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6.2k · May 2014
The Goal
Tiffany May 2014
I want to give you something
You’ve never seen before
That gives you chills and makes you think
Ideas which you can’t ignore
4.6k · Apr 2014
This Game Of Thrones
Tiffany Apr 2014
Allies become foes and friends turn away
Loyalties are questioned, only the honorable stay
And so begins the fight, to claim the right of power
While a child claims the crown, sitting atop his lofty tower
The Stag is said to rule the seven, but all is not what it may seem
The Lion fights the Wolf, while the Dragons ready their queen
The kingdom will bathe in blood, and it is under the light of the moon
That alliances are broken, or saved from the brink of ruin
“For the night is dark, and full of terrors”
These new gods shake faith in the old with tremors
Winter is coming, it can be felt in the bones
But before it reaches, who will win this Game of Thrones?
Credit given to the genius George R.R. Martin
Created because I couldn't control the fangirl inside <3
4.4k · Jun 2014
Tiffany Jun 2014
You’ll take, the things which you are due
Forget, the things you’ve come to know
Accept, what we deem is true
Repay, the debt which you owe

Obey, the laws which we’ve set for you
Do not stray, from the lines of your confine
Conform, to our reality so new
Those boundaries, mark your life as mine

Explain, the way that you must feel
The *weak
submitting to their stronger foes
Being forced, to bow down and  kneel
Understand? How life really goes?
2.9k · Aug 2014
Wash Away
Tiffany Aug 2014
Now let the rain fall down
Just as my tears use to
And let the oceans rise
Wash away the thoughts of you

Take away the memories
Of all the things you said
Of all the things we did
Erase them from my head

As long as you're still here
I'll spend my sleepless nights
Plagued by the image of you
And all those senseless fights

Replace your velvet voice
With the thunder claps
And blind my sight to you
With the lightning flash

I'm moving on now
With the crashing waves
So let the waters flood
And send me to my grave
2.7k · May 2014
Playing God
Tiffany May 2014
When man plays God
We see where that leads
Down a dark winding path
To a place light recedes

The power of life and death
Is one all too often abused
By those who’d control the world
Leaving us dazed and confused

Let’s take this to a new level
One most would rather ignore
What about the criminals
We’ve sent to Satan’s door

Did we have the right to do such
Although it bettered mankind
Are we no better than them now
Caught in this killer’s state of mind

Now let’s bring in genetics
It’s incredible how far science has come
But to create life in a lab
Is the utmost sin, considered by some

Now consider a mother
With her child still within
Is it our place to pass judgement
Should she choose to abort what could've been

How can we dare to judge
Or think we know better
That our opinions are law
And apply to the world forever

When man plays God
No good can come forth
Only violence and bloodshed
And warfare on Earth
2.1k · Apr 2014
Tiffany Apr 2014
I wish words could express
The way my heart is aching
But this pain is like no other
My soul is slowly breaking

You snuck your way into my life
And left your heavy mark
How can I move on past
With this gaping wound, so dark?

You may as well have inked my skin
For there’s no chance I’ll forget
The emotions you’ve awakened inside
That now **** me with regret
1.9k · Oct 2014
Tiffany Oct 2014
So Alice fell down
The rabbit hole and she found
Her own *Wonderland
We're all mad here
1.9k · Apr 2014
I Learned From Your Mistake
Tiffany Apr 2014
What is there left to say
That you’d left me here for dead
You didn’t expect me to survive
Sorry to say, you’ve been misled

I slowly regained my senses
Letting my rage grow bottled inside
I’ll unleash my fury upon you
There’s no use in trying to hide

I’ll take back what you robbed me
A life filled with bliss
But I’ll do so quietly
I’ll **** you with my poison kiss

Hate does something peculiar
To the human heart
It’s made me shrewd and cunning
I’ll make your death a work of art

When you tried to **** me
You left too much at stake
You didn’t finish the job
But I've learned from your mistake
1.9k · Apr 2014
Tiffany Apr 2014
Sometimes I love you so much it scares me
And other times my hate for you knows no end
But when the day draws to a close
I know I can always call you friend

There are few people in this world
Who are blessed with such a gift
To know there’s just one person out there
Who honestly gives a ****

