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En santa Águeda de Burgos,   do juran los hijosdalgo,
le toman jura a Alfonso   por la muerte de su hermano;
tomábasela el buen Cid,   ese buen Cid castellano,
sobre un cerrojo de hierro   y una ballesta de palo
y con unos evangelios   y un crucifijo en la mano.
Las palabras son tan fuertes   que al buen rey ponen espanto;
-Villanos te maten, Alonso,   villanos, que no hidalgos,
de las Asturias de Oviedo,   que no sean castellanos;
mátente con aguijadas,   no con lanzas ni con dardos;
con cuchillos cachicuernos,   no con puñales dorados;
abarcas traigan calzadas,   que no zapatos con lazo;
capas traigan aguaderas,   no de contray ni frisado;
con camisones de estopa,   no de holanda ni labrados;
caballeros vengan en burras,   que no en mulas ni en caballos;
frenos traigan de cordel,   que no cueros fogueados.
Mátente por las aradas,   que no en villas ni en poblado,
sáquente el corazón   por el siniestro costado;
si no dijeres la verdad   de lo que te fuere preguntando,
si fuiste, o consentiste   en la muerte de tu hermano.
Las juras eran tan fuertes   que el rey no las ha otorgado.
Allí habló un caballero   que del rey es más privado:
-Haced la jura, buen rey,   no tengáis de eso cuidado,
que nunca fue rey traidor,   ni papa descomulgado.
Jurado había el rey   que en tal nunca se ha hallado;
pero allí hablara el rey   malamente y enojado:
-Muy mal me conjuras, Cid,   Cid, muy mal me has conjurado,
mas hoy me tomas la jura,   mañana me besarás la mano.
-Por besar mano de rey   no me tengo por honrado,
porque la besó mi padre   me tengo por afrentado.
-Vete de mis tierras, Cid,   mal caballero probado,
y no vengas más a ellas   dende este día en un año.
-Pláceme, dijo el buen Cid,   pláceme, dijo, de grado,
por ser la primera cosa   que mandas en tu reinado.
Tú me destierras por uno,   yo me destierro por cuatro.
Ya se parte el buen Cid,   sin al rey besar la mano,
con trescientos caballeros,   todos eran hijosdalgo;
todos son hombres mancebos,   ninguno no había cano;
todos llevan lanza en puño   y el hierro acicalado,
y llevan sendas adargas   con borlas de colorado.
Mas no le faltó al buen Cid   adonde asentar su campo.
Cuenta Barbey, en versos que valen bien su prosa,
una hazaña del Cid, fresca como una rosa,
pura como una perla.  No se oyen en la hazaña
resonar en el viento las trompetas de España,
ni el azorado moro las tiendas abandona
al ver al sol el alma de acero de Tizona.Babieca descansando del huracán guerrero,
tranquilo pace, mientras el bravo caballero
sale a gozar del aire de la estación florida.
Ríe la Primavera, y el vuelo de la vida
abre lirios y sueños en el jardín del mundo.
Rodrigo de Vivar pasa, meditabundo,
por una senda en donde, bajo el sol glorioso,
tendiéndole la mano, le detiene un leproso.Frente a frente, el soberbio príncipe del estrago
y la victoria, joven, bello como Santiago,
y el horror animado, la viviente carroña
que infecta los suburbios de hedor y de ponzoña.Y al Cid tiende la mano el siniestro mendigo,
y su escarcela busca y no encuentra Rodrigo.
-¡Oh, Cid, una limosna! -dice el pobrecito.
¡te ofrezco la desnuda limosna de mi mano!
-dice el Cid; y, quitando su férreo guante, extiende
la diestra al miserable, que llora y que comprende.Tal es el sucedido que el Condestable escancia
como un vino precioso en su copa de Francia.
Yo agregaré este sorbo de licor castellano:Cuando su guantelete hubo vuelto a la mano,
el Cid siguió su rumbo por la primaveral
senda.  Un pájaro daba su nota de cristal
en un árbol.  El cielo profundo desleía
un perfume de gracia en la gloria del día.
Las ermitas lanzaban en el aire sonoro
su melodiosa lluvia de tórtolas de oro;
el alma de las flores iba por los caminos
a unirse a la piadosa voz de los peregrinos
y el gran Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, satisfecho,
iba cual si llevase una estrella en el pecho.
Cuando de la campiña, aromada de esencia
sutil, salió una niña vestida de inocencia,
una niña que fuera una mujer, de franca
y angélica pupila, y muy dulce y muy blanca.
Una niña que fuera un hada, o que surgiera
encarnación de la divina Primavera.Y fue al Cid y le dijo: «Alma de amor y fuego,
por Jimena y por Dios un regalo te entrego,
esta rosa naciente y este fresco laurel».
Y el Cid, sobre su yelmo las frescas hojas siente,
en su guante de hierro hay una flor naciente,
y en lo íntimo del alma como un dulzor de miel.
En Santa Gadea de Burgos
do juran los hijosdalgo,
allí toma juramento
el Cid al rey castellano,
sobre un cerrojo de hierro
y una ballesta de palo.
Las juras eran tan recias
que al buen rey ponen espanto.

-Villanos te maten, rey,
villanos, que no hidalgos;
abarcas traigan calzadas,
que no zapatos con lazo;
traigan capas aguaderas,
no capuces ni tabardos;
con camisones de estopa,
no de holanda ni labrados;
cabalguen en sendas burras,
que no en mulas ni en caballos,
las riendas traigan de cuerda,
no de cueros fogueados;
mátente por las aradas,
no en camino ni en poblado;
con cuchillos cachicuernos,
no con puñales dorados;
sáquente el corazón vivo,
por el derecho costado,
si no dices la verdad
de lo que te es preguntado:
si tú fuiste o consentiste
en la muerte de tu hermano.

Las juras eran tan fuertes
que el rey no las ha otorgado.
Allí habló un caballero
de los suyos más privado:
-Haced la jura, buen rey,
no tengáis de eso cuidado,
que nunca fue rey traidor,
ni Papa descomulgado.
Jura entonces el buen rey
que en tal nunca se ha hallado.
Después habla contra el Cid
malamente y enojado:
-Mucho me aprietas, Rodrigo,
Cid, muy mal me has conjurado,
mas si hoy me tomas la jura,
después besarás mi mano.
-Aqueso será, buen rey,
como fuer galardonado,
porque allá en cualquier tierra
dan sueldo a los hijosdalgo.
-¡Vete de mis tierras, Cid,
mal caballero probado,
y no me entres más en ellas,
desde este día en un año!
-Que me place -dijo el Cid-.
que me place de buen grado,
por ser la primera cosa
que mandas en tu reinado.
Tú me destierras por uno
yo me destierro por cuatro.

Ya se partía el buen Cid
sin al rey besar la mano;
ya se parte de sus tierras,
de Vivar y sus palacios:
las puertas deja cerradas,
los alamudes echados,
las cadenas deja llenas
de podencos y de galgos;
sólo lleva sus halcones,
los pollos y los mudados.
Con el iban los trescientos
caballeros hijosdalgo;
los unos iban a mula
y los otros a caballo;
todos llevan lanza en puño,
con el hierro acicalado,
y llevan sendas adargas
con borlas de colorado.
Por una ribera arriba
al Cid van acompañando;
acompañándolo iban
mientras él iba cazando.
The sands sleep beneath the mists
As the breath of time sets in
And the memory of you
Settles soft upon my skin
I feel your hand of time entwined in mine
As you call me your El Cid
I return the devotion , calling you Jimena , my devine
And across the morning mist
We will once again walk hand in hand

In a latter day I found a wonder
But no where near the age
I am sadden by the book
With the many missing page

If you are my Jabal Tariq
Then I will be your rock El Cid

But far across there is such distance
That no man can rid
Perhaps in another life
Closer we will be . . . .
And I will return as your El Cid
As you my Jemena , come back to me
Jabal Tariq - rock of Gibraltar
El Cid - national hero of Spain
Jimena - wife of El Cid

I begin with two words that all men have uttered since the dawn of humanity: thank you. The word gratitude has equivalents in every language and in each tongue the range of meanings is abundant. In the Romance languages this breadth spans the spiritual and the physical, from the divine grace conceded to men to save them from error and death, to the ****** grace of the dancing girl or the feline leaping through the undergrowth. Grace means pardon, forgiveness, favour, benefice, inspiration; it is a form of address, a pleasing style of speaking or painting, a gesture expressing politeness, and, in short, an act that reveals spiritual goodness. Grace is gratuitous; it is a gift. The person who receives it, the favoured one, is grateful for it; if he is not base, he expresses gratitude. That is what I am doing at this very moment with these weightless words. I hope my emotion compensates their weightlessness. If each of my words were a drop of water, you would see through them and glimpse what I feel: gratitude, acknowledgement. And also an indefinable mixture of fear, respect and surprise at finding myself here before you, in this place which is the home of both Swedish learning and world literature.

