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 Mar 2018 Samantha
The Trumpoet
Behold the right-wing evangelicals.
A boisterous, worshipping horde.
Waving their Bibles and shouting out praise.
Personal friends with the Lord!

Have they read the Bible? Do they understand
the words and message within?
I'd have to say no, for they support Trump -
A ****** example of sin!

Does Trump follow Christ? Does he help the sick?
Does he sacrifice for the poor?
Is he on the side of the marginalized?
Does he do all he can to end war?

Does Trump preach forgiveness? Is he full of love?
Would he never cast the first stone?
Is he kind? Is he humble and gentle and wise?
His failings and sins does he own?

And yet all of these Christians who claim to be godly,
will give it all up in a flash.
To parrot Trump's hateful, divisive World view,
and shower him with praise and their cash!

On Old Testament tribalist hatred,
evangelicals strongly agree,
but to bolster their dogma, they've taken the Christ
and removed him from Christianity.

As a child, I was brought up religious,
but I soon learned it wasn't for me;
For when I see religious folks worshipping Trump,
I see nothing... but hypocrisy.
You can also see this and my other Trumpoems performed at:
Written: November 4, 2017
 Jan 2018 Samantha
The Trumpoet
We've reached the end of year one
and Trump says he's done more
than any other president
from any time before.

So, what are the accomplishments
of Trump and his intrepid crew?
Well, here now is a partial list
of what they did, or tried to do.

They lied about inaugural crowds
and introduced "Alternative Facts",
inspired a worldwide women's march
to protest Trump's disgusting acts.

Hollowed-out the E.P.A.,
deemed climate change a Chinese hoax.
Paris Accord and regulations
gone, in puff of toxic smoke!

Wrecked the State Department and
Muslims, he said, must be banned.
Insulted NATO and U.N.,
brought shame upon his own homeland.

Attacked the mainstream media.
Railed and ranted of "fake news",
unless it came from Fox and Friends
and others spouting all his views.

Gave praise to Russia - Putin too.
Investigations started.
Comey started digging and
was forcibly departed.

Poked and taunted Kim Jong Un.
International drama!
Obsessed with slagging Hillary
and Barack Obama.

Battled healthcare, N.F.L.
and Planned Parenthood.
Tried to ban transgendered troops.
Claimed that coal is good.

Would not condemn the Neo-Nazis
down in Charlottesville.
Filled his swamp with sycophants
up on Capitol Hill.

Puerto Rico half destroyed.
Paper towels he gave.
Huge cuts to the National Parks,
decreasing land to save.

Claimed that Trump saved Christmas and
gave massive tax cut presents
to the corporate oligarchs
with crumbs tossed to the peasants.

Debt ballooning! Conflict looming!
Divisions far and wide!
G.O.P.'s not stopping Trump.
Have they even tried?

Claims to be a stable genius;
A smart and big success!
What legacy will Donald leave?
What awful, dreadful mess?

These were just some accomplishments
of which I have kept score,
but they just scratch the surface.
I could rant for hours more!

But haven't we all had enough
after Trump's first year?
It feels more like twenty!
Let us hope his end is near.

This was my Year One "trumpoem"
that I wrote for you.
Hope I won't have to write another
after year two!
You can also see this and my other Trumpoems performed at:
Written: January 14, 2018
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Just having fun with art and words
 Jan 2018 Samantha
It's weird. You go on living. The world around you moves. It's like every day. Every breath. Maybe that's what it is, what you breath. There is this feeling. It's almost like a flutter. Like the wold just tells you- "stop. Look at what I made for  y o u  I did this. Now do what you will with what I made". And you do. You take this, this feeling the world around you gave, and make art. The feeling, the
r u s h, it's indescribable. Yet here I am, trying to describe it. This art you make, this feeling that courses throughout your veins, it feels so real and yet it is so much more than this world. So much more that the sky above your mind, more than the ground beneath your feet, more than the blood running through you. How can something,this feeling,  be so much more than everything yet be nothing? Art. It is so beautifully composed, isn't it?
The stars,
The city,
The sunshine,
Golden hair,
Everything is so beautiful
Yet people can make it so ugly.
 Dec 2017 Samantha
to me you are a star of gold
a glowing asterisk
I wish I could hold
though you seem so far away
I truly wish we could meet some day
but alas we shall only meet
through our words,
spilling and falling across this page.
we are the unseen family
bound by art
which is better
because we dwell in the heart
 Dec 2017 Samantha
Regular people
Don’t feel this way in their minds.
They must be so bored.
people who write poetry are definitely special.

— The End —