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Ksjpari Nov 2017
Holi, a hearty enthusiastic festival in horizon
Colours curdling, water washing every *****;
Out of us evil ever going and playing on
Land of character cherished by coloured lawn.
What a scene to see! Gracious glory gone
If you miss this mesmerizing festival upon
A folly. Foolish will be called such a conn.
Holi, a hearty enthusiastic festival in horizon

Holy played in school is highly pleasing crayon,
For Kinar, Aayushi, Kunal. Aryan or John.
Monorhyme has one colour, holi many micron.
Mital, Mitesh, Vaikhu, SIddhu, Saurabh are don.
This day even principal thinks to prevent throne
And join joy with teachers - see anxiety thrown.
Holi, a hearty enthusiastic festival in horizon

Songs, screams; dance, D.J.; homage and hymn on;
This day with Holika heavy burdens and sins thrown.
Cruel Hiranyakashyapa was killed; glory was won.
Kunal, Arpita, Sandeep, Amit and Shreyas on lawn
Play water and colours with cool Pari’s scone
In Jalgaon, Agra, Kanpur, Karanja, Surat or Bonn.
Holi, a hearty enthusiastic festival in horizon
This poem is in alliteration. There are alliteration examples in each line. At the same time I am following Monorhyme.
Pragya GAur Jul 2017
I wish we tie until we die.
Even after death we become ghosts and tie,
I wish even after death we tie.
Those memories together I wish they don't die,
I wish we tie until we die.
Kinshuk,Kartik,Ansh, Rajat, Abhay,Amit,Sahil,Yuvraj,
My brothers I wish we make the strongest bond.
I wish we tie until we die.
Time would pass but memories don't die,
I wish we die until we die.
Lunch during lectures,gossip while teachers teaching, punishment altogether, those morning assemblies.
I wish those memories remain after times flies.
I wish we tie until we die.
Akash and Tanmay of our class are smarties
They solve our fights and our the entertainers.
Deepakshi,Mahima,Kanishka thanks for this adorable friendship of yours.
Siddhi our fights big or small I am sorry for all.
Your friendship gave me many memories thanks for all.
Shivi your caring nature gave me to learn a lot,
Shruti in class I really miss you a lot.
Kshma I love your company sis,
And you will be very successful one day I know this.
Shreya you are a great companion
And a great chatter box.
I love your company a lot.
Kinshuk Amit your are the best brother I got,
and I really love you a lot.
Yuvi Rajat Abhay brothers thanks for the support I got,
And i really appreciate it a lot.
Kartik,Ansh in class you are really missed a lot,
Brothers I really love you a lot.
Thanks for this adorable friendship you all,
I really love it a lot.
I wish we tie until we die
A poem for my dearest friends who made school life wonderful
Danielle Rose Jan 2013
I feel humility has hit a brickwall
in the wake of technology
and empathy is out cold
The reprecussions far from decent
It's reality TV on speed
Racing with our conscious
Deluded minds recognize with a
Virtual exsistence
As a human I amit this
in the hopes the message will wake
the warped sims
and help them find discipline
Blind Distance Oct 2019
Mi az ördög történt, gondoltam ott
és akkor; felderengett előttem egy tengerpart,
amit már nem látogatunk meg, de te
csak tovább ontod magadból a bullshitet
egy írógép lélekölő kattogásának ritmusára
a sajnálatodat egy piros kupaknak látom
hófehér homokszemek rengetegében, jézusom,
mennyire lassan telik az idő így a huszonnegyedik órában
hát nincsen benned semmi kétség? atyaég,
de utálom jó ideje ezt a szobát,
csak ne lenne ilyen szűk a komfortzóna
a te szavaid visszhangozza a koponyám csendje
s én a döbbenettől felnevetek: emlékszel még?!
nincsen ennek semmi értelme, milyen jó anya lennék,
mondod; az olasz riviérán hunyorogtam volna a messzeségbe,
ha nem dobod el magadtól a lehetőségét
istenem, te-nem, te nem tűntél ilyennek ezelőtt
- és mi lenne igaz azután, hogy még te is, aki
kötelet fontál velem a távolságból, te
elengeded a végét és nézed, ahogy zuhanok
megmentettelek volna önmagadtól is, ha hagyod
ránk nehezedni a boldogság súlyát, akartad?
valaha is, vagy nem is, de bevallhatod, hogy találtál mást
felveszlek a földről és recéid számolom
szénné égett valóságok között ficánkoló remény,
amit a beléd vetett hitem táplált, mióta
egy kurva nagy találkozásból születtünk újra
milyen üresen tátong a tér a fátyol mögött
lassan csordogál medrében a néma odaadás,
ahogy távozni készülsz még utoljára, kedvesen
szólsz hozzám, ne veszítsük el egymást, kataklizmám
voltál s leszel az örökkévalóságig, hisz tudod, de én
már csak a vállad fölé képzelem óvatosan
nem fáraszt többé a gondolat, hogy te is el -
hagysz, amint a nap felbukkan sivár léted
általam felvirágoztatott hajnalán.
Dark n Beautiful Aug 2018
Narrative Reportage for 8/2/2018

