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  Nov 2020 Spriha Kant
Ariana Solo
Once upon a time all my stars have aligned
But now I'm only feeling confined
There's nothing I can write
A total eclipse of the mind

Once upon a time the stars used to remind
But now there's no more words I can find
Nothing I can write
A total eclipse of the mind

🌘 🌘 🌘 🌘 🌘
Inspired by Bonnie Tyler's

"Total Eclipse of the heart"

Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart

Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
  Nov 2020 Spriha Kant
Saudia R
Let my silence teach you

what my words

did not
This year, do not explain yourself (especially repeatedly) to someone who does not listen. Let your silence be your response. Let your happiness be your response. Let your peace be your authenticity.
  Nov 2020 Spriha Kant
He cried like rain
And screamed like thunder

And I

I was a quiet river deafened by his storms
Spriha Kant Oct 2020
In a wordy battle with trivial dogmatic mentalities , I win by sandwiching my perspectives between my upper lip tubercle and lower lip tubercle.
Spriha Kant Oct 2020
Imbibing books is far more easier than imbibing humans.
Spriha Kant Oct 2020
To burn like an ember is of no
worth till one doesn't glow like an
  Oct 2020 Spriha Kant
Smothered Divine
Our minds are so morbidly scary
In bouts of silence and dark
That we can imagine death, destruction, blood, A SPARK.

Knives cutting holes in our paper-thin skin,
Kids throwing rocks till their brains turn pulpy,
Bridges rocking and creaking, skin hitting ice,
Smashing our souls on concrete..

It cures a hidden desire, worse than lust or need or want.

And on that note:
The world is turning
And with it, morbid minds.
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