And for me that person is you
And I appreciate it more than you know
Because without you I’d be lost
And would never have the strength to go
1.4k · Apr 2014
Stop And Listen
Tiffany Apr 2014
I’m here to make a statement
No, I don’t give a ****
If you don’t like the way I’m dressed
Or that I’m not a timid “lamb”

I want to spread the word
Beauty is found within
We each have an inner fire
That makes the world spin

We have to look below the surface
To what each soul hides inside
Our power comes from this energy
It’s too powerful to override

Now some have trouble finding
This flame that makes up our essence
But tap into yourself
You’ll be sure to sense its presence

I want you all to know
You don’t have to bow down
Each of you is strong enough
To claim your rightful crown

You are your own master
You are your own hero
No one can overcome you
When you are your own pharaoh
1.3k · Apr 2014
Keep The Whisky
Tiffany Apr 2014
I’m setting off on my own
And wondered what you were thinking
But then again, you never cared
Just go back to your drinking

I’ll find my way, without you
And it’ll be easy you see
For I’ve been making it on my own
As long as my memory can remind me

Don’t trouble yourself, I know my way to the door
Go ahead and take another pull
You’ll need the ***** to keep you straight
When you realize your life isn’t worth bull
1.3k · May 2014
Tiffany May 2014
I’m alone again
The cold chilling my bones
Darkness creeping closer
In my tomb of stones
1.2k · May 2014
Inherit The Earth
Tiffany May 2014
We’ve been given the Earth
And told to fix their transgressions
But that’s easy for them to say
While they’re relaxing away in heaven

The generation before
Has really ******* us over
And if we don’t act quickly
We’ll be faced with some indecent exposure
1.2k · Feb 2014
Another Lovesick Poem
Tiffany Feb 2014
He gives me reason for being...
... Is that what you expected to hear?
Another lovesick poem, of a girls love revealed?

Not today, my sweets
I don’t need a man to be happy
Sorry if you wanted to hear, something a little bit more sappy

I’m strong and independent
I can manage on my own
I don’t mind the hours, spent single and alone

Now would I like a man?
Of course, you silly goose!
But I won’t whine and pass the time, pining for my zeus

If only there were more like me
Who acted more mature
And didn’t pause to wonder, what would give them more allure

Just live your life!
And your true love will come along
Perhaps we should put this message into a catchy song :o
1.1k · Feb 2014
Where Has The Time Gone
Tiffany Feb 2014
Where has the time gone? The years that have passed me by
Now a teenage girl in high school, tomorrow a mother and a wife
Today a rebel without a cause, tomorrow a conformist without a clue

The days seem to fly, since the time when I knew you
From a maiden to a lover, a lover to a crone, the stages of my life seem to blow away like smoke

The clock is ticking onward, the sand is running out
Skin once young and taunt, is wrinkled beyond a doubt
Hair a steely grey, body a huddled wreck
I guess this is the price we pay to finally earn respect
1.0k · Feb 2014
Forbidden Love
Tiffany Feb 2014
This forbidden love has left me broken
As time goes by, the words unspoken
Have kept me up through the night
Till dawn brought the morning light

Now I realize as the days pass into weeks and slowly fade away
So does our happy ever after
For this love was never meant to stay
1.0k · Aug 2014
Unknowing Slaves
Tiffany Aug 2014
We're bowing down to a system
Which uses us like pawns
Controlling our very actions
From the moment our first breath is drawn

We're not using our free will
If such a thing exists
They're subjecting us to their ideals
Molding our minds with an iron fist

I'm waking from this living nightmare
And why is it only me
Whose desperate to escape this fate
Why am I the only one to see

I try clawing my way out
But it's useless and I wonder
*Is it better to be aware and helpless
Or ignorant and still under?
895 · Apr 2014
Tiffany Apr 2014
Men go to battle
But women wage the war
The pen be her greatest weapon
Mightier than the sword

A woman knows the way to win
For it is she who beds the king
That holds the kingdom in her hand
And carries a fatal sting

She does not favor bloodshed
For poison is much cleaner
Pity those who cross her
For soon they’ll be taken by the “fever”

