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Ylzm Apr 2019
the soul ages not,
but agelessly grows;
in sleep, in dreams,
in realms immortals repose;
refreshes and rejoices,
born again it returns;
from death to life we arose,
resurrects, each, every dawn.
Ylzm Apr 2019
it cares not if the world burns
but only to find a spot on your lap
to curl up and sleep
Ylzm Apr 2019
A little cough, no worries, it will go away
More irritable next day, worrisome by third
Had better see a doc, but slept the last that night

Scattered world wide, by planeloads, unrevealed, unknown
Germinate in a week, spawn on breath, speech of death
Revived ancient bug, mutated, drug resistant.

Pandemics, long with us: Black Death was not the first
Now global rapid spread, global rapid response
Always ready, always surprised, always novel.

The fit didn’t survive, the survivors, the fittest
Catastrophic selection, months, not million years
Emptied earth, cleaned, reclaimed, to be fought for, again.
Ylzm Apr 2019
word to us speak
words cannot say
ancient fragments scattered
word in words embedded
craft by spirit and intuition moved
faint and fleeting echoes conjured
strange voices awakened soul
word unspeakable spoken
Ylzm Apr 2019
A traffic jam at 2 am?
My work just done, tired I am.
Is misfortune a thing with me?
A fallacy unknown maybe.

Recalled the time iPhone at max,
An accident my old was cracked.
Or day my rags compelled I splurge,
The day some Prada had to surge.

In Dubai, Grab’s copter went down,
With lover, boyfriend’s stuck in town.
Cold ***** camel ride through night,
Paid Bed’uin gold, or wait till light.

My friends all say I’m blessed and rich,
But life with peace I’ll rather switch.
Ylzm Apr 2019

neither material nor relevant
you choose what you choose
this or that reason
on what little you know
some true, certainly some false


what you don't know
counts for more
a random choice
a choice chosen
the better may be
for you are to be
what you are to be


choose anyway
makes you feel better
illusion of control, less depressing
investments, justified
wisdom's crown, more fit to wear


what will be will be.
Ylzm Apr 2019
The earth's flat
I see it
so it is

The sun, not what it seems
For day in NY, night in Beijing
No, the sun's another NASA's lie
I don't see it, but I know its something else

And yes the pictures of the blue sphere
isolated alone in black empty space
taken by astronauts in Apollo 8
and the earth's curvature seen on the ISS

All lies again
No Apollo, No ISS
All lies, lies, lies

Its a disk I tell you
no one have seen it
but its true
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