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454 · May 2014
Too Late
Tiffany May 2014
Mommy, Mommy please don’t leave me here
Don’t you see the cuts?
Oh wait, no they disappeared

Daddy, Daddy why can’t you read the fear in my eyes?
No no, forget it
Just leave me alone with these lies

Brother, Brother you were supposed to protect me
Didn’t you hear my screams?
Don’t worry, nevermind, I’ll set you free

Sister, Sister I thought we were best friends
You missed my pain!
Oh well I guess all friendships are destined to end

Where was my family when they were needed?
Too busy dealing with **** that they missed my pleading
I wonder if now they see my tears
Hey there, Mommy! See! See! Those scars were real!
And Daddy, I’m so sorry to say
You won’t be seeing much in my eyes now from this day

Big brother, do your hear my cries now?
Funny how when you’re gone your voice suddenly becomes so loud
And sister I guess you realized it, ‘cause you forgot your boyfriend
That never happened when I was there, gee I wonder how long I’ll contend
What’s the big deal? You never cared when I was there
What’s the use now in all of those stupid prayers?

See I’m gone and I can’t come back
Dead is dead and now I’m lost in the black
But what I think is the most ****** up thing
Is how the darkness took me up under it’s wing
Now I’m at peace, wrapped up in it’s embrace
And you’re left here alone with the guilt you must face
450 · Mar 2014
Can You Imagine?
Tiffany Mar 2014
Once you’ve been to the breaking point
There’s a mark on your soul forever
A wound that deep doesn’t disappear
It’ll heal, but the scar will leave you never

I can still picture in my mind
The little pills piled in my hand
The knot in my stomach
Things going as planned

I remember the panic
When I swallowed those pills
Throwing them back up
Too scared to make the ****

Isn’t that human nature though
Survival drilled into our being
Even when you want it all to end
That ******* instinct keeps your heart beating

I look back on those days
And still feel the shame
Thinking those watchful eyes knew my secret
Stupid I know, but I felt it just the same

Can you imagine the desperation
To be at the end of your rope?
Then living with those actions forever
Struggling to recapture lost hope
Well can you?
441 · Feb 2015
Tiffany Feb 2015
I'm falling,
What do I do?
Oh baby, please baby,
I can't lose you too.
Say you won't leave me,
say you'll stay forever.
I'd prefer you to mean it,
but I'll take what you offer.
Things are changing
so quickly.
And I'm getting left in the dust.
But baby, sweet baby,
I'm giving you my trust.
In this time that I'm weak,
I'm giving you my heart,
because they say love is never unsure.
I know that I love you,
beyond any doubt.
But baby, oh baby,
haven't you figured it out?
My world is a wreck;
I'm too flawed for your perfection,
and I'm scared you only want me,
to get an *******.
I don't know what I'd do,
if that turned out to be true.
You're all I have left,
just me and you.
So promise me baby,
you're here for keeps,
because my broken mind can't handle,
what your absence would reap.
439 · Mar 2014
Tiffany Mar 2014
They say I have talent
but what does that mean
when I don’t have the courage
to follow my dreams

I’ve heard the things they say
One day I’ll make it big
But do they even realize
I’m standing on a twig

My body weighing it down
In no time I’ll come crashing
down from their expectations
and they’ll know it was all for *nothing
429 · Aug 2017
Tiffany Aug 2017
love is balance
push and pull
give and take
like a scale
it cannot exist
when one side
outweighs the other
429 · Apr 2014
Tiffany Apr 2014
This is where it starts
The beginning of the end
Life is crashing down
We were too late to mend

It took only but a moment
To listen to a strangers word
But we were too distracted
And the needy went unheard

Man must help his fellow man
Or all hope is lost
This came to be our downfall
Our selfishness has a cost

There is no higher price to pay
Than for the sin of our apathy
“This isn’t my responsibility”
That was our greatest fallacy

