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 Oct 2019 adept
 Oct 2019 adept
I think
the world
of us
than we
can offer
 Oct 2019 adept
We have holes in our hearts
That are either
Scars from the past
Or empty compartments
To be filled in the future
 Jul 2019 adept
F A Pacelli
what is success you ask?
not sacrificing today
for a better tomorrow
when the elusive tomorrow
becomes a genuine today
then you have made it
 Jul 2019 adept
Jon York
Listen to
        your  own  soul,  
               too many
   people listen to the noise
             of the world
              of themselves.

               Deep inside,
    you know what you want,
                 let no one
         decide that for you.

               comes a time
            you have to choose
            turning the page
           closing the book.

           be afraid of losing
              Be  afraid of
       losing yourself  trying  
                 to  please
        everyone around  
            It always seems
             until  it's  done.
                                                                                   Jon York   2019
 Jul 2019 adept
Emma Price
Self deprecation
is the best preparation
for accepting defeat
on the occasions you're beat
~much love
 Jul 2019 adept
wild child
a tip
 Jul 2019 adept
wild child
rule number one:

never fall in love unless the feeling is mutual.
 Jul 2019 adept
Self-destruction is a way to ease pain,
But it's only feeding the rain,
you're causing.

You've got to step out of love,
Step into mud,
For what?

It's a habit that's hard to let go of,
But easier to not know of,
If you have it.

Just lean in for help,
It's on the way,
For you.

You can ease your pain as much as you want to.
 May 2019 adept
i'm losing friends like i'm losing sleep
apologies don't work, and neither do sheep
don't go, because i want you to stay
but don't lie to me, you're leaving someday
 Mar 2019 adept
i'd rather stay lost than have to be found.
i can't feel my pulse or my feet on the ground.
but i don't want to die today.
i have bridges to burn and things to say.
and you're sure as hell going to hear them.
six feet under again, baby.

it's not me this time, though.
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