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lei Dec 2016
He walks,
unaware of the eyes that follow each step,
unaware of the hearts he absentmindedly carries in tow.

That boy,
what a beautiful diamond he is.

He shines so, so, so bright
that I'm almost blinded.

Almost, because if I let myself get blinded,
I'll risk never seeing the boy that has become the muse of my work.

I see him everywhere;
in the spaces between each star,
in the pages of the books I have yet to discover.

I believe that the world works wonders,
and what a wonder that boy is.
and the world still wonders how they were able to craft a diamond as beautiful as you, jww.
lei Dec 2016
I have so many
dreams and wishes inside of me
that I can only imagine
will come true.

The big blue ocean
it hypnotizes me;
it gives me hope that maybe
there is a road that is meant for me
to walk on.

So I'll let the wind guide me
and the sea lead me
to that small island
that will show me
just who I am meant to be.
Inspired by Disney's "Moana". The whole movie brought me to tears because, just like Moana, I have such big dreams in me that I hope to make true. I hope I find and ocean that will choose me.
lei Dec 2016
I hope you find happiness
whether it be under the spotlight
or simply just under the sun.

I hope you grow wise
that whoever seeks advice
may come to you with no hesitation

I hope you reach your dreams
so that you can freely say
that you've worked hard for everything that will come your way.

I hope you have love in your heart
so that you'll find more reasons
to keep going.
i hope everything good will find its way to you, jww.
lei Dec 2016
A fold here,
another there.
I straighten it's wings
to make sure they fly as far as they can.

I swing my arm back,
and let go.

I watch as the wind carries my feelings away.

I hope that the wind carries my heart to you.
i hope you catch my heart, jww.
lei Dec 2016
i give
and give
and continue to give
even if i know it hurts,
even if it hurts
and keeps on hurting.

this is what's sad about
loving too much.
you give your all,
every single inch of skin,
every single tick of the clock,
every single breath i breathe.

and i know it hurts,
and it will keep on hurting.

but that is what love is.
finding the end to the hurt
until the only thing you feel
is peace.
i hope to find my peace soon, i hope you do, too.
lei Dec 2016
i know that
the way my heart seems to beat faster and faster
every time i hear your name,
is a sign that this could be love.

i know that
the way my mind
daydreams about all the possible impossiblities
is a sign that this could be love.

i know that
every single urge i have to be better,
to be someone worth being loved by someone like you,
is a sign that this could be love.
lei Dec 2016
i'm selfish,
for wanting the eyes of everyone i met
or have yet to meet
to be only on me.

i'm selfish,
i don't want others to rise
because i know it will mark my fall.

i'm selfish,
i know.

but aren't we all?
when i see people with potential, i deflate.
i don't want to lose the reign i have yet to make true.
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