This is where it starts
The beginning of the end
Life is crashing down
And we're too late to mend
428 · Oct 2014
My Only
Tiffany Oct 2014
Death is my only
Escape from this living hell
So long and good bye
425 · Mar 2014
Chapter Gone By
Tiffany Mar 2014
This was nothing but a phase
A twisted waste of time
A chapter of my life
Your lovesick hate crime

I’m moving on from this
But what could I say of you?
You’re trapped inside the past
Blindsided by the truth

I never really loved you
I figured that you knew
I shied from your touch
and did all I could to avoid you

Don’t get me wrong
I thought we had something too
But when it came to love
I realized it was nothing true

You have beauty on the outside
But what I came to see
Was your twisted heart of coal
So I set myself free
Not sure about this one, would love some ideas
418 · Mar 2015
Yours & Mine
Tiffany Mar 2015
You're mine
Every essence of your being
Belongs to only me
The way you smile and laugh
The way your eyes burn when you gaze at me
I own the curve of your face
And the sharp edges of your frame
You are mine
Mind, body, and name.
But just as you are mine
I too belong to you
My every thought and moment
Every action that I do
The reason that I laugh,  the reason that I breath
You're the reason that I live
My love, my king
You are my one and only
And my heart is in your hand
I'm yours and you're mine
That's all they need to understand
417 · Feb 2014
The Unexpected Goodbye
Tiffany Feb 2014
You know she’d wait forever
A grin lighting your face
Drop your bag on the front step
Take a deep breath and reach into space

With a knock on the door
You announce your presence
Your finally home
You can taste her essence

The door swings open to reveal a man
Dark hair and light eyes
Can I help you, he says
Confusion sparks to life

I’m sorry I must have the wrong house
You say with a smile
He nods his head and backs away
When you see the tiny child

She grips her mother’s leg
And your eyes climb above
Where you meet her dreamy gaze
And your heart stills with a thud

Her lips parted gently
And her hair laying loose
A hand rises to her throat
And you resist the urge to accuse

The man looks between you two
And asks what is the matter
Silence is his only answer
And your world slowly shatters

Tear your gaze from her tear filled eyes
And shake your head goodbye
Nothing friend, I just miss my love
And turn your back on her cry

Leave the world you knew behind
As her desperate shouts haunt your mind
But keep on walking just the same
And they said love was blind
416 · Apr 2016
From the Ashes
Tiffany Apr 2016
Your burned me from the inside out,
now all that's left are ashes.

I felt the fire of desire,
but never did I question.
Just how these flames would leave me scorched
and desperate for salvation.

I was too young to comprehend
how high the flames would grow,
and over time I was
engulfed by your inferno.

I can't remember life inside the fire,
but I have the scars upon my skin,
as proof I've been to Hell and back,
as proof of our sin.

Despite these brands that mark me,
despite your haunting warmth that remains,
I'll find my way back to reality.
I'll find a way to live again.

You burned me from the inside out,
but I will rise from the ashes.
414 · Feb 2014
Tiffany Feb 2014
Darkness all around me, closing in on every side
Knowing that you've left me, I've nothing left to hide
How could you chose another, after what we shared
But now our love is gone, broken and bare

I don't understand, why I still feel the way I do
When apparently, she's the only one for you
Though my mind tells me it's over, my heart won't seem to get
The message that you're sending, to tell me to forget
412 · Feb 2014
Tiffany Feb 2014
Society has an image
Of whom we're all meant to be
But life is what you make it
You can be anything you dream

Fear is just a state of mind
It exists only if you allow it
The darkness that hangs around
Is nothing more than shadowed ground

We start at a disadvantage
Victims of our own desires
We crave law and order
A tyrant is what we require

This is our subconscious
What we feel beneath the surface
But in our every waking moment
To be free is our main purpose
410 · Nov 2014
Tiffany Nov 2014
I know I shouldn’t take them
But they make me feel alive
These tiny pills in my hand
I need them to survive

Oh wait! I didn’t mean it
I can quit them when I please
Don’t look at me like that!
I can do without these!