Men go to battle
But women wage the war
If you were expecting a damsel
You won’t find what you’re looking for
863 · Feb 2014
Thanks For The Heartache
Tiffany Feb 2014
Let’s rewind the clock
When it was just me and you
Let’s take it back
To when I didn’t have a clue

We were two crazy kids in love
And they said we’d last forever
But who were they to know you’d found
A secret hidden treasure

“X” marked the spot that led you to the bar
And a redhead named Denise
She knew all the right things to say
And made your heartbeat increase

Had it been a one night stand
I may have been able to forget
But when you snuck off every night
You lost my respect

We’re separated now
And I heard she left you hangin’
But don’t think you can call me up
That ship has done gone sailin’

I’ve got a new man now
And he’s everything I wished for
I wanted to say thanks for the heartache
And I don’t miss you anymore
832 · Apr 2017
Tiffany Apr 2017
I miss when life was simpler
When Death was just a thought
but the  innocence of childhood is a jewel which can't be bought.

Those memories too often come flooding back
A reminder of what once was and what I've come to lack
I miss when life was simpler and wish for the days
When Death was just a musing
And time was void of that desolate haze

I miss when life was simpler and long for the days of self assurance
For when Death becomes reality
Such qualities rarely stand with endurance.

Death is part of life, but I wish that it was simpler.
818 · Mar 2015
My Guardian Angel
Tiffany Mar 2015
You’ve come back in my life
Like the dawn in the night
Chasing away the shadows
That haunt my broken mind

My life was left in shambles
I was ripping at the seams
But now you’re back again
It’s like I’m in a dream

And if it’s true I’m merely dreaming
I hope to never wake
For to live without you after this
Would be more than I could take

So take me into your arms
And keep me from the pain
Be my guardian angel
Never leave my side again
<3 D.A.R. <3
810 · Mar 2014
When I'm Gone
Tiffany Mar 2014
When I'm gone
Will you miss me?
Will you shed a tear?
Will you look back on the memories,
We once held so dear?

When I'm gone
Will you move on,
To bigger and better things?
Will you keep me in mind,
When you're spreading your wings?

When I'm gone
Will you still love me,
Even when you love another?
Will I stay in your heart forever,
Or would this cause you to smother?

When I'm gone
I won't come back
Though I so wish I could
I just wonder if you want the same
Or if you're glad I'm gone for good.....
765 · Feb 2014
A Cynical World
Tiffany Feb 2014
This Cynical World has me spinning
From war and hate to the abuse we'll never escape
It almost doesn't seem worth it, going through this day to day
Born in this world of pain only to die again
I need something to believe in or I won't survive, give me a reason for living this senseless life

Fire, earthquake, famine, and flood
Violence between neighbors till the streets run with blood
We build up these empires to watch them fall
I just have one question, what's the point of it all?

I can't take this pressure the stress is making me drown, I won't last much longer the currents pulling me down
Your arms are like preservers, your touch filled with sureness, reach into the waters and pull me above the surface

You try so hard to bring back my innocence
But after a day in this world nothing makes sense
Only in your arms can I find my solace, my reason for existing
And still you plead for me to see not everything in life is so persisting
Tell me why we're put on Earth for such a short time, if we'll die in the end why should we even try?

"Think of it as a milestone in the journey you've led, with death just a pit stop on the long road ahead
Besides who's to know what happens when you're dead?"

"Know I'm here for you morning, noon, or night and together we can create our own slice of paradise
Enjoy the time we have before the sand runs out; don't agonize over this mystery forever shrouded in doubt
The world holds such beauty of the likes we'll never know, if only you'd open your eyes and see the show
You'll realize life is still worth living, even if so many are unforgiving."
737 · Feb 2014
Soldier Brave
Tiffany Feb 2014
Dawn is coming
Soldier brave
So is war
To take you away

One last kiss
Before we depart
Before you leave
Taking my heart

When sailing on the open sea
Going farther away from me
Remember that I love you so
And soldier brave, hurry home
736 · Mar 2014
A Bloodthirsty Cycle
Tiffany Mar 2014
The wood is rough against his skin
As he anchors himself down
There’s a full moon rising in the sky
He must protect his little town

