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 Jan 2015 TwistedTales
I can see how one tragic event
could push a person
to a ledge
when that person
was already teetering
on the very edge
looking down for quite some time
picking up loose dimes
on the street
trying to scrape together
just enough to eat.

They didn't plan on it being this way
they've just been trying to survive one more day
She is your neighbor down the street
in a small town where power has gone to the local Sherrif's heads
A mother of three
out of work so she steals a loaf of bread
while her kids play in polluted dirt
I see how her story could end
she didn't have any friends

Smile at a neighbor today
you might keep them
off the very edge
of a ledge
the gift of hope
while they're at the very end
of their rope
You might be the one person
that keeps them alive
just by smiling...
and, looking into their eyes
*You just might keep them alive
This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Krisselle S. Cosgrove Jan. 26th, 2015
I'm grieving for a year that I held dear to me
For a year that taught me
That people will leave
But others will follow.
For a year that taught me that pain
Should be taken with a pinch of salt
And a shot of tequila
I mourn for a year of lost lovers
For now they have truly gone
A clean slate lays before me
But I wish that I could still hold on.
A year of fighting and kicking
To make something of myself
Or completely erase the things I've done
Thing's I've said
A year I made it to the hospital bed.
I mourn for a year I found myself
Found real friends and lost people I love
And now we move onto the next year
It's up to me now to make this one count.
it all comes at once
like a tidal wave
crashing and destroying
all in its wake.

what is there to do?
try swimming and become
****** under.

or give up
and give yourself
to the ever flowing current.

I guess life is all about
the choices and decisions
we choose to make.

and I guess in my life
I'm choosing to swim and fight.

but if that's so,
why does it feel
like I'm constantly
d r o w n i n g
 Jan 2015 TwistedTales
War beats Peace by digging its sharp talons into Peace's body.
Peace beats War by making it question why it should ever use its weapons.
It's the worst game of Rock, Paper, Scissors ever.
But we're all playing it.
I changed the metaphor from Yin Yang to War and Peace, I think more people would understand it this way.
 Jan 2015 TwistedTales
 Jan 2015 TwistedTales
She  covered  her  ears  and  focused  on  her  deep  breathing. ­ The   sound  of  her  lungs  expanding  and  the  air  leaving  through­  her  clenched  teeth.  Trying  to  drown  out  the  sound  of  ­all  of  them  screaming.  The  vile  words  echoing  on  the  wo­oden  floors  of  the  house.  She  just  wanted  it  all  to  st­op.  So  she  kept  breathing,  surrounding  herself  with  the  ­sound  of  the  inhale,  exhale.  Inhale,  exhale.



*B r e a t h i n g
The storms haven't stopped yet.
Can you guess
My hidden secret
Where in darkness
You will feel pain
But also pleasure
With a forbidden taboo
For nobody will know
 Jan 2015 TwistedTales
Raindrops splatter
Tears that don't matter
Painting the pain on my skin
Words slice
And create a vice
That breaks the girl within
Thoughts swirl
Emotions whirl
Where can I begin?
Bones break
A heart that aches
Disguises that wear thin
Feeling wrong
Can't sing my song
Will never make up for my sin..
With every word
You give away
A piece of your heart
Precious than
Anything created
By mankind
Your lips give away
Your inner feelings
Genuine and pristine
This empty heart
Went looking for love
Never sure
Of finding the treasure
But your words
Fill every coffer of my heart
You trusted the wanderer
Saw through disheveled looks
Your hands in mine
The first precious words
Conveyed the innermost feelings
Wanderer felt tired
And wanted this to be his resting place
Now, and after this life
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