Okay so maybe I can’t …
But it’s not that big a deal
I’ll just take them when I need to
I’ve got a will of steel!

So maybe I’m no superman…
What do you want? I’m only human!
Don’t judge me for my choices
My life isn’t in ruin!

At least not yet anyway…
But I know I have to have them!
The consequences be ******!
I’ll go crazy without ‘em

I know you think I’m losing it
But honestly I’ve never felt better…
Now where the hell are those pills?!?
I have to have them more than ever!
407 · Dec 2014
In The Moonlight
Tiffany Dec 2014
I’m trapped inside the moonlight
with you laying close to me
I’m not sure of this reality
because it’s made up of my dreams

I’m scared if I close my eyes
you’ll slip and fade away
I can’t believe you’re here with me
what can I do to make you stay

I’m torn inside the moonlight
my heart is a battleground
I shouldn’t be here with you tonight
but I feel so safe and sound

I trace your body with my fingertips
and forever locked in my memories
are the beat of your heart, the warmth of your skin
I’ll remember them for centuries

I embrace you in the moonlight
and ignore the ramifications
The voices that say you’re just a phase
Don’t understand what we have is gravitational

I couldn’t stay away if I wanted
and for you I know it’s the same
I love you and every fiber of your being
your body, your soul, your name
397 · Nov 2014
Where Do I Belong?
Tiffany Nov 2014
I know the place I want to be,
wrapped up in your arms
Where I fit so perfectly
Safe from all worldly harm

At least that’s what I once thought
but the years have taught me different
so many bitter battles fought...
I suppose my love wasn’t sufficient

I know the place I want to be,
forever in your view
where your gaze washes over me
like the sea, refreshing through and through

At least that’s what I once thought
but the dawn has taught me different
It brought the light, and you’ve been caught
revealing your lies, so incoherent

I knew the place I wanted to be
but now I know it’s wrong
you never really loved me...
*Now where do I belong?
397 · Feb 2014
Slipping Away
Tiffany Feb 2014
I’ll close my eyes and let go
Of all the memories we made
I’ll let them flow away
Like the blood from this blade

I see her in your arms
And it cuts me to the quick
There isn’t much that hurts me more
Now my wrists are feeling slick

I don’t do it for attention
Or to get you back
I do it for the pain
It helps keep me on track

I can focus on the pain
And it gets me through the night
Which is when I miss you most
When the moon is shining bright

I’m getting dizzy now
But I still see your face
You’ll always be a part of me
You’ll witness my disgrace

The tears are flowing now
As the world is growing black
But I still hear your voice
Like it’s sounding through a crack

You’re calling out her name
And I feel my heart give way
Why is it that in death
You still cast me astray?
395 · Apr 2014
When The Dog Days Are Over
Tiffany Apr 2014
When you call me baby
I feel my pressure rise
My blood starts to boil
And I come alive inside

Tell me that you love me
But do you really mean it
I know you love my body
But do you love my spirit?

The way we move together
It’s like we’re meant to be
We fit together like a puzzle
I’m a lock and you’re the key

Let me hear you say it
I’m the only one for you
Know my heart can’t take it
If it isn’t true

Those long summer nights
With skin against skin
Is what plays out in my dreams
Those nights you made my world spin

But all of that means nothing
If you think I’m just a phase
Because I love you: mind, body, and soul
And will want you for the rest of my days
395 · Jun 2014
Tiffany Jun 2014
Somehow I let this under my skin
Their laughter taunting my heart
Hateful words driving me to sin
Tearing my life apart

It’s too difficult to ignore
I can’t hold my head high
The whispered word “*****”
Has me averting eyes

I shouldn’t care what they think
They don’t even matter
But the rumors are pushing me to the brink
One more shove and I’ll shatter