Languages are vast realities that transcend those political and historical entities we call nations. The European languages we speak in the Americas illustrate this. The special position of our literatures when compared to those of England, Spain, Portugal and France depends precisely on this fundamental fact: they are literatures written in transplanted tongues. Languages are born and grow from the native soil, nourished by a common history. The European languages were rooted out from their native soil and their own tradition, and then planted in an unknown and unnamed world: they took root in the new lands and, as they grew within the societies of America, they were transformed. They are the same plant yet also a different plant. Our literatures did not passively accept the changing fortunes of the transplanted languages: they participated in the process and even accelerated it. They very soon ceased to be mere transatlantic reflections: at times they have been the negation of the literatures of Europe; more often, they have been a reply.

In spite of these oscillations the link has never been broken. My classics are those of my language and I consider myself to be a descendant of Lope and Quevedo, as any Spanish writer would ... yet I am not a Spaniard. I think that most writers of Spanish America, as well as those from the United States, Brazil and Canada, would say the same as regards the English, Portuguese and French traditions. To understand more clearly the special position of writers in the Americas, we should think of the dialogue maintained by Japanese, Chinese or Arabic writers with the different literatures of Europe. It is a dialogue that cuts across multiple languages and civilizations. Our dialogue, on the other hand, takes place within the same language. We are Europeans yet we are not Europeans. What are we then? It is difficult to define what we are, but our works speak for us.

In the field of literature, the great novelty of the present century has been the appearance of the American literatures. The first to appear was that of the English-speaking part and then, in the second half of the 20th Century, that of Latin America in its two great branches: Spanish America and Brazil. Although they are very different, these three literatures have one common feature: the conflict, which is more ideological than literary, between the cosmopolitan and nativist tendencies, between Europeanism and Americanism. What is the legacy of this dispute? The polemics have disappeared; what remain are the works. Apart from this general resemblance, the differences between the three literatures are multiple and profound. One of them belongs more to history than to literature: the development of Anglo-American literature coincides with the rise of the United States as a world power whereas the rise of our literature coincides with the political and social misfortunes and upheavals of our nations. This proves once more the limitations of social and historical determinism: the decline of empires and social disturbances sometimes coincide with moments of artistic and literary splendour. Li-Po and Tu Fu witnessed the fall of the Tang dynasty; Velázquez painted for Felipe IV; Seneca and Lucan were contemporaries and also victims of Nero. Other differences are of a literary nature and apply more to particular works than to the character of each literature. But can we say that literatures have a character? Do they possess a set of shared features that distinguish them from other literatures? I doubt it. A literature is not defined by some fanciful, intangible character; it is a society of unique works united by relations of opposition and affinity.

The first basic difference between Latin-American and Anglo-American literature lies in the diversity of their origins. Both begin as projections of Europe. The projection of an island in the case of North America; that of a peninsula in our case. Two regions that are geographically, historically and culturally eccentric. The origins of North America are in England and the Reformation; ours are in Spain, Portugal and the Counter-Reformation. For the case of Spanish America I should briefly mention what distinguishes Spain from other European countries, giving it a particularly original historical identity. Spain is no less eccentric than England but its eccentricity is of a different kind. The eccentricity of the English is insular and is characterized by isolation: an eccentricity that excludes. Hispanic eccentricity is peninsular and consists of the coexistence of different civilizations and different pasts: an inclusive eccentricity. In what would later be Catholic Spain, the Visigoths professed the heresy of Arianism, and we could also speak about the centuries of ******* by Arabic civilization, the influence of Jewish thought, the Reconquest, and other characteristic features.

Hispanic eccentricity is reproduced and multiplied in America, especially in those countries such as Mexico and Peru, where ancient and splendid civilizations had existed. In Mexico, the Spaniards encountered history as well as geography. That history is still alive: it is a present rather than a past. The temples and gods of pre-Columbian Mexico are a pile of ruins, but the spirit that breathed life into that world has not disappeared; it speaks to us in the hermetic language of myth, legend, forms of social coexistence, popular art, customs. Being a Mexican writer means listening to the voice of that present, that presence. Listening to it, speaking with it, deciphering it: expressing it ... After this brief digression we may be able to perceive the peculiar relation that simultaneously binds us to and separates us from the European tradition.

This consciousness of being separate is a constant feature of our spiritual history. Separation is sometimes experienced as a wound that marks an internal division, an anguished awareness that invites self-examination; at other times it appears as a challenge, a spur that incites us to action, to go forth and encounter others and the outside world. It is true that the feeling of separation is universal and not peculiar to Spanish Americans. It is born at the very moment of our birth: as we are wrenched from the Whole we fall into an alien land. This experience becomes a wound that never heals. It is the unfathomable depth of every man; all our ventures and exploits, all our acts and dreams, are bridges designed to overcome the separation and reunite us with the world and our fellow-beings. Each man's life and the collective history of mankind can thus be seen as attempts to reconstruct the original situation. An unfinished and endless cure for our divided condition. But it is not my intention to provide yet another description of this feeling. I am simply stressing the fact that for us this existential condition expresses itself in historical terms. It thus becomes an awareness of our history. How and when does this feeling appear and how is it transformed into consciousness? The reply to this double-edged question can be given in the form of a theory or a personal testimony. I prefer the latter: there are many theories and none is entirely convincing.

The feeling of separation is bound up with the oldest and vaguest of my memories: the first cry, the first scare. Like every child I built emotional bridges in the imagination to link me to the world and to other people. I lived in a town on the outskirts of Mexico City, in an old dilapidated house that had a jungle-like garden and a great room full of books. First games and first lessons. The garden soon became the centre of my world; the library, an enchanted cave. I used to read and play with my cousins and schoolmates. There was a fig tree, temple of vegetation, four pine trees, three ash trees, a nightshade, a pomegranate tree, wild grass and prickly plants that produced purple grazes. Adobe walls. Time was elastic; space was a spinning wheel. All time, past or future, real or imaginary, was pure presence. Space transformed itself ceaselessly. The beyond was here, all was here: a valley, a mountain, a distant country, the neighbours' patio. Books with pictures, especially history books, eagerly leafed through, supplied images of deserts and jungles, palaces and hovels, warriors and princesses, beggars and kings. We were shipwrecked with Sinbad and with Robinson, we fought with d'Artagnan, we took Valencia with the Cid. How I would have liked to stay forever on the Isle of Calypso! In summer the green branches of the fig tree would sway like the sails of a caravel or a pirate ship. High up on the mast, swept by the wind, I could make out islands and continents, lands that vanished as soon as they became tangible. The world was limitless yet it was always within reach; time was a pliable substance that weaved an unbroken present.

When was the spell broken? Gradually rather than suddenly. It is hard to accept being betrayed by a friend, deceived by the woman we love, or that the idea of freedom is the mask of a tyrant. What we call "finding out" is a slow and tricky process because we ourselves are the accomplices of our errors and deceptions. Nevertheless, I can remember fairly clearly an incident that was the first sign, although it was quickly forgotten. I must have been about six when one of my cousins who was a little older showed me a North American magazine with a photograph of soldiers marching along a huge avenue, probably in New York. "They've returned from the war" she said. This handful of words disturbed me, as if they foreshadowed the end of the world or the Second Coming of Christ. I vaguely knew that somewhere far away a war had ended a few years earlier and that the soldiers were marching to celebrate their victory. For me, that war had taken place in another time, not here and now. The photo refuted me. I felt literally dislodged from the present.