He feels the change down to his core
And tries not to cry out
But when the rope digs into his skin
A snarl is brought about

Sweat breaks out over his body
And he writhes in agony
The beast inside, fights to the surface
Longing for total insanity

Bones break, muscles stretch
But this is not for the first time
Nor the last, for the cycle will go on
Till someone puts an end to his crime

The rope snaps and he falls to all four
Gasping to catch his breath
The panic sets in as his vision blurs
And he senses the grip of death

Then just as quick as it came
The pain is gone again
And in his place is left a wolf
With eyes full of sin
Whose afraid of the big bad wolf?
714 · Jul 2014
Leap Of Faith
Tiffany Jul 2014
So you asked me to write
And explain how I feel
But to be perfectly honest
I’m not sure what’s real

My mind is pretty ****** up
And my issues make me a mess
Then again you already knew that
It’s not all that hard to guess

Keeping that in mind
Know trusting isn’t my strong suit
I’ve grown so used to lies
Trust is practically uncouth

Just my writing this says something
I’m taking a leap of faith
Know I’m laying down my cards
And it’ll **** me if you’re a fake

With that being said
You’re constantly on my mind
I’m always wondering what you’re doing
And if your thoughts are close to mine

I think you’re adorable and ****
Plus you get me like no one else
You’re the sweetest guy ever
Even when you’re being a **** xP

I wish you were here
and not 6,000 miles away
I wish you could really hold me
Every moment of every day

I started out writing
Unsure and in doubt of
But I think what I’m starting to realize
Is I’m slowly falling in love

So ask me again if I love you
And my answer will be the same
But just read over these words
And you’ll see what I’m afraid to say
some parts are rather meh o.O
709 · Sep 2014
The Ultimate Betrayl
Tiffany Sep 2014
I pace along the cold, sterile halls, the stench of cleaning supplies and death invading my senses. I struggle to keep my breathing even. I can’t break down here. I have to keep it together. I can feel the burn of the nurses’ sympathetic glances like an iron, leaving their marks of pity seared into my flesh. Their hushed whispers drift to my ears and I clench my eyes against the tears threatening to stream down my face.

They don’t know what they’re talking about. They don’t know about the promise you made me; that when this was all over we’d walk out of this cesspool of disease together. I take a deep breath and lean against the wall for support. My heart feels as though its on the verge of shattering, each breath sends waves of piercing pain into my chest. I wrap my arms around myself, hoping to hold myself together, to keep the pieces of my soul from crumbling apart.
The ring resting on my left hand seems to weigh a thousand pounds, as I look down at the diamond glimmering weakly under the fluorescent lighting. I stare at that ring, searching for the answers of what the future holds for us.

I’m still staring at that **** ring when the doctor finds me.

“Mrs. Payne?” I hear a voice call gently. I jump slightly, looking up into a pair of concerned grey eyes.

“It’s Ms. Roberts,” I correct him softly. “We’re getting married in the fall.” my voice is so quiet, I’m not sure if he heard me or not. I’m not sure why, but I have to make sure he understands when the wedding is; so no matter what he tells me, he knows you’ll be there to take me as your wife in just a few weeks.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Roberts,” he says. “If you follow me, I’ll take you to your fiance.” I nod my head robotically and walk stiffly beside him through the double doors which had been sealed shut for what seemed an eternity. He leads me to a closed door and pauses before turning the handle. He studies my face as words pour from his mouth and I nod my head methodically, not hearing a syllable. All I can think of is you waiting on the other side, with that crooked grin you save just for me.

“Do you understand what I’ve told you ma’am?” the doctor asks.

“Of course,” I say, smiling weakly and he frowns slightly but finally opens the door. I rush inside and with one look at the bed I feel my stomach drop and the world spins around me.

Your skin is deathly pale, lacking the natural glow that always seems to surround you. Tubes and wires connect you to the many machines sitting nearby, almost as if you’re a human pin cushion. I move to take a step forward and feel my knees buckle.  The doctor grabs me around the waist and leads me to the chair by your side. I sit down heavily and vaguely hear him mention that he’ll be back in a moment. It’s as if my entire world is collapsing in this one moment.