I may not look it on the outside
But within there is a constant struggle
To keep myself along for the ride
And get back up once I’ve stumbled
394 · Feb 2014
Those Left Behind
Tiffany Feb 2014
So we set it on fire
Step back and watch it burn
Let the smoke fill the sky
And make the world learn

We will not be forgotten
Born into this broken world
We will rise above
We will not be deterred

The young and the dying
The hope of tomorrow
We’ll command our armies
Of heartbreak and sorrow

We’ll remind you who we are
We’ll storm into the streets
We’ll capture your attention
And steal away your peace

We’ll march to the beat of our hearts
The ****** and the broken
We’ll show our strength in numbers
And speak the words unspoken

Our only hope is this:
To awaken your compassion
For in this place of pretend perfection
There’s life you can’t imagine
Tiffany Mar 2014
My days are plagued with thoughts
of a dream so long ago
One in which I met a man
who set my heart aglow

We danced the night away
beneath the bright, full moon
He spun me ‘round with such ease
to his charm I was not immune

He held me as the sun came up
but I was left frigid and forsaken
The place in bed beside me empty,
hating the moment I was awakened

My minds been haunted
with the image of that night
In which I finally felt complete
as if this man made it all right

I was thinking this over
one morning with the day still young
When I stepped onto the bridge
and felt an otherworldly tug

I looked up from the view
of the sunrise on the lake
And caught the gaze of someone
I’d convinced myself was fake

Low an behold, who would you believe
was standing on the edge
Locking eyes with me
prepared to jump from the ledge

That charming smile slowly appeared
on the man who’d sent my world into a frenzy
Time seemed to grind to a hault
as I gazed into those eyes that watched me so gently

He climbed over the rail
and we slowly came together
Just inches in between
my heart light as a feather

When he placed his hand in mine
I knew he was the one
Who’d shared a moment of space and time
and that my heart was won
389 · Apr 2014
Who Would've Guessed
Tiffany Apr 2014
His lips were velvet soft and his voice a smooth caress
The words he spoke were so enticing, charged with a magnetic pull
I knew it futile to resist, and gave in to his finesse

I let him take control and he stole me from my bed
He took me to a place, of the likes I’d never seen
And with his arms around me, I listened to the words he said

“Let me take you from this world, into one you never knew
You’ll never want for anything, and your desire will be quenched
Come my sweet innocent, and I’ll prove my words to be true”

So I let him take me away, from this earthly corruption
And I’ve never come back to this day
Who would’ve guessed Death, to be *the master of seduction
386 · Sep 2015
Your Future Wife
Tiffany Sep 2015
He stole  my love,
    with ****** after ******,
and with every ragged breath
    he ruined my trust.

Long after those nights,
    I sealed myself away,
having learned a man's words,
    never mean what they say.

So when you came to my life,
    with sweet words so smooth,
it's no wonder my heart,
    couldn't realize the truth.

I never knew I could find you,
    when with every thought I would sink,
oblivion lay before me,
    I was perched on the brink.

But like a gentle breeze,
    you swayed my direction,
you healed the damage he wrought,
    with a loveless *******.

I feel human for once,
    and not just a thing, to be
played with when wanted,
    then tossed aside with a swing.

So I thank you, my love,
    for changing my life.
You're my forever and always.
    signed - *your future wife
381 · Dec 2014
Tiffany Dec 2014
I wish I could heal
The scars no one else can see
With my poetry
381 · Feb 2014
Come Home To Me
Tiffany Feb 2014
I lay down my head, against the soft green grass
The sun rises and sets, as the years begin to pass

Beneath this oak on the hill, is where I wait for you
Feel the wind brush my skin just as you used to do

Rain falls slowly from the sky, as do my tears
What keeps you from me, unbearable are my fears

Then one day, with the sun high above
I see a silhouette, and my heart soars like a dove

With the face of an angel, and eyes like the sea
There you are, come home to me
380 · Dec 2014
Day By Day
Tiffany Dec 2014
The time we spend here
passes in the blink of an eye,
And before you know it
it’s time to say goodbye.