From that moment time began to fracture more and more. And there was a plurality of spaces. The experience repeated itself more and more frequently. Any piece of news, a harmless phrase, the headline in a newspaper: everything proved the outside world's existence and my own unreality. I felt that the world was splitting and that I did not inhabit the present. My present was disintegrating: real time was somewhere else. My time, the time of the garden, the fig tree, the games with friends, the drowsiness among the plants at three in the afternoon under the sun, a fig torn open (black and red like a live coal but one that is sweet and fresh): this was a fictitious time. In spite of what my senses told me, the time from over there, belonging to the others, was the real one, the time of the real present. I accepted the inevitable: I became an adult. That was how my expulsion from the present began.

It may seem paradoxical to say that we have been expelled from the present, but it is a feeling we have all had at some moment. Some of us experienced it first as a condemnation, later transformed into consciousness and action. The search for the present is neither the pursuit of an earthly paradise nor that of a timeless eternity: it is the search for a real reality. For us, as Spanish Americans, the real present was not in our own countries: it was the time lived by others, by the English, the French and the Germans. It was the time of New York, Paris, London. We had to go and look for it and bring it back home. These years were also the years of my discovery of literature. I began writing poems. I did not know what made me write them: I was moved by an inner need that is difficult to define. Only now have I understood that there was a secret relationship between what I have called my expulsion from the present and the writing of poetry. Poetry is in love with the instant and seeks to relive it in the poem, thus separating it from sequential time and turning it into a fixed present. But at that time I wrote without wondering why I was doing it. I was searching for the gateway to the present: I wanted to belong to my time and to my century. A little later this obsession became a fixed idea: I wanted to be a modern poet. My search for modernity had begun.

What is modernity? First of all it is an ambiguous term: there are as many types of modernity as there are societies. Each has its own. The word's meaning is uncertain and arbitrary, like the name of the period that precedes it, the Middle Ages. If we are modern when compared to medieval times, are we perhaps the Middle Ages of a future modernity? Is a name that changes with time a real name? Modernity is a word in search of its meaning. Is it an idea, a mirage or a moment of history? Are we the children of modernity or its creators? Nobody knows for sure. It doesn't matter much: we follow it, we pursue it. For me at that time modernity was fused with the present or rather produced it: the present was its last supreme flower. My case is neither unique nor exceptional: from the Symbolist period, all modern poets have chased after that magnetic and elusive figure that fascinates them. Baudelaire was the first. He was also the first to touch her and discover that she is nothing but time that crumbles in one's hands. I am not going to relate my adventures in pursuit of modernity: they are not very different from those of other 20th-Century poets. Modernity has been a universal passion. Since 1850 she has been our goddess and our demoness. In recent years, there has been an attempt to exorcise her and there has been much talk of "postmodernism". But what is postmodernism if not an even more modern modernity?

For us, as Latin Americans, the search for poetic modernity runs historically parallel to the repeated attempts to modernize our countries. This tendency begins at the end of the 18th Century and includes Spain herself. The United States was born into modernity and by 1830 was already, as de Tocqueville observed, the womb of the future; we were born at a moment when Spain and Portugal were moving away from modernity. This is why there was frequent talk of "Europeanizing" our countries: the modern was outside and had to be imported. In Mexican history this process begins just before the War of Independence. Later it became a great ideological and political debate that passionately divided Mexican society during the 19th Century. One event was to call into question not the legitimacy of the reform movement but the way in which it had been implemented: the Mexican Revolution. Unlike its 20th-Century counterparts, the Mexican Revolution was not really the expression of a vaguely utopian ideology but rather the explosion of a reality that had been historically and psychologically repressed. It was not the work of a group of ideologists intent on introducing principles derived from a political theory; it was a popular uprising that unmasked what was hidden. For this very reason it was more of a revelation than a revolution. Mexico was searching for the present outside only to find it within, buried but alive. The search for modernity led
Helo, helo por do viene   el moro por la calzada,
caballero a la jineta   encima una yegua baya,
borceguíes marroquíes   y espuela de oro calzada,
una adarga ante los pechos   y en su mano una azagaya.
Mirando estaba Valencia,   como está tan bien cercada:
-¡Oh, Valencia, oh Valencia,   de mal fuego seas quemada!
Primero fuiste de moros   que de cristianos ganada.
Si la lanza no me miente,   a moros serás tornada;
aquel perro de aquel Cid   prenderélo por la barba,
su mujer, doña Jimena,   será de mí cautivada,
su hija, Urraca Hernando,   será mi enamorada,
después de yo harto de ella   la entregaré a mi compaña.
El buen Cid no está tan lejos,   que todo bien lo escuchaba.
-Venid vos acá, mi hija,   mi hija doña Urraca;
dejad las ropas continas   y vestid ropas de pascua.
Aquel moro hi·de·perro   detenédmelo en palabras,
mientras yo ensillo a Babieca   y me ciño la mi espada.
La doncella, muy hermosa,   se paró a una ventana;
el moro, desque la vido,   de esta suerte le hablara:
-Alá te guarde, señora,   mi señora doña Urraca.
-Así haga a vos, señor,   buena sea vuestra llegada.
Siete años ha, rey, siete,   que soy vuestra enamorada.
-Otros tantos ha, señora,   que os tengo dentro en mi alma.
Ellos estando en aquesto   el buen Cid que se asomaba.
-Adiós, adiós, mi señora,   la mi linda enamorada,
que del caballo Babieca   yo bien oigo la patada.
Do la yegua pone el pie,   Babieca pone la pata.
Allí hablará el caballo   bien oiréis lo que hablaba:
-¡Reventar debía la madre   que a su hijo no esperaba!
Siete vueltas la rodea   alrededor de una jara;
la yegua, que era ligera,   muy adelante pasaba
hasta llegar cabe un río   adonde una barca estaba.
El moro, desque la vido,   con ella bien se holgaba,
grandes gritos da al barquero   que le allegase la barca;
el barquero es diligente,   túvosela aparejada,
embarcó muy presto en ella,   que no se detuvo nada.
Estando el moro embarcado,   el buen Cid que llegó al agua,
y por ver al moro en salvo,   de tristeza reventaba;
mas con la furia que tiene,   una lanza le arrojaba,
y dijo: -Recoged, mi yerno,   arrecogedme esa lanza,
que quizás tiempo vendrá   que os será bien demandada.
Third Eye Candy Sep 2011
Leaving you in the desert exhausted my reserves
so it rained.

your joyous plague failed
singing casual exposure
in the key of

like a tongue     in the deaf ear
that hears you

Cid ran rancid in the cobweb lisp
of your ankle bracelet
broken light, weaving cracks in the mundane
your small feet

my everything unbound

and enslaved.
Pensativo estaba el Cid   viéndose de pocos años
para vengar a su padre   matando al conde Lozano;
miraba el bando temido   del poderoso contrario
que tenía en las montañas   mil amigos asturianos;
miraba cómo en la corte   de ese buen rey Don Fernando
era su voto el primero,   y en guerra el mejor su brazo;
todo le parece poco   para vengar este agravio,
el primero que se ha hecho   a la sangre de Lain Calvo;
no cura de su niñez,   que en el alma del hidalgo
el valor para crecer   no tiene cuenta a los años.
Descolgó una espada vieja   de Mudarra el castellano,
que estaba toda mohosa,   por la muerte de su amo.
«Haz cuenta, valiente espada,   que es de Mudarra mi brazo
y que con su brazo riñes   porque suyo es el agravio.
Bien puede ser que te corras   de verte así en la mi mano,
mas no te podrás correr   de volver atrás un paso.
Tan fuerte como tu acero   me verás en campo armado;
tan bueno como el primero,   segundo dueño has cobrado;
y cuando alguno te venza,   del torpe hecho enojado,
hasta la cruz en mi pecho   te esconderé muy airado.
Vamos al campo, que es hora   de dar al conde Lozano
el castigo que merece   tan infame lengua y mano».
Determinado va el Cid,   y va tan determinado,
que en espacio de una hora   mató al conde y fue vengado.
¡Rey don Sancho, rey don Sancho,   ya que te apuntan las barbas,
quien te las vido nacer   no te las verá logradas!

