So many words
trapped under the
ironclad guard on
my mouth,
all labelled with your
precious name.
Words- which flow
as easily as a
bubbling brook
into each other, to
make confessions
so teeming
with love that I have
no doubt
they would take your
breath away.
Confessions- which I
don't regret not professing,
but rather
regret being unable
to utter.
Because however
deeply attached I am to you,
and however
much you
surprise me
by genuinely
so caring
for me as well,
there will,
even if we were
by some
d e c a d e s
of every day together,
always be that
one key
element missing;
the one that would
the cell
these words.
Everything I consider saying out loud feels either like too much or too little, so I just stay silent.