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1.2k · Apr 2020
Turning Tables
TC Apr 2020
Quiet becomes routine,
as he walks across the room;
His eyes aglow in dark,
A child's impending doom.
Beyond the Vail of innocence,
Does evil now embark.

Their hearts no longer trust,
As with their hands they cannot speak;
Silenced in their torture,
By their love;
A love that's now
Becoming bleak.

If I could have one wish,
I'd wish that wish again;
And again,
and again...
As one by one,
their blood would spill,
From each heart I hold
in hand..

Nothing more than cowards,
As they feed upon the weak;
Though now,
I'm turning tables,
So no longer will they eat...
Our society is unaware of how uniformed these parasites are. How their evil us becoming generational.
They should from the first offense be executed.
270 · Jun 2020
TC Jun 2020
Footsteps becoming heavy,
Approaching the Gallows Wood;
Like the sacrificial cross,
Of where Jesus once stood..

Memories fading,
Like an echoes end;
Unable to face,
All the things you've been..

Destiny or fate,
Still a destination of which you're late..
Evolution of a creation,
No more than a mistake..

Decades of holding back,
A soul now drowned from choked down tears;

Standing before the Gallows Wood,
A faint smile,
Now replaces your fears...
215 · Dec 2019
TC Dec 2019
As my body shakes violently,
In the midst of sound sleep;

Naked and alone,
Lying on the cold concrete;

This nightmare of my reality
                 I Dream...
197 · Dec 2019
Beyond the glass
TC Dec 2019
Distance measured in time,
Darkness replaced by sight;
Sanity now a faint sound,
Rarely seen in the light.

Time passed by, by distance;
Normality replaced by sin;
Silenced is each breath,
I now no longer depend.

Years merely moments,
Laughter drowning in sand;
Happiness dripping with blood,
Is a death so carefully planned.

Moments, weighed down by the years;
Distant is the chaos
Of which no-one reveres
Years filled with moments
Of Self loathing while drowning fears;
Dreams no longer visible,
Unable to see beyond the glass...
192 · Apr 2020
TC Apr 2020
As the dust begins to settle;
And night,

As your green becomes your gray;
Your rooms,

As your flame begins to flicker;
You crawl..

As your beginning becomes your end;
You search,
183 · Dec 2019
TC Dec 2019
A lifeless cloud, aloft invisible air;
     Blows Eastward,
a destination fate had prepared.
is a bludgeouned heart,
no longer fueld by loneliness and despair...

The demise of a mountainous boulder,
crashing downward with it's mighty weight;
             Crushing ageless fossils,
broken from a lifetime of decay.
       Renewed, is a love,
Worthy of replacing, all the years of self hate.
The hardened soil lying beneath,
    has now become darkened clouds,
      of. roaring, crushing debris;
A lifelike sustanance, as it's path now creates;
   A Renewed desire to live,
            as it buries a lifetime,
       of turmoil and grief...

replacing so much agony ,
    with a Renewed,
    sense of relief...

        A lifeless cloud,
now filled with the goodness of rain;
While the burden of weight from life's Boulders,
    are replaced with fields of golden grain...

Rising from the ruins, of the hardened soil of a soul;
There lies a clearer path to travel,
covered in a beautiful crystal sand.
          Renewed, is a life;
Now replacing the death,
    I had once planned...
Written in 2012 in anticipation of a new love from loves past.  Turned out horribly..
178 · Jun 2020
TC Jun 2020
As you sit back and look,
Try to add it all up;
The unshed tears among your disarray.
Dripping water gone undisturbed,
All the screams that went unheard
Your memories eye's,
Even turn away.

Imploding air as you sigh,
Buning bridges from past goodbyes
Unchartered waters like tidal waves
The many layers as to why
Still determined not to cry
As they force their way, upon this page
Your memories eyes
Still turned away.

With the ink still not dry
Your words of meaning cannot hide
What your memories eyes
Can't bare to take.
Visuals of the mind sometimes seem clearer than with your actual eyes.
171 · Mar 2020
TC Mar 2020
Although we are distanced,
By voided space and standing of still time;

Only recreations of our conversations,
As mortality was left behind.

Most impacted are the occasions, we celebrate though you are not here.

Christmas's, Birthdays
And anniversaries unfold.

While the children of your children,
Through their mourning still grow;
Just as the human history, has most often foretold.