      Don Fernando apenas muerto,    Sancho a Zamora cercaba,
de un cabo la cerca el rey,   del otro el Cid la apremiaba.
Del cabo que el rey la cerca   Zamora no se da nada;
del cabo que el Cid la aqueja   Zamora ya se tomaba;
corren las aguas del Duero   tintas en sangre cristiana.
Habló el viejo Arias Gonzalo,   el ayo de doña Urraca:
-Vámonos, hija, a los moros   dejad a Zamora salva,
pues vuestro hermano y el Cid   tan mal os desheredaban.

      Doña Urraca en tanta cuita   se asomaba a la muralla,
y desde una torre mocha   el campo del Cid miraba.
Following are several translations
of the 'Old Pond' poem, which may be
the most famous of all haiku:

Furuike ya
kawazu tobikomu
mizu no oto

        -- Basho

Literal Translation

Fu-ru (old) i-ke (pond) ya,
ka-wa-zu (frog) to-bi-ko-mu (jumping into)
mi-zu (water) no o-to (sound)

    The old pond--
a frog jumps in,
    sound of water.

Translated by Robert Hass

Old pond...
a frog jumps in
water's sound.

Translated by William J. Higginson

An old silent pond...
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.

Translated by Harry Behn

There is the old pond!
Lo, into it jumps a frog:
hark, water's music!

Translated by John Bryan

The silent old pond
a mirror of ancient calm,
a frog-leaps-in splash.

Translated by Dion O'Donnol

old pond
frog leaping

Translated by Cid Corman

Antic pond--
frantic frog jumps in--
gigantic sound.

Translated by Bernard Lionel Einbond


'Dere wasa dis frogg
Gone jumpa offa da logg
Now he inna bogg.'

        -- Anonymous

Translated by George M. Young, Jr.

Old pond
leap -- splash
a frog.

Translated by Lucien Stryck

The old pond,
A frog jumps in:.

Translated by Allan Watts

The old pond, yes, and
A frog is jumping into
The water, and splash.

Translated by G.S. Fraser
Dopamine addict itched for a serotonin fix,
Gazing into this sonder mirror,
The craving for opia hit.

Staring down mydriasis, shooting up
with the metaphysics. Consigned to it,
Being strung out on ∃xistence, whatever
depth you'd ascribe to it. Know that passion
is incandescent, embrace peace as effervescent;

Lost in the gaze of fall liberty,
Rainy daze in winter ecstasy.
Found in a maze of spring empathy,
Azure haze of summer vibrancy.

Mescalito tornado on desert sands,
Shroom typhoon on distant shores,
∀cid cyclone on the horizon,
Pharmahuasca maelstrom
drank the earth.

Ion chaser ate a hurricane
and thus The Empyrean was born.
An unnecessary redux of my favorite lines.
Por la sierra, una tarde, pasaba el Campeador.
El sol despertaba su flamígera flor,
y bruñía la púrpura de su esplendor postrero
en la resplandeciente coraza del guerrero.

El oro lo cubría de la frente a los pies:
su escarcela era de oro, y era de oro su arnés,
y un rubí granadino de adorno en la visera,
resplancedía menos que su mirada fiera.
Soberbiamente erguido con marcial bizarría,
no encontrando adversarios ¡con el Sol se batía!

Los pastores en lo alto de las altas montañas,
al ver pasar al héroe de las rudas hazañas
envuelto en su leyenda de osadía y estrago,
entre sí murmuraban: "Es el Cid, o es Santiago".
Pues con el fanatismo que infunde la victoria
unían los dos nombres en una misma gloria.

Así, lento, magnífico, arrogante y severo,
iba por los caminos el radiante viajero,
cuando oyó que del fondo de un barranco surgía
la ronca y débil súplica de una voz de agonía.
Y allí, tendido en tierra, vio un monstruo repugnante
de agarrotadas manos y roído semblante:
Un leproso.
                  De súbito, el corcel de Rodrigo
se encabritó: Tan sórdido y horrible era el mendigo,
que temió el noble bruto contaminar sus cascos
con rozar solamente aquel montón de ascos.

Con un gesto magnánino, el guerrero español,
inclinado su bélico penacho tornasol,
le ofrece al miserable todo lo que le queda:
una moneda de oro y un ademán de seda.

Y entonces, al llameante resplandor del ocaso,
con incrédulos ojos y vacilante paso,
aquella gusanera viviente se incorpora,
y cae de rodillas pesadamente, y llora....

Allí, en aquel oscuro recodo del camino,
lo maldijo una anciana, lo apedreó un campesino,
le fue negada el agua, le fue negado el pan,
y soportó en silencio la injuria y el desmán;
y ahora un caballero de luciente armadura
caritativamente consuela su amargura
sin temer el contagio de su inmunda dolencia,
y le ofrece a sus llagas una flor de clemencia.
Y el monstruo, en un impulso brutalmente sincero,
posa sus labios pútridos sobre el guante de acero.

El paladín lo mira sin desdén, sin temor,
sin cólera: ¡Por algo es el Cid Campeador!

Inmóvil y benigno en su dádiva inmensa,
el gran Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar algo piensa:
¿Qué sentimientos laten bajo su coraza?

De repente, con suave firmeza, lo rechaza;
contempla largamente aquel escombro humano,
se arranca el guantelete... ¡y le tiende la mano!
Lawrence Hall Nov 2018
…These men are worth your tears:
You are not worth their merriment.

-Wilfred Owen, “Apologia Pro Poemate Meo”

When that loudmouth on the wireless machine
Alludes to Western Civilization
What does he mean? Paradise Lost? Probably not
Nor Saint Paul speaking on the Field of Mars

The Kalevala, Hagia Sophia
With its pendentives lifting up our prayers
Horatius fighting to defend his bridge
And Wilfred Owen dying bravely on his

Lord Tennyson and Idylls of the King
Chapultepec, Henry V, Becket
The paratroops at Arnhem, Saint Thomas More,
His King’s loyal servant, but God’s first

The Stray Dog poets of Saint Petersburg
The brave last stand of Roland at Roncesvalles
Lewis and Tolkien and glasses of beer
Montcalm and Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham

Hildegard von Bingen, Siegfried and the Rhine
Magna Carta, HMS Hood, the Thames
The Grove of Daphne, “The Old Rugged Cross”
Beatrix Potter and her little pet rabbit

El Cid, Anne Frank, John Keats, Saint Benedict
“I Have a Dream,” Dostoyevsky, and Greene
Viktor Frankl, Dag Hammarkskjold, and Proust
Good Chaucer’s naughty pilgrims telling tales

The Gettysburg Address, Willie and Joe
Stern Saint Augustine of North Africa
Wodehouse writing a jolly bit of fun
Saint Corbinian and Bavaria

The ancient glories of Byzantium
Pius XII contra the bombs and lies
The 602nd TD Battalion
Saint Joan, the Prado, and Robert Frost

And far, far more.