We suffer so much
in our given season,
But the pain we feel
happens for a reason.

So you can learn to appreciate
the good things when they come,
Like the memories of dear friends
or the rays from the rising sun.

I know it’s hard now
and I won’t pretend it’ll be easy,
But we’ll heal and carry on
despite the wounds that’ve cut so deeply.

Goodbye isn’t really goodbye
we’ll meet again someday,
So hold your head a little higher
and just take things day by day.
380 · Nov 2014
Back Again
Tiffany Nov 2014
The pain is coming back again
I don’t know what to do
I feel the walls closing in
I thought these days were through

The tears are flowing fast again
I can’t make it through the day
It hurts just to breath
Please tell me that you’ll stay

I’m on my own again
And I know that I can’t do it
Without someone to lean on
I know that I’ll submit

To these thoughts I have again
That tell me to end it all
Without someone to be there
There’s no doubt that I’ll fall

The pain is stronger than ever
And I know I want to die
And since I’m all alone...
I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try
378 · Jun 2014
Into Infinity
Tiffany Jun 2014
I try not to look in the corner, where your guitar rests--isolated and forsaken. I’ve tried to keep myself busy, so I don’t have time to think. So I don’t have time to feel. But for all the effort I put in, it’s pointless. For no matter how involved I become, there’s nothing to distract me as I lie alone at night, imagining you strumming away a song to carry me into forever.

That guitar is all I have left to remember you by, that and the empty space in my heart where you once lived. Where you tore your way into my soul and scraped out a place to call your own. And for however painful it might have been, I was never happier. You became a part of me, your haunting voice lingering in my mind through the night, chasing away the darkness.

Now the darkness has taken your place, leaving me a hollow shell of what I once was. The wretched void consumes me and as much as I cry out for help, my pleas are engulfed by the nothingness I’ve come to know. No one knows. No one can help me. Was this how you felt? Was this why you chose to leave?

My thoughts can’t help but to drift away to that edge, to the point of no return. Could that be the solution to my agony, would that vanquish this feeling of desolation? What would I find there?

I push it all away as I lean against the wall, sliding slowly to the floor. The rain that pounds against the window pane seems just another force determined to flatten me into submission, into nothing. I reach a hand out and stroke my fingers lightly across the strings. The resulting echoes are like stabs to the chest, each vibration slicing away a part of me. I **** my hand back and cradle it against my chest, unable to staunch the flow of tears that come pouring out as heavily as the torrential downpour outside.

I struggle to see through the film over my eyes and with the dim lighting coming in through the window, I can just barely see the reflection off the smooth, black finishing of your guitar. Memories bombard me as I clench my eyes against my minds eye. Seeing you run your hands fluidly over the neck, your agile fingers plucking out the enchantingly beautiful notes, as gently as when you would touch me…..

I can’t take much more of this. Being left here alone is too much for me to handle, I can’t face this oblivion on my own. Blindly I reach out for the edge of my desk and pull myself up. My hand skims over something icy cold and grasp the handle of the silver letter opener my grandmother gave me.

I sink back down, letter opener in hand and I feel sure for the first time since you died. I drag the blade across my skin, not even feeling the pain as I watch in fascination the scarlet lines appear, first faint then bold as the blood runs out. I rest my head on the floor, mesmerised as the dark pool around me grows ever larger.