We’re completely alone now and I allow myself to really look at you. Your face is so peaceful, lacking the pain that’s twisted your handsome features for so long now. I wonder what you’re dreaming of, if you’re even dreaming at all. I reach a shaking hand out to touch you and cry out at how cold you are. I entwine my fingers through yours and squeeze hard, begging you silently to wake up and tell me how ridiculous I’m being. You always were the reasonable one, talking me down whenever I let my imagination get the better of me. However, the longer I sit there, the longer I listen to the sound of your heart monitor, the more I doubt what you said.

I feel a single tear slide down my cheek and bring our joined hands to my lips, pressing a kiss against your skin. The doctor is back now, followed by the nurses and their looks of idiotic compassion. As if they could possibly understand what is happening. He puts a hand on my shoulder and tells me it’s time. Time for what? I keep my eyes trained on your face, waiting to see those warm brown eyes of yours meet mine and sooth the pain away.

But your eyes stay shut and suddenly I hear the sound of your heart flat line. I watch as what little tension there was in your face fades into nothing. I watch the moment death lead you away from me. The nurses try to comfort me and lead me away, but I can’t leave you. I clutch your hand against my chest and feel my shoulders shake. There’s no stopping it this time. You’ve left me. You were my world, my everything and now I have nothing. The sobs wrack my entire body as I let go of the fight I had left. You told me you would always be here.

*You lied.
693 · Feb 2015
Too Much, Too Soon
Tiffany Feb 2015
I gave away too much,
too soon.
I gave him all I had to give,
and now I'm empty,
I loved him with all my soul,
too much, too soon.
Now he's gone, moved on,
but I remain.
Always the last one standing,
but the pain is ever present.
It's the one thing,
that stays the same,
and I tried to change,
too much, too soon.
Now I hardly know myself,
Who am I
without you?
I can feel myself slipping...
waiting to catch me,
hold me close,
the way you did,
to whisper words so sweet,
that brush against the skin,
like a lovers caress.
Do you remember those words?
because I recall them clearly,
too much, too soon.
They keep flooding back,
and now I can't sleep,
now I can't be,
without seeing your face.
I tried to stay away,
too much, too late.
682 · Apr 2014
Tiffany Apr 2014
Hell hath no fury
Like that of a woman scorned
And soon, love, you’ll realize
The beast you have transformed
656 · May 2014
Tiffany May 2014
Are you up to the challenge of being my savior?
Can you muster up what it takes to bring me home?
Is my faith in you well spent ?
Or am I destined to wander, lost and alone

I don’t need your excuses
Nor do I crave your well meant intent
What I require is certainty
I may one day escape this torment

I need a hero to save me
Because this time I can’t save myself
I need that knight in shining armour
Because how can you survive when the enemy is yourself?
640 · May 2014
Two Birds, One Stone
Tiffany May 2014
Look at what you’ve pushed me to
But if you think I’m going out alone
The joke here is on you

You made life hell, you made love ****
Think you’ll get away with that?
Think again, because this is it

I’m bowing out, and you’re coming too
I’m doing the world a service
By getting rid of you
Say goodbye
639 · Oct 2014
A New Day
Tiffany Oct 2014
Give me one last kiss
Before the moon fades away
Bringing a new day
624 · Apr 2015
Forever & Always
Tiffany Apr 2015
The night settles around me as I make my way down the winding path that leads away from the old iron gates. I let my mind wander as my body carries me forward to the spot I’ve been so many times before. There’s a heavy weight on my shoulders and I bite my lip against the pain that threatens to tear me apart. How many nights have I spent here since you left?

The wind gently ruffles my hair and a faint smile crosses my lips. I breath in the cool air and feel it soothe my thoughts. This isn’t why I’ve come here tonight.

My legs come to a stop and I take in my surroundings. The moon bathes the area in a pale light and the willow trees sway gently in the breeze. There’s a sense of calm that envelops me whenever I come here and I feel it now, wrapping me in a sphere of tranquility. I sink to the ground and lean against the stone the way I have for years now.