Home is the word we love to hear:
The dreams are never over,
They are always a break through: after the tears:
An x is lodge in our heads was it the,
rock, a tree, or the hidden board,
Time welt serve: time to cash in
Time uproot the rocks
that tree and those loose boards
would this be a happy ending?

You had choose the life of crime
The crime didn’t nail itself
Every day a black man
Under the age of twenty
Pulls the trigger, they turned off the light
He longs to return to his mother womb:
I see the love of their mothers
While she holds their hands at age three
at age twenty three I see the replacement :
the chrome bracelets: the resentment
Neflex the new society wants us to believe that orange is the new black:
“Our ancestors have invented, we can at least innovate.”
― Amit Kalantri

**“Oh Child
Look within
Find your ForeMothers
Find them
Find them”
― Malebo Sephodi
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
121 to 140 of 3251 Poets
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Michael Fried

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Julia de Burgos

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Keith Waldrop (b. 1932)

Shipwreck in Haven, Part Four
Susan Hahn

Alice Lyons

The Boom and After the Boom
Walt Whitman (1819–1892)

When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer
Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking
Kazim Ali (b. 1971)

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807–1882)

Hymn to the Night
Sharon Olds (b. 1942)

I Could Not Tell
Chamber Thicket
Billy Collins (b. 1941)

Reading an Anthology of Chinese Poems of the Sung Dynasty, I Pause To Admire the Length and Clarity of Their Titles
Corina Copp

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Dorothea Grossman (1937–2012)

I have to tell you
For Allen Ginsberg
Bridget Lowe

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Diane Burns

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Beth Brant

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Terrance Hayes (b. 1971)

Stick Elegy
Cocktails with Orpheus
Ann Taylor (1782–1866)

The Baby's Dance
The Cut

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Amit Majmudar (b. 1979)

The Miscarriage
Instructions to an Artisan
Linda Rodriguez

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Ksjpari Oct 2017
See my cool family, Pari or Emily.
Father is the head of the family
Mother is the tail of it. Like simile
They work for one another early
Keeping all things together surely.
All children and grandparents lively
Are the bogies of this train Charlie.
All guests are passengers in hurry
Who come and go without fury.
Such people are good and chilly
Whom you can find in wood easily.
Daughters, sons are joy sheer to see.
Mitesh, Kunal and Siddu speak eagerly,
Pallu, Paisa, Deepu and Apu are showy,
All my cousins with Mital and Vaikhari
Punam, Amit and Shau talk truth clearly.
But the Family is never ending journey
The elders are turning on its cool key.
I too am a member of such dear Family
And would invite to join it Sam or Lily;
See my cool family, Pari or Emily.
I am what I am because of my family only. So I am devoting the poem to them
Amit Narayan Satpathy   Poems  
Published 51  Drafts 7

Amit Narayan Satpathy now
O the sky has filled me with light
I will fill the sky with songs
O the colours of notes
Will I cut through
The winds!
O the colours of dance
Cut through the air!
O palash,o palash
O the peaks of
The coloured colours
O you spread fire
In directions
All that are there
O the raga raginis
Of my heart
Are colored
With colorful tunes!
O in the southerly winds
The shivering flower
Forests don't stop!
O in the golden radiance
In the blue skies
The nupur of young leaves
Is heard!
O shirish,o shirish!
In the interval of gentle smiles!
You fill the airs
With your scent!
O your scent in my words
My heart pulls me there!
"For the brain the observer is the observed."

~ Krishnamurti

"You've got to start with consciousness."
"Without ego there is no creativity."
" Through Memory and Perception...consciousness becomes embodied."
"It's a mystery how consciousness becomes embodied."
"The universe has a Purpose: to manifest the highest Ideals !"