There’s a heaviness weighing down on me now, and yet I’m feeling almost
weightless. My eyelids are growing heavy and I can’t keep them open as the darkness creeps over my vision. There’s a faint pounding in my ears and I can’t help but hear labored breathing. I wonder who that could be? Eh, that doesn’t matter now. I relax and I swear I feel like I’m floating. I’m drifting off to sleep now, my mind slowly shutting down. But as I let go, I swear I can hear your voice and the strum of your guitar, lulling me into infinity.
376 · Feb 2015
Only You
Tiffany Feb 2015
Who can save me now?
Darling, I'm falling down
Bring me to the light
Don't leave me in this endless night

I'm reaching through the dark
Calling out with my broken heart
Can't you hear my pleas?
Baby, I'm down on my knees

Don't leave me here alone
I can't take it my own
You can save me from this hell
Only you can break this spell
374 · Apr 2014
In Her Veins
Tiffany Apr 2014
There’s ice in her veins that wasn’t there before
A chill in her soul that freezes her very core
The man she loved is who’s to blame
He lured her into this sadistic game

She never had reason to doubt
He’d warmed her from the inside out
Or so she had so innocently thought
But all the love she’d felt was for naught

For this evil snake in disguise
Had kept hidden an ugly surprise
One which would rock her world
Leaving her with a heart so gnarled

He raised her up to watch her fall
Standing by as she was forced to crawl
Wonder why she is so cold?
There’s still more to this story that goes untold
371 · Oct 2014
Start And Finish
Tiffany Oct 2014
I was his fresh start
After a life of hardships
And he was my end
369 · Apr 2014
Tiffany Apr 2014
This isn’t a game
This actually kills
Do you think it’s cute?
To say cutting gives you thrills?

You’re lying to the world
And more importantly to yourself
Self harm isn’t a joke
People have actually killed themselves

There’s pain behind their actions
Or an addiction to be endured
It’s not a rise to fame
Or anything that absurd

It’s a serious problem
So don’t pretend your life is ****
When there are others out there
Struggling not to submit
366 · Feb 2015
Tiffany Feb 2015
What I saw that night,
changed me forever.
Gone is the little girl,
and happy ever after...

the moonlit path before me,
is like a winding nightmare.
The smell of sweat and fear,
permeate the air.
The forest is silent,
but I know it's out there...
I run.
I run until I feel the pounding of my heart
through every inch of my body.
I feel the blood coursing through my veins,
feel it cry out for escape.
I can see it in my mind.
The blood soaked floors,
hear the broken whimpers...
I see his hand reaching out for me
from the darkness and I run faster...

Curled on my side,
I cry out to the past.
I try to forget,
but it's hard to be the last.
363 · Apr 2014
Curtain Call
Tiffany Apr 2014
I’ll give credit where it’s due
You really had me fooled
Your little act was so convincing
The ******* world was enthralled

Who could’ve guessed
The secrets you’ve been keeping
So your life was an open book?
What are these chapters I’m just now reading?

When your life is a lie
You can’t afford to relax
One little slip-up
And you’re suddenly unmasked

Now who is there to love you?
When you’ve pushed us all away
With your lies and deceptions
Revealing how easily you betray

The skeletons in your closet
Are coming back in full force
They’ll drag you back with them
Like a raging dark horse

Back into the darkness you’ll go
With nothing but your misery
To be your constant companion
And erase your bitter memory
356 · Sep 2015
Friends Forever?
Tiffany Sep 2015
You said you'd be there,
But where are you?
What friend could leave?
What friend are you?

I've waited here,
Time after time.
And in return,
Got a stupid line.

"We're sisters forever!"
Or so you said...
But all these years,
It seems I've been misled

I gave you chances,
But now I am through.
You lost who you were,
Now you've lost me too.
355 · Aug 2017
Tiffany Aug 2017
Close my eyes
Lay still like the dead
Stare into the darkness
Thoughts running through my head

Close my eyes
Feel anxiety closing in
Lose myself online
Escape my mental sin

Close my eyes
Wait for sleep to come
Realize it's hopeless
Wait to see the sun
353 · Apr 2014
Lost And Found
Tiffany Apr 2014
I know that I am lost
But how can I be found
For I put no faith in stories
That seem so logically unsound

Does that make me evil?
Since I find it hard to believe
In the one called King of Kings
Or the wonders He achieved?

