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2.6k · Feb 2021
SL Feb 2021
You were my friend
My recovery buddy
For the thing that lead to your death
I am so lost for words
It can't be true. It just can't be
You were my closest friend when it came to it
I thought that you were doing OK
But you weren't
I know you were trying so hard to fight it
But it won in the end
Love you so much and I will miss you so much more
Bye Tia
I just lost one of my closest friends when it comes to having an eating disorder.
856 · Nov 2017
Closed Doors
SL Nov 2017
You're lucky to have a family, how could you say you're not
People don't have a family like yours, your parents are still together - what do you have to complain about
You should be happy to have a sister, I would **** to have a sister
Life is different behind closed doors
You see a happy family out in the streets but you don't know what happens at home, when the doors are closed, when it's night and everyone comes home
I have family yes, but is it a good family? Is it a family that I would want to spend time with?
Don't assume my life is perfect
Don't assume that I get everything that I want
My family is complicated and no one wants to know what happens behind closed doors
Once you say you can't take it back
What happened to your wrist? Nothing, don't worry
Why do you have bruises on your arms and legs? I fell
These are the typical responses I give when something happens at home
You look tired, have you been getting enough sleep?
How could I sleep when my mind is always on and there are fights
No one knows what happens behind closed doors.
Everyone has secrets regarding their family and that no one is perfect.
618 · Sep 2022
SL Sep 2022
Sleep what is it
Is it getting a break from your mind
Or something else
How do you get Sleep
By taking pills, by relaxing and meditation
Or do you need pills to get you to sleep
Pills that are addictive but now the question is
Do they help
Most people would say yes it does
But for me no they don't
Is it the environment you're in
Nightmares keep you up and not wanting sleep
However no one can truly understand sleep
I was told if you eat you get Sleep
However that is not the case
Sleep cannot be defined by a label
Or medication
I don't know what is sleep but what I do know
Is that I can not get any, since seeing death
I close my eyes and I see my dad
He is not alive
He is not breathing
He is dead in his bed
My Nightmares keep me awake
When you are young and see someone like that in a bed
You ask yourself what could you have done better but
No one could ever understand what you have gone through
And what you are still going through
My dad passed away on December 31st 2020. I saw him lying there in his bed and it haunts me to this day. I wish he could see how hurt I was seeing him like that but life goes on. I've been trying to get my mind right but it always comes back to that single moment
567 · Dec 2018
Eating Disorder
SL Dec 2018
What do you think about ed
That they're only for skinny people
Do you congratulate the people who have lost a bunch of weight
Or are you concerned

Does this person look beautiful or do they look sick
How long have they been hiding it
How did they hide it
You saw them eat and drink

They must have done something to not gain weight
Purge, exercise for hours on end or do they starve themselves
They think that they are in control
In reality their life is out of control

It doesn't matter what you say to them
They have been hurt for quite a while now
No one could ever have helped
Except for not commenting on how they look, how they need to lose weight.

