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Heavy Hearted Oct 2023
Help me- I am so sorry,
for all the nights you spent in the dark.
they were nights where
I needed the pain and fear to stop-
And you would do
Everything you knew
Just trying to make me alright.
" No one Deserves my world quite like you do"
I heard that in a song once.
Now knowing you,
silently, I
Another poem I found in my old journal
Allania Berkey Feb 2014
In December, I remember, I walked away
My boots were barely on as I stormed out of your doorway.
I left without a reason,
Without saying goodbye,
I just left.
But he said goodbye to me the moment he said those words to me,
His true intentions instintly became the reality I was always afraid to see,
Because you see, this boy was the only I saw gold and time in.
I saw purity in his soul,
The intentions of god that others could not witness, but I saw them.
I was proud of him.

He said good bye to me, the moment he broke that hope,
He walked away before I step out of his house,
Before I ever put my boots and struggled with the zipper of my coat.

He said nothing, as did I
The silence that was always louder than our words had finally won
That Decemeber, I knew things could never be the same

I loved you so much my heart hurt,
I felt that intolerable pain in my chest, as I ran to my car.
Everything became a blur to me,
That moment all the memories I had held on to oh so tight,
Became a lie,
something that was hidden by an invisible cloth
It could not be seen by the fool in love

I sat in my car in a second of pure silence,
I couldnt' think,
I couldn't feel,
I just sat.
My heart started to beat faster than a drum,
I panicked,
And I couldn't have reversed any faster out of a drive way than I did that day

In the middle of the street diagonally i stayed there, while my foot laid on the break ready to put my car in drive,
I ubruptly stopped.
He ran out of his house screaming my name,
Telling me to stop,
We both knew he didn't mean the car, or me leaving.
Its almost kinda sad, two lost souls who are afraid to speak,
Who are afraid to love.
He banged his hands on my window, and in that second so much happened when your eyes interlocked.
I felt it,
He felt it,
We both knew.
You knew that day in decemeber when the sky was gray and cool that nothing was the same.
I rolled my window down and a breeze of nothing hit my skin
Shocked I looked at him, but missing his eyes.
Holding my breath and my tears
The air was muted
He could not see the pain my eyes held because I could not face him.
He finally said something, something so irrelevant it cringed my skin

The dreamer I am,
thought finally the movie scene I've been waiting to happen.
The moment the guy said, "my biggest mistake was not being with you."
And after that, I'd look straight in his eyes and let him know it was right, and I'd kiss him.
Everything would be okay because we knew we would have each other,
But that's not what happen.

He stood out side of my car,
Anxious, scared, confused
He asked me to borrow a movie.
Not just any movie,
A movie that we both loved and shared,
That whenever we watched it, we thought of each other
The movie that brought us together years ago

Reading the subtitle of his words
I knew he thought he messed up.

That day in Decemeber, he lost me
A girl that loved him
A girl that could never forgive, but never forget
The girl that loved that boy, but didn't love her.
Marshal Gebbie Dec 2012
Strip into segments the colours of life
At the birth of my sons, loving my wife,
Like the moment of truth when, whilst shivering clear,
I went eyeball to eyeball with that, which I fear.
Like the time when the engine went dead in the plane
And I ditched in the pines to confirm the insane.
When my Father collapsed and died in my arms
And childhood departed with God and his Psalms.
When I first kissed a girl’s soft velvety lips
And felt, with wild rapture, my hands on her hips.
Discovered ripe apricots fresh from the tree
Taste sweeter than nectar collected by bee.
Felt the presence of death compellingly near
Though the body was wracked, the thinking was fear.
Climbed impossible peaks that I dreamt I perceived
To weep the hot tears in a life’s goal achieved.
Laughed loud and long with the wind in my hair
Yet cried when an enemy lost to despair.
Pondered the mystery of what’s round the bend
Concluded beginnings are part of the end.
Compiling the rules to maintain my space
Lie in keeping the oddballs out of my face.
Clasping friends, so few, to my breast
Embracing the true and to hell with the rest.
Committing my time to my one darling wife
And thanking the Gods for this colourful life!*

