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it didn’t take a lot a look a few words a few more looks bam not that any girl stuck around and so it was on to the next nothing is precious everything is possible forget what you know leave the road behind invent dance new dance cough spit breathe dance verbs multiplying gazillions of verbs stars what is it about art in my mind i hear all these things i was going to express all these itches scratch pick scabs get drunk write poetry dance ******* in your mouth ******* in my mouth salty sea surfing waves Caravaggio Courbet Turner Goya Ad Reinhardt Rothko Rimbaud Johnny Unitas Walter Payton Annie Proulx Patty Berglund Hannah Wilke Kim Gordon dark clouds rainbows meteor showers lantern licorice amethyst bone

in the end it’s you and your maker ashes to ashes dust to dust Mom questions it’s 4:30 PM December in Chicago and pitch black i don’t understand it’s not supposed to be this dark this cold she imagines a past that never existed events never occurred

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

it will be daylight soon and i am unprepared so terribly unfit for a new dawn suddenly realize tomorrow is today

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

when people die in masses is it any less lonely more comforting than when you die individually or is dying solitary for everyone

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

redemption is a powerful force but what if existence actually does not present second chances and we must live with the consequence of our mistakes

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

if there is an afterlife do i have any say in it or are we all merely lost baggage tossed from airport to airport

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

what if travelers at airports were met with welcoming arms shared stories food instead of suspicion body scanners separation boarding seating procedures

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

i built a magnificent sandcastle with wide open rooms interesting views spacious bathrooms huge kitchen secret places winding stairways auspicious towers swinging rope bridges welcoming gates but the tide washed it all away

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

i cry yet know not why am i a ***** i must take the goose by the neck whatever that means

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

speaking personally i’m never interested in the last bite only the first bite the middle tastes rather bland all chewing gulping automatic consumption talking swallowing stifling gases

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

horses mate with donkeys then out comes mules yet mules cannot propagate nature is so strange mysterious what is it about the attraction between donkeys and horses

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

2 gorgeous petite charming sweet young girls are subletting my place in Tucson i imagine ménage à trios or relationship with either one of them then realized how improper my thoughts will i ever learn

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

Reiko likes hanging out naked if the door is locked and they’re in for the evening she strips Reiko is one of those women who look better without clothes the curls under her arms are growing in dark thick her bush is filling out even her **** is hidden by silky brown hairs he cannot stop checking her out she pretends not to be aware as she trims her toenails he leers **** your cooch looks tasty Odys i like that you can speak crude to me he murmurs you really like that she answers yes i really like that he sees himself in her he is deep in sleep wakes by her hand pulling his hand down to her ***** bone he stirs confused in half sleep as she continues tugging his hand Odysseus realizes what Reiko wants it is 3 AM he touches her there warm distended begins to massage wetness gushes moves down bed puts face there she presses pumping grinding whispering repeatedly i want to *** so bad his mouth tongue breath work her hands grip his head push unyielding muscles stiffen arch shudder continues licking until her body lies still crawls up kisses her forehead hair bodies spoon fall to sleep in the morning he comments you were a naughty little girl last night Reiko grins answers i had an orangutan attack he questions an orangutan attack she confesses yeah they both laugh he has never known a woman so fierce urgent to ****** Reiko has a man’s libido she reminds him of himself they mimic each other hearing Reiko speak Odysseus’s own words back at him and visa versa convey how demanding insecure insensitive each can be to other they do not simply speak but mimic each other Reiko ‘s voice drops to low pitch as she grabs his buns kids hey Reiko Lee what do you think about us wiping each other’s butts we could become more intimate with our bodies Odysseus raises his voice sounding feminine replies Schwartzpilgrim you’re gross take a hike it is hilarious yet intuitive therapy that maintains level playing field neither allows other to be too weak or dominant

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

it is Sunday snowing blizzard freezing cold outside Odysseus sits on floor watching Bear’s football game at Reiko’s she sits naked paging through Art Forum magazine across sofa from him he hears her crunching on bag of barbecue potato chips during half time he reaches touches her bush runs fingers through her ***** hairs twirling them in his fingers she spreads her legs wide open he smells her hair breath perspiration ****** *** feet feels both repelled and attracted he is lost in fascination gently tugs on her lips slides finger inside massages probes her opening she directs him to kneel stands above him her arms at waist her pelvic bone in his face she orders **** it **** it good he follows her instruction **** my ***** she commands as she holds his head in hands her long skinny body thrusts hips forward Reiko presses gently pumping then more furious rough into Odysseus’s face ooohhh i’m going to shoot a load baby swallow my *** she shoves ***** bone into his face bangs his nose hard yet he remains ******* her legs thighs stomach muscles tremble oh oooohhhhh ohh Odys did you see that i came just like a guy oh Odys i loved that he wipes mouth laughs

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

a person’s sexuality is always in question how one interprets his or her own ****** persona relative to another person’s personality response ratio how one’s power measures reacts to another’s vulnerabilities strengths Odysseus and Reiko fit well together switching roles in impulsive volley he loves her masculinity the unpredictable equation of their love he teases Reiko Lee i’m so attracted to the tomboy in you i want to **** you off and let you **** me come over here and stick that fat hard **** in my pink little **** hole all the frustration rage pain pent up inside you i want you to harness that hurt and slam it into me and shoot your load all over me **** me good Reiko Lee she looks at him strange says you’re a weird bird Schwartzpilgrim how weird do you think he asks her voice takes on a creepy overruling tone Odys, you want me to fist-******* he snaps shut up Reiko Lee get out of here she runs fingers through hair breathes out through nose taunts Odys let me ******* a ***** and ******* in the *** Odysseus’s voice grows loud Reiko Lee you’re crossing the line just because i mention some crazy thought doesn’t mean i’m actually into such weirdness don’t try to take what i say to some sound conclusion i enjoy experimenting but i’m one hundred percent male i like to test limits because i’m secure in my manhood spicing our *** life with ***** fantasies is one thing but don’t overstep i got the **** and you got the ***** let’s keep it that way don’t mess with me she replies ok ok Odys i didn’t mean to offend you

