together and live together
Marriage and everything else similar to that
Slow down first and get to know me as a person

Don't get caught up in what I can do physically
Such as kissing you till we're so out of breath
feeling hazy and the lines of so called love is a blur

Focus on what makes me well me
And what I mean by that is a little bit of small  talk here and there
Such as Favorite Icecream and what are your dreams or What do you want to accomplish in life
Notice how I didn't dive right into personal questions
Or trying to know one's past right off the bat

Because getting to know someone is in small but big stages
Don't rush the process of Hello's and finding a common interest then letting it blossom from there

As you get to know someone
month after month
You learn about their likes and dislikes
What makes them vulnerable
Things that they wouldn't have the courage to say when the sun is up
in the day time
Only the night time

Only when the time is right so to speak
is when you ask whoever it is that you are interested in
Personal questions but not to the point that if you had a fallout with them
Then you couldn't look at them
In the same way again

If you rush things along way too fast
Diving into personal stuff without warning
Then if they suddenly leave you
out of the blue
No questions asked
you're left with their secrets
They know more about you
secret wise
And your left wondering why can't I take all that I said to them
secrect wise back

So before the damage is done
Slow down and get to know each other as a person first

Like how they react when everything isn't going well or in certain life situations such as seeing them mad or upset
Different life situations reveal their true personality or how they will act how several years down the road
something along those lines

But getting back to the point here
Sometimes personality wise
I keep to myself hidden
You might not understand it
But in due time you'll figure out why I do this
and why I am the way I am
Don't fall in love with the gestures
that I might do for you
The stuff I make you
Paragraphs that I'll end up writing you
Everything that is involved with being my friend
or dating me

For what I've learned over the years is that if you fall in love too fast
With the gestures that I do
Instead of loving me ad a person
You'll think of me as perfect
Or trying to love me only to get the gestures
For when I grow wary and tired
Of trying to keep you
With the gifts and discontinuing it
Just as a small little test
To determine if you really love me for me
Not what I can make you or get you

And you come up
Empty handed
When  certain life situations expose me as a person
And seeing how I react to the situations
Including my moods
but not limited to the way I do things
your picture perfect version of me
Will shatter

I won't beg you to love me
When I end up ruining
The picture perfect version of your idealized
fantasy of what I am verses who I am in reality

So before you promise me empty things
Or words that you think will keep me
Such as I love you or I care
Get to know me as a individual/ person
Then I'll see for myself if you really love me like you claim too
Or if it was fake love
Only to get the benefits of gifts

Before you utter the words I love you to me
I want you to really think it through first
Don't say it to me if you don't really feel those feelings
Or love towards me
Because if you say it without meaning
I'll be fooled into thinking
you actually care

Keep this in mind before you tell me
Will you love me in difficult times and situations
Where I'll be tempted to push you away
Or have some time alone with myself
When I'm reminded of my past and need reassurance
Mostly life situations where I tend to want to push you away
Or need space just for breathing room
If you don't love me because of what I've just mentioned above
Then don't tell me

Another thing is throughout the getting to know each other as a person stage
If feelings change
Don't delay telling the person that your feelings for them  have changed
For if you wait much longer to tell them
You'll ruin their trust
and cause them to think something is wrong
but I can't pinpoint it

Afterwards the person will have to work on self reflection and dealing with the woes
Of the lesson known as heartbreak

But most of all take it day by day
With a grain of salt
- Lessons on self reflecting and loving someone
A mixture of how to love someone and understanding with a little bit of heartbreak
Our empty graveyards full of quiet death,
With hardened earth, a darkened road,
Unseen names and lives untold,
Restricts our chests, discontinuing breath.

Found a flame to illuminate the depth.
But can we trust enough to hold
A light that only shall unfold
Our empty graveyard full of quiet death?
Lawrence Hall Jan 29
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                             Cancelling the InterGossip Service

And how are you today I am so very glad to hear that thank you sir you have paid today so we won’t be able to cancel the service until next month I am so glad to hear that we need a mailing address so that we can send you a box for the equipment thank you sir no a post office box won’t do I am sorry sir you are breaking up yes sir let me read that back to you thank you sir let me verify your account number that is correct and thank you I will need your zip code will you repeat that thank you but our records show that your service address is oh that is not it please tell me again thank you sir I will read it back to you thank you sir you will have thirty days from the twenty-seventh of next month to return the equipment in the box we will provide to you at your mailing address and I have that mailing address so thank you sir if you will wait two minutes while I access your file thank you sir and I will need your mailing address oh I see I have that sir for the equipment return thank you sir which will cost you $350 if it is not returned thank you sir and now I must read you this list now if you have any questions if you will please wait two minutes thank you sir and may I ask why you are discontinuing service and are you moving sir if you will wait two minutes while I update your records thank you sir and I have your mailing address and may I ask why you are discontinuing service with us oh I am so sorry sir but did they tell you it is fibre optic I understand sir before we go I want to advise you that because you are a long-time customer we have a special offer thank you sir I am happy to have helped you sir and I hope you have a good rest of the day
Megan Dec 2018
The heat from your hands compared to scorched ember pressing, digging, into my young flesh, held for viciously long cycles marked by the unforgiving ticking of time, mocking the unshed tears in my wide eyes.

My skin protested, screaming with notes of pain tinged with fear, not understanding how such warm, comforting hands could leave such agony.

You burned your engraving into my complexion, once pure before your disfiguring handling.

The scars you left behind scabbed oh so painfully, ripping open with the slightest of motions, creating gaping lacerations unable to truly heal.

These marks remain; a reminder of your torment to not only my skin, but the wounding of my soul.

A reminiscence of the trauma you caused me, I pick at these damaged pits, discontinuing their progress, permanently discolored my once creamy pigmentation and denying the return of my ivory coloring.

The heat of your hands left your mark on me.
Donall Dempsey May 2023

Mr. & Mrs. God
go for a walk
across a universe

Mr. & Mrs. God out for a stroll
stars at their feet
like daises...daises

Mrs. God baking some humans
for Mr. God to breathe
some life into

Mr. & Mrs. God
trying to get their heads
around humans

Mr. God shows Mrs. God
a nice pear He's just created
"Think I'll call it orange!"

Mrs. God doesn't think
it suits it
tells Mr. God to sleep on it

Mrs. God asks Mr. God
"Whatcha gonna call that large jumpy mouse?""
"Don't know...kan gar oo?"

Mr. God tinkering with a sunset
Mrs. God tells him go to sleep
but He just can't get it right

Mr. & Mrs. God asleep
now what are those naughty humans
up to?

Mr. & Mrs. god
thinking of discontinuing
the human line

Mr. & Mrs. God thinking
the humans are
more trouble than they're worth

Mr. & Mrs. God
erase the humans
back to the drawing board

— The End —