Red: Why did I forget what inequality tastes like. Why did I think forgiveness was easy. Selflessness isn't a gift it's a curse.
Orange: Annoying. Why did I force myself to change to fit in. Why didn't I stand up then.
Yellow: You are unfamiliar. You are warm but warmth is something that makes me uncomfortable. Its the calm before the storm to me
Green: IDK. I don't use you but I know your importance. You probably the cement I cant see.
Blue: Deep. I can get lost in it if I want to. Scary because I don't think ill find the surface or want to if I get in
Indigo: Magic. My imaginary sky, a word I belong to; a world for me
Violet: Smell. It's nostalgic, almost like a drug. Gives me a high I never knew I could get
Black: My comfort. The one thing that is familiar. My zone, my demons, my creation...