When that loudmouth on the wireless machine
Alludes to Western Civilization
What does he mean?
Of your mercy please pray for the repose of the soul of Wilfred Owen who was killed in action on 4 November 1918, one week before the Armistice.
brian brenes May 2010
my confusion overcame me but then left me as fast as my confidence of will .Hyde was leaving me but Jekyll wouldn't.
such a quick tripp in silent argument i ended up in a blue room with humorous graffiti, the graffiti spoke, it was my friend, it knew my
name . I had no ones attention but i had the art . the tiles  appeared in the ceiling and they moves and danced with  the fan so gracefully the fan moved in a waltz so beautiful so tender so slow so precise the tiles lost its place and eagerly enough proved itself again.the room was dark but i could see a variety of lights rushing in vertical and horizontal motions constantly changing leaving me in awe. They all moved and they where all so happy , i was happy. The simplest things amazed me the room spun so slowly so evenly and increased in speed as i breathed and i smiled slowly and time stoped .. i understood everything, everything understood me and i felt accepted .
part 2
brian brenes May 2010
I climbed my mountain to its peak with thin air and astonishing sights .
the understanding was gone the intensity found me . my friends didn't dance anymore they where tired since they melted all over the walls . the floors soon followed  and my friends blue checkered pants expanded into a sea in which i swam in looking for her . her voice guided me but i never got anywhere i couldn't find her i was lost.There where brief intervals where i would pop into reality to catch my breath and then the world would collapse and melt all into different journeys through an array of environments .i never found my way out my head melting into the floor i almost left my mind there in those the end my friend shaking me looking at me as she also melted combining with the pool of leftover worlds on the floor ,and it all accumulated into a massive shake disorienting my sight and speech. As i rolled on the floor screaming for the end my wish was granted it was all over.that night i met lucy and that one single encounter changed my life.
part 3 i dont want to put them into stanzas too tired. but the next ones might be in stanzas
brian brenes May 2010
ready for the tripp that cant be traveled by conventional means
i shipped myself to an outer planes of a new dimension with lucid  stamps . the night began and i was born again . the lights surrounded me dancing for me in a insatiable pattern that hummed and murdered indescribably. my two sitters of for the night where more like Jekyll and Hyde saving me and hating me destroying me and building me i was the world spun i looked and i teared and i tried to know why i didn't know. A state of utter confusion that i hope never to go through again.that confusion and was just the beginning but it taught me so much.
part 1 of an unforgettable night
i too would go
to japan before
the war in asia

short poems written and published
under my own auspice
haikus only at the end.

fall in love with shizumi
as a girl, before i knew her,
loving her til death.

ice-cream shop, run
an ice-cream shop
with her, and i

don't even like ice-cream
all that much
Geno Cattouse Feb 2013
would walk out of the city on Sunday afternoon after Sunday Mass
Dinner at noon was the custom. then the city would slip into  Sunday coma.
Mantovani, Acher Bilk, and the BBC wafted from the Television less homes we passed
on our way to the river.

Old chocolate men reclined on rickety old wooden porches smoking hand rolled
whatever as we strolled by giving us the lazy eye. All knowing , know nothings.
Sun beaten and calloused to lives of hard labor. every now and then one would just give a
jaundiced nod and look away/ Live to smoke another day.

Half paved tar and gravel roads simmered and writhed in the distance.
but our bare feet.
slapped in rhythm .cut off knee pants and skinny bare chest attested to sparse living but we
never knew it cause the mangrove jungle was minutes away and big
unwanted catfish to hook and throw away. Disdainful (Kiatto).

Off the simmering road now hopping toads. Johnny fiddler ***** for bait .
The canoe awaits us two small school boys in our natural state. One seven one eight.

Pelicans survey slowly above where the river meets the sea A small ripple and down he goes. He knows where school is in for mackerel and terrapin. Bone fish too.
We small boys with no fear . Innocence a pole and cork. One hook apiece is our gear.
Knee deep in mire as we push of and jump. A paddle apiece as we stroke against the tide to traverse the emerald river wide. The far bank. My Aunt Doris's shack.

Man over board to tie of the. Bow.

A snack of tortillas and beans then up the river no fear. Fun and the fish
Sun and the wish for an endless Sunday. We hate Monday. Back the priests and nuns.Slate writing board and times tables.
Let's fish.
Let us dream.
Tied off in the mangrove shade.
Swatting horse flies quietly. Quietly?

Like bird dogs we study the floating cork.
A wiggle, a bob. A bob. Set the hook and out comes the prize.
Then more. More flapping underfoot.we can hardly.walk. The glee
A bonanza.
All fried up and crisp.Catch and release. What madness. Catch and consume.

Day is done in the Carribean sun.
Home eastward. The pitch road is more forgiving on bare feet now
with the September sun at our backs. A leisurely stroll back to the
house. No worries,

A bath  and change for the Sunday evening show.
The Thief Of Baghdad or  maybe El Cid.
The Duke Audie Murphy in a double header.

The walk home along the moonlit seaside.
To start another Halcyon stream.
Another time and place rooted firmly in my memory.
Read  THE RIVER ROCK. More from Memories of a childhood in Belize.
Nicole M Grubbs Dec 2011
When my body falls among your night skys
I’ll breathe you until I turn to dust.
And there we lay,
Crystal star-gazing eyes
With feelings of smooth warm thighs
Uncovered by untold lies.
Flowing into the forest, out in search of a home
A place to intertwine, a place to call our own
We made the woods our bed,
And soon melted into the earth.
-¡Afuera, afuera, Rodrigo,   el soberbio castellano!
Acordársete debría   de aquel buen tiempo pasado
que te armaron caballero   en el altar de Santiago,
cuando el rey fue tu padrino,   tú, Rodrigo, el ahijado;
mi padre te dio las armas,   mi madre te dio el caballo,
yo te calcé espuela de oro   porque fueses más honrado;
pensando casar contigo,   ¡no lo quiso mi pecado!,
casástete con Jimena,   hija del conde Lozano;
con ella hubiste dineros,   conmigo hubieras estados;
dejaste hija de rey   por tomar la de un vasallo.

 En oír esto Rodrigo   volvióse mal angustiado:
-¡Afuera, afuera, los míos,   los de a pie y los de a caballo,
pues de aquella torre mocha   una vira me han tirado!,
no traía el asta hierro,   el corazón me ha pasado;
¡ya ningún remedio siento,   sino vivir más penado!
Timmy Shanti Jun 2012
Glamorous night. Dark knight
Knocking on my door. On the floor
I step. Sleepy. Looking for a candle
To light. Still: it’s a glamorous night,
Though it’s a time of the fight...
Another knock on the oaken door.
I shout: “Hey there! Can’t wait anymore?”
Having found a light, I greet the stranger.
Am I in danger? “Enter, good knight!”
-What a glamorous night!
-How can I help you in this hour of late?
-I’ll free Castilla and Le;n.
With destiny this is my date!
...These words! I recognise him:
It’s El Cid.
A man of arms - still man of wit.
-My good Sayid, you’d better
Have some sleep.
-You’re in the right, good master.
It’s very nice to have a friend like you
In times of such disaster...
Morning light - straight in my face.
‘Twas a glamorous night! Warm embrace
Given by my wife... Wait!
I’m married not! I do not know
This lady. She’s not completely
Of my sort!.. This man - Rodrigo Diaz?
I finally wake up - it’s midnight.
Snow now is falling down.
It rarely snows in Spain,
As you might know.
’Twas just a dream...

Aaron LaLux Jun 2018
No rules,
coffee and ******* at midnight,
killing common sense but in my defense,
I’m an uncommon guy and I’m not having kids,

subtracting erratic additives,
adding eccentric adjectives,

and with this we carry on,
where are we at and why would we mourn,
in Petaluma ignore the rumors,
not coming home ‘till 6 in the morn,

sick of the ****,
I need a medic that’s right I said it,
something’s wrong what’s going on,
everyone and everything’s uncut and unedited,
full steam ahead no sedatives,
don’t know who said what,
or why they said it quick,

but I don’t care either way anymore,
‘cause I’ve got no fcks left to give,
told you before,
this is uncut and unedited,

no cares,
no fcks,
no rules,
so what,

know what?