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

often he personifies the lead and she interprets the willing or amendable he requests many ****** urges she for the most part eagerly fulfills yet knowing his desires run over the top he considerately concedes to her sensibility he asserts rule number 1 Reiko Lee please let me have my way with you ok please try to not refuse me she smiles consents ok Odys and i want the same from you he insists rule number 2 repeat after me i’m addicted to your ***** i’m codependent on your **** she repeats i’m addicted to your ***** Odys i’m codependent on your **** he challenges rule number 3 at least one ******* a day agreed? She answers yes Odys agreed later he thinks about their conversation approaches her Reiko Lee sometimes i need more than one ******* a day maybe one in the morning and one after you get home from work i need your adoring attention down there will you do that for me please she shoots sarcastic look at him what are you a cow that needs milking everyday all right Odys whatever you desire he gratefully acknowledges Reiko Lee you’re so good to me thank you next morning he says Reiko Lee when i think about you the first image that comes to mind is your eyes i love your eyes more than any other part of you she comments oh yeah more than my **** hole? he flinches surprised oh god i can’t believe you said that you are so outrageous Reiko Lee you have got the sexiest **** hole i’ve ever seen i love adore revere your hairy **** hole when are you going to let me get some of that she remarks we’ll see Schwartzpilgrim in due time the following morning he notices bathroom door is wide open peering inside he sees her sitting on toilet she looks up smiling as he nears he questions which are you doing peeing or ******* she answers why do you need to know he requests lift up and let me watch she raises her thighs knees legs curling toes on toilet seat her **** muscles pucker then a brown extent begins appearing from her hole her vaginal lips flare urethra presses as short spurt of ***** accompanies discharge the ***** length drops into bowl followed by smaller piece Odysseus perceives the action produced by her body as intimate natural expression occurring without contrivance manipulation he studies the form as if it were a sculptural object descended into water to bottom of bowl Reiko reaches for roll of toilet tissue he interrupts **** she answers let me wipe myself first it reeks in here you mean watching me taking a **** turns you on you are one sick monkey he says shut up and **** she follows his instruction after several minutes he pulls out of her mouth jerks off while she watches he shoots wildly on her chin neck chest she rubs his ***** on her ******* they both break out in laughter she says come on let’s take a shower together she begins speaking sentence he finishes it she says Odys i’m not comfortable with more than he breaks in one ******* a day i understand Reiko Lee she expresses thank you Odys one is enough agreed he replies ok ok

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

a week passes Saturday evening she comes from work to his place with stressed look on her face she falls back into wall on floor with her legs stretched out she asks got anything to eat he answers a couple of beers in the fridge her brow furrows as she speaks in low tone Odys i’m guessing there’s something seriously wrong with you he questions wrong with me huh what she comments your physique is weird your shoulder blades and rib cage stick out you’ve got a sunken sternum he answers yeah i know it’s not really a problem more like natural peculiarities she says yeah well you’ve got other peculiarities he asks oh yeah like what she remarks i’ve never known or heard of a man who gets hard as often as you it’s deviant you’ve got some kind of disorder you need to go see a doctor he admits i know i got a problem my libido is out of control it’ll calm down it’s been a long time since i felt so hot for someone do you really think it’s serious enough to go see a doctor she answers serious enough to insist you bone me once a day he laughs Reiko Lee you had me going she grins get over here you ***** ******* and **** me good Reiko’s favorite way to ****** is with her legs closed tight she lies beneath while his ******* presses in pumping her thighs buttocks squeeze stomach muscles tense whole body jerks spasms as she reaches ****** Odysseus’s favorite position is with Reiko on top he likes her rhythms and control

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

when Michael Vick was found guilty for dog fighting mauling cruel killing i wanted him dead dead dead but he is a brilliant quarterback and i was wrong who am i to understand another person’s background judge them maybe there is redemption

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

if another war comes it’s China we must fight to hate fear them run hide

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

it’s a long twisted road down a dark cold hole many are too damaged others work toward salvation yet some unscathed by all this filth

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

on the brighter side death gets a bad rap by mortals think positive perhaps death is graduation to whatever at worst death is release from life’s disappointments expectations responsibilities burdens betrayals pain horrors

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

i remember when Dad was dying all these new people who i still remember entered my life for a brief time it seems like the same thing is happening now

