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selina Jul 2020
Look, I think that it's perfectly normal for you to feel hurt and betrayed and just... be heartbroken and upset over someone like him. Because even though I always saw the ******* in him, it doesn't mean the guy you saw was invalid.

You just saw another side of him that I never saw, and I can't judge you for that, because if I had seen that side first, I'm sure that I would've probably done the same that you did and felt the same as you had.

But... I just want you to know, even though we've drifted apart over the years, I'm still here for you.

I'll always be here for you. You'll always have my shoulders to lean on, and you can always count on me to have your back. This is what friends are for, even ones that have started walking down different roads.

I'll turn around and come back for you. If I can't find my way back down the road, I'll pave a path to the middle so we can be friends again.

I know you probably don't want to trust me, but I'm your friend. He's broken your trust, but you should know I would never do that. I've never done it before, and I don't plan on ever doing it in the future.

I'll be with you, and together, we'll make through these hard times. Time heals everything. You'll turn out to be okay. I'll turn out to be fine, and I'll stay by your side. We'll be alright. It'll all be alright.

But right now, it's okay to not be alright.

Let it out. Cry it out. Scream it out. I'll listen.

Right now, I can't help but think that this situation is just like that one thing I learned in physiology class. Situs inversus, that condition where major organs' locations are inverted in the chest, and your heart's on the right side, instead of the left.

That's all that it is. It's just situs inversus for you right now. Your heart's just in the wrong place, with the wrong person.

In the end, you just have to wait. One day, the right person is going to waltz into your life, or run into you in the middle of the street, or something of that sorts, and it'll be alright.

I know that you're hurting, but you should know that you're loved. Because you are.

Loved, I mean. You are loved, and I mean it.

You're loved and you've been hurt and you probably think that it all ends with him, but don't worry. Don't worry at all. It's going to be okay. I'll be here with you for as long as you want me to stay.

It'll be alright.

You'll learn to trust again.

You'll learn to love again.
i'm such a biology nerd and i just got off my writer's block, so i had to write one about situs inversus
PrttyBrd Jul 2020
choking on words you said once
inked a thousand times over
carved out of my flesh
shoved down my smile

"Shut up and swallow. How does it taste?"
in silent repetition of beautiful pages
trading breath for pain
stolen from love regifted

it tastes like I'm dying
still looking for reasons to smile
J J Jul 2020
Fortonuate palms skim the dogeared surface
Of the snakes and ladders without clear direction--

Hot tea and foggy glasses. Familiar lips
That look as young as ever when they smile.

Sun melting in the clouds like mollases
While the breeze lifts and plays with

Our clothes.

Hollow words served as concierge
For this used up body-- orbs and a silhouette,

That's all you get as it's all I was perceived as

And all I've left to give.

But here I don't have any will to offer.

I've gave you everything and how peaceful

It is to be contempt replaying another day.
Autumn Ehrhardt Jul 2020
What do I see after
The dream is done
Either the still night
Or the morning sun

What do I want
From my daily life
A happy partner
To be a good wife

What do I wish
For the sky above
A clean earth vision
Built with love

What do I need
For the children I teach
To be a priority
Not a dream out of reach

What can I do
For the world so cruel
Write congress letters
Not elect fools

What is the reason
For humanity
To honor each other
Plant a new seed
A poem pretty close after the shut down due to the virus.
misha Jul 2020
why do we call it "falling in love?"

perhaps it's in the act of giving oneself up
or maybe it's because you take a leap of faith
or is it because when you fall

        you either get caught
                             ­              or
                                                   you get hurt?
don't fall in love, it's a trap x
Navi Jul 2020
Can you be so sure that you're eyes are not deceiving
That it is not you who's glasses are fogged over with those roses
Pink film world
Can you be so sure, you have seen me?
When we are naked in bed, how can you tell?
When I tell you those secrets, am I obvious?
In truth, we're just scared children learning about love.
Different experiences to add up.

My apologies, fear speaks strongly
I don’t feel your love
But I believe you love me
And I trust my belief matters!!
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