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 Apr 2020 LA
 Apr 2020 LA
i never used to smoke
but since you left,
it’s the only time i can seem to breathe
 Apr 2020 LA
the chase
 Apr 2020 LA
if thieves steal
because they want to be chased
then you are the one
with the heart in your hands
and i'm the one
did you want this?
 Apr 2020 LA
MT Browder
 Apr 2020 LA
MT Browder
Sometimes I wonder
If thieves plunder
Just to be wanted
To be chased and haunted
For the alternative is worse
Unwanted is the true curse
 Apr 2020 LA
i want to scream.
 Apr 2020 LA
I want to scream.

I want to pull my hair
And slam my head into the wall
And bite my lip off
And scream

But I'll cry
I'll cry so silently you wont be able to hear
Not unless you pay attention
Not unless you read between the lines
Not unless you feel the pain in every word I say or type

I want to scream
So I'll cry instead
i wrote this when i was in a dark place mentally.. id like to think im better now <3
 Apr 2020 LA
me gs
10:51 pm, 4/13/20
 Apr 2020 LA
me gs
I always find myself reaching, but
Despite my large frame I can never clear the gap

Gnarled knuckles, groping
But not blindly.
I know desperately what I want

If you could see how I felt
I would cut a most unusual figure,
Back bent and twisted as I limp on,
Hands shaking
As I struggle to carry this great weight.

But there is no rest for me
 Apr 2020 LA
me gs
7:10 am, 4/21/19
 Apr 2020 LA
me gs
I bow my head
The cold water hits the back of my skull

I gasp in a breath and feel the air sticking to my lungs

I look in the mirror
Two hollow cheekbones and high, cutting cheekbones

I can see my ribs.
Standing in a growing puddle,
I'm draining.

Soon I'll be empty
 Apr 2020 LA
Megan Joseph
 Apr 2020 LA
Megan Joseph
i fall back
off the cliff,
time slows as i fall,
the air feels cool,
against my skin,
the gray sky watches me
and i watch back,
i close my eyes
before i hit the water
and smile.

i wanted to feel alive.
i finally found inspiration to write during a revelation i had; i decided to try to live in the moment more
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