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache

Mom i’m right here behind you don’t be scared i’m watching out for you

these old bones rattle and shake tremble and quake quiver and ache
Give me truths,
For I am weary of the surfaces,
And die of inanition. If I knew
Only the herbs and simples of the wood,
Rue, cinquefoil, gill, vervain, and pimpernel,
Blue-vetch, and trillium, hawkweed, sassafras,
Milkweeds, and murky brakes, quaint pipes and sundew,
And rare and virtuous roots, which in these woods
Draw untold juices from the common earth,
Untold, unknown, and I could surely spell
Their fragrance, and their chemistry apply
By sweet affinities to human flesh,
Driving the foe and stablishing the friend,—
O that were much, and I could be a part
Of the round day, related to the sun,
And planted world, and full executor
Of their imperfect functions.
But these young scholars who invade our hills,
Bold as the engineer who fells the wood,
And travelling often in the cut he makes,
Love not the flower they pluck, and know it not,
And all their botany is Latin names.
The old men studied magic in the flower,
And human fortunes in astronomy,
And an omnipotence in chemistry,
Preferring things to names, for these were men,
Were unitarians of the united world,
And wheresoever their clear eyebeams fell,
They caught the footsteps of the SAME. Our eyes
Are armed, but we are strangers to the stars,
And strangers to the mystic beast and bird,
And strangers to the plant and to the mine;
The injured elements say, Not in us;
And night and day, ocean and continent,
Fire, plant, and mineral say, Not in us,
And haughtily return us stare for stare.
For we invade them impiously for gain,
We devastate them unreligiously,
And coldly ask their pottage, not their love,
Therefore they shove us from them, yield to us
Only what to our griping toil is due;
But the sweet affluence of love and song,
The rich results of the divine consents
Of man and earth, of world beloved and lover,
The nectar and ambrosia are withheld;
And in the midst of spoils and slaves, we thieves
And pirates of the universe, shut out
Daily to a more thin and outward rind,
Turn pale and starve. Therefore to our sick eyes,
The stunted trees look sick, the summer short,
Clouds shade the sun, which will not tan our hay.
And nothing thrives to reach its natural term,
And life, shorn of its venerable length,
Even at its greatest space, is a defeat,
And dies in anger that it was a dupe,
And, in its highest noon and wantonness,
Is early frugal like a beggar's child:
With most unhandsome calculation taught,
Even in the hot pursuit of the best aims
And prizes of ambition, checks its hand,
Like Alpine cataracts, frozen as they leaped,
Chilled with a miserly comparison
Of the toy's purchase with the length of life.
Give me truths,
For I am weary of the surfaces,
And die of inanition. If I knew
Only the herbs and simples of the wood,
Rue, cinquefoil, gill, vervain, and pimpernel,
Blue-vetch, and trillium, hawkweed, sassafras,
Milkweeds, and murky brakes, quaint pipes and sundew,
And rare and virtuous roots, which in these woods
Draw untold juices from the common earth,
Untold, unknown, and I could surely spell
Their fragrance, and their chemistry apply
By sweet affinities to human flesh,
Driving the foe and stablishing the friend,—
O that were much, and I could be a part
Of the round day, related to the sun,
And planted world, and full executor
Of their imperfect functions.
But these young scholars who invade our hills,
Bold as the engineer who fells the wood,
And travelling often in the cut he makes,
Love not the flower they pluck, and know it not,
And all their botany is Latin names.
The old men studied magic in the flower,
And human fortunes in astronomy,
And an omnipotence in chemistry,
Preferring things to names, for these were men,
Were unitarians of the united world,
And wheresoever their clear eyebeams fell,
They caught the footsteps of the SAME. Our eyes
Are armed, but we are strangers to the stars,
And strangers to the mystic beast and bird,
And strangers to the plant and to the mine;
The injured elements say, Not in us;
And night and day, ocean and continent,
Fire, plant, and mineral say, Not in us,
And haughtily return us stare for stare.
For we invade them impiously for gain,
We devastate them unreligiously,
And coldly ask their pottage, not their love,
Therefore they shove us from them, yield to us
Only what to our griping toil is due;
But the sweet affluence of love and song,
The rich results of the divine consents
Of man and earth, of world beloved and lover,
The nectar and ambrosia are withheld;
And in the midst of spoils and slaves, we thieves
And pirates of the universe, shut out
Daily to a more thin and outward rind,
Turn pale and starve. Therefore to our sick eyes,
The stunted trees look sick, the summer short,
Clouds shade the sun, which will not tan our hay.
And nothing thrives to reach its natural term,
And life, shorn of its venerable length,
Even at its greatest space, is a defeat,
And dies in anger that it was a dupe,
And, in its highest noon and wantonness,
Is early frugal like a beggar's child:
With most unhandsome calculation taught,
Even in the hot pursuit of the best aims
And prizes of ambition, checks its hand,
Like Alpine cataracts, frozen as they leaped,
Chilled with a miserly comparison
Of the toy's purchase with the length of life.
the coast
belongs to land
not sea

land consents
to share
not so much
from philanthropy
as from circumstance

the optics
are marvellous

bonaventure saptel
O, these fine, fashionable, fondlers
Of pondering wisdom’s,

In the idioms of earthen

Gray case encrusted,
Attitudinal cements.

Parapet and barrier,
Laments of rancid carrion.

Self bestowed upon slinking shoulders.

Into the Frey of Man speak,
Into the realm of blood and bone,

Ejected into the otherings
That man alone bestows.

Upon his brothers ****** brow,
Upon his trodden heart,

They seek definition
In epitome

In enfilades of bias and violence.

They languish under opinionated stars,
Under sun’s of blood red risings.

O that the voice of this could only die a death
Befitting some horrid criminal,
And peace come in its stead.