I lost my marbles but got girls by the car full,
plus I’m too fresh to rust but still got a few screws lose,
not a Scrooge Goose or a fat duck,
I’m The Man AKA That Dude,

and I play the Game yeah but I don’t play by the rules,
so I don’t have to choose between engine and caboose,

I’ll take the whole kit and caboodle you boys’re out your noodle,
getting it all all the time in a New York state of mind with a happening aptitude,
half reckless half recluse and add a nothing to lose attitude,
and I know it all looks outta control but don’t worry we’ve got this glued,

sippin’ on gin and juice trippin’ on cid and shrooms shout out to Snoop,

no rules,
coffee and ******* at midnight,
killing common sense but in my defense,
I’m an uncommon guy and I’m not having kids,

subtracting erratic additives,
adding eccentric adjectives,

and with this we carry on,
where are we at and why would we mourn,
in Petaluma ignore the rumors,
not coming home ‘till 6 in the morn…

∆ LaLux ∆
Mitchell May 2011
North cornered near the glass ain't gonna' last
Cause the money is running out
It's running out fast
Nickel and dimed' burning money burning pride
With the liquor stores all closing and mother mary praying whispering
"Sarah, sarah, sarah..."
No names in these streets empty touched' defeat
The meat is getting angrier surlier burlier
The heat is getting heavier breathier and touchier
Blankets burn in the Connecticut sun mother mouths something
But I can't make it out
With these posters on these white walls falling for their own droll
Committed to the picnic that is not life at all
Putrid in these notes that sail through the air never fail
With the heart that once was held
By a women that I thought I'd take the time to know
But then the winds came with the side ways rain
All that pain that I couldn't bare or understand to stay
There was the window washing maniacs pinching pennies
Letting go of their soul for another side dish and entree of dough
Ploughing through their TV screens which falls through their skin like
Love used to do but in the blue hue there was nothing
They could bear to do
Bear man breaks open the skin flecked electro heart machine
Shocking every last one of us past the point of divinity
Already through the heart and mind and limb of man
Into the skin and the blood and the beating eye lids
Of a brother I never had, that man named CID
Jesus named me no name so I wander wherever my feet may carry
Never had no religion only long lesions through the seasons
Cut wound bleed break breakfast dinner bird
There was a glint in the sun
The way she gripped and held Her sword
Graining through pages of past history *******
Seeing visions of kaleidoscope faker ***** with their blisters
Gripping their panoramic sisters
Beauty in the eye of the hair that twists
In the mid-west chilling winds of the whisp
Forests burning boringly gripping the last hope of
Mother murdering herself just to stay alive
In a stride of elegance tides of benevolence
Roaring rewind curb side b-lines
And a mix-tape that spins and spins and spins
But plays nothing
No nothing
At all
Peut s’ouvrir un débat
long comme l’éternité
de savoir si vrai ou faux
avait raison Don Gomez
qui harangua son fils
en disant :
« Ce n’est que par le sang
Qu’on lave tel outrage. »

Ô quel mot fer,
quel mot acier,
sans une goute d’étain !
Le mot sans verdure,
le mot rouge sans mélange,
plus rouge que le sang,
visant perdre le souffle
au donneur de soufflet !
qui pourra le baptiser cannibalisme
ou bien légitime défense ?

Quoi qu’on dise, tranchons :
ce fut verser le sang.
Et jugeons :
Ce qu’à l’époque fut d’or
l’acte de le Cid1 Compeador
ne le serait point aujourd’hui.
C’est comme le triomphe d’Achille2
Sur son ennemi Hector.
Les deux grand guerriers, avides de sang
et de gloire malsaine,
vallées et plaines coururent,
lacs et rivières nagèrent,
étangs et marécages pataugèrent,
monts et collines gravirent,
et descendirent en volant,
se voulant l’un l’autre proie,
et l’emporta le plus criminel.

A l’Epoque Contemporaine
Pas toute victoire ne se couvre de lauriers.

La Pucelle d’Orléans ne fut-elle
brûlée vive par l’ennemi,
son tueur ignoré par tant,
et son Nom à jamais porta la couronne
à la façon de la Sainte Vierge
qui jamais ne lutta que contre le péchée,
et son arme au combat ne fut que piété,
contrairement à Charlemagne
qui fut couronné de fer
dont il eut son bon usage.

Le trépas d’un héro ne tue pas l’héroïsme.

Ce fut le cas, ce semble, du Prince
Né **** d’un palais royal.
Ce Prince qu’on le nomme :
Mohammed Bouazizi.
La montée au sommet ne fut pas improviste
ni sujet de surprise ;
c’est le fruit du courage bénit,
lequel conditionnera et la pluie et le soleil
dans tous les coins du monde.

1. Le Cid : Personnage Principal de la Tragi-comédie qui porte son nom de Pierre Corneille dont la première représentation eut lieu le 5 janvier 16372.
2. Achille et Hector sont les personnages les plus célèbres de L’Iliade d’Homère VIIIe siècle av. J.-C.
En mémoire du héro tunisien Mohammed Bouazizi
David Nelson Aug 2013
Ku Ku Kachoo

what this means
has no bearing on the straits
say this three times fast
and it will open up the gates
another hit of cid
and a token of regrets
a barrel of sunshine
here's looking at you kid
maybe the sound
of a walrus on the roll
just another way to say
for whom the bell may toll

the lads where just being crazy
they were shaking up the tree
to see how many lemons
would fall down the gravity you see
so baby you can drive my car
if that's what you want to do
but if you put a dent in it
I'll be like poison ivy all over you
I'll scratch your itch if you'll scratch mine
just give me something new
if you feel lost in space
just say Ku Ku Kachoo  

Gomer LePoet...
there's Liver "in my" Pool lads
Mediaba el mes de julio. Era un hermoso día.
Yo, solo, por las quiebras del pedregal subía,
buscando los recodos de sombra, lentamente.
A trechos me paraba para enjugar mi frente
y dar algún respiro al pecho jadeante;
o bien, ahincando el paso, el cuerpo hacia adelante
y hacia la mano diestra vencido y apoyado
en un bastón, a guisa de pastoril cayado,
trepaba por los cerros que habitan las rapaces
aves de altura, hollando las hierbas montaraces
de fuerte olor -romero, tomillo, salvia, espliego-.
Sobre los agrios campos caía un sol de fuego.
      Un buitre de anchas alas con majestuoso vuelo
cruzaba solitario el puro azul del cielo.
Yo divisaba, lejos, un monte alto y agudo,
y una redonda loma cual recamado escudo,
y cárdenos alcores sobre la parda tierra
-harapos esparcidos de un viejo arnés de guerra-,
las serrezuelas calvas por donde tuerce el Duero
para formar la corva ballesta de un arquero
en torno a Soria. -Soria es una barbacana,
hacia Aragón, que tiene la torre castellana-.
Veía el horizonte cerrado por colinas
oscuras, coronadas de robles y de encinas;
desnudos peñascales, algún humilde prado
donde el merino pace y el toro, arrodillado
sobre la hierba, rumia; las márgenes de río
lucir sus verdes álamos al claro sol de estío,
y, silenciosamente, lejanos pasajeros,
¡tan diminutos! -carros, jinetes y arrieros-,
cruzar el largo puente, y bajo las arcadas
de piedra ensombrecerse las aguas plateadas
del Duero.
      El Duero cruza el corazón de roble
de Iberia y de Castilla.
            ¡Oh, tierra triste y noble,
la de los altos llanos y yermos y roquedas,
de campos sin arados, regatos ni arboledas;
decrépitas ciudades, caminos sin mesones,
y atónitos palurdos sin danzas ni canciones
que aún van, abandonando el mortecino hogar,
como tus largos ríos, Castilla, hacia la mar!
      Castilla miserable, ayer dominadora,
envuelta en sus andrajos desprecia cuanto ignora.
¿Espera, duerme o sueña? ¿La sangre derramada
recuerda, cuando tuvo la fiebre de la espada?
Todo se mueve, fluye, discurre, corre o gira;
cambian la mar y el monte y el ojo que los mira.
¿Pasó?  Sobre sus campos aún el fantasma yerta
de un pueblo que ponía a Dios sobre la guerra.
      La madre en otro tiempo fecunda en capitanes,
madrastra es hoy apenas de humildes ganapanes.
Castilla no es aquella tan generosa un día,
cuando Myo Cid Rodrigo el de Vivar volvía,
ufano de su nueva fortuna, y su opulencia,
a regalar a Alfonso los huertos de Valencia;
o que, tras la aventura que acreditó sus bríos,
pedía la conquista de los inmensos ríos
indianos a la corte, la madre de soldados,
guerreros y adalides que han de tornar, cargados
de plata y oro, a España, en regios galeones,
para la presa cuervos, para la lid leones.
Filósofos nutridos de sopa de convento
contemplan impasibles el amplio firmamento;
y si les llega en sueños, como un rumor distante,
clamor de mercaderes de muelles de Levante,
no acudirán siquiera a preguntar ¿qué pasa?
Y ya la guerra ha abierto las puertas de su casa.
      Castilla miserable, ayer dominadora,
envuelta en sus harapos desprecia cuanto ignora.
      El sol va declinando. De la ciudad lejana
me llega un armonioso tañido de campana
-ya irán a su rosario las enlutadas viejas-.
De entre las peñas salen dos lindas comadrejas;
me miran y se alejan, huyendo, y aparecen
de nuevo, ¡tan curiosas!... Los campos se obscurecen.
Hacia el camino blanco está el mesón abierto
al campo ensombrecido y al pedregal desierto.
En Burgos está el buen rey   asentado a su yantar,
cuando la Jimena Gómez   se le vino a querellar;
cubierta paños de luto,   tocas de ***** cendal;
las rodillas por el suelo,   comenzara de fablar;
-Con mancilla vivo, rey;   con ella vive mi madre;
cada día que amanece   veo quien mató a mi padre
caballero en un caballo   y en su mano un gavilán;
por hacerme más enojo   cébalo en mi palomar;
con sangre de mis palomas   ensangentó mi brial.
¡Hacedme, buen rey justicia,   no me la queráis negar!
Rey que non face justicia   non debía de reinar,
ni comer pan a manteles,   ni con la reina folgar.
 El rey cuando aquesto oyera   comenzara de pensar:
«Si yo prendo o mato al Cid,   mis cortes revolverse han;
pues, si lo dejo de hacer,   Dios me lo demandará».
 Allí habló doña Jimena   palabras bien de notar:
-Yo te lo diría, rey,   como lo has de remediar.
Mantén tú bien las tus cortes,   no te las revuelva nadie,
y al que mi padre mató   dámelo para casar,
que quien tanto mal me hizo   sé que algún bien me fará.
-Siempre lo he oído decir,   y ahora veo que es verdad,
que el seso de las mujeres   no era cosa natural:
hasta aquí pidió justicia,   ya quiere con él casar.
Mandaré una carta al Cid,   mandarle quiero llamar.
 Las palabras no son dichas,   la carta camino va;
mensajero que la lleva   dado la había a su padre.
Truthful Word May 2014
Seeing your eyes your love isn't a lie
Back then when I used to cry about Some woman lost in the sky
You can save my mind
And now I can stay on my grind
Continuing to live and breathing to give
My life is like a runway just don't forget the Cid
Say you love me and I say I love you back
As long as it isn't a joke then I'll sure return like Arnold I'll be back
We can go wild for the night
We're not sipping Miller Lite
I'm becoming you're new thought When you're staring into the night
I'm not bad I'm just Evil
That's with a capital E because that's My name on the D low
I forget the past like throwing out the trash
In the end it's just experience so I'll make it last
Maybe I can be your new prince
Not looking through the mirror glass
If you **** me over I'll shoot your ***
Not with a bullet but with the truth That hurts more than bullet
Finally happy again dopamine rising
After tonight I'll begin again just Blowing in the wind
Man I don't think this good energy will Ever end
Until the next heartbreak love is the new trend.
Love is evil. But love is what strives us because without we're just wind in the dust.
NeroameeAlucard Mar 2016
The pressure to please
Is a CID, Creatively Induced disease
It hurts when you pour
Your heart and soul into your art
And the audience rejects it
It feels like a bullet tearing you apart