The flowers that I left last week are starting to wither, the edges of the once brilliant red petals curling in on themselves. I let my fingers brush against them and rest my cheek against the chilled marble. I remember the first time I came here. My mind was spiraling into insanity. I’d gone running down the path in the darkness, feeling as if I were fighting to stay alive. The tears that blurred my vision had my make up streaking my face like war paint. I’d collapsed in the spot I am now, throwing myself into the dirt and letting the sobs rack my body. I stayed there like that, reveling in the pain and anguish I felt until dawn brought the light and unwanted help. I felt so betrayed when you left.

I squeeze my eyes shut, pushing the painful memory from my thoughts and shake myself. I clear my throat nervously and stare down at my hands.

“Hey baby, it’s me again.” I say quietly into the silence.

“I’ve been keeping myself busy like you wanted, I even got a job.” I giggle and glance up.

“It’s not much of a job, but it’s something. And I…” I take a deep breath and steel myself against the wave of emotion that washes over me.

“I met someone.” There. I said it.

“He’s a really nice guy, baby. He asked if I wanted to go out sometime and I told him I’d think about it. I was going to tell him no, but then I realized something.” I blink away the tears that I can’t hold back any longer and struggle to keep my voice even.

“I realized I want to be remembered by more than just a tombstone.” I choke on my words and dig my nails into the pad of my hand. I try to get a hold over myself and smile weakly. You always hated it when I cried.

“I’ll always love you baby, but I have to move on. And I know you’ve been telling me that for months now… I just wasn’t listening. I miss you so much…” I wipe my tears from my face and swallow the sob that tried to escape my throat.

I climb to my feet and rest a hand on top of the stone that stands in your memory. I know I can’t hold myself here forever… You wouldn’t want me to anyway. I lift my hand to my lips then press a kiss to your grave.

“I love you. Forever and always.” I whisper and turn away. As I begin the walk back through the cemetery I take in all the markers of those who’ve come and gone. How many of them were taken away too soon? Or left on their own?

I reach the gates and cast one look back to where you lay and I see the light shining on your flowers. Only instead of withered and dying, they’re as fresh as they day I left them. I bite my lip and smile, looking down and laughing. I blow one final kiss and walk away with the memories that will last forever and always.
619 · Apr 2014
The World Upon My Shoulders
Tiffany Apr 2014
With all these burdens on my mind
I find myself weighed down
I bare the world upon my shoulders
Making Atlas seem like a clown

This weight is so heavy
I feel it in my soul
It’s like a curse delivered
Determined to crush me whole

What did I possibly do
To be granted such a charge
I cannot hope to sustain it long
For this given task is one much too large
597 · Feb 2014
My Goddess
Tiffany Feb 2014
I gaze upon Her beauty
And am humbled by the sight
The vision of my Goddess
The embodiment of Moonlight

The Night cloaks Her body
And creates a star studded gown
Her hair cascades into the dark
Upon Her brow rests a silver crown

The Shadows meld against Her skin
Which glows with ethereal light
My Mother, born in Darkness
Keeper of the Night

But Her eyes are what captured my attention
They were so full of Love
She knew me as Her Daughter
And the woman I had Become

Her picture seared into my mind
And I know that I am blessed
She graced me with Her Image
And I know I passed the test
574 · Mar 2014
Walk Away From The Sun
Tiffany Mar 2014
Walk away from the sun
Forget what you’ve done

Give the darkness a try
Kiss your nightmares goodbye

For in the darkness you see
We’re all family

And in the shadows we thrive
Do more than survive

Give up your inhibitions
We’re all on the same mission

To live a life so sweet
We all feel complete

Give the darkness a try
Embrace the dark side

Walk away from the sun
Forget what you’ve done
Tiffany Feb 2014
Hush now, little one, it’ll all be over soon
The sun will bring the light, and hide away the moon
Close those big blue eyes, and listen to my heart
Hear the steady beat, and feel your fears depart

I am here tonight

Hush now, little one, it’ll all be over soon
Come and huddle close, while I hum this little tune
Mommy knows you’re scared, and I was once scared too
But my mom was there for me and I am here for you

I am here tonight

Hush now, little one, it’ll all be over soon
Ignore the flash of light and the clap of thunderous doom
Instead look at me and slowly fade into sleep
relax your mind and rest it, forget the world so deep

I am here tonight

Hush now, little one, it’ll all be over soon
I’ll hold you close and keep you safe
As you drift to sleep
Your tiny little soul, like a flower soon to bloom
Will flourish through the storm

I am here tonight

Now there will come a day when I will be gone
But still I’ll watch over you
Know I love you little one
And it’ll all be over soon
553 · Feb 2015
Where Is My Knight
Tiffany Feb 2015
I'm trapped in my tower
Begging to be free
Oh, where is my knight
Who'll come rescue me?

