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Agaphy Dec 2017
I will love you till eternity
Nothing can stop me from
Loving you, I have done
Many wrongs and go against
Your will many times but yet you
Stay show me love and so
Much care. You are the reason
Why am stay breathing today.
You have shown me love and
Care that know one can never do,
your love for me is unconditionally,
I found so much Joy in you because
You are the Creator of this world and
The most high God...
The love of God is unconditionally he will never let you down....
tobi Nov 2017
the only promise i can keep
is that i'll love you unconditionally
no matter how hard it gets
no matter what gets in the way
i'll find my way
back in to the arms
i call home
in your arms i am home
madalynn rose Oct 2017
I wish he would see me for who I am.

I am a hurricane.
I am a tornado.
I am a thunderstorm.
I am a wildfire.
I am an earthquake.
I am a blizzard.
I am a hailstorm.
I am a tsunami.
I am a cyclone.
I am an avalanche.

I am a natural disaster.
I am working on myself. I need more confidence and to realize that I make flowers blush when I smile and the sky beams when I laugh. All girls need to realize that we have to see ourselves for who we truly are.
Keithlyne Oct 2017
My happiness depends on you and she is your happiness.
You are giving me an inspiration and she inspires you.

I always give my time to you and you always have time for her.
You unintentionally cares  for me and you unconditionally loves her.

My love for you didn't change but she changed you and you became a better man.
Carissa M Wyles Jul 2016
I will hold you closely, though you may not know I’m there.
My heart will shed light and warmth, though the lack of words may leave you bare.
I’m not always sure of the world around me,
And day after day I live with fear,
But my love for you is unceasing, Alive, and I more than anything
I care.

If I love too deeply, forgive me,
All that I know is to pick apart and dissect the world around me
Until my understanding of the universe is more clear,
And once the beauty is revealed I can only stand in awe at the miracles of each day.
You are the most miraculous to me.  
And so as I open your mind and peer inside, please tell me if I stray too close
To the shadows you hide in,
The lies you cling to. I will only love you more for these,
But I know they cause you fear.
And if I must leave, just tell me to go.
I will love you no matter the distance, around the world, or a universe away.
I will send you all the light I can and be at peace.
With no expectations.
I am yours, unconditionally.
Rough first draft after about a year of not writing. I'd like to expand/edit this, but felt like posting. Let me know your thoughts :)
Jasmine Moreno May 2016
Hey there little star,
How did you come so far
Home planet close to mars
You get excited by the bars

The rhythm inside is
Completely confined with
The memories of your past mistakes

The secrets you hide
The choices you tried
You are not destined to one fate

Your minds compromised
Hiding  dark  eyes
Your faith is one you cannot shake

Hey little momma
Why all the drama
Go cry in the sauna
Just after you finish that race

Your stuck in a cycle of repetition, never understanding what pace, you'll need to face in order to not just lace your reality with false things and open your mind to relate.
please save yourself
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