The self doubt sets in
"What did I do wrong? "
Can't they see what's within?"
"Am i losing my way? "
"Should I give up today? "

So to offset this problem be your own solution
Understand that you can't please everyone, and to try is a date with a mental institution
Just do what you love, and others will see the glow
Now when you've become great, all but you will know
Los quince y los dieciocho,
los dieciocho y los veinte...
Me voy a cumplir los años
al fuego que me requiere,
y si resuena mi hora
antes de los doce meses,
los cumpliré bajo tierra.
Yo trato que de mí queden
una memoria de sol
y un sonido de valiente.

Si cada boca de España,
de su juventud, pusiese
estas palabras, mordiéndolas,
en lo mejor de sus dientes:
si la juventud de España,
de un impulso solo y verde,
alzara su gallardía,
sus músculos extendiese
contra los desenfrenados
que apropiarse España quieren,
sería el mar arrojando
a la arena muda siempre
varios caballos de estiércol
de sus pueblos transparentes,
con un brazo inacabable
de perpetua espuma fuerte.

Si el Cid volviera a clavar
aquellos huesos que aún hieren
el polvo y el pensamiento,
aquel cerro de su frente,
aquel trueno de su alma
y aquella espada indeleble,
sin rival, sobre su sombra
de entrelazados laureles:
al mirar lo que de España
los alemanes pretenden,
los italianos procuran,
los moros, los portugueses,
que han grabado en nuestro cielo
constelaciones crueles
de crímenes empapados
en una sangre inocente,
subiera en su airado potro
y en su cólera celeste
a derribar trimotores
como quien derriba mieses.

Bajo una zarpa de lluvia,
y un racimo de relente,
y un ejército de sol,
campan los cuerpos rebeldes
de los españoles dignos
que al yugo no se someten,
y la claridad los sigue,
y los robles los refieren.
Entre graves camilleros
hay heridos que se mueren
con el rostro rodeado
de tan diáfanos ponientes,
que son auroras sembradas
alrededor de sus sienes.
Parecen plata dormida
y oro en reposo parecen.

Llegaron a las trincheras
y dijeron firmemente:
¡Aquí echaremos
antes que nadie nos eche!
Y la muerte se sintió
orgullosa de tenerles.

Pero en los negros rincones,
en los más negros, se tienden
a llorar por los caídos
madres que les dieron leche,
hermanas que los lavaron,
novias que han sido de nieve
y que se han vuelto de luto
y que se han vuelto de fiebre;
desconcertadas viudas,
desparramadas mujeres,
cartas y fotografías
que los expresan fielmente,
donde los ojos se rompen
de tanto ver y no verles,
de tanta lágrima muda,
de tanta hermosura ausente.

Juventud solar de España:
que pase el tiempo y se quede
con un murmullo de huesos
heroicos en su corriente.
Echa tus huesos al campo,
echar las fuerzas que tienes
a las cordilleras foscas
y al olivo del aceite.
Reluce por los collados,
y apaga la mala gente,
y atrévete con el plomo,
y el hombro y la pierna extiende.

Sangre que no se desborda,
juventud que no se atreve,
ni es sangre, ni es juventud,
ni relucen, ni florecen.
Cuerpos que nacen vencidos,
vencidos y grises mueren:
vienen con la edad de un siglo,
y son viejos cuando vienen.

La juventud siempre empuja
la juventud siempre vence,
y la salvación de España
de su juventud depende.

La muerte junto al fusil,
antes que se nos destierre,
antes que se nos escupa,
antes que se nos afrente
y antes que entre las cenizas
que de nuestro pueblo queden,
arrastrados sin remedio
gritemos amargamente:
¡Ay España de mi vida,
ay España de mi muerte!
Non descript hedge rows sculpted into
ornamental animal via botanical artist
wielding pruning shears and chain saw
carved, limned and sculpted with wrist

wrought voila uber prestidigitatiously
head turning botanical picturesque Sun
kist animals at an exhibition transformed
miraculously via Te Deum divine fist ***

ping, whence realistic fauna burst alive
with an explosion of colorful twist and
shout of foliage, where scalloped super
flu us detritus manna for naturalist de

cid Jew us detritus capacious carpet boar
animation punk chew waiting groundswell
Liszt ghost would arise from the grave to pro
deuce magnum opus without a beat missed

such shrubbery mimicking the likeness, sans
glistening fleshy sin yew, and gist about ready
to become bone a fide (green behind the ears)
thriving vox populist, per species and genus

wrought thrashing into birth as delicate crafts
man promised to imbue life, liberty and pursuit
of happiness whittling away leavings, thus did
exist the nascent then omnipresent visible entity

emerging from cocoon an herbalist meta morph
hosed from imagination of skilled, practiced and
mentalist conniver viz extracting the initially
obscure blessed beast, where with august magic

wielding tools of this specialty vis a vis bringing
breathing manifest destiny ala Pinocchio (trans
formed from wood to flesh), whereby finest
dexterous chiseling blistering hands baffle on

lookers as coterie of topiary harvest breaths mind
bogglingly astoundingly authentic rooted ready
to frolic in the grass menagerie a gamesome group
of linkedin live progeny, the MichelAngelo of

dirtiest canvass, an earthen tabula rasa of sorts
where application threshing re: electric cool laid
ahs hid test brings out chlorophyll doppelganger
green hued key luster.
Butch Decatoria Aug 2016
Check out the ink,
authentic as a groupie giving it up
each memorable stain
Taints / scars
"see this one, that was the time...
on the road, the streets of concrete and black"

waking up with something missing
another concert and back
stage passing out
green rooms become lucky charms
                                      "magically delicious"
when molly and 'cid drown out
the loud self hatred howl
the piercing sounds like snow on a telly
made of wood / in the hollow
of the skull
screaming fans
get giving head
(another Grateful Dead
teddy tats
le mort - with top-hats)