A vision of a dreamer
A poet writing wishes
Clichés of lost hopes
In search of soulful riches.
1/2/2011 copywrite, W B Burkholder, (all rights reserved)
late summer 1984 Odysseus thinks he sees girl resembling Bayli walking large black dog on armitage street he and Farina still puppy follow girl and her dog to oz park as he nears yells “Bayli?” she looks around replies “Odys? oh Odys! i can’t believe it’s really you it’s so good to see you i’ve missed you so much how’ve you been?” “oh god Bayli i’ve missed you so much too how are you? are you still married?” she answers “we recently divorced he turned out to be real **** secretly borrowed money against mortgage to our house to buy ******* he’s a drug addict we lost everything i’m staying with girlfriend from work then moving this weekend to north carolina where my parents now live” he gazes at her thinks how grown-up lovely she looks she wears tight black jeans tank top beneath short red leather jacket black pointed boots they chat while Farina follows Bayli’s ******* dog he invites her to his place nearby to look at some drawings she agrees tells him thrift-store shirt he is wearing is very cool he offers it to her on the way they pass gare st. lazare Bayli says “i love this place Odys i’m starved haven’t eaten all day let’s stop for a bite let me take you to lunch” he says “i’ll have a cocktail” they tie dogs to parking meter go inside sit in booth drink several screwdrivers smoke talk Bayli orders steak and fries Odysseus orders ****** mary madonna’s “like a ******” plays from bar speakers Bayli comments “there’s still innocence about you Odys i can feel it you’re like child full of gullibility wonder how have you managed to survive?” his eyes glance down speaks “oh Bayli if only you knew the truth it hasn’t been easy” he nibbles one of her fries explains “i’ve struggled Mom and Dad pushed me into commodity markets that was total disaster i’m trying to get back to my true self stumbling every step i’ve made some new drawings you’ll see let me take some water out to the dogs i’ll be right back” they hang out at gare st. lazare for hour talking ordering another round of drinks later when they arrive at his place dogs race up stairs Bayli peers around at drawings on walls “Odys you’re a real artist i’m astounded by your work you’re better than i ever imagined i wish i could say same for myself my life is in ruins man i married physically abused cheated on me stole 10 years savings $260,000 i need to go home to my parents rebuild my life starting from scratch” he kisses her lips they embrace she smells like vanilla he slides hand between her thighs in nurturing voice she says “slow go slow Odys” they tear off each other’s clothes he recognizes her knobby knees he so loves notices her bush has grown fuller ***** longer Bayli has matured into superb lover he adores way they relate over time Odysseus has drawn many sketches of Bayli yet he neglects to show her his thoughts run wild with lightness this afternoon he is so thrilled he dismisses all the things he wants to tell her his mind drifts in world of fantasy forgetfulness he fails to comprehend what Bayli means to him in numb dumb way in passion of  moment Bayli is just another piece of *** another colorless girl passing through his life he looks at her his most perfect ideal woman admires her body yet cannot see her does not realize brain does not register speaks her name Bayli the most beautiful sound his ears can hear but it is just another name how can this occur? they make tender passionate love then he asks her to model she consents he positions her lying down on her back with arms legs outstretched like she is floating he positions her on her knees with hands cupped then clasped like she is praying he positions her curled up on her side watches her get dressed leave go to her parent’s home in north carolina why doesn’t he beg her to stay rebuild her life with him? why does he let her go? what is he thinking? that is just it he is not thinking and for 2nd time it costs him love of his life there is no one to blame but himself when did he become so empty?
what kind of man am i to walk the streets in search of love? once i was loved by beautiful sweet woman who was content just knowing i was happy Bayli was pure honest loyal i thought her a child yet she is more woman than i have ever known thought because she came so easily i could easily get better i let her go the one person in whole world who really loved me made me happy kept me in light i told her someday when i am recognized artist with money respect i will come for her until then we both need time to build towards our destinies it doesn’t matter what i told her she’s gone what kind of man am i to walk the streets in search of love? how do i hold myself responsible for my own stupidity? i’ve had such incredible women offer themselves to me and turned away slamming door on love what kind of man am i to stalk the streets in search of love? i’m going to get so drunk i won’t be able to recognize myself in mirror

be a
winner you
must first
believe that
you're a
winner. It's
the power
of the
mind that
and make
whatever the
happened. Life
begins from
within the
nothang one
can do
the consents  
of the
mind. The
Power Of
the mind
control the
roll of a
The Power
of a
mind changes misfortune.
and enthusiasm
are the
openings to
entrance of
greatness through
makes the
stairs smooth. Self-reliant
with focus,
Leads to the
quickest pathway
to massive accomplishment.
Every day, he takes her into his arms,
To soothe her inherent frets.

Her warped body sits atop his lap
While words form in his mouth,

Soft whispers of melody.
His left hand explores her neck

To find just the right spot, his other hand
Strokes slowly, tenderly

Against the tension.
The first movement is always the same-

A refrain of familiarity,
Prelude to a hymn not yet written.

His strokes open gently,
Building her rhythmic moans to a forte.

He’ll work her all night,
Hammer-on, pull-off.

Her pitch intensifying
Beyond measurable scales.

The tempo nears a ******,
They reach harmony in unison,

Before he mutes her with his palm,
Repressing a broken chord.

Never ceasing to comply,
Her hollow frame supports him.

She consents to being strung along,
As little by little, he writes a song.
judy smith Mar 2017
This year’s WoolOn Creative Fashion event will feature some "exciting" new elements, but they are under wraps for now, organisers say.

The event, which used to be held annually in October in conjunction with the Alexandra Blossom Festival, last year was separated from the festival to become a separate entity.

No WoolOn was held last year and this year’s event had a new date, May 26-27, WoolOn chairwoman Clair Higginson said.

A final call for entries was being made this week, and the closing date for entry forms had been extended by a week, until March 24, Ms Higginson said. Designers then had another month to complete the garments, which had to be handed in by April 27.

Ms Higginson said this year’s WoolOn would be held in a new "industrial-style" venue in Alexandra, but organisers could not yet say where as consents were not in place.

Other "exciting" new elements were being added to the event, but they were also being kept under wraps.

"We’re trying to make better connections between the wool on the farm and the wool on the fashion catwalk. But just how we will do that is going to be a surprise."

Rural Women New Zealand was the new naming sponsor of the event and WoolOn organisers were excited about the partnership, believing it would bring extra focus to the raw product

the WoolOn garments were created from.All garments must be at least 75% wool and there are eight categories in the event, as well as an Under 23 Emerging Designer Award.

The event will still feature a Friday night "First Look" event with a "fashion show feel", and a Saturday gala evening, when winners will be announced.

This year’s judges are Deirdre Mackenzie, of Tauranga, who was one of the people to establish WoolOn in its present format; Simon Swale, a design lecturer at the Otago Polytechnic, in Dunedin; and designer Jaimee Smith, of Dunedin, who has her own fashion label, "Florence".Read more at: |
Emma Amme Oct 2014
i wasn't prepared for an attempted killing.
I was wearing a low cut shirt that said "I ****** your girlfriend"
and even after assuring him that my clothing wasn't meant to mean anything, he tried to killed me anyways.
I was a little drunk
He came after me still.
I wasn't carrying  pepper spray.
I didn't make it clear to the criminal that i had feelings
that i wasn't consenting him to **** me.
It's logic isn't it?
Who consents for someone to try to **** them?