Although we are distanced,
Beyond touch and beyond sound;

Beyond the rays of light and the darkness that vales.
As to this world,
I am still bound...

Know, that I still grieve and my regrets remain real
Know also, there is nothing, of which I wouldn't give,
The remainder of my existence, had it meant that you would still live.
160 · Dec 2019
TC Dec 2019
Years of washing,
yet the stains won't fade;
       Washboard worn,
  My fingers,
A cleansing of my soul,
  is maybe what I need.

     Bits of metal,
  chips of wood;
years of washing,
    yet still,

  Years of washing,
   Yet the Stains won't fade;
       Alone, unclean;
Feeling betrayed...

     Years of washing,
    the Stains,
      won't fade;
Ready for the reaper,
    Suit, Tie,
153 · Jul 2020
Residue Lingering
TC Jul 2020
As many are the birds
Filling the air of spring.
Labeled broken

Wolves silently seeking
The perfect pact
As one they relish over
A ****** feast mom
136 · Jan 2020
TC Jan 2020
As you gaze towards the windows,
As they represent your past;
Panes coated in filth among the Shattered and broken glass..
Is the future,
you now struggle to view;
Remaining unseen,
Until the cleansing of you...

TC. 2020
The invisible (impossible) can still be viewed. (Achieved)
132 · Dec 2019
TC Dec 2019
As darkness begins to swallow,
and the light begins to fade;
As candles without oxygen,
are the breaths we no longer take.

All the yesterday's tomorrow's,
Few promises can we make;
As today's feeble winds,
are ours to not forsake.

Rebirth of spiritual soul,
as death we can't escape;
Promised are only the tomorrow's,
From the yesterday's we've now made...
Death is promised
128 · Dec 2019
TC Dec 2019
One potato, two potato,
three potato,
Unwanted, abandoned,
left behind;
As you found your way to the
Your only son, given your name;
Denied the right,
Denied the chance,
To ever be the same...
Your only son, given your name;
As though someday you'd return;
As though one day,
you'd reclaim...
Your only son, given your name;
Now shackled by self hate,
Your only son;  Am I to blame?
Your only son, given your name;
Now broken from the wait;
Me, Your only son;
Given your name.
Me;  Your only son,
Your shame...
I'm over it...
126 · Feb 2020
TC Feb 2020
As I wade through these waters,
Cold, damp and up to my knees;
Looking forward to my next step,
Rolling up my sleeve;

When upon a sudden depth,
I plunge...
Deeper into my blackened sea;
Unable to swim
Dropping to one knee;
Wounded by my needle,

as if only moments from my last breath,
I cough with relief.
Trapped in a vortex,
As the swirling waves engulf me...

Vision blurs,
As I last dry heave;
My chest begins to seize...
Unable to swim;
As I reach my reality.
Wounded by the needle ,
No notes needed, I suppose...
125 · Dec 2019
TC Dec 2019
How can I explain,
my guilt, my fears, my pain;

With every breath I suffocate;

My heart, my soul,
I Ache...

There's no tomorrow,
only today;

My past represents,
as it excavates;
I Ache...

Pain so deep, soul so shallow,
sadness swallows me,
leaving me hollow;
I Ache...

I scream from within,
yet I show no fright;
My souls on fire,
I Ache...

My heart, my mind;
That unpleasant taste;
This was written long ago during...
125 · Mar 2020
TC Mar 2020
Happy quarantine everyone.

Please don't fret,
Try not to fear;
Take deep breaths and maybe nurse a beer.

Soon we'll see,
Although we know
Another Chinese flu
Another month to go.
122 · Jun 2020
TC Jun 2020
As your eyes scan each branch,
From seeds sewn past;
Cryptic ambition,
Noticed with just a glance...

Forest green plaguing each limb,
Beyond the glance,
You peer;
Are the roots clinging;
Destined to disappear...
119 · Feb 2020
TC Feb 2020
A distant lion begins to roar,
As a silver lining turns blue;
Gazing through stone windows,
Unable to find a door...

Whispers louder than screams,
Red blood turns blue;
Frightened by the fear,
The only beast is you..

A distant lion,
Continues to roar;
Befriended by only a heartbeat,
Naked, lying on the cold floor...