**~ Dr. Amit Goswami
Dear poet, you can ask yourself:
"Can I love my ****** partner unconditionally?"
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
Amit Narayan Satpathy   Poems  
Published 50   Drafts 6

Amit Narayan Satpathy 32m
O today spring awakes
At my door!
O in your bounded
Hounded life
Don't let it
Stop o please!
O open the doors of heart
Today open!
O today forget mine and yours
O forget!
O in these
Song swayed skies!
O let the waves of your scent
Go up
O this outside world
Losing its direction
O unleash
Your sweetness
O unleash!
O this forested sorrow
In the midst of woods
O plays itself
In every leaf
O looking in whose path
In the distant skies
O the southerly winds
Have touched my soul!
O they travel
To whose doors
Asking for what?
O this night
Overflowing with scent
O under whose feet
On the earth
Have they risen!
O beautiful appealing
You call out
In a deep voice
To whom?
jeffrey conyers Mar 2016
To be or not to be.
To admit or not to amit.
To try or not to try.
All parables within our minds.

Jesus, used them to pinpoint ours thoughts.
To see just where we were at?
How do you find eternal life?
And when he responded to the question?
The one that asked?

Wasn't so into the truth of reality.
All he stated was to give up materialistic things.
And focus upon God.

Truth lies, within Jesus parable.
If you feel last.
Realize you are first.
It just depends upon your direction.

To walk after anyone means you're follower.
Than to be walked after means you're a leader.
Jesus forever be that one to walk behind.

If you stay focus on him in body, soul and mind.
LJP Jun 2017
Naprol napra jobban megvagyok gyozodve hogy isten szeret, ha fulem siket is e szeretre, hirvivo angyalt valaszt. Csak nekem formalva hogy mindenkepp megertsem. Íly onzetlen fenseges szeretet vajon kis szivem elbirja majd? Ugy erzem szetrobban, viszonozni szeretnem. Amit ugy tudok a legjobban ha boldogsagommal konyeket csalok szemebe
Ksjpari Aug 2017
Sanmati is my angle’s name. She never
Analyses her problem without sure.
Neither does she answer anyone directly;
Mediates before speaking desperately.
Amit is her uncle’s name. Smart is he
Though teaches him how to be.
I am proud father and Kavita her mother.
Savita is her grandmother who bother
Always for her betterment. We all
Negotiate for her better stroll
Knowing how the future world be.
Either ways are taught to be free
Truth and honesty being you see.
“Jai Jinendra” is the first word
All we speak before tea or curd.
I am sure her grandpa Deshbhushan
Needs her help when he in tension.
I am developing a new style of writing poetry where ending words of a line rhyme with one another, at least in last sound. I named it Pari Style. Hope readers will like it. Thanks to those invisible hands and fingers which supported and inspired me to continue my efforts in my new, creative, artistic and innovative “Pari” style. Thanks for your inspiring, kind, soft fingers.
Mina Jan 2019
"Without meditation life is a brief candle, with deep meditation life is an eternal light."
-somebody in the comment section of youtube quoting Amit Ray
Rohit Singh Nov 2018
My crazy classroom is really very insane,
The condition of my classmates is very hard to explain.
In front of Rajmangal Sir, no one dares to chat,
The boys in my class are fearless like the big cat.
We always messed around Pujari sir because he rarely shouts,
Many never care and thought 'what literature is all about'??
The teaching of Vivek sir made me study hard,
Sir's favorite topic used to be probability related to the card.
Specifically, sir's voice that can be heard from far away classes,
He treats everyone equal and shows us the right path whenever he passes.
Few words of Yogesh sir create a nice atmosphere in the class for us to study,
He explains things like our buddies.
Alok sir is one of the most experienced teacher we had in our school,
So no one can ever try to make him fool.
Now coming back to my own class,
Were few are serious of studies and few meant for time pass.
Swapnil is the one who studies in advance,
Some are always ready to sing and a few ready to dance.
Ayush and Kshitej Meshram are called the world bank,
Seriously they are like cheques, signed but amount is blank.
Because of boldness Smriti resembles a boy,
The quarrel between me and Vinod is what all enjoy.
Piyush is a genius but he doesn't admit,
Sachin is the person which always talks ****.
Actually, Amit is called a silent killer,
He has the potential to reach from Dravid to Miller.
Then comes kancha my friend,
His small eyes and lovely smile is what in trend.
Nived and meshram are the music champs of the school,
Because of music there, a mind is always cool.
Then comes dabad who is very hard to understand,
He always does the work which is well planned.
Meshram is the one who does what he wants to at that moment,
He always wants to be ahead of his opponents.
Also, meshram and sachin are always ready to play kabaddi,
But on the court instead of playing, they just jump like poppy.
Then comes my bestie Toppo,
We have taken many photos from pujari sir's oppo.
Mitesh is the moody person in our class,
Only for a short period his sweetness usually last.
Bongali is one of the favorite characters in the class we had,
He says English so fast that it makes the students mad.
Then the besti pair of sandy and Loki,
For them in kabaddi the funny player is Prajapati.
Shubhum is intelligent and very shy,
How can he be so silent makes me think why??
Vishal anna comes the next in order,
Seeing him and his partner I think they had a speech disorder.
Maravi is the hidden football player that not many know about,
He is really intelligent than Vinod no doubt.
Shishir is my best friend; you are part of my heart,
We go through ups and downs, but still, nothing can tear us apart.
Marty T Ottman Jul 2017
You have your ways to invade my deepest slumber.
Leaving me there to wonder..  
The imprints of your reflection an traces.
As the reflection through resurrection shows the past perfection id thought were erased.  
Two Soul's departure but trying to ignore the torture but id amit its getting harder...
Depart. Lonesome.  Second guessing.  Logic pain.  Refusal
Norbert Tasev May 2020
I just quench my bitterness, the stumps of my chronic pessimism, bitterly every day, somehow, so that I can recreate it in the midst of tomorrow’s struggles: I realized this belongs to the equilibrium state of the Universe too! Amit daily; kidney, liver, stomach are digested and transformed through a chain of nerve pathways. "That's why everything happened so fast, with a thief that was harder to swallow, gnashed and leaked, eternity began again within the prison walls the next day!" The events, the connections