I think I’ll continue to exist
In this state of suspension
Until my faith can be confirmed
And I might be relieved from this dimension
Tiffany Mar 2014
There’s a reason that I write
Staying up the whole **** night
Just to finish another piece
That will set your soul alight

There’s a reason that I write
One hidden from your view
Not known to one and all
Made clear to very few

There’s a reason that I write
This is my pride and joy
My life laid down bare
Something time cannot destroy

This is the reason that I write
It keeps my mind in check
To keep from going off the deep end
To avoid the inevitable wreck

That’s the reason that I write
The words are like my blood
Containing my very essence
Let loose in an elegant flood

That’s the reason that I write
I don’t expect you to understand
But to whom it may concern
This is my life unmanned
352 · Feb 2014
Fighting Her Way Out
Tiffany Feb 2014
She gripped the bat in both hands
Her knuckles turning white
He would not beat her once again
She’d end it all tonight

A beer in his hand and the fight on screen
He lounged on the sofa
Unexpecting of what was coming
She’d strike like a cobra

Hey *****, get me a drink
He called from his throne
She held back a scream
And inside was born a cyclone

He glanced her way and smirked
What the hell do you think you’re doing
Her blood roared with the urge to ****
And the storm inside kept brewing

I’m done with this, she said
And she barely recognized her voice
Gone was the timid creature
Who'd stuck around by choice

He rose from his seat
And towered above her frame
You’re not going anywhere--
Except to an early grave

He stepped forward and she broke
The rage pouring out
She swung the bat with all her might
And made contact, no doubt

He screamed for her to stop
But still she kept on swinging
She’d make him feel the way she did
In every single beating

When finally her strength gave way
She let the weapon slip
Below her was a ****** mess
And she kicked him in the hip

I’m going now, she said
To no one in particular
She grabbed her bag and snagged a beer
And left him as her signature
343 · Mar 2014
When You Said Forever...
Tiffany Mar 2014
Is this what I get for actually trying
A slap in the face by the one I called mine
I guess this teaches me a lesson
Never let your true feelings shine

I should’ve known better than to get my hopes up
I’d heard the word about you, but I let it go
Why should I believe them, when you said they were lies
Who was I to know you were just putting on a show

When you said forever, I really thought you meant it
I was new to this game of love
I placed all my trust in you, just to have you **** it
Like I was standing on a mountain and felt you shove

One day I’ll move on
These wounds will have healed
But for the rest of my days
My heart will be sealed
#love #brokenheart
337 · Feb 2014
Tiffany Feb 2014
Like a ghost it follows close
Never to be acknowledged or forgotten

The "what might have been's", haunt your heart and dreams, and your every waking moment

No wish upon a star, will change the facts from what they are
Your time has come and gone and now we're moving on
336 · Apr 2014
So I Swear
Tiffany Apr 2014
There’s no meaning to this game
If you cannot speak my name
I gave you all I had to give
But your eyes reveal your shame

At first I didn’t want to believe
There was a tale of lies which you did weave
But when the truth lies before me
There is no way to remain naive

So what am I to do?
I’m but a simple girl who wanted something new
I suppose that’s where I goofed
But despite the odds, my love for you grew

Now I see what you’ve become
I know now the deeds you’ve done
And I’m unsure of what to say
For this betrayal has left me numb

On second thought, I have it now
You hurt me, no need in saying how
You aren’t worth my time
And with these words I vow

Never again will I fall in a daze
For a player who’d set me ablaze
And leave me alone to burn
So I swear for the rest of my days
335 · Mar 2014
Tiffany Mar 2014
You can’t escape into the light, when the darkness lives inside
There always comes a time when we must face our demons
But what am I to do when the monster lives in my head
And changes my moods like the seasons

We all have our scars, some more than others
Marking the pages of our lives
Though not all can be seen, they’re lying under cover
Hidden from view, except to those who wield the knives

