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Erica Dec 2014
Shivering in the cold air
She witnessed her own breath
Torn clothes, feet bare
Oh how she wished for just a tiny flare

The bleak winds swept so unkind
White clouds hid the sun behind
The snow was cold –her skin it pierced
Nature itself seemed to have her cursed

Her stomach churned
For food it yearned
Throat burnt with thirst
Life was at worst

A sign for life she wanted to see
A human soul to hear her plea
But all she had gotten
Was winter chill and being forgotten

And now the storm is too strong to face
So she falls gladly into Winter's embrace
Winter is not just Christmas,
it's also cold
and so is life.
  Dec 2014 Erica
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Who's the fairest of them all?
You're too fat
You're too tall
You're not the fairest of them all
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Who's the fairest of them all?
You're a geek
You're too dark
You're not the fairest of them all
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Why can't I be pretty like them all?
You're worthless
Not good enough
You can't be pretty like them all
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Why can't I be clean like them all?
You're a cutter
A stupid b*tch
You can't be clean like them all
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Is there a reason to stay at all?
You're family hates you
You have no friends
There is no reason to stay at all
Mirror Mirror on the wall
I'm a gonner watch me fall
You deserve it
You're life is gone
You're a gonner hope you fall
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Have you seen my girl at all?
I watched her crumble
I watched her fall
Your girl is gone
All because of the mirror on the wall
Sorry it's been awhile. Want me to see your work? Reposted something of mine? Use #magicath I can't believe I had to poems trending. Thankyou all for liking and commenting. Time and Speak are just the beginning. Like and comment!
Erica Dec 2014
today is your day
forget about those people
you constantly call "friends"
when deep inside you're aware
that they don't so much
give a ****

today is your day
forget about even trying
to fit in in places you know
you don't even belong

today is your day
forget about that one person
whom you try so much to please
when you know they don't
glance your way at all

today is your day
forget about your parents
who want you to be a perfect child
without even knowing the
effort you've been

today is your day
not your friends'
not your crush's
not your parents'
nor is it society's

today is your day
and once you learn
to do what you want
and be who you truly are
not who they want
you to be, then...
then will you realize
that you own you

every single day onward
will be your day
you belong to you!
  Dec 2014 Erica
Have you ever been so happy with someone?
But you hid it from your family
And one day they finally find out
After all the things with that person is over
But your family won’t drop it
And continuously bring it up
As if you did something wrong.
And stress overtakes you
And you just wanna run away…
To that person..
Because that person,
Was the only happiness in your life
But you know you can’t run to them
And you can’t run away
So you’re stuck home with your family judging you
And you cry every night.
Erica Dec 2014
For you have your mother's eyes, dear child
And my heart sinks lower every time I look
Because you are a reminder of what I've failed to do
A reminder that I was a coward
And when I gathered my courage it was too late
Your mother died knowing I was only bad
She died before ever hearing my goodbye
She died before ever knowing what's in my heart
And that night, she brought all goodness in me to die along
And left my broken heart shattered to pieces, beyond repair
A free verse on what Snape might have felt everytime he looked at Harry.
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