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If the voices of the voiceless remain unattended to,
In our tomorrow, will there be a dream to run to?
They cry in silence as their dreams are being tattered.
They speak in their heart because their words don't matter.

They didn't ask to be born
But they are here left to tick away like a time bomb.
Those who help them, take away their pride.
Those who ignore them, jest with their strides.

They are made adults before adulthood.
They are made worthless like bitter truth.
They groom their offsprings without a groom.
They are only needed to choose an umbrella or a broom.

My people, what we have seen don't scare like the unseen.
The hate we give today, are just fruitful seeds.
We have their pairs as children and wards.
Yet, we left them for the rain, the sun and the world.

Ain't we worse than the worst virus?
Ain't we creating what will devour us?
Now tell me, if the voices of the voiceless remain unattended to,
In our tomorrow, will there be a dream to run to?
To all the lost children, abused and defiled!
Oh virgins, daughters of the defiled
I feel your blood crying, your soul on a flight
Uncovered darkness made naked
Your soul now a cheap commodity in the world market.

Where lies your strength lies your weakness
Your soldiers are drunk with your enemies wine
Your tears have become your elite happiness
In unrighteousness your sanctuaries celebrate crimes.

Oh my land, a bride once envied
Now dancing in between hell and heaven
Your contemporaries impatiently await to clap at your fall
In a maze, your springs war themselves over unknown gods.

Oh dis-flowered sons of a barren gun
When will your defiled heart see the ditch well dug for yourselves?
My sympathy has deserted me for your unborn sons
You are convincing me that you will wake after burying yourselves.

Oh king of a defiled throne
You are not too blind nor deaf to know we have cast our stones
You are our Jona please leave our boat
Let see how well our hopes can sail us home.
Dedicated to the world and its problems
**** nation
Conversing with ammunitions.
Hearts that are barely loyal
Being served by humbled soldiers.

No wonder peace has been conquered
And war the man on the altar.
Her habitants live like their souls are on trial
And their god a liar.

**** nation
Her masses are speechless creatures
Ruled in cluelessness
Jubilating in bitterness.

**** Nation
Driven by greedy intentions
Stomach fed with promises
Sleeping and waking in calamities.

**** nation
The fat ones are the vultures
Termites and cankerworms haven
The thinning path between hell and heaven.

**** nation
Where the safest place is the grave
Saints nation rebirth to a **** nation
Where unity and faith are slaves.

Hmm! My **** nation of tears
Unfortunately, I'm fortunate to be born here
blessed with everything, cursed with leadership,
Born into miseries, dying in hardship.

A **** nation in a tunnel
Crowded with diverse starlets
Being forced to drain down the funnel
Crying blood for a spark soonest.
For all the countries in the world who seems not to be getting it right.
I was here
So unknown
Done so well
Yet my story untold.

Made a mark
Noticeably unseen
I gave to the lack
Paid back with sin.

I was here
No one cares
I pleaded for air
The response scares.

To me the world was deaf
I had Spoken so soundly
None gave an ear
To me, I had paid my debt
Watching quietly
As my words remind them I was here.
Just a reflection on what I used to hope to have accomplished at this stage of my life.
I have a badge, an official hat
I know the law, but have no heart
Run your best, I am in uniform
In this attire, my integrity is deformed.

I have a shield, Sirens and gun
I love your chains, I hate your guts
In your best days, your innocence is guilt
Even in your grace, all I see is filth.

You take me as your saviour
Well, I can't, I have lost that savour
My evils shine night and in daylight
In 9 minutes, my protection will take your life.

Your 'I can't breathe' we only give you a grave
Be still, it is televised, you will enjoy the rave
I don't war alone, my demons are with me
You are not alone, there have been and there will always be.

You can call me names, but the deal is done
You can agitate all day, what next when all is said and done?
You can chain me, there are millions with my mind
It is not a war for the street, it is a war of the mind.
Inspired by Floyd' George
Lost dog of no one
Feeding on dead worms
Its tattered skin scares stars
Its head is covered with scars.

Lost dog lost from birth
Its mother was also of no nest.
Lost dog with pale eyes
Walking like a lost mind.
Too ***** to be owned
But never hopeless for a home.

This lost dog can feed on grasses
Its body is a bed for lashes
Of what good is sharp teeth without a thing to cut?
With all its sniffing, only its waste is left to gulp.

Its unfed stomach has a womb in it.
It will be fertilized by another like it.
Another lost dog will be born
And the chain will go on.
I am a man with so many wounds
I have been beaten for all my truths.
Yes, I get injured everyday
But I am always expected to bury my pain.

I am a traveller burdened by so many routes
Knowing nothing but expected to always know what to do.
My mind is a bank of unanswered questions
And yet, when doubts come, I am seen as a solution.

You can see why I always sweat in pleasures
I am always faced with faceless pressure.
My heart is a battlefield of countless thoughts
And my spirit is always busy knocking on locked doors.

So, don't be deceived by my smile,
I am not always fine.
I always wear oversize with shallow pockets
Working like a man fetching water in baskets.

Don't mind my suit,
Life has not been gentle to me too.
I am a man of faith,
Attempting a miracle everyday.
I am tired of hiding my story
But I am not asking for your sorry.
We all have our wars
And yours may be worse.

Hence, take me as a brother in the struggle
When you finally have enough, don't forget others in the circle.
I am still a man with so many wounds
I am rose-coloured that my healings will come soon.
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