I bide my time
By the window in vain
Oh, where is my knight
When will he come again?

I'm trapped in my tower
Of self loathing and doubt
Oh, where is my knight
It's his name I call out

I'm losing my mind
In my tower so high
Oh, where is my knight
I'm tempted to fly

*I was trapped in my tower
But now I am free
I lost my knight
And now he's lost me..
552 · Apr 2017
State of Chaos
Tiffany Apr 2017
We’re living in a time of pandemonium,
living in a land of confusion.
Led down a path of violence and disorder,
forgetting the aspects of being human.

Our world is in a state of chaos
with discrimination, rash actions, violation of rights
Bombing foreign nations
Infringing women’s liberty in the dead of night

We’re losing sight of compassion
With war and destruction looming overhead
Fear and distrust running rampant
Hope for humanity seemingly left for dead

Denying sexuality and personal identity
And riots around the clock
Then with shootings becoming a norm
It’s difficult dealing with the shock

Though times are unclear in this our current hour
One thing is certain
If we don’t change our ways, the story of mankind
Will come to an end with the drop of a curtain.
549 · Apr 2014
Tiffany Apr 2014
If I could fly away
You know that I would

I’d leave behind this cold existence
Feel the wind give it’s sweet resistance

I’d set my cares free
and learn what it meant to simply be

Cut the binding iron strings
and focus on the breeze beneath my wings
I’d break the chains that kept me here
Forget the sense of hatred and fear

Dive into the world I’ve imagined in my dreams
and embrace the sun’s bright, golden beams

If only I could fly away
You know that I would, how could there be doubt
When you’ve seen what I’ve withstood
549 · Apr 2014
A Proposal
Tiffany Apr 2014
Her vision blurred
As she watched him kneel
He looked upon her with love
And yet she felt so surreal

He took her hand
And she fought for air
He whispered his vows
And she melted in his stare

She loved this man
With all her heart
And with one word
They’d never be apart

She nodded her head
And he held her close
She squeezed him with all she had
And her pressure rose

Thanks for this he said
She smiled and looked away
I know she’ll say yes now
She knew not what to say

You’re the greatest friend I have
He told her with a grin
She laughed her way through the pain
And imagined what could have been
Tiffany Jun 2014
Words are always good and well
But it’s on your actions my mind does dwell
The way your lips make their slow attack
Leaves me helpless and coming back

I know it’s too much to hope for more
So hush and remind me why I choose to ignore
The fact I’m just another face in the sea
Show me why I’ve allowed this to be

Don’t the ruin the moment with what comes to mind
Because your actions capture it all just fine
They speak much louder than any words
So leave your ruinous comments to the birds
543 · May 2014
Lost For Words
Tiffany May 2014
I’m finding it harder to write now
When the words once leapt on screen
Now the flow’s slowed to a trickle
A pale version of it’s former gleam

I once wrote this was my lifesblood
And if this were to be true
I find my strength depleting
Just barely able to scrape through

Can you sense I’m passing
From this world into the next
Cause of death: Exsanguination
Due to scarcity of text
543 · Aug 2017
in their eyes
Tiffany Aug 2017
there's magic in the moonlight
like the magic in her eyes
it bathes the world in silver light
casting shadows as passions arise

there's heat in the night
like the fire in his eyes
it burns and rages between them
cries rising like smoke to the skies

there's chaos in the darkness
like the chaos in their eyes
it envelops their logical minds
their bodies slave to the prize

there's peace in the shadows
like the peace that enters their eyes
it settles in the bones and souls
with whispers that bring forth the sunrise
538 · Apr 2014
Tiffany Apr 2014
It’s all happening so fast
The panting breath, roaming hands
The clothes strewn floor, tangled limbs
I know this isn’t what we planned