Learn from this experience
Don't judge someone because it could just start an Eating Disorder
I'm in hospital and my eating disorder has struck again. I am being threatened with Mental Health and NG tubing. Sorry if this is triggering for some of you but know that I am always able to help
420 · Feb 2024
Who Am I
SL Feb 2024
Deep into the darkness of my head
Multiple individuals came nearing
These are slowly becoming clearer
These individuals started to have
Their own say of what they can do
Suddenly I didn't know who I am
Am I rude, a selfish person or an evil one
Or is it the opposite
Am I knid, caring, helpful
I honestly doubt it's the second one
When I wake or come back into light
All I questioned
Is Who Am I
Having people tell me who I am or not. It's hard to know who someone is
419 · Dec 2017
Tick Tock
SL Dec 2017
Tick Tock
Time goes slow when you're in hospital
Tick Tock
What you think was two minutes was actually one
Tick Tock
You feel like your losing your mind and that's what they want
That's what your mental health wants you to feel like
It's punishing you for going to hospital
Tick Tock
Every second you're in hospital, your mental health is thinking of punishments
Tick Tock
Careful what you say because it determines how severe your punishment is
Tick Tock
Beware of the traps they set, the psychos that is
Tick Tock
No one cares because you are not suicidal
They let you go to let you suffer
It's a sad fact that if you aren't saying you are suicidal then the mental health department will just let you go. I don't know how many times I've seen a mental health professional and you say that you don't want to be like this, that you don't want to be here. They honestly don't care or if it's an eating disorder unless you are close to death they want do anything.
406 · Oct 2023
The Silent
SL Oct 2023
Silently screaming out loud
No one can hear me
No one can see me suffer
I am slowly running out
Out of air to breathe
Every tear I have cried
Sits on my pillow
The pillow that no one sees
The silent cry for help
I say that I am fine
But I'm dying on the inside
What happens if my silence
Is the thing that kills me
Life is life
Death is inevitable
I welcome it everyday
I have been off line for a while. This is mental health awareness of how the silence of the question are you ok?
388 · Oct 2023
What is in my head
SL Oct 2023
Looking outside and all
I see is chaos
The wind howling through
The apartment that I live in
It looks and sounds like
The chaos in my head
The dripping of rain
Are silent but still there
These are my tears
That fall down my face
Onto the pillow in my room
Where no one is with me.
What my life is like with fighting the silent but chaotic parts of me.
375 · Dec 2017
This is ME!
SL Dec 2017
My life is a mess
I found a pair of scissors
Now my arms are a mess
Everyone think that I'm okay
Truth is that I'm not

I have depression, anxiety and eating disorders
I am a 105 days clean from cutting and chocking
But I still get the urges
Some days the urges aren't bad but other days I'm close to hurting myself

I used to get called an emo or an attention seeker because of my scars
I am paranoid that I have become a disappointment to everyone I know
There is one person who knows what's wrong but she doesn't understand me

I can't live with the mistakes I have made
I don't believe that there is anything or anyone out there for me
People judge me because I'm not skinny
So I restrict to be like everyone else

I self-harmed because it was the only thing that helped me feel alive
I self-harmed to feel pain
I self-harmed to get even with what people have done to me

Self-harm is not just cutting, chocking, scratching or burning
Restricting and purging is self-harm
I'm not clean from self-harm completely
I'm close but to stop restricting and purging is harder then ever