Sitting in the long summer grasses
3 Decemeber 2012
Sarah Schieman Nov 2015
I awoke
It was freezing, my skin burned.
The wind blew, drying my eyes with each blink.
I was covered, something blinding me, as I shivered.
I was only just arriving.
but it felt like the end.
-Sarah Schieman
Lizzie Dec 2017
fifteen and stupid
tuesday afternoon
after school, after four
early decemeber
snowing softly

in your room
with the lights
turned off
only christmas lights
lit up our faces

i was timid
and scared
you were confident
and brave

you grabbed me
and kissed me

i hated it
the kiss
i hated you
the person

but i never
pushed you away
or told you no

but i wish i had
pushed you off me
and wiped my mouth
clean of your saliva
told you how
this isn't what i asked for

but i didn't

and i paid for that

by dating you for almost
a whole year before
i decided i didn't
want this
this kiss
this person
based on true events
meagan Dec 2017
i don't remember much about you
i grew to forget how your face looks
or what i was attractive to  
i don't remember much about anything about sixth grade
i try to not remember anything about sixth grade

but i remember
december being colder because of you
crying on christmas because of you
my mom driving me to my first therapy season because of you
the heartbreak i caused because of you
the friends i lost because of you  
the people i have hurt because of you
the hurt endured because of you
how everything hurts because of you

you don’t know the hurt
you never and will never know the hurt
you don’t even remember me
that is so unfair
you get to hurt and break and wreak me but
you get to forget me
forget how you touched me for the first time
forget how subtle you made it seem
forget how many times
forget how you took advantage of me

i wish i could forget that i loved you
i loved you
i once loved you
but how could that be  
                                                          how could you love the person
                                                          who took advantage of you?
                                                          how could you be so naive?
                                                          how could you be so stupid?

but i was twelve
how couldn’t i have been that stupid and nieve when i was twelve
i wasn’t even educated on what they were doing until i was a month shy of thirteen
therefore a twelve-year-old couldn’t have gone through that
therefore it is not real
therefore i lied

and so you continue
yet, i
i said stop
i said stop to you
i said i love you
but you should have of stopped.
you never stopped.
please stop.

then when you finally left
you did not take every piece of her
you left her hands
on my body
in my mind
i was left with the mess you made
the mess of everything you never and will never know about
and everything i am stuck remembering
the night my parents found me
you will never know why i was absent
you will never know the pain you've caused
the mess you have made
but i cleaned it up
by myself
because the people who could have stopped it
decided it was not real
it was not real
i wish you were not real

i am angry about what you did
and how you don’t even remember sixth grade
and how i am stuck with the aftermath
days, months, years, after
i don’t remember who i once fell in love with
or what i was attractive to
but i remember your touch
and the anger
the sadness,
the long-winded depression,
the loneliness,
the feeling of being useless
and unworthy
and the attempts,
and the pills,
and the scars,
and everything
but mostly, i wish i could remember you like the way you don’t remember the hurt, the break, and the wreckage you caused me.

                                                - to you, in hopes you one day understand the pain i felt and the ghost that will never leave because of the sadness you have caused me
this is mess, but shows the range of emotions that i have been dealing with so long. feels nice to put it into words. if you have dealt with something similar, help is always out there, rather it being a trusted adult, a hotline, or finding hope in yourself, it is somewhere. stay strong and don't give up now. yours, x.
Macey Boelk Dec 2016
his words came out like a lemming of
forceful regrets
and my phrases were hell bent on the
destruction of themselves

                     *it's decemeber now

                     you've only been gone for a month
                     and i can move furniture around as
                     much as i'd like, and you'd still
                     bounce off the cushions

if the Everything of cigarette smoke
and cheap cologne speak
as loudly as temptation
as brightly as your abdomen, stretched
like the bonds of linen across rooftops

                     that shade these lonely streets
                     then i will seek the promises you
                     left behind
                     and a late night motel
to bore me in your absence
(he promised me a night in a motel)
Butch Decatoria May 2016
Today I am reminded
To appreciate her
To celebrate her
Like we do
The gifts
Each Decemeber.

