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 Nov 2019 Sue Collins
Joseph Rice
Warmth accompanies sunlight
No longer
Sunlight reveals the truth
Of isolation

The alien looks out from dune's peak
Ever shifting
Ever onward reaching

Faces both smiling and snarling
Haunt the edge of perspective
But there's no connection
No link
Not a single shred of song shared

Hardened heart’s crust cracks
Exposing the dried ichor
Of love's rampaging past.
She wasn't old enough for time to
have folded stuff like lines and wrinkles
on her face,
pain had not marked her brow and heartache
seemed somehow far away on that Summers day,

and it still is that yesterday
where children play
and mothers watch
like brooding hens

School is nearly run out,
Will you sign my yearbook?

The outside world in the rear-view mirror
Is closer than it appears,
And I'm getting scared.

What of all our tomorrows?
What will they bring?

For now, let's go steady.

One last kick & cheer for the crowd.
One last ditch from third period.
One last lockdown drill,

Just in case we end up under the gun...

*to all the tomorrows that never came*

Columbine High School - April 20, 1999
Saugus High School - November 14, 2019
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