This is me
I don't like me one bit
It's a miracle I have made it this far
I don't expect to be here for much longer
This was something I wrote earlier this year when I was that clean. Self-harm is a part of my life and will always be apart of my life there is no denying that. You take it one day at a time, it's hard but those of you who go through self-harm or any mental health issues just know that there are people who are understanding to an extent of what you are going through.
367 · Apr 2019
SL Apr 2019
Why did you do this
Why didn't you ring me
Why was I not there
You know I would have helped
You took my heart
You were there for me as I was there for you
So what was different this time
I would do anything for you
Now that you are gone
I can't recover
I wish that you were still alive
But you're not
So I have to go on by myself
I just had a close friend **** them self. Please don't do anything like that. It has a ripple effect on everyone around you.
367 · Dec 2017
SL Dec 2017
Crunch, crunch, crunch
The sound of people eating
Makes me sad because I know I can't enjoy it
Looking around at everyone's plate then looking at mine
I see nothing but an empty plate
Everything looks so amazing but I can't build up the courage to try anything
There is a voice inside my mind telling me not to eat, you don't need it because you're stronger then them.
Gulp, Gulp, Gulp
The sound of people drinking
I wish I could try the drinks available
But I've lasted this long and to end the streak now would make everything I've done for nothing
The sound of everyone finished
Everyone talks about how good the food was then everyone looks at me
They ask me why I didn't have anything
I have no logical reason
I've taken the light away from the birthday girl
It's her 18th birthday and now it's about me
I'm a horrible person
True story, I am not even close to recovered. This happened when I came out of hospital. Sort of a bad poem.
352 · Sep 2018
SL Sep 2018
Saying goodbye is hard
Especially when the person is good
Helping you when you thought you weren't worthy
Why does it happen?
To let these people go from your recovery
When you have people constantly leaving
Makes you wonder what is wrong
It's your recovery so you should decide who is on
Not let the people who rarely see you
All you can do is say thank you
Thank you for your support
Thank you for caring
Thank you for listening
I have to say goodbye to two of the professionals who I get along so well with. My last appointments are with them this week.
328 · May 2019
Don't Comment
SL May 2019
Someone who has self-harm scars
Don't say that you shouldn't do it
It is inconsiderate and rude
You don't know what that person has gone through
Don't comment that you are selfish
This person has gone through a lot of stuff
Especially for not hurting them-self for a few weeks
It is not okay to comment on someone's body especially their self-harm scars because that you don't know what they are going through or have been through.
306 · Feb 2019
What is wrong with me?
SL Feb 2019
Heart is racing
Dizziness when standing
Tired all the time
What is wrong with me
Back in hospital after 12 days discharge
Medically unstable but medical team won't take me
Mental health can't take me until I'm medically stable
The same questions get asked
Like are you using this to lose weight
No everything is just out of control and this is the only thing left
I haven't self harmed I've just been restricting and purging
What is wrong with me??
I don't know why I keep ending up this bad. It could because I have no support for family and I have one friend. Psychologist isn't helping I don't even have a psychiatrist. I need help
301 · Mar 2019
A Cry For Help
SL Mar 2019
A cry for help is what you do once in a blue moon
This thing that you say that you need help but it never comes true
You keep on fighting with the voices and the demons
They control your every move
But you know what you have to do the night you cried for help
You have to hurt yourself in order for the demons to be happy
You have to do everything they say to you have to not eat for a week
You have to not do this for a week
You have to work out every day
You have to whatever the demon tells you to do
Because if you don't then you die
It keeps going on all day and all night
When you cry in your room cutting your arms and cutting your legs
The blade that you hold is the demons voices and the demons actions
The next day comes and you're thinking about crying for help
Instead you just say what the person asking how are you with a lie
They don't care no one cares about you
You go back to square one of telling no one that you are struggling
You put your boundaries back up
You tell what they want to hear
Truly you just want help and need help but that is not given
I asked to be admitted yesterday and my gp did everything but send me up to hospital. That night the demons took over and I was cutting when I was sleeping and I needed seven stitches because of it
287 · Dec 2017
SL Dec 2017
There are so many questions in life
Questions that aren't that important like what should I wear? or what should I do with my hair?
Questions that are important like should I take my life? or should I just continue to live my life like this?
But all questions have answers
Answers you like and answers you don't
You are told that you have to go to all your appointments, to show that you are changing and getting better
You lie about everything to prove to them
It feels like you're a broken record because you have to start from the beginning
You lose hope, until you find one new person and you don't hate this person
You start to think that everything is turning around
Then bad news struck again and you can't see this person anymore
You're back at square one and you're worse than ever
The question is now WHAT'S THE POINT?
You believe there is no point
A friend tells you to not give up
You try hard
You try to stay strong and to stay clean
You've lasted longer then ever before but that thought of accomplishment is gone
Now was it worth what you did?
I was in a bad spot on the 22.11.17 and I wrote this
263 · Dec 2017
SL Dec 2017
Christmas is nearly everyone's favourite time of the year
Reasons mainly being with family
However people who don't like eating don't like Christmas as much
Everyone finds something difficult about Christmas
Whether it's money, family or eating
You can't do your usual hiding technique
How do you prepare for it
You don't eat for the week before, you workout to lose weight
You know that you have to do anything in order to prevent yourself from gaining too much weight
Christmas is torture
I usually find Christmas hard but it's harder this year
261 · May 2019
Nothing Left to Do
SL May 2019
Mental health issues
Is not something to joke about
You have friends for a second
Then they leave you
Your case manager is ****
He doesn't listen
The only person who listens is your gp
Your family doesn't support you
They just say **** IT UP
Hospital is no place to go
All I want to do is end this fight
The fight that has been going on for so long
I'm just done fighting
More scars on my body
And I don't care
Take No Doz to not fall asleep
To prevent from any nightmares to occur
Just to fight another day
A lighter looks like the perfect way to hurt yourself
But that sensation doesn't last for too long
All that's left is cutting
You see the blood drip down
But that's not enough
You think that if you cut deeper
That it will end everything
But that's not the case
Nothing helps anymore
Life just isn't for me anymore
I'm just at the point of not caring anymore whether I die or don't recover. My fate will soon be found out on Thursday if I am back in hospital
256 · Dec 2017
SL Dec 2017
Death is inevitable
Doesn't matter how many things you get done to extend your life
Death still comes