But it’s happening now and I want to say
Before you quietly sneak away
I don’t regret a single thing
I only wish that you could stay

And when I pass you by
We’ll share a secret little smile
And relive those fiery moments
That made it all worthwhile
519 · Mar 2014
Yes, We Are Women
Tiffany Mar 2014
Yes, I am a Woman
But I am much more than that
I am more than thighs and hips
I have dreams and ambition
Not a slave for your kicks

Yes, I am a Woman
I am not a trophy to be won
Not a game to be played
I am a human being
Do not drag me through this charade

Yes, we are Women
And we come in all shapes and sizes
We are your Mothers, Sisters, Friends, and Wives
We are your equals
Do not subject us to lies

Yes, we are Women
Living in an unfair world
Striving for an impossible image
KIlling ourselves in the name of perfection
All too often, becoming a percentage

Yes, we are Women
And we know how it should be
You should treat us with respect
Love, care, and dignity
Do not grow angry when we are not what you expect

Yes, we are Women
And we will slowly rise above
And I wish it would end tonight
But the truth of the matter is
We will always be looked down on from sight

We are Women, hear us roar
You are the captain of your fate,
you are the master of your soul
504 · Mar 2014
A Tribute To My Girls
Tiffany Mar 2014
Here’s to the girls who can drive me crazy
we fight,
we curse,
and want to **** each other
But in the end, we still love one another

Here’s to the girls I’ll never forget
those late night drives,
boy crazy moments,
and 7 am wake up calls, I’ll always remember
even when the fire of my life burns down to an ember

Here’s to the girls who have stood by me
we can talk about anything,
or nothing at all,
and still gain some comfort
With just a minimal effort

Here’s to the girls who are my sisters
no, we’re not blood,
we don’t look alike,
and even though we may be neither
We’ve come to learn some things run deeper

Here’s to the girls that make life worth living
we’ve grown up together,
laughed together,
and cried together, but if one day we stray apart
That’s okay, because they’ll each have a place in my heart

Here’s to the girls that I hope will read this
You are beautiful,
You are strong,
And you will do great things
You’re just learning to fly, just now spreading your wings

Those are my girls, and I hope they’ll remember
This little poem I wrote, when they’ve moved on to something better
All the rainy days will pass, but I’ll still be here
Standing in the past, with the sunlight shining clear
489 · Nov 2014
I'll Carry On
Tiffany Nov 2014
I'm waiting by the phone
For a call that never comes
I'll sit here in the silence
With my broken heart, so numb

It's when you act like it's alright
I know that nothing's fine
You can try to tell your lies
But you were never really mine

Those three little words
Thrown around so much
Have they lost their meaning?
They've lost their euphoric rush

I want to beg, down on my knees
But I will never stoop to that level
I'll keep my pride and carry on
No matter how I may tremble
482 · Mar 2014
Can You Imagine?
Tiffany Mar 2014
Once you’ve been to the breaking point
There’s a mark on your soul forever
A wound that deep doesn’t disappear
It’ll heal, but the scar will leave you never

I can still picture in my mind
The little pills piled in my hand
The knot in my stomach
Things going as planned

I remember the panic
When I swallowed those pills
Throwing them back up
Too scared to make the ****

Isn’t that human nature though
Survival drilled into our being
Even when you want it all to end
That ******* instinct keeps your heart beating

I look back on those days
And still feel the shame
Thinking those watchful eyes knew my secret
Stupid I know, but I felt it just the same

Can you imagine the desperation
To be at the end of your rope?
Then living with those actions forever
Struggling to recapture lost hope
Well can you?
481 · Apr 2014
A Fool's State Of Mind
Tiffany Apr 2014
Allow me to take a moment
To say these trifle things
Humor me, my friend
A fool’s words can take to wing

The man you hold so dear
A husband he will not make
His kind do not stay
So don’t settle for a fake

I know you are oblivious
To his nocturnal affairs
You are too sweet and trusting
And that this catches you unawares

I merely have your best interests
In mind when I say this
Your lover is a *******
Don’t sucumb to his sweet kiss

You say that I am crazy
I don’t know him like you do
But tell me dear, where is he now?
Don’t know?
Then tell me who’s really the fool
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