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In the wake of darkness
I could pick you out of a crowd
Just by the smell of your scent
Because it's my favorite perfume

I could pick you out of a crowd
With no doubt in my mind
Because it's my favorite perfume
You wear it all the time

With no doubt in my mind
I would wear it when you no longer do
You wear it all the time
I will not ever stop taking it in

I know you are my mother
Just by the smell of your scent
No matter where I am
Even in the wake of darkness
I wanted to try something different so I decided to write a pantoum. Enjoy!
 Apr 2019 Mia Mcdaniel
It’s nice to know you’re still reading my poems,
even if you can’t look me in the face.
/|=====I don't burn bridges=======|\
/|===I just let them structurally====|\
/|=decay because I don't use them=|\
my friend said this once
I tried to tell you
Now it's too late
I sit waiting
At heaven's gate

He abused me, Mom
You never seemed to care
Now I lay in a black coffin
Full of despair

How many times
Did you hear me cry?
Did you ever think
It'd get so bad I'd die?

I am an angel now
With long white wings
Flying higher each day
No longer feeling his stings

I'll watch over you, Mom
Do what you didn't do for me
You pretended not to hear
Pretended not to see

Now you wait at heaven's gate
Just as I once did
You have now come to realize
The pain that I once hid
To my mother
 Apr 2019 Mia Mcdaniel
Can you feel it?
Can you see it?
We have monsters inside us,
Every day, and every night we can't let our guard down.

Can you hear it knocking at the doorstep of your fears?
Telling you to let it in, and that you have nothing to fear.
Waiting patiently in the shadows of your happiness,
It will attack once you are consumed with your own sadness.
We all have that dark side of us, that we might never get away from. And that is the reason we get stronger.
 Apr 2019 Mia Mcdaniel
do you
 Apr 2019 Mia Mcdaniel
Do you see the sadness behind my smile
the hurt behind my love
the pain behind my laugh
the tears behind my eyes
the broken behind the fixed
my heart behind the flesh
the screams under the tongue
the fear under the bravery
do you see me...the real me
 Apr 2019 Mia Mcdaniel
Luna Wrenn
I was missing a few pieces
But every time you tried to
Glue them back on me
They would fall off
And shatter
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