in its immutability it would have been good to believe: It would have been good to receive the Prometheus hope with sewn-in pockets, and yet many wasted opportunities fell out of his holey hands! For among human-faced hyena animals one can only listen to the True, the Good: A faithful chronicle of beautiful words, immortal apocryphal thoughts,

and no one may surrender himself to him who has asked: Loyalty leads the hands of two burglars with loyalty as a sincere handcuff and with his breath! The hardest part is: Knowing and believing that the world needs you! And you don't have to be among your old filth!

I feel: The Important has shrunk. The single Whole has lost its meaning - today everyone fights on their own, fights and none of them can at least say: Cheap, material goods pocket, steal, or cheat, and others - or just because of their daily livelihood! As a livelihood for the now collapsed potential cornerstone of Morality, human hearts rarely circulate in human heart tunnels! Like biological mortality made for eternity, - it was destroyed several times in its day; As false promises shattered into a cop, the Truths, sincere human speeches, have disappeared: Here now Falsehood sits on the velvet of light-lost throne chairs,

you may ask, but why: You will not find the ruins of tears, the bridges of the vulnerable heart here! - Secret Dueling: Wickedness and evil have become a parallel message every day: s minute-human-blue daredevil-power is afraid to create and convey new fashions! Extreme age! I wish we could more consciously recognize the limits of the Extremes.
Whereby yours truly presages and doth abhor
nothing short of an imminent civil war
dwarfing insurrection on January 6, 2021
oddly enough even reducing
ordinary decibels to a mute whisper
madding crowd trumpeting cacophony of ˈthȯr
drowning out sense and sensibility
allowing, enabling, and providing
golden opportunity for anarchy to run rampant
one issuing, earthshaking, and booming
as one collective soul with pride

against prejudice queercore
amidst pandemonium of lawlessness
voices at the forefront ear splitting din
most all social media platforms
buzzfeeding, jump/kickstarting,
and twittering bigotry,
gender inequity, and misogyny nevermore
gender diversity celebrated
reveling harmoniously think
arranged marriage of Kokila and Kishore
parents (most likely deceased)

of Menil and Amit,
one former best high school buddy
with my youngest sister Shari Todd
for most of her sixty three years an herbivore,
and in most respects the antithesis of Eeyore,
(a pessimistic, gloomy, depressed,
anhedonic, old grey stuffed donkey
and friend of title character, Winnie-the-Pooh),
the former would never stand a chance stayin alive
during the reign of brontosaur,
and other so called terrible lizards.

Aforementioned fatalistic political forecast
would translate as absolute zero freedoms
as entrusted with Declaration of Independence,
and Constitution, which incendiary rhetoric
already trumpeted courtesy Republican
dictator wannabe, who will eviscerate
any and all social progressive policies
would essentially leave a **** government
devoid of recognizable Democratic polity.

Lemme plagiarize myself
and express sardonic wit
alliteration with the letter "R,"
I gleefully, playfully, and zestfully transmit
the following poem,
the proto antagonist
will nary even garner an obit
no dead giveaway signs
only brave hearts pointing *******
subtly signaling welcome
to the black parade, the sole intermit
where gewgaws (trolls)
with orange hair sold.

revealing Ronald **** revisited.

Regarding ridiculous rhymeless
ruminative rhythm rankles readers.