A distant lion,
You no longer hear roar;
Betrayed by your sanity,
As Reluctant tears,
fall to the floor...
The story behind this write is sometimes hard to relive even if only in memory...
116 · Dec 2019
TC Dec 2019
Way back when,
many years ago;
In the midst of the Sixties,
spread your legs, let's go!
An injustice was created,
with a Hollow soul to lose...

A decade and a half later,
  no belief of a Creator;
  The tortured child he had become,
  again was alone...

The Creature inside me, this evil within,
     will you experience my Demons,
or find yourself my friend.

The Creature had matured, mid-explosion, so believed;
   Yet, twenty years still to come,
of reaping that seed...

    What to do, Where to hide;
               Who to ****;
         At whom to smile...

The Creature or boy yearns to destroy,
     the lives that surround me
          and all of their joy...

This Creature is unmerciful, with the thought's that he sows;
    Will this Creature ever die,
or live on breathlessly,
     Just as the end of a sigh...

The Creature lurks deep, can this world survive;
   This painful hatred, that makes most mortals cry...

             It lives as it Breathes,
    will it ever retreat;
          The child within,
  still has no belief...
Enough said...
114 · Jan 2020
TC Jan 2020
All the distance I've travelled,
Between then and now;
All the ageing years passed,
Between then and now;
All the dreams now expired,
Between then and now...

All the love's I've banished,
All the tears I couldn't shed;
All the wisdom unproclaimed,
All the words left unread;
Between then and now...

All the bridges I've burned,
All the opportunity unproclaimed;
All the crossroads, in which the wrong direction I've turned;
Between then and now...

No more time, now remains,
No more crossroads, are there to reach;
No more love, to be bestowed me;
The last wrong direction,
The last dead end in which I'll reach;
Between then and now...
112 · Feb 2020
TC Feb 2020
As you're sifting through the ashes, of a life once recognized;
Soul searching beyond the gashes;
Many are the wounds,
Though silent are your cries.

Hidden are the eye's, of the many that watch;
Even as you burn.
The many voices now heard in the distance;
Daunting echoes,
From those who await their turn.

As now you view life's little remains,
From shallow waters come many names..
Each of which,
Slipping through the cracks;
A journey, now travelled in vain...

Hidden are the eye's,
From all sides await;
Even as you burn...
Faces, now seen again in darkness,
Still manage to return...

Hidden are the eye's,
That you now hide;
Even as you burn...
From which
the sifted ashes
You learn...
111 · Jan 2020
TC Jan 2020
Vision blurred,
Eyes stinging from the sweat;
The opening of a closed door,
A burning building you'll not forget.

The heat begins it's run,
A sensation you can't ignore;
A grease fire out of control,
Melting butter in the sun..
As you find yourself once again,
where at once you were before..

Blisters on your soul,
as if from, the sun's direct heat.
Self esteem Like broken glass,
Beneath your bare two feet;

Stone faced, chiseled in concrete;
an ancient Roman sculpture,
As you taste the bittersweet..

Bells begin to toll,
As you settle on one knee;
Like waves of rushing water,
Unable to hear,
Unable to see...

Hours in just seconds,
becoming lost among the trees;
A winter without cold,
Changing many colors;
A hot summer breeze...
Sifting through the ashes,
From a life of burnt debris...

As you hang from loosened rock;
Regaining both your feet,
Though dare,
Do you try walk;
Do you try speak..
Words barely mumbles
Try again, repeat;
Your mumbles come out slurred.
Symbolic are the few remains,
Still shackled to the beast,
That will never show refrain.

Living a life as if poison,
As its Flowing through an only vein.
Succumbing to the relief,
That circumvents your brain..
110 · Mar 2020
A Prickling feeling within
TC Mar 2020
                 is that moment of rational deception;
                       Is the desire, that is of my perception
Of my soul,  to the evil I aspire…
                     ­                        Once again,
By A Prickling Feeling Within
109 · Dec 2019
Dear Mother
TC Dec 2019
Dear Mother, can you hear me?,
Dear Mother, can you see?
This disgraceful, embarrassment,
that you have ill concieved...

This troubled soul inside me,
  that lyes within my heart;
Has now become more burdened,
  than at first it was to start...

Dear Mother, can you hear me?
   Dear Mother, why me?
Crucial moments, in life's vicious path.
  more than one marriage,
  with no hope to last..

      Common opposition,
opinions made to thee;
Would it have been immoral,
     had you just disposed of me...