There is a mask we hide behind, one of happiness and deception
But our eyes show the truth, that is so unrelenting
Windows to the aching soul within, colors shining in the darkness
Revealing what's inside, to unravel what we keep pretending
The struggle beneath is only clear to those who are struggling too
332 · May 2014
Burning Urge
Tiffany May 2014
With but a single kiss
You set alight my pyre
My body starts to burn
Ablaze from your fire

No water can contain it
Nor can it be diminished
The flames grow ever higher
Don’t let this go unfinished

Can I escape this desire
Or am I to endure
This raging wildfire
Sparked by your allure

Will I be able to extinguish
This inferno which you forged
Or has it scorched my soul
Leaving me with this eternal urge
330 · Feb 2014
I Am Who I Am
Tiffany Feb 2014
I am who I am
There’s nothing else to say
I’m living my life
On the edge of the fray

I used to try and blend
Into the sea of lies
But I stepped out to the side
No veil before my eyes

I am who I am
There’s nothing else to say
I’m living my life
On the edge of the fray

You can try to push and pull me
But I know where I stand
Try to knock me down
But I will withstand

I am who I am
There’s nothing else to say
I’m living my life
On the edge of the fray

When the rest of the world
Is dressed in solemn black
I’ll wear a brilliant red
And stand out from the pack

I am who I am
There’s nothing else to say
I’m living my life
On the edge of the fray

I know what I believe in
And no you can’t sway me
Don’t bother to reform me
I will not bow down gently

I am who I am
There’s nothing else to say
I’m living my life
On the edge of the fray

Be who you want to be
Whether it’s a follower or a leader
But would it be so bad
To simply just be neither

I am who I am
There’s nothing else to say
I’m living my life
On the edge of the fray
326 · Oct 2014
How Could You
Tiffany Oct 2014
How could you* cheat me
Of my hopes, dreams, and wishes
For one drunken night
325 · May 2014
Tiffany May 2014
Just accept what I say
When I tell you I’m fine
I’m scared what you’d think
If you knew I’d crossed the line

You were clear from the start
You weren’t in for keeps
But the longer you’re with me
I can’t help how my heart beats

I’ve never really known love
I’d mainly kept to myself
You were the first
To drag me from my shell

What scares me more than anything
Is what will happen when you’re gone
How do I find someone who wants me
How can I possibly hope to move on
323 · Dec 2014
Merry Christmas
Tiffany Dec 2014
I glance around the room
At the faces I "hold most dear"  
The fake laughs and plastic smiles
I see on this day each year

What a special time Christmas is
For the young and the old
It reminds us why we ignore one another
Except on this holiday in the cold

I wish it held more meaning
Than this sickening hallmark cheer
I wish I could be happy
But my emotions are unclear

The lights are faded in my sight
And the decorations mean so little
We're just continuing on a cycle of lies
And I'm here stuck in the middle

But I don't really care anymore
I've  become numb in the end
So I'll wish you a merry Christmas
And continue to pretend
319 · May 2014
Tiffany May 2014
This must be a joke
I know you can’t be serious
You left me for her?
You must be delirious

I’ve heard of guys making downgrades
But ****, this is unreal
How did you go from me to her
Did you lose out on a deal?

I guess *** is just that powerful
To make you settle for that beast
I’m sorry I wouldn’t compromise my morals
Good luck with what you’ve leased
315 · Apr 2014
Taking A Chance
Tiffany Apr 2014
So what is it I’m feeling now
With my skin aglow and heart aflutter
I’ve never felt quite like this, about someone
who wasn’t created by a writer

This is a new experience
One I’m scared to embrace
Change can have two outcomes
I don’t want to end up a charity case

I think I’d rather stick to my poems
Than chance a broken heart
Words have been enough thus far
Why should I break us apart?

I’m terrified of becoming
One of those ditsy, boy-crazed babes
But I find my world is different
Taken over by a brand new shade

Maybe I’ll take the risk then
What harm could it really do?
Who knows, if I’m lucky
Maybe he’ll like poems too
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