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I cannot believe how easy for you it was
To wrap your hand around my heart
Like a snake with a vicious grip
You're holding me tight
And the venom you spread in me
Is a poison I have tasted before
Sweet and addictive it turns to acid
When withdrawal hits and you run away
All I will be left with is regret,
The firm print of hope against my soul,
The cold shadow of hopelessness following my steps,
And the words you said
That made me laugh once
But make me cry now
I cannot believe how easy for you it was
To release me and slither away
As if I never mattered at all
As if I never existed at all
He was never scared, back then
He was a fighter ready to jump into the battle
And nothing could break him
He was invincible
He was never scared, back then
But that's only because
He didn't have anything to fight for

The day she appeared in his life
He knew she was the love of his life
He would have gone anywhere with her
He would have done anything for her
And as he gets back up again
Beaten and bloodied
She beats him down again
Barely breathing
Anything can break him
She is invincible

She's crushing his heart in her hands
She doesn't have anything to live for
What you feel doesn't matter
What you ache,
What you cry,
Is meaningless
Your tears are empty and so is your soul
What is worth a dime is what other people think you feel
What they want you to feel
They ask if you are feeling all right
But they do not want to hear you say
They want to see a smile on your face
They want to hear you say
So you give it to them
You give them a smile and a nod
They realize… maybe they don't
They move on and the light in your eyes fades
To darkness
A black hole ******* your humanity out
Spitting the useless out.
The dead.

But the dead is alive and so are your feelings

If only they mattered.
I need to talk and no one would hear me out
  Sep 2014 Turn Off The Lights
I know we can't be together right now
You know it to but you still want me
Are we just masochists or is this real love

If I risk it all for us;
Will you still want me when you can have me?
- ev
Inside a dungeon my heart lies quietly
Not beating for anybody
Still waiting for the magic kiss
To make it flutter alive again
The first time a man held it
Dropped it and let it break
Since then I couldn't repair it
But I believe if you
Hold my hand tight
Pull me close to you
Give me your strength
Together we could do anything
I believe in you
I believe you can make me believe in us
Reassemble the pieces of my broken heart
Do not let it code of the floor
My heart was a stone
But it's beating again
I thought I would never feel it drum

… Boom

…Found that extraordinary guy
I simply hope he won't be a lie
Please open my locked heart
Please save my stone heart
You broke my wings
You dragged me down
With every word you let me down
Nearly touching the ground
I knew what I had to do
Escape from you
Yet I kept listening to your lies
Staring death right in the eye
You dropped me down a cliff
Down in the water
I couldn't breathe

Still under deep water
I try to find my way out of the dark

On the edge of the cliff I imagine
You watched me fall with a smirk
I can still see the smile on your face
It was my turn to fly
But you cut out my wings and threw me down
Give me back my freedom
I've been drowning for too long,
Release me now
I would do anything to swim back out
A year ago I found my way back out. Tonight I found this poem and realized how far I have come. You didn't destroy me.
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