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iTs Difficult To Live Mylife,
The Struggle.
The Problems iHave And Keep Creating.
Not Knowing Who iAm
Being A Drug Addict Who Cant Seem To Stop There Bad Habit.
They Say iTs Easy You Just Want To Want iT.
Not iF You Fallen So Low, left All Alone.
iM Deep iN This ****, Deserve To Be 6ft Down To Rest.
iTs The Best.
For Everyone.
iM Doing Nothing But Disappointing The Ones Taking There Time Trying To Support Me.
Wasting There Encouragement Not Knowing iWont Last Long Before iUse And Fall Back in
The Same Cycle All ******* Over Again :/
iTs  Very Sad, To Continue This.
Been To Many Places Yet Nothing Changes,
iM Tired And Overwhelmed .
Why Am iUsing Now?
iFeel Lonely.
This Drug Fills Everything Up inside Of Me.
This is The Reason Why iWent Back To iT.
Before iT Was Cause iLoved The Effects And Kept Trying To Get High Asf Like My 1st Hit,
Then Lead To Me Going At iT Cause
My Body Felt Like iT Couldnt Function Off iT
Which Made Me An Addict .
Loving And wanting To Always Have iT.
Before iT Was Great,
Nobody Knew.
Then they Found Out The Truth.
Ever Since Then Ive Been Living Daily On Lies Having To Hide iT, Denying im On iT When Clearly iTs Obvious.
Chemicals Messing With My Mood ,
My Mind Now Plays Tricks On Me. Dont Know When itl Be Over Cause iDont think il 
 Want To ever Be Sober.
flitting Apathy Nov 2020
Checked my messages
for the first time in a week
i dont think i could do that last year
i would be fomo asf
adriana Aug 2019
feelings fade and seasons change but
the question is did you
you've got me wasted
Corona Harris Dec 2015
I'm going to get up today!
"Lay your *** down, you ain't doing ****"
I wanna eat something sweet.
"You might want to stick to fruit and water, fat *** "
I should hang out with somebody.
"Nobody wanna be bothered with you. Go home"
I wish I could talk to somebody but
"No-one needs to know, will understand, or gives af"
Maybe I should try today eventhough
"I'm dumb asf and I'm going to fail anyway"
There's people that care about me but
"If I die , life will go on and the world keeps turning"
I should just stick to being by myself
"I'll just end up hurting someone or hurt"
**** this I'm done with love
"Took me long enough , love been done with me"
Why am i even still here
"I ain't **** anyway. I ain't gone be **** either"
Life just not worth getting up for
"I should just sleep and never wake"
**** it. One good cut is all I need.
"**** put the blade up! your no fun If your dead"
I guess I'll just fake a smile for the day.

~Corona Harris~
Cyrus Nov 2024
He who cannot make the hell beautiful
but he can route the roads beautiful ASF to the hell - Devil
Vanessa Gatley Feb 2015
  Although mine is slow asf ....
Lucas Ennis Mar 2019
U make me feel awful.
Ur fake *** compliments are annoying asf.
Pls go away.
Pls go die.
I don't fcking like u.
I feel like a work of art
As I face this L
Leg cocked out the window
Thinking, what the hell?
All this negativity in life I can't even feel
Cause when I got this tree
I feel so light, so free
One puff, a whistle
Two puffs, a caged bird sings
Halfway through
Can you imagine me?
Thinking I'm soooooo fine
iPhone photo shoot please!
When I get up there, I am too numb to think
Had writing turns to ****
Miss Ava takes over
She loves everything
She has a cute little condo
Right behind my ribs in my chest
This girl think she knows best
When the THC slows Brandon down
blood pressure lowers
Ava starts to pound
Kiss & hugs, more love ooouuuu
She even woke Miss Kitty too
Hot. Bothered. ***** Asf
My body's a symphony
No need to **** up
But when the sound hits the ears too rough
Brandon wake up & says that's enough!
Miss Kitty back to bed
Ava stay out of her head
Now that we're through
Let's go get some food
3 feeling & A blunt
I only have 3 moods
Poem 3— Self Preservation
Caosín Dec 2023
Wasn't it Shakespeare who said-
Shall I compare thee to a summers day?

And didn't the youth read that and think-
Lol, no. ***** gay asf pal. Get back to writing.
Crack poem! Don't take it seriously.
naught Nov 2020
birthdays as an adult are sad asf.
Nellie 55 Oct 2022
You've answered my calls when I'm depressed. Happiness ignored me once again. It's me... still broken. Still finding more flaws, still being lame asf when I've had more than enough. Like the bottle I broke...... I can't glue my shattered heart back together. But I do still get better. I just don't trust myself because every day a flaw still haunts me. Very few trust me, but I refuse to beg for help I don't need saving. I grew up with a bad choice, screamed, cried, and lost my voice. I know I'm different, losing people had my tears dripping. But now I'm just not trusting anyone because I don't trust myself to be happy.
Nellie 55 Mar 2020
I woke up with some xanax. Realized I've got some more to text. What's next? I don't know, I'm already anxious asf time to go. Make my feels glow. Rightfully no. I just want to end it, this isn't healthy. What do you mean y'all care about me. I hate me. Zoloft, benzodiazepines, melatonin, SSRI's got me begging for a stronger dose what a surprise. Give me my bottle, bout to make me sleep see you tomorrow. I can't blame anyone else but myself. Struggling to stop but at the same time it's not helping. But atleast it's something. Hush Nellie stop talking. Swallow a depressant and stay silent. Nobody has to know. What can they even do? If they knew? What they're gonna hold you? Yeah right, no ones stuck around to watch you stick up and fight. You're close to losing life. Pill the trigger and commit to the pillshot.
Part three.....
Nitin Pandey Oct 2020
Looking for "lit_asf" light,
Have more fight...
To many thought,
"Deep-scary" focus bought...
#thought #light #fight
Jay earnest Apr 2020
broomstick in hand. The table was clear and the hounds were laughing.
You left to West Virginia bro and gave me your machete, it's dull asf.
I will go dig a grave and think of a silly tune.
Watch out for bears, and don't trip on any wires;::;;;:;;!;;!;
Cloud Oct 2024
Let’s write about all the things am not Ohk with,
For starters,am a scared kid,
Too scarred to love,
N too shy to open up,
Sir panics a lot anytime I start to love,
Really crazy cause I’ll be talking a lot,
Saying shee dat makes Cupid starts writing words,
Pls believe me wen I say it’s not my fault,
I just never learned to love someone right,
So my love comes out ducked.

Secondly,am not up for talks,
Pls keep d gossips to urself,
I want to focus on us,
U n I,n how our future will work,
Let’s have a conversation about our plans n wat we want,
Let’s make plans for dates n make it work,
Keep others life out of it,
Unless it’s interesting asf,
Yh am a hypocrite,so ducking wat,
Duck d second line n gimme d whole **** cup.

Thirdly,pls don’t lie at all,
Pls don’t gimme reasons to doubt if it’s worth all d hurt,
Pls don’t make me go back to d old guy I swore to burn,
If u ain’t feeling it den pls find d door,
Don’t be fake cause fr dat hurts me more,
To see d trust I once taught was built crumble to dust,
I hate my thought n wat my mind brings up front,
Ion want to have bad thoughts of someone I once loved.

I could write more Buh I’ve ran out of words,
Wen I think of a way to express my thoughts I’ll come back on board n sail dis ship through d waters of my world,
Till den,pls don’t give up on dis little boy,
He might not be much Buh he definitely gives his all,
Well Tnx for reading to dis point,
Wishing a blessed day to u all.

— The End —