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Odd Odyssey Poet May 2021
Throwing shots out a window,
it's all really a pain.
But it won't stick or leave a stain.
Still mind my ways,
the many open things on my brain.
I feel fragile as glass,
so please Lord, don't let me break.
Henry May 2021
I'm on the Metra today
The snow outside is teal or green
Like the Caribbean in cartoons
But here 2 ladders lean on the same tree
A lover's suicide
The coldest Caribbean I've ever seen
The church's sign scrolls by
"ght in the Lor"
And we're gone
The train rumbles on
Bridges cover bridges
New! Tower of Babel (coming soon!)
A couple thinks they're subtle 3 rows up
Michael Jackson marries Elvis's daughter
He didn't go to the wedding
There's no Jewels Osco's in Georgia
But the houses here exude the same drab comfort
A deer stands next to a storage locker
The train rumbles on
I'm smuggling beer back to the dorm
Like the good college student my mom wants me to be
I don't have my phone on me
I've never felt more alone
Or free
I explain what happened to the guy who checks tickets
I dropped it in the floorboard of my friend's car
Right before the train arrived
He believes me thank god
I focus again on what's outside the window
And now it's just trees
Skeletal and bare
The train rumbles on
I actually wrote this before the others in this series but I only just found the paper I wrote this on a little bit ago
nmo Feb 2021
the cities
redraw their borders and
fragment their spaces
into small cubes:
and duplex houses.
and you,
with a thousand windows open
in windows,
your emoji hands,
and your microphone muted.
Henry Feb 2021
The sky is beautiful tonight
Lavender, salmon, and pink like blushing when someone says they love you
But it's already gone
No one will ever see the colors I just saw
And I feel like blushing
Embarrassed due to long standing aversions to sincerity
5:26 PM

From where I sit at my desk at the gym
The sky is 2 different creatures
On one side
A blood orange backlight is cut and cracked by black naked trees
On the other side
The clouds shift and bubble like fresh squeezed blackberry soda
4 guys from the basketball team practice their 3 point shots
5:51 PM
maria Feb 2021
Not sleeping
waiting for your response

windows closed
blankets on
written on Febuary 14, 2021
© ,Maria
Melony Martinez Feb 2021
Matters of the heart are not easily dismissed or disguised
Thus the elaborate masks we wear.

An illusion, so others can't see
Truth is not easily cast aside or veiled

Though a mask can conceal these for a short while
Truth, like air, will in time find its way to the surface

For the heart holds truth and truth is easily sought
It is a brilliant light that can not be buried

Its intensity reaches the greatest depths of our souls
And reveals itself through the windows
The eyes are the windows to the soul. The last line of this poem refers to truth being revealed through the eyes. Written December 9, 2003
Emma Pratt Feb 2021
memories from the past keep echoing
like little drops of rain tapping on the windows in my head
remnants from the storm only I could see
the scent of death weaves its smoky hands around my neck
i scream

but my voice is only a whisper
my screamswordsfeelingspains
are just dead leaves carried on a heavy w
dead leaves you crunch with your feet
tender flame Jan 2021
every morning,
despite the unseen battle
i dare to open my windows,
to witness the entrance
of the cold breeze
and orange, striking rays
tracing the interiors
of my little room,
hoping for a day
brimming with delight.

every morning,
despite the unseen battle
i dare to open my windows,
to whisper a wish—
the heart’s prayer
to the meandering winds,
to the golden sunbursts,
the future, the uncertain days
will be filled with hope,
with tender kindness.
my teacher required us to pass a poem talking about our experiences/feelings during the pandemic and this girl shamelessly shared the development of this eccentric obsession called 'opening her room's windows first in the morning'
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