Death is all around you
The beautiful flowers and tress you see will die
The flies that annoy you will no longer annoy you
Death occurs every second of every day

People don't like talking about when they die
They are scared of it
It's the way of life, nothing to be scared about
You live the life you want

Death is not ugly
Death is not morbid
Death is beautiful
Death allows something new to grow
254 · Oct 2018
Am I A Robot
SL Oct 2018
Doing what I'm told
19 and having no life besides appointments
It was one or two a week
Now it's like five or six

No freedom to do what I want to do
Doing what others tell me
Break up with me, go to hospital
All that I can do is hurt myself

Constantly feeling like I'm just a robot slave
Not allowed to take a break from this appointment life
Knowing what is right and doing it
Are two completely different things

I'm a teenager, I should be able to be a rebel
But can't because the consequences are severe
It's gotten to the point that I don't care
Where I'm beginning to think about cancelling all my appointments

Time to end this feeling of being a robot
Time to be a teenager without mental issues
Time to party again
Time to be me
Throughout the past year and a bit I have had an appointment every single week. This is my last year of being called a teenager I only have a few months left and I feel like I have no opinion on anything.
223 · Mar 2019
Labels, What are they?
SL Mar 2019
Labels, what are they?
You are not defined by the labels of mental health
You are not defined by doctors, or psychiatrist
You are yourself, you are more then a label
Who really cares what labels you have
They are not you
You are yourself, you're the one working
You are the one who is hanging out with friends and family
Not your labels
I am writing a book this poem will be in it. However, it is true you are not your labels what so ever. You are yourself, you are beautiful.
221 · Jul 2018
The Vicious Cycle
SL Jul 2018
Do you have people who care about you
How long have known them for
Have they said that they will stick by you
Do they or do they leave

They say that they understand your condition
They say that they won't leave even if you push them away
You're giving them an out
Because you know if they leave when you need them the most

Do you think you are a good person
Have you been there for them when they needed you
Di they reapat back by being there for you
Or do they say you are too much to handle

Do you believe the things they said
Or do you believe that they are wrong
Were they in a bad mood
Or was this a thing tbat was going to happen eventually

Why is it that there is a stigma around mental health
Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not real
Everyone gets some form of mental health in their life
Not everyone understands why.
I have lost two really good friends this year because of being in a psychiatric hospital. I thought they would understand but they didn't.
#endthestigma #cycleoffriends
211 · Mar 2020
Dear Dad
SL Mar 2020
Why would you do this
Why did a simple procedure go so wrong
You were the only person in my life that tried to understand me
Even though you abused me and did the things you did
I still love you
You are my rock
Last year my dad was in a coma for 14 days I thought he was going to die but he got through it
207 · Mar 2018
SL Mar 2018
First slice
You feel pain
Second slice
You don't feel numb
Third slice
You continue slicing
Keep slicing until the numbness has gone
You think that this is the only thing you can do
After multiple slices
You start to regret what you have done
You see the new scars that you have created
Blood soaks through your clothing
Red on your hands and down your legs
Next morning
The day before is present on your body
You gave into the urges but didn't cut deep enough to die
The voices aren't as pleased as what they would be
But you pleased them enough to quiet them down
Relapses aren't great but you do what you have to do to survive.
204 · Mar 2018
SL Mar 2018
First coming into hospital
I was concerned about not having anyone
Or being the youngest patient
It was scary because it was a new thing