Now replace all forms of **** with ****.
i wasn't prepared for an attempted ****.
I was wearing a low cut shirt that said "I ****** your girlfriend"
and even after assuring him that my clothing wasn't meant to mean anything, he tried to **** me anyways.
I was a little drunk
I wasn't carrying  pepper spray.
I didn't make it clear to the criminal that i had feelings
that i wasn't consenting him to **** me.

2-8% of ****** go to jail.
Despite the mounds of evidence against them.
No one say someone was murdered because they "asked for it" or "knew the risks"
Why should i have to dictate my life over the fear of potentially being abused.
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2019
⠞⠕     ⠇⠕⠕⠅         ⠊⠎        ⠞⠕     ⠝⠕⠞        ⠁⠇⠺⠁⠽⠎      ⠎⠑⠑
god, you really have to have tender finger tips to read braille... forget about learning to play the guitar... good luck being both blind lemon jefferson and a reader of braille... to look is to not always see... that's the braille translation...

attempting to learn "morality" from
gentile, circumcised men...
probably as useful as the translation
of st. peter into the embodiment
of van gogh...

               aren't these new moralists...
supposed to be less of guru
              and more the mediator?
don't they have,
"something", missing?

              i know of one "thing"...
        of course jerking off while taking
a **** is "disgusting"...
all this: save zee vest,
       blah blah...
               but i'm hearing it from
circumcised men...
at least in the old times,
circumcised men were granted
their circumcision, if, and only if,
they succumbed to strict obligations
of a religious nature...
given, that i'm not circumcised?
what's stopping me?
  i take a ****, i subsequently ****...
every single time,
it's almost like a post-hibernation
bear unclogging its **** duct,
to allow for an agitated waterfall
of digestion being revived...

           but... the "moral" question
of circumcised men, h'american men,
telling me, it's b'aaaah b'aaaah bad to
******* while taking a ****
looking at still images of fine renaissance
art encompassing ******...
  circumcised men...
                  if you had any *******
left in you, you'd know...
      i could tell you of circumcised men
who ****** off 20 times a day...
which is slightly pointless...
            eh... the ******* is supposed
to be allocated to that sort of act...
and all the women are not circumcised...
hence the web cam earnings...

      ******* ******* *******...
maybe the whole idea could come about...
when a man is about to get married?
what's the ring about?
how about... how about...
a man consents to circumcision,
once he's about to marry...
   how about that?
                  and they're saying
abortion is bad...
   how can a baby consent to circumcision?!
the perfect marriage gift,
tying the knot,
          the next time i hear
a circumcised man's sort of *******,
the sort of ******* that circumcised men
give, without being able to have,
to have, to have given consent to their

                  i'm out...
                            it's just refrigerator
background snooze,
    ambient noise...
                blah blah this, blah blah that...
        a woman can have both
the pleasures of jerking off,
but also the ***,
while men is, not supposed to have
the pleasures from jerking off,
and only the "sporadic" sense
of ***?
          great! gimp suit that ****** up...
he's about to become the next torpedo!

sure thing, if among the sort of people
that will guarantee you a spouse,
even if it's your ******* cousin...
   religious rules...
            but what the h'americans failed
to acknowledge...
   eh... circumcision...
   and whatever is left of secular
pseudo-religiosity of values?!
           at these moments i know i'm being
flamboyant and aversive...
i have to be: i can't listen to yet another
circumcised ****-whistling clarinet player
to save me...
          i'm sorry that you entered
the world of snippet!
   but please... the ******* is not
some "spare" part...
         no ***** pokey no ***** poke-'em-on...
no diddly...
                    but to be at the mercy
of women?! for the "added" pleasures
of phallus where the skin is pulled
back and is suffocating your "maiden head"?
          i'm sorry... unless the man is donning
a kippah... i can't listen to the *******
of circumcised men...

few drinks later, and a labour of minutes
that expand into the night:
nope, i still don't get it...
the sunday times news review,
sure, sure: that's fine...
         philip lamantia?
         i remember this one cucumber cutie...
spanish... lived with 2 faggy-bottom-blues
guys... went to the notting hill carnival
with her... samara?
    anyway, limp-****,
under the bed sheets:
cocoon *** under the bed sheets...
        well at leat with the bulgarian
prostitutes, two rules:
dimmed lights, no socks...
third rule: shower first.

          and i too brought a shrimp
to settle with on a swing...
swang like a ***** in bull's worth
of a saddle...
i smiled, till my mouth broke,
and i filed for:
           aesthetic surgery...

easy head, easy, easy as while drunk...
so much! cascade of being
      like the inflection of the exoskeleton
of an insect...
again: who are these, these,
circumcised men, shouting their moral
isn't the ******* supposed to imply:
a chanced rekindle of the sort of
puppeteering associated with
one child "policy" of men toying
with g.i. joe?! no?!
oh well...

            first i grew the long hair...
don't worry, i didn't turn trans-gender...
more a mosher, a metal-head...
a pig's-thick-skinned-novelty
of the banging cranium...
    shaved... then grew a beard...

but there's still the, "problem" of
circumcised men spewing righteous maxims
akin to a t.v. evangelist's list of demands...
eh... women are the truth...
since they so rarely eschew it,
into the public forum...
           i can lie,
    i can tell the truth,
point being: i am not bound
to allocate myself to either...
the beard replaced my ambitions
to learn playing the violin...
point being: i can fiddle both!

            shrimpy! hey shrimpy!
bozos buggot beggar boo!
ooh yeah... now we're spreschen!

circumcised men talking to uncircumcised men,
while entertaining the lifestyles of
uncircumcised women,
"fwee" vank videos...
                               "extra" skin a pleasuredrome
in some parts... castrations,
     circumcisions elsewhere...
boy! good foot strutting child soldier

  h'american circumcised men's arguments...
if i don't sniff my itchy finger-tips,
and don't sniff out tobacco;
who needs the opinions of circumcised,
secular, men?
          i need a beard,
to hide my chin...
              i need a chin...
        to find the scimitar shaped moon...

circumcised gentile christians:
sorry... i'm tired,
i'm tired of the atlas pose...
i'm tired of only one man in existence
ever having existed...
   i'm tired of hey-zeus! being
compared to the vowel-catcher
of the tetragrammaton...
tonsure, kippah?!

