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Their eyes finally swing
Toward each other,

And all the rules,
Terms and conditions,
Fade away,

In a moment of

Fleeting Permanence.
Denying what you truly feel,
Only makes those feelings stronger.

So will you deny yourself,
By keeping me at a distance?

Will you chose to forget,
The way I once made you feel?


Will you take that chance,
To get everything you have ever wanted?

The fact of the matter is,
I wont wait for you,
Even when you jealousy shows.

Because I deserve more,
Than a maybe.
 Jul 2018 Georgia parry
it was your tired eyes,
that encased where the mystery lies,

it was the same eyes,
that've made my steady self capsized

it was eyes that i couldn't help but fall for
making me long for your presence ever more so.
for a very special person
 Jul 2018 Georgia parry
Sometimes at night.
I look at the glistening sky.
The sky shines bright with thousands of stars.
Each one of them reminds me of you.

One star is your eye, shining when you’re happy.
Another one is your mouth, your pearly teeth when you smile.
Yet another star for your big, blooming heart.
And one more, a flashing star, for your silky laugh.

Sometimes we meet in my dreams.
We hold hands and dance on a road of stars.
We count the stars as we step.
And by the end of the road, I’ve woken up.

These stars and these dreams are all I have.
Since you live across the sea.
But know that I would travel far and wide.
Just to hear your laugh again.

You make me so happy I can barely breathe.
It’s hard to describe the way you make me feel.
Even through poetry.
You leave me wordless.

That’s why this poem.
Is a bit messy.
A bit wild.
Pretty all over the place.

Because there are so few words.
To describe how special.
And important.
You are to me.

I know I say it a lot.
But I really do love you.
And the day you said it back.
Was the best day of my life.

These stars and these dreams.
They’re enough for now.
Because one day.
I’ll be there.

Taking a plane across the world.
Just to see you smile.
Then those stars won’t compare.
To the most beautiful sight before me.
for my girlfriend.
Here am l,
not quite lived,
or really lived my life
at this present moment,
and am here thinking
about death,
instead of living the life given,
I'm waisting my time,
my energy,
my best moments,
thinking of a world
I never know,
or want to be right now
nor to be bothered with,
though I knew of its existence
does not necessarily mean
I want to prepare for it while
living in the present moment.
Though it will come but at its time.
You are not going there
with anything but your experience.
Concentrate on living an
awesome life with
a beautiful ending,
be altruistic in your dealings,
accumulate a great lesson,
live a life of service,
earn yourself a good name,
and exit from here with
dignity,honour and respect.
You are not here to think
about the next life
you have not seen,
but to live well in the now
and enjoy the present moment
which is now entirely yours.
Learn the lessons in each encounter,
accept and forgive whoever
and whatever confronts you,
for in it you will find yourself.
At the end of your existence,
you would have lived a worthy life,
regardless of how early or
late your demise might be.
Whatever may be the case,
live an exemplary life worth
of emulating without
rancour and strive,
but with a quiet spirit full of life,
love and light to share.
However hurt or cheated you may be,
forgive and forget with
Thanksgiving for the sake
of peace within you.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
I know the pain that you feel
You may not be able to overcome,


You can't mend those parts of yourself,

They are meant to serve as a reminder,

But always know that
I will always be there,
To help you feel again,
To help you become vulnerable.

Even in the silence,
When there is so much to be said.
 Jul 2018 Georgia parry
I'm so done
How could it be that everything went that wrong?
Wanna put 10 bullets in my brain
Some things won't change
I feel like I don't belong in the frame
My life's has been turning down the flame
I don't wanna live I'm too scared to die please someone end this game
I copied one line of X's song because there's nothing that I can relate more to it
 Jul 2018 Georgia parry
Ciel Noir
I have met
In the shadows
Of my soul

In darkness

I have never been

I love
I hold
Them close

And know
There is
No one
Who deserves no
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