The first few weeks weren't the best
Being told that I would be sent over to the public
Not knowing any of the nurses
I felt so alone

Weeks go by and I am still getting used to how everything goes
What the intentions of the nurses were
Or if the other patients would understand me
If I would meet someone my age

Now that I have been in here for two months
And the talks I have had with the nuses
Has inspired me to get better
Recovery is a long path

Life is
Recovering from mental illnesses is harder
You never know what day you will have
If it's a good day or a bad day

You just have to go with the flow
It's hard but in order to recover you have to learn to net let things get to you
Letting go of the past when there are still issues that need to be sorted out
Doesn't help

I'm not going to lie I am nervous about recovery
I don't know if I am going to recover fully
But what I do know is that I don't want to be this way forever
I want to be able to travel

Life is a mystery
Life is unknown
The beauty of life is that it is a journey
I am still in hospital but I'm slowly getting better. Recovery is hard but it's a part of life unless you want to stay the way you are.
189 · Dec 2018
Life in Hospital
SL Dec 2018
When you're tired and in hospital
It feels like everyone is against you
The demons come back stronger
You can't do anything but listen
All you can do is what they say
No medications are right
You're eating but there's no finish line in sight
I can't do anything right
All I'm doing is the wrong thing
Why is it that no one understands
I don't do things consciously
Half the time I don't know what is happening
I can't wait until I get enough meds to overdose
Then I can be left alone
I've been in hospital for the past two weeks and have been put on papers which restrict me from going out. My eating disorder has taken control of me.
188 · Jul 2018
SL Jul 2018
Another night fighting the demons
Not the monsters under the bed or in the cupboard
But the demons in my head

This battle has been long
It has been 10 years of fighting
And still not getting any better
Slowly these demons are winning

A few more scars on my body
I don't feel any better about it
These nights are getting longer and longer
Taking a bit of me everytime

These demons are getting stronger as I am getting weaker
Wondering how long this battle will go on
I am losing hope in this journey of recovery
Every time I feel like I'm getting better I self destruct

Why is it that I am wanting to be recovered
When all I do is self destruct
I am crying out for help but no one seems to hear me
These demons in my mind are controlling my every action
183 · Jul 2018
I'm fine
SL Jul 2018
You say you're fine
But you lie all the time
I'm fine is just another lie
What you truly mean is you need help

You go about your daily life
Hoping someone catches your lie
Every step you take gets harder each time
No one knows that you're struggling to stay alive

The phrase that you use over and over
Is just a way to get through the day
Until you get home and no one is there
You start to cry and wonder why no one caught you saying a lie
Saying I'm fine when you are not is just as hard as saying the truth.
167 · Oct 2022
What is a mother?
SL Oct 2022
What is a mother?
I thought a mother was meant to be there for you
Not to have favourites
But I was wrong
I never had a mother
A mother is meant to be caring and understanding
But my one isn't
She is not my mother she is just another person
That does not give a crap about me
I finally realise that
She is not there for me and never has
Yeah sure having a dead daughter
But then having a daughter who really is so codependent
Where in her heart can she fit me in
She does not have the capacity
I take soo many pills at night to get Sleep
I thought that she would have changed since Dad died
But she didn't
My hopes of having a mother is gone
I am just the disappointment daughter
Or as she calls me a burden
What type off mother would call their own daughter that
I guess the one I have
I am a burden hence why I try to **** myself everyday
I might actually succeed this time
I don't want to be a part off this so called family
Listen to surface pressure
I am the daughter
I am not the oldest
Everyone thinks the song is about being the oldest sibling
But I am the youngest
Life is not fair but she does not give a **** about me
This is me signing off for the last time
I am done with so many people who don't even care what I am going through
165 · Dec 2017
No Escaping
SL Dec 2017
You're drowning
No one is coming for you
No one will help you

