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  Jul 2020 Mark S
Carlo C Gomez
She's a meadow

of wilted flowers

once in bloom

but broke too soon

how quickly

the parched ground


its own
  Jul 2020 Mark S
Carlo C Gomez
Come sterilize history with me.
We'll whitewash every smudge
until its sparkles and shines,
like fool's gold.

Rich only in our own
limited heads,
we'll believe in
addition by subtraction.
Only this isn't math, it's life.

'Those who do not learn history
are doomed to repeat it.'
  Jul 2020 Mark S
Amanda Hawk
Let me sketch you

With words

I will frame

Your body

With descriptions

Of the way

I view you

Ignore all the definitions

The world

Placed on your shoulders

Recreate a language

Using your name

As the beginning

So you can relish

The sound of every letter

Learn to adore

The sound of every vowel

Then maybe your reflection

Will become more within your eyes
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