Check out the ink on them cats
'cuz its cool to hit it
And just like that,
they're just like bruises
Rorschach birth mark
Skin art muses
like permanent stickers
Yang and yin
punch bug & liquor
Business inc.

quarter machine
bouncy ***** and shiny things--
Smiley face!            
Have a nice day!
Happy colors cover up
To hide the deeper pain that dont hurt
but slowly softly kills
somewhere inside
where somethings
gone missing...
(now they swallow pills)


Like plumes of flamboyant flocks
Birds of dying paradise
and schools of shimmering fish,
Anima and abyss
Inside this living planet, all
makes for interesting documentary
nature shows
            since nuture blows
Goes to show
Some guardians using
back of the hand
belt / buckle / switch

Yo peeps pay close attention...
Check out the ink
swats and ****
                   wears wife beaters
and his chick in the summers
wears faux
furs of mink...
***** on roller skates without a rink
expert skill sets for Sonic
always runaways
drive by drive-thru,
So cool I'll call 'em Culo...
Wouldn't you?

*(In their natural habitats, the group and packs
and ****** of crows, find one another
Lushious... candy color coded hides...
like the wilde-beast their multitudes progress
run migratory trails anywhere from the law
or their own **** making a mess...
Mutual Of Omaha's Wild kingdom
in permanent ink ... stains...
memorable times...               wasted)
Volví, volvía -con qué poca ilusión-
a donde tuve mis raíces, mis recuerdos, mi casa
frente al mar, y los árboles
plantados por mis manos, pisoteados por los niños,
comidos por los animales.
Mi casa junto al mar, más solariega
que otras, la que fue más hermosa que todas.
Con qué poca ilusión volvía.

Cárdenas tierras húmedas y soleadas, trigos
color de aquellos ojos, pincelada morada
sobre lo verde, allá en Vivar del Cid,
murallas de olmos negros, amapolas,
verdes sombríos por Entrambasmestas,
platas de la bahía, con qué poca ilusión
pasaba por vosotros.

Cómo se puede vaciar así
un corazón. Cómo se puede
llorar así, por dentro. Frustraciones o muertes
nada me arrancó lágrimas desde aquellos aviones
los que volaban sobre mí y arrasaban mi mundo
sin que arrojasen bombas, ni ametrallasen: sólo
con el ruido de sus motores,
demasiado terrible para mí entonces y ahora.

Qué quedó de mi vida entre sus alas.
Qué en la música oída en la noche,
la que vestía nuestra desnudez
mientras caía el agua cálida, qué gozo, el agua...
Qué se hundió por aquellas escaleras
precipitadas en la noche.
Qué congeló la luna que iluminaba las fachadas.
Qué llevó la marea en la playa de octubre.

Cómo es posible edificar,
reconstruir con tantos materiales
disueltos en el tiempo,
gastados por la lluvia que no vimos caer...

Volví, volvía como ahogado
bajo un montón de escombros
que fueron mi edificio, mi alcázar,
sin una sola lágrima -para qué- que llorar,
apoyado en el llanto de otros días,
como si sólo con lágrimas de entonces
pudiese liberarse este dolor presente
que ya no encuentra llanto.
Lulu Apr 2020
Rainbow stars and wavy vibrations
Big eyes and fluffy steps
It’s a wild ride on the road to success
Wormy worm
El vago azar o las precisas leyes
Que rigen este sueño, el universo,
Me permitieron compartir un terso

Trecho del curso con Alfonso Reyes.
Supo bien aquel arte que ninguno
Supo del todo, ni Simbad ni Ulises,

Que es pasar de un país a otros países
Y estar íntegramente en cada uno.
Si la memoria le clavó su flecha

Alguna vez, labró con el violento
Metal del arma el numeroso y lento
Alejandrino o la afligida endecha.

En los trabajos lo asistió la humana
Esperanza y fue lumbre de su vida
Dar con el verso que ya no se olvida

Y renovar la prosa castellana.
Más allá del Myo Cid de paso tardo
Y de la grey que aspira a ser oscura,

Rastreaba la fugaz literatura
Hasta los arrabales del lunfardo.
En los cinco jardines del Marino

Se demoró, pero algo en él había
Inmortal y esencial que prefería
El arduo estudio y el deber divino.

Prefirió, mejor dicho, los jardines
De la meditación, donde Porfirio
Erigió ante las sombras y el delirio

El Árbol del Principio y de los Fines.
Reyes, la indescifrable providencia
Que administra lo pródigo y lo parco

Nos dio a los unos el sector o el arco,
Pero a ti la total circunferencia.
Lo dichoso buscabas o lo triste

Que ocultan frontispicios y renombres:
Como el Dios del Erígena, quisiste
Ser nadie para ser todos los hombres.

Vastos y delicados esplendores
Logró tu estilo, esa precisa rosa,
Y a las guerras de Dios tornó gozosa

La sangre militar de tus mayores.
¿Dónde estará (pregunto) el mexicano?
¿Contemplará con el horror de Edipo

Ante la extraña Esfinge, el Arquetipo
Inmóvil de la Cara o de la Mano?
¿O errará, como Swedenborg quería,

Por un orbe más vívido y complejo
Que el terrenal, que apenas es reflejo
De aquella alta y celeste algarabía?

Si (como los imperios de la laca
Y del ébano enseñan) la memoria
Labra su íntimo Edén, ya hay en la gloria

Otro México y otra Cuernavaca.
Sabe Dios los colores que la suerte
Propone al hombre más allá del día;

Yo ando por estas calles. Todavía
Muy poco se me alcanza de la muerte.
Sólo una cosa sé. Que Alfonso Reyes

(Dondequiera que el mar lo haya arrojado)
Se aplicará dichoso y desvelado
Al otro enigma y a las otras leyes.

Al impar tributemos, al diverso
Las palmas y el clamor de la victoria:
No profane mi lágrima este verso
Que nuestro amor inscribe a su memoria.
Tyler Roberts Aug 2018
Too high to sleep
Too throwed to eat
Swisher Sweet rolled up sumo
Who knows if I'll make it
To see past 27
Let alone this week
Couldn't leave that white girl
Alone this week
So I'm too high to sleep
Too throwed to eat
Still bumpin Lil Peep
Like it's the beginning of 2017
And I'm on Troy Ave
Ya boy has too much acid in him
Pass the blunt then pass the poison
Pass the venom
Let me drown out my thoughts
Give me vices over advice, it's
That lilheathen fiend
Cup full of Sprite spiked with codeine
It takes the edge off the trip
Jump off the ledge, then I'll drift
Into an ocean of that purple potion
A notion to kick the habit
Before I kick the bucket
**** it, sip more lean
Pop more beans
Til I"m gone off them jiggas
Go figure
This sinister literature
Dispensed by yours truly
Always came from the truth, see
Doobies rolled up and they're laced
With that wax
Now it's gon' smoke for some hours
That's facts
Load up the dab rig as I
Pop another hit of that cid
Which makes three today
So I couldn't smoke enough **** today
But he's to stay
That lilheathen minion givin Hell
To these so-called prophets
They just want to profit
Off our conscience
And I ain't got one
I been ****** since they been thrown
Fire and brimstone
Coughing off it often
Til' they lay me in that coffin
I've been here for too long
Not long enough
Nirvana isn't too far
It's far enough
I see it coming round the corner
Either that
Or it's just the coroner
I couldn't really tell
Within this distorted corridor

— The End —