You're fading into nothingness
Slowly, just slowly disappearing with every slice
Your mood is low
But nothing helps, no one helps

You're starting to believe what your thoughts are saying
One more cut is all you need, you believe this but it's not
You've fallen back in the cycle
You can't Escape
164 · Dec 2017
What do you see?
SL Dec 2017
What do you see in the mirror
Are you happy with yourself
Do you wish you could change something
Do you have scars that remind you of a time when you weren't alright

What do you see in a picture
Do you think that you are beautiful
Or do you have imperfections
In that picture, do you have a fake smile or a you smiling for real

What do you see in comparison with someone else
Are you thinking that you are big next to them
Do you feel like you're out of place when surrounded by smaller people

What do you see in yourself
Are you okay with how you feel
Do you feel alright with your shape

You don't need to change anything about yourself
You are beautiful just the way you are
Everyone has something they want to change about themselves
But you are amazing both inside and out
I've been having trouble with my appearance and I still am, but if I can help at least one person not turn out with an eating disorder or body issues I would just feel a bit more alright.
163 · Mar 2018
SL Mar 2018
Stuck in hospital
No one coming to visit
All you have are other patients
They don't understand what goes on in your mind

Psychiatrists don't listen
They say the same old things
Discharge you when you're not ready
All they care about is the money they receive or don't receive

Problems aren't being sorted out that needs to be
Only focusing on one thing that is a side effect of the major thing
Nurses can't do anything besides push you
They don't understand

It feels like no one is listening to your cry for help
No one cares if you go home and hurt yourself
No one cares what happens after discharge
Why should you care if no one else does
I have been in hospital for SIX weeks now and I'm worse off than what I came in. I'm getting discharged soon but no one is listening to me about the voices.
122 · Aug 2021
SL Aug 2021
It's one thing that can help sleep
Once you start there it can become an addiction
It helps me think and study
Stops me from eating
Stops me from being scared
It just helps with my feeling and emotions
Stuck in my room alone
It's the one thing that can help
Isolation is fine with me
Family is hard though but I don't mind or care
It has always been this way.
Covid-19 has struck again in Brisbane and my professionals are worried about my body and the way it is.
107 · Oct 2023
Trying to Write again
SL Oct 2023
One afternoon I said to myself,
"Why isn't the timeless more profane?"
A timeless is sacrosanct. a timeless is spiritual,
a timeless is numinous, however.

A creative, however hard it tries,
Will always be part.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the creative,
Gently it goes - the whole, the all, the component.

How happy is the wooly charismatic!
Does the charismatic make you shiver?
does it?
72 · Nov 2024
Human Vending Machine
SL Nov 2024
Amidst my pain, I'm a machine
A vessel for everyone's endless whine
A call the mother makes, her voice so clear
Monique's illness, her own despair
She pours it all our without a care

My agony cast aside like usual
As I'd my suffering is but a ride
I'm a dispenser of sympathy
A shoulder to cry on endlessly
But where can I find my own release
In this one-sided exchange, I find no peace

Her words flow freely like a rivers tide
But mine are pushed aside
I'm but a vessel, a tool to be used
My own needs and feelings utterly refused

Oh mother, why are you so selfish to not hear my scream
The pain in my voice, that I carry deep inside

I'm not a machine, I'm flesh and bone
With feelings that you seem to disown
Dispensing empathy
I've started writing as it is the only way I feel. The pressure that I am under because of the "happy" daughter and used a vending machine. Trying to find my voice to stand up to those who have continued to hurt me with silence and abandonment that these two people have done.
64 · Apr 2024
SL Apr 2024
I'm a ghost, slowly disappearing
From this terrible world
A world full of opinionated and judgefull people
The say the hardest simple thing to make my life harder
Yet i am just able to stand up for myself
Just a simple ghost passing through this world
Hopefully I will be skinny enough
To pass through everyone
I'm not great with my mental health

— The End —