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434 · Mar 2017
lei Mar 2017
i know you haven't heard
those four letters recently.

but i promise that if kind
was a human,
he'd take his form as you.

you never ceased being
the light in the middle of a dark tunnel.

thank you for being that phrase of hope amongst all the sentences
of negativity.

though our journey together
has had its times of separate roads,
i assure you that my path will always
find its way back to your warmth.
i know this is probably not the art you were hoping for, but i hope it still makes the cut.

happy birthday, mike.
421 · May 2017
too much
lei May 2017
maybe it was in the way you laughed
and moved
and spoke
that made me realize
i would've done
better than this.
sometimes, settling for what's beautiful just isn't right.
420 · Oct 2016
lei Oct 2016
We flew in summer,
He showed me spring.
I held him in winter,
We were each other's fall.
He was my muse,
I was his passion.
We are my ikigai.
417 · Oct 2016
out of water
lei Oct 2016
the feeling of knowing
that there are so many fish in the sea
and you are one of them
but sometimes
it feels like
you are just
another tourist
looking through the aquarium window
because sometimes you feel like you don't belong
407 · Nov 2016
unexpected conditions
lei Nov 2016
i remember
giving you a once-over
and moving along the crowd without looking back.
but how come,
all of a sudden,
the stars seem like they've been living in your eyes?
how come,
all of a sudden,
the clouds are shaped like your silhouette?
how come,
all of a sudden,
the only lullaby i'll ever need is the sound of your laughter?

it confuses me,
how slowly my heart loves.
it amazes me,
how hard i end up falling.
398 · Oct 2016
lei Oct 2016
as if time slows down
that's what it feels like
you are one massive blackhole
and i a helpless shuttle
trying to find a way out of your
endless abyss
that always manages to
bring me back to the place
i never wanted to be in
but it's terrible because
as i move farther away
i see my hair turning gray
and yours still a luscious black
and it gives me fear
to know that i'd age
without the one i thought
would give me a home
so warm so right
inspired by interstellar
389 · May 2017
lei May 2017
when the rare occurence
of shooting stars gliding along the clouds
and the dark blue-black of the night,
my only wish is for that star
to bring my heart closer to yours
in hopes that
i could return the happiness
that you have given me.
385 · Jan 2017
is not
lei Jan 2017
i don't want to lose
who isn't mine,
who is so close to being mine,
who is too impossible to be mine.
for jww
378 · Dec 2016
could be
lei Dec 2016
i know that
the way my heart seems to beat faster and faster
every time i hear your name,
is a sign that this could be love.

i know that
the way my mind
daydreams about all the possible impossiblities
is a sign that this could be love.

i know that
every single urge i have to be better,
to be someone worth being loved by someone like you,
is a sign that this could be love.
lei Mar 2017
she loved him too hard
she forgot how to thread letters
into words that others could comprehend.
for jww.
374 · May 2017
lei May 2017
of all the light the world has ever touched,
she was the one that was always missed.

she embodies the life of a true star,
one that shines for millions of years
and billions of miles away.
for kyw.
310 · Oct 2016
lei Oct 2016
hey mister
i've been looking all over for this one thing
it's not under my bed
or my pillows
it's not in my jacket pocket
or my bag
it's not in my book shelf
or in between the millions of pages
it's not where it should be

hey mister
can you show me your hands?
i think you took my heart with you

— The End —