  Dear Mother, can you hear me/
      Dear Mother,  Please!!
Dear Mother, can you help me?
       Dear Mother,
                Why me???
This isn't a new write..
Childish excitement fell, crashing violently; early in childhood.
Followed by 44 years of drug addiction and incarcerations.
First incarnation 1 month before 13th birthday;  Released 2 months after 17th...
She died June 1st 2018
Yet my disengaged soul still needs depends on self medicated, cold anger and detachment.
Mommy issues control my existence.
108 · Jan 2020
TC Jan 2020
As you're Swimming through the clouds, of your self induced nirvana;
Bewildered are all eyes, agaze this new persona.

Twinkling in this twilight, far different from your baron sky;
Invincible from life's tragedy's,
Unscatheble as you fly...

A realm with colorful horizons,
far different than the colors you dream..
Summoning all your wishes,
From all the genies,
You've seen
Refusing to land, afraid to wake;
In search of a new light,
In search of...
A new tomorrow,,
You're unable to break.
In search of...
107 · Dec 2019
TC Dec 2019
I was paralyzed in thought,
and standing all alone;
Surrounded by darkness,
everything was gone...

With barely a glimpse, from the corner of my eye;
I was travelling so fast as I passed myself by.
I was moving at high speed, as if,
somehow out of time.

Thinking to myself, looking back into the distance;
Could I have been resting,
or was there something on my mind;

A Momentary Reflection,
I thought as I laughed;
Reflections of mistakes, so many in my past; or maybe the future, and thoughts of my death.

There's no point in thinking that anything can change;
I passed myself there and found myself here;
Crossroads unmarked, destination unphased,
like a lost dog, covered in mange...

A strength unfound, a desire to disappear;
A Momentary Reflection,
of how I found my way here.

As I watch myself in quiet,
with no desire to stop;
In slow motion I fall,
from a single gunshot...

A Momentary Reflection,
of where I stood at the start;
Maybe if I had slowed, or come to a stop,
this Moment I have witnessed,
the confusion and doubt;
Just maybe, somehow
I could have found a way out
Hard to create a note
105 · Dec 2019
TC Dec 2019
As the walls begin to cave,
Within the crevices of cracked paint.
His breath becomes solid as his tears become faint...

His mind now weary,
His heart no longer beats;
Though life is still present,
His soul is beyond weak...

Strings among cords,
Boats that won't sink;
His pleasures distorted,
Dreams among nightmares in only a blink...

Wayward he travels, in a future so foretold.
Wayward he walks,
A child with no soul...
100 · Jan 2020
TC Jan 2020
Like a book without a page,
Or a child without a name;
Loneliness so ablaze,
No words are there to explain...

Like a cemetery without a grave,
Or a rainbow without a sky;
No soul to be taken,
A child whispers,

Like a poet without a pen,
Or a tire without a rim;
Unable to function,
Unable to write about,

Without a child's cry,
Without, Never having said,
97 · Jan 2020
TC Jan 2020
All this blood,
still remaining upon my hands;
   Has now completely penetrated,
  the thickness of my skin.
     Time Soaked,
         too deep...

Stain over Stain,
   forever still remain;
from where the blood of others,
  has constantly been drained.
Hostage no more,
   to the sins of my fallen Brothers...

       Time Soaked;
       Too deep,
    Into my flesh,
Now running through my stream;
   A joining together;
     Time Soaked,
             Too Deep...
Copyright © Terry Cunningham |
86 · Jan 2020
TC Jan 2020
I search through this darkness,
     for just a flicker of light;
Something to help guide me,
   through this unknown, without fright...

For just one millionth of a second,
  of her arms around me;
A sacrifice well worth all this pain that I leave...

A comfort so familiar, as I revel in this peace;
  A feeling of pure happy,
       As she is here with me...

She may be disappointed,
in the action's that I have taken;
   However unforseen;
Yet she show's only a smile,
     as she reaches towards me...

Although darkness surrounds me,
     Above and Below;
   I can feel her arm's embrace me,
with a strong grandmother hello..

I can feel her beating heart,
as it presses into mine;
         This is where I belong,
I've known it all the time.

I feel that if my face is smiling,
   as if it were to never leave;
  As the love coming from her eyes,
leaves me content and at peace;
   As so gently, without fear;
      I Fade into sleep...
My grandmother took care of me from 6 months of age till she died...
Adopted me at age 10.
Died at age 12..
I've missed every day and it's been 42 years.

— The End —