Repugnant racist Republican reviled -
rickettsia re:itch ruler
rapaciously ravaged
revered reverential rubric
radical ruthless renegade
rapidly riotously rips rigged ramparts
Refrains retaining remnant
redolent regal, resplendent rafters
riches rudely rupture rooted rectified rights
ruckus ricochets revenant reign
ratified rattlebrained rules roil reductionism.
rumbustious rapscallions rollick;
render ruinous ramifications
rusty razor razing revenge rents reprisal.

Rabid ****** rictus
rotten rebrands re-calibrate.
rambunctious revolutionaries rejoice.
ruffians ride roughshod
routing reigning royalty.

Reiterate revetting robust recidivist rationality
rides Rolls Royce
relentlessly rendering rock ribbing.

Riffraff raconteur raise reactionary response
revisit rancorous restrictive
redlined realigned rightward rivets
Robocop ridiculously
rubber-stamped reorganization
recalcitrant reactors release rapture
rash Russian roulette reconnaissance
raconteurs rack rubles.

Red room reflects Republican RNA.
rap risible rheumy ratiocinated
rug-rats revoke righteous refulgent repertory
rapier robed robbers
ransack reliquary resounding retaliation
retaliatory redcoat regnum
reformation rightly remembered
Rudy robotically recoiling rapprochement
Raison d'être rosily revered
rifled relics raffled
rookie raves ripe rackful
rubenesque reliably ranked
refulgent rotundity requisite
requirement re: reappointment
road-tested, roadworthy
redeem reapportion routed role.

Reprehensible reassignment
rapidly recognizes response
rife rampage removes respectability
responsible roused restitution refuted
risky resultant reconnoitering runaway
railroad reverberates rivalry.

Reflexive ramrod reaction
reconfirms redoubling ridding revitalization
reconfiguration realpolitik reinstates repudiation;
Rebooting Roosevelt regime reconsidered.

Requisition requires resilient reseeding republic
regrettable riley roars remorseless ribbing
rare recount restoring recondite
renown reprobate Rapunzel.

Republican representatives
rejoice reclaiming reins
registering ******* romantic remains
re: Rastafarian revered reliquary rests!
Someday Aug 2022
Nem tudom, még mit mondhatnék,
Amit nem gondoltam ezerszer,
Mint hogy levegőt sem vehetek,
Ha nem melletted veszem,
Vagy hogy a szívem se dobbanhat,
Ha nem érted dobban,
Hogy beszivárogtál életem
Minden szegletébe, életem,
Hogy tű sem eshet kezemből,
Ha nem vagy ott, hogy felvedd

Nincs több szavam, gondolatom,
Üresség tombol mindössze bennem,
Ha nem vagy ott, hogy feltölts
Új gondolatokkal, érzésekkel, emlékekkel -
Ha nem raksz belém egyesével
Értékes értékeket,
Ha nem adsz értelmet
Mondataim kezdetének

Csak te élsz bennem,
Minden más létezik, túlél, stagnál,
Pazarolja a levegőt
Ami valamirevaló -
Mert csak te élsz,
Így csak érted érdemes
Létezni, túlélni, stagnálni

Amikor nem vagy itt, akkor is
Csak rád gondolok,
Amikor meghalnék, akkor is
Csak rád gondolok,
Amikor szétesek, akkor is
Te tartasz össze,
A boldogság csak akkor ér,
Ha átcikázol rajtam,
Ha létezik biztonság,
Csak te lehetsz az

Csak te tehetsz oly csodát,
Hogy békét teremts bennem,
Hogy helyre rakd gondolatim,
Hogy nyugalomra téríts -
Csak a te hatalmad
Végtelenebb nálam,
Csak a te erőd
Enyhíti fájdalmam

Nincs bennem más, csak imádat érted -
Semmi kósza gondolat vagy homályos ötlet,
Csak rád várok nap, éjjel, s minden köztes órában,
Mert csak a te szavaid lehelnek életet
Zsibbadt végtagjaimba,
S csak a te lélegzeted juttat oxigént
Zsibbadt tüdőmbe,
És minden más mellékes
//this description was written with the intention of "what if a random person read this and/or what if I became a famous poet & people misinterpreted this", I'm not deleting it cause I like it, but it's, y'know, cringe or whatever

This poem is meant to be paradoxical & self-ironic on some level. It's to give space to thoughts & feelings I'd otherwise push away & to show them at their most extreme. It isn't meant to be taken at face value, it's honestly mostly just cathartic for me to have. That being said, poetry is art & meant to be personally interpreted! So if it works better for you as something 100% genuine, then feel free to see it that way! /g
Written; 2022.aug.9.

— The End —