                             the nag hammadi library
emerged in the year: 1945...
and still people... and still people...
****'s sake for sure:
the pagan nazis would have never
bombed st. peter's...
as they would have never
burned down the library of alexandria...
but the monotheists did...

  i spew i spew i spew...
              you know how insulting it is,
you were educated in chemistry?
here you go,
go back among the offspring of
the most irresponsible of people...
         oh you can have children in your
mid 50s...
         i'm not exactly sure what they'll
            dr. who who's who wannabes...
certainly not usain bolt contenders...
even with basic arithmetic...
   hell... let's have them, let's pride
ourselves on... everyone sacred...
window-licker sacred society of
the enforced samaritans!

               the evolved "circumstance"
of a game of hide & seek...
               well... there's plenty to hide,
but not that much to be bound
to the desire to seek.

WickedHope Oct 2014
he lays her down
no one around
she wants to scream
but she can't breathe
with the threat of more hits
she knows she can't leave

she's used to this
all she consents to is a kiss
he's never listened
there's no use in trying
he knows what he wants
from this girl who's dying
My life has hurt me too much.
Especially the ones that I love.
HTR Stevens Feb 2018
What’s this that all around us we see…?
People strange but strangers cannot be!

The thief sows not, but consents to reap;
The watchman falls a victim to sleep.
The comforter, brings tears, not relief;
The youth, by glamour is oft deceived.
The gossip, loses in frank debate;
The punctual, cannot help being late.
The wise, in his proud conceit turns fool;
The taught, oft seems to be more unschool’d.
The tactful, by silence, oft does hurt;
The polite, being civil, sounds curt.
He loses who speculates to gain;
He thinks himself fit who is insane.

But then, who are we, others to judge,
When we, ourselves, may be among such?
Saumya Apr 2018
There comes a phase or well, a period technically  when nothing seems matter  how hard you work, how optimistically you behave ...nothing, and none of the actions fall right into the place...nonetheless, most of your actions may create 'devastating effects' the kind, that you have least thought of, because your action (S)wasn't intentionally meant to fruit it into ' a disaster'.

Life,  in  such a phase might seem meaningless for the very cyclic though seemingly minute atrocities that you go through n the advent of time to others. You may wish to give up on everything and everyone you so wished to have in your life, yet your instinct wont let you..and all you may actually yearn for would be "Peace, Silence, and solitude' but that's what destiny and life will often deny giving you, or well, that's what exactly your life will demand for its fixture, yet that's exactly the fate will cunningly deny giving. Do not therefore, get caught in the trap! Realize, Analyse and move on... if required, crawl as slowly as the conscientious and painstaking "Tortoise".
But don't, don't you dare give up! and let your heart know that, This too shall pass.

Life has never been easy and kind to anybody all the time, how can it be biased  to and towards you forever then? We are but the sons and daughters of this mere human race, which is " emotional" yet "
so emotionless" "selfless" yet "selfish" beyond measures.Its just that, we often ignore the bad behind the goodness and consider it to be the  concrete truth, which actually isn't the case . We pray, but not as seriously and religiously as we do in our hard times, and seldom not for the necessities but the materialistic stuffs and exterior charms of life. Blessed therefore, are those who pray as hard in their good times, and they do in the hard times..and it is their good acts which makes the sight of 'misfortune' humbler to them. There prayers are straightaway "pure dedications" to someone they seriously adore.

We all pray, but most prayers are actually polite yet impolite orders to God, for granting that which is actually materialistic, shallow, or well, most often trivial.Rare are those who pray for the peace and well being of the universe, the plants and animals  and everyone around them who does even a little for the better days he goes through, for they who actually do...don't need the shallow things as others, since natures itself walks in agreement with them, and consents to bless them with all it finds essential. Prayers are powerful communicative words, that God definitely hears...but ironically men are mean and blind enough today, not to see what abundant blessings they already have, and unhesitatingly demand for something new each day. How terrible it is though amidst all this, that we men have become thankless creatures to God! there rarely are prayers that 'Thank God' that pray for the poor souls, that die almost each day and every hour out of the scarcity of the necessities of life, and we ironically  call ourselves, "The most civilized race" of the earth! If this is what civilized race looks like, human beings are better deserved to be transformed into the uncivilized one yet again.It is indeed inhumanly to keep fast, and not be empathetic enough to serve the needy and give him a day's meal at least.

We say, that we care, but that care too is selfishly for our own selves, and sometimes for our own parents and familes. We say, that we share, but we share only that share with others whichis not much required for us anymore.With the advancement of time we have all become more a machine, than have evolved as a human with a humanly heart at-least, and that's pathetic. There rarely is a common man, who would willingly like to 'Compromise' his one meal when he is hungry, and give it to the needy who is dying of hunger and thirst since past few days, an well, leave aside the wealthy man already, since it is most often seen that nothing but his wealth, and the devils that branch out from it, take over his life, and he's left helpless in the fist of death.