Today we all are
Having her as dearest
And most familiar
Today belonging
As we all are belonging
To our loving

Today I am reminded
Of who I am
Because of her
And no other
I know love
And learned to be a man

Today it's her we thank
It's Mother's Day
Blessed be creation's dance

And I am reminded
How once she held
My tiny little hands...

*(I am no one with you, nanay.
   I'm forever grateful.)
finn Sep 2017
i am surrounded by familiar faces that i can’t place any semblance of a name to as if all the people i’ve ever missed have smudged themselves into a single existence to remind me that for everyone that’s left me, i’ve left another behind.

there are pieces of me cut out and resting upon the table next to my unknowing father; he asks me what’s happened with an alarming amount of surprise considering the knife in his hand.

she doesn’t remember my name but my blood stains the tip of her tongue the way four letters used to in the middle of quiet mornings that whole summer — it was only two years ago.

i haven’t woken up screaming since that decemeber, you know the one, but there’s a first and a last time for everything and i will never again say eat your heart out without considering the consequence of starving for attention.
OnwardFlame Dec 2020
So whats it going to be?

I have choices to make
And its so hard to see clearly these days
Its so hard to stay moving
I feel like I'm drowning in trying to keep up
In striving to remain hopeful
I feel like I've been abandoned and left so much
I feel like so many instances
Have chosen to turn away from me
It makes me just want to light it all
Myself on fire.

I reach and I reach
I reach and I reach
I'm always reaching, always hoping
To be met with love
Because I have so little to give myself
And things, people, instances
Leave me feeling like in that reach
Maybe somehow I'll get a different result.

So I exited the grid.
Turned my phone and messages off
I'm so sick of faking it
I'm so sick of pretending like I got this
I'm so tired of behaving like I actually care.

I showed up in LA
And the only real friend or solace I have
Is the sun
The dust
And looking up at the palms.

I always note their layer of shedded skin
And how its warm in Decemeber
I'm paying the highest rent I've ever paid
To be so far away from my love
I met right before I left
To have friends and the organization
With a clamoring heat
Turn away from me
In such a loud harmful way
I'm just doing all I can to lick my wounds
And somehow find positivity again.

I'm supposed to be writing a movie
I'm supposed to be pushing things forward
I need to do and be all these things
And I just feel mostly reduced to nothing.

I'm tired of listening to people talk about their demands
I'm sick of people playing out their own fears and desires
Through me
Like the little sponge I am
And I absorb every little second
It's what made me an incredible actress.

And the world may never know
Because somewhere along the way I decided
The world needed me controlling and creating
Those stories more than it needed me to
Be a beautiful haunting or humorous presence
On the screen.

So what now?

Thats the thought I always return to.
I'm the most alone I've ever been
And I don't need love to be my constant support
But I do need it to be my safe haven.
Jessica Head Dec 2013
Yes, it was my Decemberday yesterday.
Man alive, I never felt so scared in my life.
I just turn 18, 12-12-95.
I wonder a lot, more than what I can't remember.
I'm now an adult. Wow. I still haven't realized that we're still at this, its been 17 months and 13 days since we've been going at this, and it is also his birthday today.
He turned 33. Is that just strange that I'm really in love with him. Birthdays are one of those scarey days were you don't know whats going to hit.
Yes. I'm scared, but I try to tough it out.
I was doing good till I fell off the wagon.
I just can't seem to stay sober, and I ain't going to rehab just because drugs got out of control, there isn't much to do or say around here, every day is the same.
I am confused.

*wrote this on Decemeber 13

— The End —