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Taylor Lynn May 2017
Does anyone really know what love is?
Time after time we give our all into somebody,
But how come at the end of the night the only one at our sides is ourselves?
You fight so hard for this feeling that seems to be lost in our society today.
We all fall into this false sense of hope,
that it will stay the way it is in the beginning.
But soon conversations become shorter,
interest starts to fade,
trust is lost,
the passion is gone.
They stop trying to win you over,
and that is when it all begins to hurt.
Your pray that every message that comes across your phone is them,
because they're all you can think about.
You begin to find every excuse you can just to spend one more minute longer with them.
You watch them stop trying,
so you push even harder to try and carry what they aren't.
You try so desperately to save whats slipping through your fingers,
but they just keep fading away.
Those long nights spent tangled up laughing,
turn into late nights alone in your room crying to yourself in the dark.
Every memory starts to flash in your head,
you can't help but to blame yourself for losing them.
You beg and plead and scream out when you're alone,
for everything to fall back into place,
but no one hears you because no ones there and have no where to go.
You want to fight like hell,
but your too afraid to fight for someone who just keeps giving up on you.
They're on your mind every day and every night,
the only comfort you can find is when your asleep.
But even some nights they're there in your dreams,
and you wake up crying at 3:00 in the morning.
At 3 A.M. is when every thing just lets loose,
you break,
you cry,
you beg,
you plead,
you scream,
you hurt,
you pray to god that when you wake up in the morning that this is all just a dream,
you fight like hell even when you hardly have anything left to hold onto.
Because at 3 A.M. is when you realize that the one you never wanted to lose,
is leaving you behind.
You're lost and alone,
and the only comfort is found wrapped up in their arms.
You just want to know the truth,
everything they're thinking,
everything they're feeling,
you want to know if you're on their mind as much as their on yours.
This is whats on your mind at 3 .A.M.,
but what do you do?
Do you fight?
Do you flee?
What do you do when you don't know if the person you love the most loves you back and if they're going to stay?
And then you remember that its 3 A.M. and that you can fall asleep for one more night, and push it all off until morning.
But how many 3 A.M.'s will it take for you feel the love that you give?
Taylor Lynn May 2016
I want to go back,
to the time in my life where I had not a single care.
To a time where existing,
was much easier than it is now.
Take me back to when I hadn't been touched,
by the harsh reality of what was in my head.
Where monsters didn't dwell within me,
and I wasn't drowning in my own thoughts.
I want to go back,
to where people weren't toxic splotches in my life.
Why can't we go back to skipping rope,
and the only cuts we worried about were scraped knees.
Smoke came from fires,
instead of cigarettes.
Sleepovers turned into ***,
candy into drugs.
Our cups aren't filled with juice,
but filled to the brim with our alcohol of choice.
Keeping secrets was for jokes,
not to make us seem fine.
We were home when the street lights came on,
and now were creatures of the night.
The dark scared us,
now it is our greatest friend.
We were such innocent children,
wanting to grow up so soon.
We had a glimmer in our eyes,
that's now replaced with a dead blank look.
Why were we so eager to want to face this nasty world.
I am no longer that young,
lively little girl.
I have become a
anxious minded,
damaged teenager.
And this is what this world,
and society has done to me.

I often fear the idea of being forgotten,
being pushed onto the sidelines, out of sight and out of mind.
I fear that no one will say my name as if it were a song that echoes through my very soul.
And they will not tell the story about how I got the scar on my cheek or the time I nearly drowned in the pool, because I will no longer matter.
I will no longer matter one day- and that scares me.
Please don't forget me.
  Nov 2015 Taylor Lynn
Mark Lecuona
I grieve for humanity
Because my own may harden
I grieve for justice
Because war knows no pardon
I grieve for courage
Because with fear we may govern
I grieve for children
Because a fire burns in their garden
  Sep 2015 Taylor Lynn
You ripped it straight out
of my chest held it infront of me
and tore it to pieces.
I wish you had broken my heart
insted you left me empty and shallow.
I echo inside this body, I fill myself
with your demons ,I sing pain
Yet i still have a pulse, beating
in despair.
  Sep 2015 Taylor Lynn
Dr Peter Lim

Each of us is different
yet we are (bottom-line)
the same
true to self
that's what really  matters
words are the joys and tears of our heart
none can stop them--never, ever
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