In our good days, we become much a carefree vagabond and don't pay much attention to our deeds, and it is then the laziness, the overconfidence, and sometimes the pride, start affecting our actions, not obviously in good ways, but t we are by then  busy enough savoring those good days, as if it is going to last forever,which actually is but the half misleading  truth. **Nature, never gives that which it cant take back us, may it be the family, friends or a so called "forever " lasting love. The irony is, that "Nothing, nothing lasts forever, and it ner has.....except your very soul, since it is actually  your creator's".
Do not therefore ruin it by any means, pray for it, keep it  in good health, nurture it with good thoughts and deeds, help those who you can, by any means possible,  and thank your creater for the already blessed life that you have, for what you have exactly, isn't the same blessing that others have..and you shall therefore be the happy of the happiest even in the state of  greatest adversities, for that's what nature wants us back from us.

Life destiny, nature and fate never perturb a man who is dutiful, and sincere even in his hard times.As for the passage of time, it has never been a smooth and even one for anyone all the time, nor will it be for you.The bad day comes, to make you a good and a better, powerful you for the much greater days to come.  Hold on, work hard,  but never lose faith. Know this deep in your heart, that Every dog has  a day, and every cloud a silver lining, and therefore try seeing those adversities and your dear life with the perspective of adventure sometimes and  do wait for your turn, for life indeed is very dear. Time tho, doesn't have the habit of being alike all the time; your today is different than yesterday, and the tomorrows will be yet different one... and well, who knows that it might turn  be the greatest and most auspicious day of your life? Be a good ,   sincerely patient and a dutiful soul, that works and waits. Your good days, and the greater day are but on a passage to transform you from a jaded and annoyed you, into a Happy you! SAIL AROUND IN THIS WHIRL BY THEM, and enjoy the whirls that your life introduces you with, for it is actually a good sailor who know what adventure indeed it is to be in a boat, and what an immensely soothing reward it is to sail through the ocean and seas.
From my book, "The Philosophical Lessons Life Taught" :)

Please let know how was this chapter? All your comments, feedback etc. are most welcome :)
Thankyou for reading! :)
wordvango Aug 2021
To have loved a cat.
Amongst my accomplishments this ranks highly.
So, I gave freely. Understanding the rewards might be fleeting.
Yet I loved whole. True.
The entire monty.
And there i paws
A cat hair in my eye on lookout for every stray
Who happens by


Nor, is it folly, to have served their whims upon a silver platter, when rewarded only by their regal indifference. For, there comes a time when you feel a bit down, or you are sad, and lo, her catness rubs your leg, or turns her head upside down and let's you rub her belly.
And the ultimate when on a dark gloomy night she consents to the rare kiss on your lips. And rubs her side along yours. Softly
Big Virge Dec 2020
It Seems Most Relationships...
Now... CRASH or BURN... !!!

So Choose A Sound Girl...
To Have In YOUR WORLD... !!!

To... Get A DIVORCE... !!!
Or YES... " SEPARATE "...

Because of Her Ways...
And Just Like The Main Source...
Walk Out The Front Door... !!!

This Poem's Reserved...
For Men Who Love Girls...

So... Pay ATTENTION Fellas...
And LEARN From This Verse...

Some Women Be Thinking...
As If Their Brain's Shrinking... ?!?
And Clearly Aren't Willing...
To Do The Right Thing... ?!?

A... BIG Diamond Ring...
A House In The Country...
And Give Them Children...

But Pay ATTENTION Fellas'... !!!

That's How Things BEGIN...

Good Women Are PRECIOUS...
REMEMBER That... THINK... !!!

DON'T Think With Your ****... !!!

If She's QUICK To Spread Lips...
And... Feminine TRICKS... !!!

Before You End Up...
Being STUCK With A *****... !!!!!

The Type Who SNIFFS Lines... !!!
Or LIKES A... Crack Pipe... !!!

Westbrook Or Whitney...
DON'T Give Them Gal' Pikney'... !!!!!

PIKNEY' Means Kids...
For Those Who Don't Know...
The Meaning of THIS... !!!

DON'T Have Children With Em'...
Who'll Spend ALL Your Time...
LOCKED INSIDE... "A Prison"... !!!

Cos' Most of These Women...
Are SNAKES With NEW VENOM... !!!
Who'll SPIT Like A Viper...

... ESPECIALLY When...
WITHOUT Their Supplier... !!!

There Are Some Of Course...
Who Claim... NOT TO SNORT... !!!

But They Seem To NEED...
To... Have Your Support... ?!?

And If They Don't Get It...
They're QUICK To DIVORCE... !!!!

So Then... OFF To Court...
And The House That You Bought...
Is SPLIT Down The Middle...

These Women Have Talents...
They Play A GOOD FIDDLE... !!!

Or YES... VIOLIN... !!!

They KNOW What They're Doing...
When Pulling... G Strings...
Or... Pulling Those Cards...
Whilst Letting Legs P A R T... !!!

They'll Say... " I'm A Sexist "...

Well Girls Let Me Stress This...

"Don't You Even Try To Start !"

Don't Make Me Name NAMES... !!!
And Say Who You Are...
And Say Which Females...
Came... Top Off The Class...

For Playing The Game...
of Going On Dates...
And Staying Up Late...
And SNIFFING *******...
Before Getting Laid... !!!

Then Thinking... " OH NO "... !!!

When It's CLEARLY TOO LATE... !!!
Well... THINK On This Ladies...

They're NOT The Mistake... !!!!!!!!

You ACT With NO SHAME...
And DON'T USE Your Brain...
When Things DON'T GO Your Way... !!!


It's NOT... ALL of You...
But Let's Speak The TRUTH... !!!

And THIS CAN'T Be Good... !!!

So NOW Being... " Gay "...
Is Seen As... OKAY... !!!!!

What Will You Now Do...
Choose LESBIAN Ways... ???

They... Separate TOO...
Just Check In The News...

Which Just Goes To PROVE...
If You're Pulling Moves...
That You SHOULDN'T Use...

You Could END UP IN ROOMS...
With A Box of TISSUES... !!!

Whomever You CHOOSE... !!!

Then What'll You Do... ?!?
... YES I Am Asking You... !!!

FORGET The *** Tools... !!!

TOO MANY... Young Children...
Have Now Got... ISSUES...
Because of These Women...
Who NOW ABUSE Men...

Should I...
Say It Again... ?

TOO MANY Young Children...
Have Now Got ISSUES...
Because of... These Women...
Who NOW... ABUSE Men...

NOT Through... VIOLENCE...
Although... Some Now Do...

But Through...
... "ENTRAPMENT"... !!!

Thus... Giving Children...
Cause To Be UNCOUTH... !!!

Parent... ARGUMENTS...

The Streets NOWADAYS...

Children Give ADULTS...
What They Receive BACK... !!!

Just Check The Results...
You'll See This Is FACT... !!!

If Mummy's ON CRACK...
Her Child May... Run WILD..................

If Mummy's ON Coc'...
Keep Her Child On A ROPE... !!!!!!!!
Otherwise That Young Child...
May Not Have A Hope...

And That Is... NO JOKE... !!!!!!!!!!

Some Women AIN'T Living...
They're Making A KILLING... !!!!!!!

Because of... DIVORCE...
Most Men End Up Poor...
And When They... Sep - arate...

They Want The WHOLE CAKE... !!!!!
And If You've Got Children...

HELLO... " C. S. A. "... !!!!!!

What More Can I Say... ???
That's Their Way Nowadays...

So Fellas BE MINDFUL...

DON'T Get It Confused... !!!

But Now Show LESS Haste...
With... Which Girl i Lay... !!!

Women... EVERY Day...
Are STRESSING Mens' Brains...

But I'll ALWAYS Want Women...
Surrounding My Space... !!!

CAN'T Live With Some Girls...
But... Within This World...
A Woman Who's ****...
WILL Make My Head TURN... !!!!!

I'm Simply Suggesting...
That Women Who LIE...
Are NOT To Be Tested... !!!

Let Them Pass You By................. !!!

I'M TELLING You Guys...
Be CAREFUL And WISE... !!!!

Some Women ARE Sly... !!!!!

Starts To Give You The Eye...
And Her HEELS Are SKY HIGH... !!

... Do NOT Be Surprised...
If She's OUT OF HER MIND... !!!!!

She's Probably... RIPE...
But Just For The Night... !!!

And As The Law Says...
Make Sure She CONSENTS...
BEFORE You Have ***...

.... Have Your...
... " Contract and Pen "...

And Make SURE She Signs...
On That YES... Dotted Line...
Before She Decides...
To Say She DENIED...
The ULTIMATE Prize...
At The TOP of Her Thighs... !!!

So Fellas Of Course...
Go Out And Get Yours... !!!

And STEER CLEAR of... DIVORCE... !!!

And Girls Who Play Games...
With Drugs Like *******... !!!!
Cos' Their Brain's DOWN THE DRAIN... !!!!!

STAY OUT of Their Way...
BEFORE... One Day She Says....

"I can't take the strain !
You're not my soul mate !
Let's Just...............

.... " SEPARATE "...

A Hot Topic In These Covid Times it seems !
Loving, honest relationships, are BEAUTIFUL Things, when they work !

However, I think most of us now know that they can be very difficult and damaging when they go WRONG !!!
Satsih Verma Aug 2018
A lunatic has found
a touchstone, to know-
your nights to burn.

Gazing in still waters
you forget, to become complicit,
with the incoming waves.

Can you shout at me
without an uproar, sans words,
in the blind alley?

How will you remain
bounded to your consents,
unheard in echoes?

This mystique, this corridor
of authority makes you
insane. You want to go back
to the ruins.

Not judging
your sins you commit
a promise again.
Yo I really  thought I had friends but it wasn't until the trend
Saw my whips a Benz then came the hands out for dividends  
But in the end I couldn't pretend that this was just a pin
To see how much cash they could rake and take in
But I'm sitting tremendous with the flows that's vicious
Sagacious enemies sounding off in every directions
Protections is pack gats is fat matter of fact racks
I still stacks no time for slacks break the back of a click clack
And it's like that poetry
Hughes you choose suckas hitting the button of snooze
Once I ring the alarm invoke harm snake a charm
Holding on my arm is Rolex ices frozen looking pond
Fond beyond the daisy's it's crazy activate my hazey
Left star guitar instruments following humps of a bar
For bar look afar its black space thicker than Tar
Back at again and in the end you'll still be searching for friends...

Yo my flows similar to the Duke on the piano cycles
Back to the retro 20s circa see the fist of my fury circle ya
The flows ultra face off Travolta  folks thought it was ovah
Black Torah explore more women than Dorah floor ya
Once I step on the track cant derail what's a fact impact
Deep I creep like 40s jeep world war 2 rendezvous  
Germany suckas tried to permed me guns pack smoothly
Beats I **** any gut em to afish blown encounters wish list
Wild lone wolf chipped the booth once I learned the truth
Recreate minds of the youth this ain't a moral boost
Let chickens come home to roost battleground hidden troops
Uprose guns froze see how they stand on they tip toes
Got em wear I want 'em spawn 'em then lyrically hunt 'em
Larry bird on the microphone smooth baritone
Black stones riding sitting on a natural high brace the chai
Tea sippin comfy
Then do the humpty to my girls **** see clear the filthy
Content back to the rhymes ya subconscious consents
Flows never bent benevolent harps notes excited Heaven
Angel's from every angle 360 degrees golden sriracha
Rock ya like Bambotta multiple  shottas ranks like Shabba
Mr lover lover clouding ya sunshine all it take is one mind
Conserve the masses at one time break the slime
In the ice machine make no amends for earthly sins grin of
Folks saying they for you when they just posing as fake friends

— The End —